domingo, febrero 21, 2016

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - Feb 21, 2016

Dear ones, greetings from the Arcturian group. We see you eager and aware and growing more so each day. It is a time of celebration on this side as we observe the Light of mankind becoming ever more bright. These times have been anticipated eagerly by all on this side working with Gaia and her people. Know that you are loved immensely and honored for the courage and bravery you show in the midst of so much turmoil and struggle arising to be cleared at this time.

We wish to speak of the great gains you have made in your journey because many believe nothing has changed. This is because without your realizing it, your evolving consciousness has become your ordinary. Take a moment to examine the you of ten, five, or even one year ago and you will see how much you have grown and changed in attitude and beliefs. Issues that seemed important, valid, and unchangeable to you, no longer seem even worth the effort of concern. You have moved to new levels of awareness.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - February 21, 2016

There is coming a very important message for the world. It has to do with the conspiracy that has been taking place for so long all over the world and especially in the United States of America. There is a taste of the situation on the Internet news today, and as it progresses it will take on a new idea of interpretation that will regulate the times that it will travel throughout the background.

As I tell this one the news, I am seeing that behind me is the progression that has taken yet another turn. It tells me that as the news reaches the forefront it will not only change, but it will also regulate itself according to the expedition of the energy of it. It will represent the intention of the people who are in contact with the news I speak of. In that case it is advisable to spread the word as far as you can to see the changes take place that represent the truth. That will change the course of what is being broadcast, and what needs to come forth that will give more people the essence of the truth, and the idea of what will be able to change it all for the better. When I speak of better, I am referring to what will get out to the public and enable the people who have been in the background to come forth and take the steps they feel to take that will be powerful in bringing about the changes that must take place for the world to become the freedom assembly of all of life in expression around the planet.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - February 21-28, 2016

Beloved Ones,

As the energies intensify even more than before, it is difficult to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time. One’s mind jumps from one thought to another without any logical conclusion. It is a case of having entered into unknown territory where everything is possible, and there are no handholds or footholds to grab onto. It is therefore important to be aware that you do not have to do anything or accomplish anything in particular during these moments; all you must do is ride the wave as it comes and experience it - nothing else is required. When you can, send blessing thoughts to everyone and everything around you including your common home, the Earth, and have faith that you will all make it through.

sábado, febrero 20, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - Feb 20, 2016


***Battling Flying Monkeys

***Sacred markers are ‘reset’ and time ‘retuned’

***Those who have never put any energy in your direction bring a cornucopia of unexpected good will.

***You are not allowed the luxury of giving up on anything or anyone, especially yourself

***Goddess Portal Rose-Heart Orgone Silver Necklace



As we all come to the middle of the month it is obvious that we all have been battling flying monkeys with a rubber band in the middle of a scene from ‘frozen’. Everyday has become an adventure, just getting your chores and errands done can bring the most unexpected situations. You wake up at 4:00am and start praying for the day because you literally have no idea what is coming or how it will turn out. In the old days of manifestation we created from a point of knowing, but nowadays with all the dimensional rift and multiple interferences one cannot create in the graphics of the past. There are new rules and new schematics that we must master. Most of us are hardwired to the bone, nothing virtual about us, we are flesh and bone and very very human. Most of us that hold a vast light that never wavers were raised in the ‘era of empaths’. We feel so deeply, we cannot listen to the news or see another suffer or watch abandoned puppy commercials. We feel every drop of life and we often do what we can, not to feel, not to ride another’s hurt to far into the heart.

Sarah Varcas - Luna Llena en Virgo: 22/23 de Febrero 2016 - Un Poderoso Error de Percepción - 19 Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La luna está llena en Virgo a las 6:21 pm UT el 22 de febrero. Ocurriendo durante retrógrados de Júpiter a lo largo del grado del eclipse solar desde el 13 de septiembre del 2015, esta luna ilumina en su totalidad los eventos de los cinco meses pasados, con su entretejido complejo vinculado a nuestras vidas en formas que pudiesen estar ocultas ahora a ustedes. La vida en toda su confusión puede a veces sentirse como un millón de manijas que debemos mantener girando simultáneamente o arriesgarnos al caos, cuando lo cierto es que estas partes separadas son simplemente muchas caras del Uno que anima nuestro ser. Somos una vida, todos nosotros. Lo que sucede fuera y alrededor de nosotros ocurre también dentro de nosotros. La noción de que las cosas nos suceden y que debemos responder es un reflejo distorsionado de ser. En su lugar somos nosotros quienes le ocurrimos a la vida – en toda nuestra gloria – creando el mundo por el camino.

Kara Schallock - Conciencia - 16 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Lo más asombroso en estos Nuevos días son las hermosas sorpresas que recibimos. Hoy recibí una increíble piedra Mandala (se parece más a una roca enorme) de Sivane Gaia Gorny en Israel. Se llama ‘Mandala de Unidad Mundial’. La sincronía de recibir este regalo en el día que escribo esta nota es verdaderamente perfecta. Es un mensaje de Gaia a través de Sivane de que todos somos Uno. Con la actividad solar que ocurre constantemente, Gaia es Una con/al igual que nosotros, como lo es todo el cosmos.

Estar en lo Nuevo llama a la celebración. Estamos en la Tierra durante este tiempo sagrado para estar enamorados y para hacer brillar nuestra luz sea lo que esté ocurriendo en el viejo mundo. Nos comprometemos para elevarnos plenamente en Amor sin dudar. Continuamos expandiendo una vibración y conciencia cada vez mayor, que ayuda a alinear todos los aspectos de nuestro ser; particularmente donde todavía estamos apegados a la vieja vida. En otras palabras, las energías inferiores se alinean con las energías superiores. Recibimos Códigos de Luz en corrientes de Luz de la Fuente de alta dimensión que nos llenan de Nueva energía y Nuevas formas de ser. Recibir estas descargas pueden sentirse desconcertante a veces, podemos sentirnos un poco como si flotásemos o inestables; con ruido de mayor intensidad en los oídos y hasta vértigo y náuseas. La náusea ocurre cuando hay una diferencia entre nuestro cuerpo físico y la energía que está fluyendo hacia nosotros. Fluyan con todo en regocijo. Noten todos los regalos y los cambios en su vida y celébrenlos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cinco Conceptos para el Nuevo Humano - Introducción Red Deer, Canadá, el 7 de febrero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Parece raro que la transición sea tan rápida, ¿verdad? Hoy mi socio enseñó conceptos que son raros. Las rarezas de lo que es real y lo que no lo es, están solamente en la 3ª D. Y en esta linealidad en la que ustedes viven, entonces, la enseñanza es cómo salir de ella (se ríe) y mudarse a algo que sea una caja más grande que aquella en la que están. Uno ve lo que ustedes no comprenden, y sin embargo ustedes se sienten bien con ello.

Queridos, ustedes no necesitan conocer los detalles para poder disfrutar del amor. No necesitan saber las nimiedades para que el Espíritu los empuje y los atraiga a las áreas que son mejores y más hermosas para ustedes. No precisan saber los detalles del reloj, el cuándo o el porqué. No se necesita un razonamiento para que puedan disfrutar y participar de lo que Dios tiene para ustedes. Pero muchos enfocan la cuestión al revés; tienen que saber por qué, cuándo, cómo, para poder recibir las respuestas.

¿No es interesante que cuando estás en una emergencia eso no importa? (se ríe). "¡Arréglalo! ¡Ahora! No necesito saber." Pero si estás sentado en una conferencia y te presentan las cosas que tal vez hacen cosquillas a ese intelectual dentro de ti, quieres sentarte a analizarlo antes de aceptarlo. Esto es parte de los cambios de los que hablamos. La próxima vez que se te presenten estas cosas, o incluso si las estudias con amigos, quiero que disciernas emocionalmente, con el corazón, si son reales. Empiezas por creer, y luego determinas el por qué. Si tienes que determinarlo por anticipado, tal vez nunca lo recibas. Es todo parte de las suposiciones.

Aisha North - Watter Speaks - 20/02/16

viernes, febrero 19, 2016

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 2-22-16

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Monday, February 22 at 11:19 AM Mountain Time (MST).

This full moon provides an opportunity to be proud of your accomplishments and your disciplined commitments. If you are faced with situations that test your choices, remember to be true to yourself and to put your own self-care first.

Beware of the temptation to hold on to something that is not right just because you have put a lot of energy and time and possibly even money into it. The freedom you will have in letting go and the energy you will have to put into a new choice and commitment will far outweigh any past investment.

This full moon may also bring something unexpected. You can be proactive with the unexpected by expecting the unexpected to be supportive, inspiring, exciting and new.





Aloha Beautiful Divine Essence Light Family,

These magnificent frequencies and the amount of pure bliss light is inundating our atmosphere in every moment now. They continually fluctuate to assist each with releasing, merging and unifying all back into love inside again. Where there is discord or unresolved anything, where there is lack energy, it's all coming up from INSIDE each to deal with. The use of a barrage of Navigational and Mastery tools is how we flow with ease here.

When we first start to awaken/wake up, it's confusing and we question why we are even here. What's the point, the purpose of it all. These questions get answered as we delve inward and journey to the depths of our soul and to galaxies far beyond this one, yet accessible through activating the consciousness that already exists in those realities/worlds.

Recognizing our aspects, clearing discord/impurities and merging all back into this physical form space here is a full-time job. We start as seekers, gather knowledge (activations), we "die" many times in the ways we chose to experience, some intense, some not so intense, yet letting go of all that we identified or defined ourselves as is a pain-staking process the more separated we were and the more we held on. We birth ourselves, we grow up and "experience" everything anew and we step into our roles/purposes and missions here as we REMEMBER OUR POWER and WHO WE ARE AS LOVE AGAIN.

Natalie Glasson - Taking Responsibility for the Consciousness of Humanity by Archangel Michael & the Galactic Federation - 19th February 2016

– Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We bring forth the vibration of peace to ignite within your being and burn up all forms of unrest and unbalance within your being. You are transforming dramatically at this time as is Mother Earth. Cocooned in love by the Beings of Venus, it is our combined energy of the Galactic Federation and Archangel Michael which is overseeing a movement of peace within all. Being erased from humanity are the feelings of unrest, resistance and disharmony especially connected to the Creator and the journey of ascension. Our focus is to replace the struggle and striving of a soul who has moved through numerous lifetimes so that peace can be ignited and experienced within. This is not a stillness nor an energy of being motionless, in fact it is an active energy of contentment and happiness within.

Our purpose as love is anchoring so profoundly upon the Earth is to erase the perspective and focused concentration that many hold upon negativity, separation and suffering. The greatest result of our healing work with humanity would be a shift in a great percentage of humanity concentrating upon positivity, truth and joy.

Each person upon the Earth has an aspect and energy of suffering, fear and disharmony within them, this is projecting into the consciousness of humanity continuously. Those of humanity who strongly resonate with negativity, suffering and pain then experience the projections placed into the consciousness of humanity as fuel to create and energise plans, corruption and devastation upon the Earth.

Sarah Varcas - One Mighty Misperception - Feb 19, 2016

Image: 'Pulling the Moon' by Gary Rosenberg

The Moon is full in Virgo at 6:21 p.m. UT on 22nd February. Occurring as Jupiter retrogrades across the solar eclipse degree from 13th September 2015, this Moon illuminates in fullness events of the past five months, their complex tapestry woven through our lives in ways that may have been hidden up to now. Life, in all its often hectic confusion, can sometimes feel like a million individual plates we must keep spinning simultaneously or risk unbounded chaos, when in fact its disparate parts are simply many faces of the One that animates our being. We are one life, all of us. What happens outside and around us occurs also within and through us. The notion that things happen to us and we must respond is a distorted reflection of being. Instead it is we who happen to life – in all our glory – creating the world as we go.

Mike Quinsey - 19th February 2016.

Time continues to speed up and your consciousness levels are growing all of the time. You will reach a point where you will no longer be able to remain in the lower vibrations, and will ascend. It is the point of change that you have been heading for since you first dropped down into them. This opportunity is open to every soul that has focussed upon Ascension, and taken steps to prepare themselves for such an occasion. If you have been aware of it and raised your vibrations, there is no reason why you should not be successful. These opportunities are always open to any soul that has prepared for such an upliftment, and their Guides will help them to be successful.

Earthly matters are in a great state of change, and some major decisions have been made that will soon bring the details into the public domain. Although given little publicity, the State of America has been brought into being and is now going through legal moves to validate it. Along with currency changes that are also well advanced, many countries are seeking to change from the dollar as their leading money standard. Also with the coming re-valuation of the currencies no one should lose out as a result, as there are arrangements that when put in hand will ensure that all people will be catered for. It has also been planned for a very long time to distribute funds that have been growing under the protection of St. Germain. Be assured that everyone will ultimately be looked after, and have their living standards greatly raised.

jueves, febrero 18, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Solar Winds, Gamma Rays, Chakras, Physical Body Upgrades and Get Ready for a Huge Catapulting LEAP! - 2/18/2016

CURRENT ENERGIES are very powerful solar winds and light packet activations continuing strongly today for those in these frequency bandwidths here. These "lull" you and are waves of soft high frequency energy that allow for beautiful ease while upgrading and integrating in the waking state. Work is at the flow of silence and allowing. There's no pushing in these. That will change as we move into the full moon gamma laser activations. We will shift from solar waves to powerful particle blasts "rock our worlds" in the most awesome ways. These shake our realities loose, so if there is anything unresolved, these make that visible. This is where we have to Quantum HOP alot and move faster while maintaining peace and stability from inside, make decisions in the moment and utilize the power energy of "doing" all of those awesome creative ideas, inspirations and where we move into accomplishing projects and implementing in our physical reality.

Alexandra Meadors: Sheldan Nidle Q & A, February 16, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - It's All About the Love Now - February 18, 2016

The newsletter is late this week and it’s because I seem to have ‘lost’ a day or two this week, time has been rather odd and my relationship with it is shifting. I meant to send it yesterday and ‘forgot’ but that’s because I didn’t sleep at all Monday night, so Tuesday was a foggy day. It’s hard to stay focused when you haven't slept.
So here it is and this week’s message is about love, since we had Valentine’s Day on the 14th. It’s a day we either look forward to or regret, that we use to count our blessings or consider our limited or nonexistent love options. While it’s the emotion of love that we are concerned about, it’s the energy of love that we should be paying attention to because it is what determines what kind of ‘love’ we have in our lives.

miércoles, febrero 17, 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Suposiciones 2 - Introducción - Edmonton, Canadá, - 6 de febrero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos están aquí por primera vez. ¿Qué creen que están viendo? ¿Qué es lo que se están permitiendo ver? El discernimiento que tengan es crucial en cuanto a lo que vayan a obtener de esto. Algunos dirán, algunos siguen diciendo, que el proceso de canalización no es válido; incluso dicen que no hay registro de algo así en la historia, sin comprender que todas las escrituras que ustedes llaman sagradas fueron canalizadas por hombres y mujeres. La palabra de Dios es la palabra de hombres y mujeres canalizando. Pero en los tiempos actuales ustedes dicen "¡Es imposible!" Quiero que disciernan lo que está sucediendo en el salón. Si son sensitivos, ya lo saben. Si están bloqueados, nunca lo sabrán.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - February 17, 2016

I am here today to let you in on a little secret that to some is not a secret at all. It is that there is more going on today than meets the eye and ear and pocketbook. It is all in the background and on the ships that are hovering over the planet. We are taking the time to make our arrangements to come and assist you in carrying out the last vestiges of bringing forth what it is that you as a whole are telling us that you intend for this planet. We are now in a position of being able to step in, in so many new ways because you have given us the green light and we are reciprocating your call.

There seems for many to be no activity on earth this day, and that is because there is a standstill due to the arrangements that we are undergoing. I cannot fill in the details but they will become apparent in the days to come. In order for us to be able to stand in our power and answer your call, we must first set things in place that will be a part of the whole workings of what will come forth.

Best Crop Circles in Italy - (The Best Crop Circles in Each Country) - UFO 2016


Alcyon Pléyades 35: Virus Zika, cerrar internet, ley Marcial, terroristas, religión jedi, satanismo


Benjamín Fulford - 15-02-16. La hora de la verdad se acerca para elegir entre colapso, caos y el derramamiento de sangre o reiniciar el sistema y el renacimiento

17 Feb

(Traducción: “Estoy aquí para pedirle un préstamo”. Banquero: “Que casualidad, yo iba a pedirle lo mismo”.. Nota:disculpad la tardanza de esta semana. Meditación a tope.)

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Los eventos continúan desarrollándose a un ritmo vertiginoso mientras el orden mundial posterior a la guerra continúa su caída y mientras la lucha por aquello que va a reemplazarlo sigue con rabia encendida.

El mayor acontecimiento fue la primera reunión entre un Papa y un patriarca ortodoxo ruso en 962 años. Lo más raro de este evento se puede ver en esta fotografía de la sesión difundida por el Vaticano que muestra el símbolo de los cráneo y huesos en el centro entre los dos líderes religiosos.

martes, febrero 16, 2016

Kara Schallock - Consciousness - 16-Feb-2016

What is most amazing in these New days is the beautiful surprises we receive. Today I received an amazing Mandala stone (it’s more like a huge rock) from Sivane Gaia Gorny in Israel. It is named “World Unity Mandala.” The Synchronicity of receiving this gift on the day I write this note is truly perfect. It is a message from Gaia through Sivane that we are all One. With the solar activity occurring rather constantly, Gaia is One with/as us, as are all the cosmos.


Kryon "Letting Go" 2016

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - February 16, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization

This influx of monies is to permit the nations of this world to redress the long ignored systems that form their water, sewage and transportation systems. In addition, it is to allow the nations of this globe to end poverty and ill health.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

5 Lamat, 1 Zac, 12 Manik

Dratzo! A grand operation to deliver the required funds continues to move forward. The small resistance from the cabal has caused the Light to maintain a higher degree of security than usual. We are well aware of what the dark is still capable of. This threat is obscure at best. Nevertheless, the Light chooses to surround these deliveries in a secrecy that is far beyond what is typically required. Despite these measures, we are confident that these funds are to be distributed successfully to all intended parties. The prosperity program is likewise obeying strict protocols that also tend to slow those planned deliveries. Despite these extra measures all funding is to be delivered and lead to new governance. This is important to us as these new governments are not only to end your debt slavery, but to permit them as well to conclusively terminate the decades-long UFO cover-up. This is the positive sign that is to permit us to finally make contact with you directly. It can thus be truly said that these are very interesting times!

lunes, febrero 15, 2016

Jim Self - Actualización Planetaria - Febrero 2016

Traducción Audio: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Bienvenidos a la Actualización Planetaria para el mes de Febrero de 2016.

Me gustaría abordar esta Actualización Planetaria un poco diferente, podría hablarles acerca del primero de Enero cuando el Gobierno de Arabia Saudita ejecutó a un clérigo Chií y los desafíos que provocaron en Irán y las comunidades Chiitas alrededor del mundo. Podría hablarles de los dos millones de personas desplazándose desde Siria a Europa creando problemas de inmigración. Podría hablarles sobre Donald Trump y la división que está creando en tanto esto obliga a aquellas fuerzas. Hablamos del uso continuo de armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos y el resultado… pero todo eso se debe a Transición Espiritual en marcha. Esto es característico de lo negro y blanco, de lo bueno y malo, los Sistemas Bancarios de los Estados Unidos, la Geopolítica, todo aquello de nuestra tercera dimensión que está cambiando.

Lo que me gustaría hacer en esta sesión es, no hablar acerca de estas cosas, ya saben de éstas cosas, todas aquellas cosas se están desarrollando, todos estos eventos están empezando a crear más puntos de inflexión y en el 2016 una serie de puntos de inflexión se activarán. El mundo cambiará.

Brenda Hoffman - Work Isn’t Part of Your Creation - February 15, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you are pondering your next move, “Do I do this? Or, should I do that? What will make my life complete for surely I cannot just sit here and do nothing? There must be something for me to do or achieve.”
So it is that many of you are feeling lost and therefore, in pain. Not because of something you have done, but because there is nothing you can do.
But to say that you must wait for your reward is not quite accurate either. For you are merely following your inner-being’s directives. And if that means pondering your joys, or even your fears, for that is the most direct step you can possibly take to your dream.
You are quite adept at the 3D concept of, “I imagine and then I work and work and work to create that dream. And if I’m lucky, that dream will become reality.” Your new action steps are to stop, listen to your inner-being and follow what you hear or sense when you do so.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 2 // JANUARY (new version)

Méline Portia Lafont - Lord Merlín y los Tsolianos Galácticos - Derrumbe de la 3D a nivel físico, ¡Están entrando ENORMES Ondas Universales! - Feb 11, 2016

Querida Tribu del Amor: ¡La 3D y todo lo relacionado con las cosas materiales se están derrumbando sobre sí mismas!
En ocasiones hemos estado conscientes de ello y de que hemos empezado a ser testigos de lo mismo con nuestros propios ojos.
Es con el fin de ayudarnos a todos a desapegarnos de la materia y a no depender de ella, para aventurarnos en nuestro interior.
Nos hemos estado preparando para esto largo tiempo, y hemos hablado de ello largamente; lo han estado oyéndolo por tanto tiempo. . . . . y bueno, ¡aquí está! Los primeros efectos tangibles se están presentando a sí mismos!

Crédito de imagen: Derecho de Autor: Science Photo Library
Un hermoso pero retador concepto cuando se vuelve efectivamente así. En 2 semanas durante este retrógrado de Mercurio 5 de mis aparatos dejaron de funcionar completamente: mi impresora, 2 reproductores de DVD, mi teléfono, y mi secadora, y ahora mi coche se han estropeado dos veces en esta semana, y esta vez parece ser que probablemente no se pueda reparar y tenga que comprar uno nuevo. Así que aquí ESTOY en este Ahora, habiendo sido colocada en la quietud y la perspectiva de la frecuencia del punto de vista cero para ver todo y no hacer nada al respecto en este momento.

Blossom Goodchild - ¡CREACIÓN NUNCA SE DETIENE Y NUNCA LO HARÁ! - Feb 7, 2016

Federación de la Luz: ,…puede haber múltiples galaxias… infinidad de universos… porque… la ¡CREACIÓN NUNCA SE DETIENE Y NUNCA LO HARÁ!
Blossom: Hola, mis amigos. Parece que muchas personas disfrutaron de su meditación la semana pasada. Gracias. Me he estado preguntando ¿cómo les gustaría continuar?
Federación de la Luz: Bienvenidos a usted y a TODOS. Somos muy conscientes del hecho de que usted está interesada en continuar de esta manera y, sin embargo, hoy día tal vez ¿deberíamos dirigir el rumbo para continuar con otro tema que sentimos tal vez sea de interés?
Flor: Por supuesto.
Federación de la Luz: Hoy estaríamos dispuestos a hablar de lo que confunde a menudo la mente. Esto se refiere al tema del protocolo.
Blossom: ¿Protocolo? Oh! Um… ¿con respecto a qué?
Federación de la Luz: En cuanto a lo que permite el yo-alma realizar ¡lo que se siente que no puede!

Natalie Glasson - Madre María - Estando Presente con el Creador - Feb 6, 2016

Saludos, Soy la Conciencia de la Madre María, vengo a compartir mi expresión creativa y perspicacias con ustedes.

Mi misión es apoyarlos en la integración de su sabiduría, conocimientos y perspicacias espirituales con su realidad física y experiencias diarias.
La Tierra es una hermosa distracción del Creador Divino que existe dentro de su ser, o por lo menos así parece ser.
El modo como los dramas, situaciones y experiencias se despliegan, ya sea si los consideran positivos o negativos, es extremadamente hermoso y magnífico.
Sus experiencias y situaciones fluyen literalmente desde su ser para que las vean y reconozcan, y es un maravilloso proceso.
Sin embargo, a ustedes les puede parecer que la realidad terrenal los está distrayendo constantemente de su verdad, creando obstáculos y disrupciones que los alejan de sus prácticas espirituales y de vivir de un modo espiritual.

Suzanne Lie - Unconditional Love for Our Self ~ Chakra Six - 2-15-16

Dear Readers,

We have moved beyond our personal self, who is represented by our first Five chakras and into our Multidimensional Self, who is represented by our Sixth and Seventh Chakras. Therefore, the meditations for unconditionally loving these chakras will be less about our personal self and more discovering, releasing and living the Unconditional Love, Multidimensional Power and Infinite Wisdom of our TRUE Multidimensional SELF. Thank you all for continuing this process through your childhood, adulthood and into your true Multidimensional SELF.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 14 al 21 de Febrero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


En el nivel sublime, cada persona que camina en la Luz está progresando mucho. Ustedes son vistos y reconocidos por los reinos superiores y la mayoría de ustedes han sido puestos en servicio de maneras que su Esencia Divina pueda afectarlos más fácilmente, a fin de convertirse en una mayor parte en su vida humana cotidiana. Hay una mayor atención en integrar el espíritu en la materia y sus formas humanas están sintiendo los efectos de esto en formas que son poderosas y transformadoras de la vida. El resultado es que muchas veces simplemente no pueden hacer frente al bombardeo de estas energías que frecuentemente se producen durante ciertos ciclos. En estos tiempos es importante recordar que nuestro consejo básico y continuo es salir a la naturaleza, anclarse colocando los pies sobre la tierra, respirando profundamente, porque esta práctica ayuda más eficientemente a mover las energías estancadas a través de sus sistemas. Beban por lo menos 6 vasos de agua pura al día y mejórenla antes de consumirla con sus bendiciones y oraciones.

