“The Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric World. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.”
A Divine Light Language Message from Master Thoth of the Unified Whole
– Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
“Understanding the Law of Vibration represents the ability to allow the physical mind to work in alignment with the Higher Mind.”
This is a huge awareness to fully allow the Law of Vibration to come into your consciousness. In fact, you don’t physically see the vibration, but it is felt. Until that happens an individual cannot truly comprehend what it means to experience a certain level of vibration.
For a person that is very intuitive they may be able to actually see a vibrational line of frequency. Did you ever experience the electric turning on in your house, say a light bulb, or when a heater would start up its higher level of increased heat to come into the room. An individual may see a beam of light run across the room. This is indeed a special gift as this person is allowing their Higher Mind, the Intuitive Mind, to be very present within the physical mind.
This is exactly what happens within the Law of Vibration.
In order to fully comprehend the subject matter of this law it is important to be One within your full consciousness. I can talk about vibration, and how it relates to your present life, how you feel about yourself, and how you send out waves of love to another person. But, what happens when that love is very low, and you may send out frustration or lack of understanding. First of all, you are feeling it within you. So you are utilizing your emotional body. Then you project the thought form out of your consciousness into the Universe, maybe to a particular person. You may even be thinking of an individual and you pick up their energy field. This, then means that they are going to energetically receive this projection of thought.
It depends on how intuitive that person may be. It may just go into their field and sit there for a while. They may receive some feelings of insecurity or lack from your thought projection or it may be just a matter of “I am feeling Bill but I don’t know what that means.”
So now you have created a line of frequency between you – the vibration of what you are thinking is being sent out to Bill and then you will receive it back. It is the Law of Oneness but now we go a step further into the existence of how that vibration is felt.
Your emotional and mental bodies are now engaged in a conversation that may be uncomfortable. So what do you do about that?
It needs to be changed so the first step would be to heal the issue that is bothering you. Utilizing the Violet/Purple Flame and then the Pink are really good places to start. You then command that energy into the thought projection you had previously. It will change the frequency into a higher level, a step towards the healing process within you and the other person.
We call this the First Sacred Principle of Metalism
Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. ~ The True Hermetic Transmutation of Mental Art
It represents the Principle of Rhythm as it is in constant vibration. Nothing is permanent as everything changes from moment-to-moment. All things evolve from other things as the constant inflow and outflow, creation and destruction occurs.
So in any given moment you can feel that your Highest Essence is within you and you feel that extension of Love within your physical self. Your Emotional Body is being engaged in the process of a thought that is becoming you. This can change quickly – if you read something, feel another person’s energy, are involved in a conversation, or just connected to the Universal vibration essences that circle around the globe. It is part of THE ALL.
No soul, entity, or light form is without the experience of The All. We are all things together at the same time. This is why individuals that awaken are very gifted psychically. They are tapping into the Oneness of the All which changes in a moment’s notice.
So what is between you, as a human, and the essence of the ALL that represent many dimensional frequencies? Some are good, but some are very negative. This is part of the experience of being multi-dimensional. The physical body that you inhabit allows for the incorporation of the Higher Mind to blend with the Physical Mind. This means that the level of vibration that you can incorporate within you can change very quickly.
This is where the role of being responsible within your pathway takes place. Let us think about it for a moment.
The earth houses many different types of souls and each of these souls brings a remembrance into their consciousness. The earth has always struggled with the handling of light against dark so all of these energies come into play. This means that as a human being it is your right to experience life as you desire it to be, but if you are not aware of your Higher Mind / your Higher Intellect, to be in control and not the physical mind, then there is a lot of transmutation that needs to be done within your thoughts and feelings.
Let’s face it – everyone wants to feel loved which causes you to feel more balanced within your life, within your consciousness. But when you are in a playing field that has a multitude of many dimensions and energies coming into play, then it can become very confusing to understand who you are and what you are thinking or feeling.
In essence, the Vibration within You is not balanced and is not serving your purpose. You are not in Oneness, you are not part of the ALL, but very separate.
This, My Dear Ones, is the ploy of this Earth. Many feel these energies in this way and it affects their lives very deeply. They may not know what to do with it or feel that is the way of this world.
So that is why you have awakened. You are now in a position to understand what the Law of Vibration means on a very deep level and how to overcome the imbalances that occur within your consciousness and feeling levels.
Is this easy? No, of course not, but it is attainable.
The Law of Vibration is part of the Universal structure, you are part of that structure, so now understanding how it works within the cosmic levels, you can then allow it to be part of you within the physical world. This is your Free Will – as a Soul within a Physical Body you have the accessibility to fully command the Law of Vibration to be your guide in each moment of your life.
If we take this further, the Law of Vibration represents the Law of Manifestation but without command of the vibrational law, an individual will have a difficult time with creating abundance within one’s existence. The elements that hang in the balance are the lower frequencies that do not allow for the transference of the energies to be in a higher state of conditioning.
So many individuals do not realize these facts and that is why many souls have a difficult time dealing with their finances and creating a lifestyle that is flowing within their physical existence. It must start first with the Higher Mind to be activated within the Physical Mind as they come together in unison the create the life that you, as the human, desires to experience.
It takes great responsibility to constantly be aware of the vibrational essence that you are experiencing and sending out to another. But it can be achieved and that is why Personal Alchemy starts with the Law of Vibration.
I Am Master Thoth, at your service.
Integrative Channel, Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Note: If you are interested in learning to understand more about raising your vibration to better incorporate the frequencies of the Law of Vibration, join Walking Terra Christa this weekend as Master Thoth gives a more in-depth teaching on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. Pacific. This class can also be accessed as a MP3 AUDIO self-study course. For more details, please see our page CREATE WITH THE LAW OF VIBRATION.
© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages: