Aloha Beautiful Divine Essence Light Family,
These magnificent frequencies and the amount of pure bliss light is inundating our atmosphere in every moment now. They continually fluctuate to assist each with releasing, merging and unifying all back into love inside again. Where there is discord or unresolved anything, where there is lack energy, it's all coming up from INSIDE each to deal with. The use of a barrage of Navigational and Mastery tools is how we flow with ease here.
When we first start to awaken/wake up, it's confusing and we question why we are even here. What's the point, the purpose of it all. These questions get answered as we delve inward and journey to the depths of our soul and to galaxies far beyond this one, yet accessible through activating the consciousness that already exists in those realities/worlds.
Recognizing our aspects, clearing discord/impurities and merging all back into this physical form space here is a full-time job. We start as seekers, gather knowledge (activations), we "die" many times in the ways we chose to experience, some intense, some not so intense, yet letting go of all that we identified or defined ourselves as is a pain-staking process the more separated we were and the more we held on. We birth ourselves, we grow up and "experience" everything anew and we step into our roles/purposes and missions here as we REMEMBER OUR POWER and WHO WE ARE AS LOVE AGAIN.
This is an ever evolving process that continues into higher frequency bandwidths of existence as we emerge fully from inside and come online as the Crystalline Gridwork of NEW Earth. The difference is how conscious we are dictates our actual physical reality experiences here. Each moment is precious and everything is a gift here.
First we focus on re-calibrating our own energy, pull away, build our energy from within. Awakening to multi-dimensionality requires a ridiculous amount of "me time" and sleep to anchor the higher realms in the physical one. Stability comes as we re-build a foundation again, from the inside out.
AS we honor our own process, we are able to then commit energy to that which makes a difference, inspire others, assist, guide, create beauty, share love and more. The "old way" was to focus on the outside world first... Everything is the opposite and in reverse from that here.
While we sleep, we clear timelines, we integrate light, we access the other dimensions and we birth/build our NEW EARTH REALITIES that we implement in our waking hours of functioning in the physical reality world. WE stay totally open to all. WE don't shut down anymore. WE notice when something is off/out-of-tune/out-of-alignment and we re-tune and re-align all ourselves. WE REMEMBER OUR MASTERY through exchanges, in profound connect observational silence and through experience by "practicing" repeatedly by that which we DO, until we don't have to repeat it anymore. It's through experience that we actually "get it". Utilizing higher-self-guides (in physical or spirit form) assists us with navigating easier and bypassing the "lessons" and utilizing the simplicity of tool to move through things much faster than before. These activate our hearts and the intelligence we already hold inside. Wisdom speaks to wisdom of that which is already known within.
The "breaking point" is necessary for stubborn and resistant energies, which we all hold in our own way. These are "starting points" where new awareness comes forth as the walls/veils/barriers of the heart, body and mind relax and stop fighting/struggling and open up to listening/seeing more than was capable before. Energy of beliefs and limited/fixed mentalities is what creates this. So we go to the energy and dispell all quickly here. It doesn't have to be a hard anymore. EASY is how we PREFER to DO this, yet our own commitment, dedication and choice/decisions by that which we DO dictate this for each of us. Each moment this will change and shift, so we have to observe ourselves and our own energy in every moment. This requires total presence, awareness and dealing with all AS LOVE, from a space of inner strength/power to not allow the old to dictate our reality world here anymore. When we understand the reasons/purposes for how all occurs, we change the energy of how we function here. This is part of the process of REMEMBERING MASTERY. WE change the energy and the reality changes as a response to that which we transmit and allow in every moment. As we hold more energies/consciousnesses/existences of ourselves, we are able to shift from one reality to another easily here. As soon as one is not in-alignment, we shift the energies ourselves. This is part of coming into POWER again and RE-CLAIMING all again. From the inside.
As more come to understand that everything they INVEST their ENERGY in (time/resources/SOUL), produces a physical reality to occur, then more will start INVESTING instead of sitting around waiting for everything to happen. The focused output of energy must be proportionate to that which is received. Receiving from the "higher realms"/other dimensions is a response to OPENNESS, SHARING AND LOVE.
A NEW Earth Existence means we are BEING that which we desire to experience. WE are being the changers, being the beauty, being the one contributing, being the one speaking our truth, being the one open to sharing, being the one ready to embrace, being the one committed to bringing forth magic, abundance, peace and unity. We have to find these energies within us. We have to DO them in our own reality world. As we DO them, we start experiencing MORE of this. AS we are Angels, AS WE ARE considerate, as we are offering from our hearts, it opens the portals for all of that to be our reality world. AS we connect with that aspect of our self, we are able to bring it forth. In every moment we must go inside to connect, until connected at all times is HOW WE EXIST again.
There is a sacredness in all things, sacredness in life, sacredness in breath, sacredness in sharing, sacredness in honor, respect and integrity and all of this comes from within.
Here we don't look for those who are seeking, we look for those who have already REMEMBERED this within themselves. We share our knowledge with those seeking, so they can choose to bring this forth in their own reality world. Here WE HOLD NEW EARTH frequencies in place and we don't waver or try to go back to the old. Here we respect the responsibility that we all hold in being a part of our REMEMBERED EXISTENCES NOW.
As more FOCUS their ENERGY from through their hearts and recognize what is productive or waste, they choose where to put/invest/focus their energy. Thoughts are energy and we are aware of our thoughts and we choose the ones in our world.
As more open up to SHARE of their own hearts, they bring down the limits, judgement and illusory stories still holding energy that once convinced them of old consciousness untruths. As he heart opens, as energy transmits out intentionally, truths shift to love, peace and magic again. UNITY becomes a way of existing, instead of words used to describe a concept not previously understood. WE have to BE UNIFIED within ourselves to link up to the UNIFIED FIELD.
WE don't judge our human'ness, we understand it and we work with it as it presents. Sometimes we pay it no attention and we see the ridiculousness. Sometimes it shows us we need love, validation or attention. This we give ourselves. Sometimes we are angry because we didn't listen, see or honor and we needed a trigger to get this energy out. Sometimes there are unknown hidden deep core griefs, pains, or hurts. WE don't sit in the misery trying to understand it, WE bring the energy up and out and we pull away, sleep, get out in nature to focus on the beauty and gifts we DO have all round us to REAL-eyes we went unconscious for a moment to bring an old energy up and out for release back into love inside. Here, we don't get stuck in things. Until we MASTER a specific thing, the answers come after the energetic and physical release. WE JUST SEE. Judgement keeps us stuck in the loop. Reaction creates an exchange of emotions that are only productive if we are conscious of every word. Then it's a spoken intention to set a boundary or speak up where we were not able to before. All of this about building our power again and standing as PURITY, WISDOM, LOVE, LIGHT and the MAGNIFICENT GIFTS that we truly are.
Greed, selfishness, lack... these all go as we love ourselves fully again. Relationships are of honor, contribution, support, love and respect and a common interest of service that all share from inside. We go through a gazillion realities figuring this one out and sync'ing frequencies to workplay cohesively together as ONE, while honoring ourselves at all times too.
NEW EARTH REALITIES REQUIRE us to be open and step into our own roles, purposes, missions as a gridpoint and lightholder here of the Galactic Crystalline Grid. Our own journey is a contribution and everything we choose, allow and do is important here. WE do not minimize anything, we do not waste. We see all things energetically and allow the physical reality to be a materialized form of that which we hold at all times.
Moving from seeker to in-service roles means we are leaving the Old Version of Earth behind. It means we are embracing the importance of all and that we are being a contributor instead of needing anymore. Each of us goes through this process, as we become whole and ONE as all things again. Playing in the wonderfilled beauty occurs as we release the need of the old in our own reality world.
In every moment, observe your reality and see where things might be off. Tweak them, tune them, reverse them, flip them, sprinkle light on them, love them and let the ones that don't resonate anymore go. As we make a choice and require our reality be only of our higher consciousness, we open up for new to come forth. We can maneuver these easier if we set up "negotiations" and start doing something to activate the new realities we do desire to experience. WE activate new timelines in every moment. It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL to watch them arrive and jump into them as they do!
Get ready's a HUGE JUMP/LEAP/CATAPULT time again. Powerful is always an understatement! Transformation is a daily word and expecting awesome are too! Sleep to allow for integration and these upgrades to be easier for you. Then utilize your moments in your waking state to be productive, dream, get projects going, share with others... this is how we do NEW here.
Heart inspired creative action. Unity and peace. Get all up in there. Get messy with awesomeness! Jump with both feet of your heart and entire being too!
Love your physical body vessels as they bring you through to the "other side". They are coming online and every cell clears old cellular memory/holographic imprints as they become conscious and alive again too. Every particle of us was asleep before. Everything wakes up on this journey here. Any feeling that is not awesome is something that was buried/held deep within. It only needs to be honored, felt, nurtured and assisted. Your body is intelligent. Listen to it. It will speak to you if you will listen. Love raises the vibration of all here.
Everything speaks energetically. Are you present enough to read/see/understand the program you designed perfectly for you? As you REMEMBER how programs work, it becomes so much easier and fun too!
I love you and am utterly appreciative for our journey here together. It's an honor to share and continually step into these amazing new realities that have always been waiting for all of us to arrive.
~ Mahalo Nui Loa from Kauai ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc.
Author, WayShower, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, Mastery & NEW Earth Existence, Physical Ascension & Light Embodiment Guide EmPOWERing all through Remembering from Within