Benjamin Fulford Update - "New Republic, Justice Scalia's Death, Vatican, & More" - February 15, 2016

Crunch time is coming to choose either collapse, chaos and bloodshed or reboot and renaissance

Benjamin Fulford

Events continue to unfold at a blistering pace as the post-war world order continues its collapse while the fight over what to replace it with rages on. The biggest happening was the first meeting between a Pope and a Russian Orthodox Patriarch in 962 years. The weirdest thing about this event can be seen in this photograph of the meeting put out by the Vatican that shows a skull and bones right in the center between the two religious leaders.

domingo, febrero 14, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - You Are Always Receiving God's Love - 14 February, 2016

You are always receiving God's Love whether you tune in or not.
We live in an Ocean of God's love. I was told that you can come to the Ocean of Abundance with a teaspoon, or a bucket or a tanker truck — the Ocean does not care. The Ocean of God's Love is eternally available. You can take as much as you need.
God's Love is the Ocean in which we live, move and have our being. We swim in this Ocean like a little fish, so much a part of Divine Love that we forget that it is all around us. And yet if we only turn a small part of our attention toward this Infinite Source, our entire being is illuminated with the Light it radiates. What a gift!
I spent years feeling alone, alienated and cut off from love. I tried to fill myself with many things that did not satisfy that deep need within me. I strived for all that I was brought up to believe would make me happy. I found out very early that all that the world considered to be successful proved to feel very empty to me.
It then took a long time for me to find out how to live a spiritual life in a country that considered that to be less than important; in fact, too weird to even consider. And when I was trying to receive love and approval from outside myself, I experienced rejection and felt even more separate.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation - Feb 14, 2016

Greetings, Saint Germain here.

Let us speak about manifestation.

So, how come that you are seemingly always awaiting things for you to come and to be manifested? Because you are expecting things to happen in the future rather than in the present. So you wait and you await, focusing on and occupying your minds with the thought that it will happen in your future now. So you bring your focus to this future present in such a way that you forget to see what is there in the now and what is already unfolding in this now.

All things always linger in the now moment and being in every now moment aligns you with the greater potential of all. It also allows for all to emerge and be in this potent momentum and present itself to you as your own creation vortex. But then, you simply allow yourself to experience the delay of it because you wait for it as if it is still to come while it is already here in the now. So you delay your own creation in that sense by focusing on your timelines as if it is only there in the future.

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Próximos Pasos o Nuevos Potenciales? - 10 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Una de las preguntas que me hacen los clientes a menudo, después de decirme cuán atascados se sienten, es cuál es el próximo paso mejor. Pero esa respuesta depende de muchas cosas, incluyendo lo que estén deseando hacer para permitir que sea posible un próximo paso. La necesidad de conocer nuestro próximo paso es realmente secundaria a nuestro deseo de no repetir errores pasados o hacer algo que lamentemos después. Y también tenemos miedo de elegir algo que no quereos y con lo que estaremos comprometidos para siempre. El cambio de nuestra mente y la elección de algo diferente es parte de nuestros nuevos paradigmas de 5D pero primero tenemos que cambiar cómo vemos nuestros próximos pasos y nuestras elecciones.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - February 14-21, 2016

Beloved Ones,

On the sublime level, much progress is being made by each person who walks in the Light. You are seen and acknowledged by the higher realms and most of you have been put into service in ways that your Divine Essence can most easily affect to become a greater part of your everyday human life. There is a greater focus on integrating spirit into matter and your human forms are feeling the effects of this in ways that are powerful and life transforming. The result is that many times you simply cannot cope with the bombardment of these energies that are prevalent during certain cycles that occur. It is in these times that it is important to remember our basic and ongoing advice which is to get out in nature, connect and ground by placing your feet onto the Earth, breathe deeply, for such practice helps to move stagnant energies through your system most efficiently. Drink at least 6 full glasses of pure water daily and enhance this water with your blessings and prayers before consuming.

Brenda Hoffman - Dejen de Negar el Poder de los Demás - 8 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Muchos de ustedes se sienten dispersos. Posiblemente estén enfrentando problemas de la 3D que pensaron habían terminado – y están molestos porque estos temas parecen obstaculizar su desarrollo futuro.

Los asuntos que son tan del ‘ayer’ – y ustedes quisieran estar en el hoy, o hasta en el mañana. Ustedes temen, su angustia radica en que estos temas nunca les permitirán avanzar. Antes de su transición, estos temas los aterraban. Ahora los enoja, “¿Por qué yo? Por qué ahora?”

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 14/02/16

sábado, febrero 13, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - Peace and Love resides within each one of you, go within and claim It.- 02/13/2016

Oneness can no longer be denied!  Cutting edge science knows, because their experiments have demonstrated it conclusively, that everything is connected to everything else, there is no separation.  In the everyday world, where the majority of humans focus their attention as they earn their livings, separation is self-evident, but that is because of how you focus your attention on your bodily needs, identifying with them and with their survival, and with their avoidance of pain, and your desire for pleasure through them. 

Celia Fenn - AA Miguel - La Maestría en la Tierra - Encontrando a su Equipo del Alma en el 2016 - 6 de febrero 2016

12647030 1544765172517756 5881017483798942139 n 1

 Image by Fiona Owen at 

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amada familia de la Tierra, al avanzar hacia el segundo mes del 2016, la energía continua intensa y los retos que ustedes enfrentan en su vida cotidiana continúan presionando durante un tiempo. El 2/2 o el 2 de febrero se produjo un poderoso ajuste de la Línea de Tiempo en la Tierra. El propósito de este ajuste fue el de recalibrar y ajustar la Línea de Tiempo de la Nueva Tierra, después de los cambios importantes en febrero del 2014 que llevaron a la Tierra a su alineación para las frecuencias de la Nueva Tierra. En este punto, todas las Líneas de Tiempo de la Tierra están alineadas con la nueva Realidad híper-dimensional Tiempo/Espacio que se manifiesta en la Nueva Tierra.

Sheldan Nidle – Actualizacion de la Federación Galáctica de la Luz y la Jerarquía Espiritual - 09-02-2016


Nuestras numerosas familias celestiales y del Espacio se están acercando a su gran final triunfante. 

2 Chicchan, 18 Yax, 12 Manik 

¡Selamat Jalwa! ¡Hemos recibido buenas noticias! El proceso de repartos sigue avanzando. Como siempre, este proceso se ha complicado más por el hecho de que la cábala oscura sabe totalmente lo que está ocurriendo ya por todo este globo. Las fuerzas de la Luz están utilizando la ventaja ganada por las acciones de sus aliados y asociados para forzar la salida del poder de esta cábala. Hace mucho tiempo, cuando sus maestros Anunnaki eran los señores de este mundo de la superficie, esas actividades como con las que actualmente estamos procediendo eran, naturalmente, imposibles. Esos oscuros oligarcas no contaban con la cantidad de graves errores que iban a cometer. Están al borde de una gran caída que va a daros un nuevo tiempo lleno de libertad, prosperidad y un auge de responsabilidad para mantener este glorioso sistema. Esta operación ha llevado más tiempo del que se esperaba al principio. Esto es debido en parte a las capacidades que les quedan a esos demonios endiablados. Su próxima destrucción significa el final de un encubrimiento que nos ha evitado interactuar a la escala que deseábamos originalmente. Ellos utilizaron este encubrimiento para crear un gobierno secreto que casi vence a las intenciones del Cielo. 

Nancy Tate - Love Essence of Mushaba, Feb 13, 2016

There is something I would like you to share with the world and it is that there is coming a time when all of you will be in the throes of feeling and living the freedom that is on the threshold around the world. It is a matter of being able to walk your talk and live your love in a way that is not only freeing to you, but to the rest of those with whom you come in contact, and share what it is that you not only live in your lives, but share with others in a way that they are open to. When you do that you are telling them that we are all in a position to free the world from the strife and bondage that it has been in for so long.

Kryon "Five Concepts for the New Human" 2016

Kryon "Assumptions 2" 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (15) - San Antonio, Texas, 23 Enero de 2016

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización es diferente. El tema de la Hermandad Femenina y todo lo relacionado con ella es diferente para mi socio. Él se hace a un lado y permanece aparte; oye esto por primera vez cuando verifica la grabación. Esto no es lo típico; durante todos estos años, él se hacía a un lado y escuchaba, pero esta vez está bloqueado; los que son para la Hermandad Femenina están bloqueados.

Ya lo dijimos, si han escuchado los mensajes; lo diremos otra vez: no dejen que el timbre de voz de mi socio las engañe porque en este momento vemos energía femenina pura, y en este tiempo con ustedes, yo soy sin género. Es importante para la pureza del mensaje, por simple que pueda ser. La pureza de la compasión de la dadora de vida femenina es importante cuando les hablo. Tan importante que yo lo pongo a él a un lado, por incómodo que le resulte.

viernes, febrero 12, 2016

Natalie Glasson - Secrets for Ascension by Nara Merlyn - 12th February 2016

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings to all light beings upon the Earth, especially those who incarnated into the period of Atlantis and are present continuing the true purpose of Atlantis at this brilliant time of ascension. You have been a constant glowing beacon of light throughout so many of the major stages of Earth’s ascension, you are in service bringing light to all areas of the Earth, however long the planet takes to transform. I honour you for being on the Earth now, please know that the growth and wisdom you will gain from your current lifetime is immense and will accelerate so many beautiful experiences on the inner planes once your service upon the Earth is complete.

Mike Quinsey - 12th February 2016.

Much is happening that is as far as possible kept secret by those involved. Strong rumours will abound that a major event will soon cause some bank closures, due to major changes that are in the offing. They seem to be inevitable and unavoidable as they must be brought into line with them so as to avoid a complete failure. It would be easy to tell you not to worry, but such happenings have occurred before and ultimately proved beneficial to your future. This should not surprise you as changes are always taking place, but not perhaps at the level that is now expected. All around you changes are in progress as the old ways and systems are “updated” to align with the New Age that has now commenced. Ultimately you will be overjoyed by them as they will give continuity and sufficient income to live a comfortable life.

Ron Head ~ Discernment and How It Applies to These Times – The Council - Feb 12, 2016

The Council

Our channel has been asked about the subject of discernment and how it applies to these times. We will take that as an indirect question to us, as well. He brought us the subject and we agree as to its import.
We have spoken before on this subject and this will begin by covering the same ground. That is alright. Your ‘software’ is updated each time you read something again. It is just as though you were practicing a sport or a musical instrument. Pathways in your nervous system are built, strengthened, and perhaps corrected each time. So we urge you to not skip over things just because you are acquainted with them. Do you not see things differently each time you read your favorite book? It happens because you are different than the one who read it last time.

miércoles, febrero 10, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Lift Off by The ONE We Are Becoming - 2-10-16


The ONE We Are Becoming

The First Ones In

It started with the voices - that is the higher voices. But we heard them not above, but within. At first that was quite disorienting, as we were used to perceiving only outer communications, but very soon the inner location of the voices became normal. That is, it became normal for those of us who could hear the voices.

At first there were just a few of us who could hear the voices, and we thought we were alone in this experience. But, gradually, as we gained the courage to share our experience with others, we found out that we were not alone. Also, somehow, we knew with whom we could share our experience.

In fact, there were certain people that we began to recognize. We did not recognize their faces, or even their bodies. We recognized their “feel.” We later discovered that none of us understood the sensation of “recognition by feeling.”

Jennifer Hoffman - Next Steps or New Potentials? - February 10, 2016

One of the questions clients often ask me, after telling me how stuck they feel, is what their best next step is. But that answer depends on so many things, including what they are willing to do to allow a next step to become possible. The need to know our next step is really secondary to our desire to not repeat past mistakes or do something we’ll regret later. And we’re also afraid to choose something we won’t like and will be stuck with forever. Changing our mind and choosing something else is part of our new 5D paradigms but first we have to change how we view our next steps and our choices.

There are few things in life that have permanent consequences – having a baby is one of them – and most of our choices can be changed and we can move on from them. But what we’re left with is our feelings of regret and our self judgment over what we think were bad decisions or poor choices, these are what make us fear our next steps and limit what we’ll consider for our next steps. We can’t erase the past but we can do something different in the present moment if we don’t allow our judgments of the past become the reasons we don’t make choices in the present.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Visions and Revelations - 10 February, 2016

Dear Ones,

The gifts of Vision and Revelation come to you this month. For many it will be insight regarding your most intimate relationships, for all it will be revelation regarding the relationship of opposites within you, in relationship to others and your harmonious relationship with the polarities in your world.
Divine Revelation comes from a deep-seated place of Love. Sometimes it is difficult to receive the form of the messenger in which the revelation comes to you. At those times know that the hidden message of truth may be uncomfortable but it has within it the deepest most profound seeds of awareness.

martes, febrero 09, 2016

Lauren C. Gorgo - El Nuevo Humano: Edición 5.0 - 24 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Entren a la conciencia del nuevo mundo.

Bien en realidad la “conciencia del nuevo mundo” entró oficialmente en septiembre cuando la ola increíble de energía transformadora chocó con el planeta en medio de un ciclo de eclipses, el equinoccio Y la última luna de sangre en la muy profetizada tétrada.

La diferencia es que ahora estamos moviéndonos junto con ella.

Esa descarga gigantesca de luz divina fue de tan largo alcance que ha llevado meses literalmente vadear a través de toda la basura de las explosiones que dejó en nuestro ADN. Esas explosiones sirvieron para despejar mucho del contenido expirado desde dentro de nuestro antiguo linaje humano con el objetivo de transmutar/trascender nuestra genética limitada para avanzar plenamente hacia la soberanía de nuestra divinidad, nuestra genética estelar.

Los Pleyadianos dicen que para muchos, esto es ahora una realidad (¡) y como resultado estamos avanzando hacia lo que ellos llaman un nuevo gran programa de vida, uno que es maleable y de mucha respuesta a la forma en que nosotros, como creadores conscientes, participamos en el mismo. Este nuevo programa de vida está VIVO con conciencia, y responde (favorablemente) a aquellos con nivel conmensurado de conciencia.

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Feb 9, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization

You have kept up a general positiveness, which is greatly aiding this divine effort. We are installing a new enlightened way of doing things, which is to be the framework for your new reality!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

2 Chicchan, 18 Yax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! We have received good news! The delivery process continues to move forward. As always, this process is made more complex by the fact that the dark cabal fully realizes what is now happening across this globe. The forces of the Light are using the edge gained by the actions of its allies and associates to force this cabal from power. Long ago, when their Anunnuki masters were overlords of this surface world, such activities as we are presently proceeding with were, of course, impossible. These dark oligarchs were not counting on what a number of grievous mistakes brought them. They are on the verge of a great downfall, which is to give you a new time filled with freedom, prosperity and a rising responsibility to maintain this glorious system. This operation has taken longer than was first expected. This is due in part to the remaining abilities of these devious fiends. Their coming destruction spells the final end to a cover-up that has kept us from interacting on the scale we originally wished for. They used this cover-up to create a secret governance, which almost defeated the intentions of Heaven.

Anrita Melchizedek - Implant and Entity Clearing Invocation - Feb 9, 2016

By Anrita Melchizedek

Mp3 download
You Tube

As I prepare myself for this implant and entity clearing session, I breathe deep into my body, relaxing myself, grounding and rooting, as I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge.

Merging now with my Beloved I AM Presence, the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God, I surround myself in the beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love, allowing this frequency of Love to activate each sub-atomic particle within my Beingness, in the knowing that I AM Love, that I AM a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light, in service to Mother Earth and all her life.

Benjamín Fulford - 08-02-2016. La primera reunión entre el Papa y el patriarca ruso en 1000 años está dirigida contra los satanistas jázaros

09 Feb

(Nota de traductora: Se nota el desconocimiento, intencionado o no, de que EEUU-Israel es el verdadero poder creador de Al Qaeda, ISIS, el “nuevo enemigo” inventado para tener la excusa de invadir Siria. También la manipulación poniendo a Hamás al lado de Al Qaeda, cuando es un grupo pro-sirio reconocido como legítimo por Rusia y sus aliados,. En todo caso, esperemos que las conversaciones de paz se reanuden pronto a raiz de la información que aporta Ben).

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