CURRENT ENERGIES are very powerful solar winds and light packet activations continuing strongly today for those in these frequency bandwidths here. These "lull" you and are waves of soft high frequency energy that allow for beautiful ease while upgrading and integrating in the waking state. Work is at the flow of silence and allowing. There's no pushing in these. That will change as we move into the full moon gamma laser activations. We will shift from solar waves to powerful particle blasts "rock our worlds" in the most awesome ways. These shake our realities loose, so if there is anything unresolved, these make that visible. This is where we have to Quantum HOP alot and move faster while maintaining peace and stability from inside, make decisions in the moment and utilize the power energy of "doing" all of those awesome creative ideas, inspirations and where we move into accomplishing projects and implementing in our physical reality.
These are POWER energies that activate all that was dormant before. As you bring your higher consciousness energy INTO your body and hold them as WHO YOU ARE NOW, you activate that which used to float around outside in your energy field. As you allow all "lack of purity and love" as it emerges, love will fill your cells and replace those old illusory beliefs once held inside. As you honor the energetic release by way of an emotion or thought, your body holds more light. As you sleep, integration occurs. As you choose, you change your own reality, as you commit, you shift the energy, as you focus your energy and stop wasting, dreams start to materialize in your physical for you. As you break through those old barriers you held in place, as you go deeeeep inside and find the inspiration, the desire, the knowing you already hold, as you cut out distractions of the old, as you invest in you/your journey/your purposes and missions here, as you love your body and you... your entire physical reality starts to change.
It used to take much time for materialization to occur. This was due to the separation between the mind and heart, and the separation of one from their own self AS SOURCE LIGHT. Unification of all of our aspects, all of our existences, all of our everything into this one space allows for instant materialization from intentional vibrations. Because we are in such higher frequency bandwidths now, all thoughts manifest quicker now. Where the barriers between dimensions are gone within, we are in-tune with the other dimensions and they can arrive (materialize) faster for us here. We do not have the delay we used to. We function from our heart and our mind works in conjunction with this.
Focusing the heart and mind together at the same frequency of powerful divine essence love is how we function here. We notice when we delay, when we lose focus, when our heart is not fully open, where we see limits, where we still are believing an old program, allowing distractions to disrupt easy flow, where we are not committed or invested fully. Every moment of this is up to us.
Embodiment requires our presence, dedication, commitment, desire and continually stepping into our higher versions from INSIDE and holding this in our physical realities here. It means BEING that which already are in a higher frequency. It means merging that aspect, all of them, into your physical vessel and knowing your physical body is going to go through a huge upgrade process to hold that light and clear any density out as you do. It meas everything in your physical reality that is not in-alignment vibrationally with your new embodiment must be reviewed and tuned by you. This is how we function as MASTER BEINGS here. WE see all from within and we are the ones that re-program, re-focus, "correct" all by tuning all to the highest frequency possible. We are the ones that continually expand our hearts, minds and energy. Our body is evolving exponentially and it needs our full commitment and love too. It needs sleep, nature and alone time to clear out the old distortions. It needs us to assist it, love it, honor it and give it what it tells us... Our body speaks to us. WE are the ones that have to listen and do.
The lower chakras are going through continual upgrades since 2014. For those that achieved the higher realms before, it takes the lower chakras being activated fully to bring all on line. This is a continual process of the chakra system, the physical body systems, energy systems and all activating, purifying and integrating to higher consciousness continually now.
The CORE of all CHAKRAS and SYSTEMS activated deeper than ever before and we hit the GALACTIC/INNER EARTH core in December, spent January balancing and clearing massive remnants of deep hidden everything. This goes deep into the muscles, teeth, bones, brain and skull these last many years and continues deeper as we go. These have a cycling process of activating, clearing, cleansing, charging and becoming fully functional multi-dimensional and power centers for our physical body here. An integral part of the SYSTEMS that are being brought online to work together as ONE. That which occurs inside also occurs outside and vise versa. It's up to us to WANT TO SEE and UNDERSTAND the correlation and open up to how all truly works here.
Fixed beliefs created fixed realities that must be completely broken down and rebuilt from the inside out. In these frequencies nothing is fixed. Your human aspects die and your body systems that held human separation go through a death too, while your body is on "life support" and sustaining you. With each death of the old, your Crystalline LightBody comes further online. The stronger the human aspects, the more extreme/intense these deaths are. The more separation held, the longer one "holds out" the more "shut down" of systems occurs "together" at one time. Continual attention, love and dedication to your own evolution can completely change this process into a much easier and awesome one. The more separation and resistance energy held, the more the body has to "do" to upgrade itself and hold light.
This is an intricate process where every molecule and star particle holds immense coding for your new realities here. These are activated in every moment through these light activations now. As your little human dies, YOUR TRUE YOU emerges and comes online. Your memories start to return of all that you forgot as you entered the UNCONSCIOUSNESS REALM of the human existence for your chosen experience here. Your body comes FULLY alive. Tingling/energy moving inside stimulates these hidden programs and beliefs. Physical pain or uncomfortable emotions are how these present as they clear the physical body. These frequencies activate that which was dormant and suppressed from all of your existences and is a very important part of this process that the human aspect labels as "something wrong" and tries to fix, which further interferes in the process. The body is intelligent, yet the human does not listen to it. It needs love to thrive and do the work it came here to do. It needs light, sunshine and to be fed life to support it. When the pineal gland, neural pathways and unified field spin is opening and increasing power, the body needs carbs, sugar, wheat, peanut butter, chips, salt, corn, dark chocolate, bananas, seaweed snacks, chlorella, coffee and things that are completely mis-understood. These were previously used to feed lack energy or a dependency, yet now become fuel for the multi-dimensional Star BEing and higher self aspects merging in the physical body form. WE have to pH alkalize our bodies and restore life to our abused, neglected and depleted bodies. The difference is that before we did not have the knowledge to know any better. Now we do. Our experiences give us this knowledge to share with others who are ready to embody all in one physical space here.
Every chakra has a purpose, must be cleansed to be fully open the multi-dimensional vortexes, functioning at full speed, without any blockages, impurities or distortions of the old illusory programs too. This is an intricate process as well. Here are just a few things to assist for those who are working to unify their bodies through love and as light again.
Your entire physical body is going through a complete overhaul and transformation beyond what the human mind can comprehend. One can do this consciously or unconsciously. Both have the same end result. The journey through it is dependent on what we choose and do in every moment here. Distortions must be consciously recognized to integrate the higher frequencies "faster". These have to be completely released for balance to be restored and for all to be a productive force in your physical reality world.
There is a FIRE that ignites in each one of these to fuel your desires from within. This fire can be activated in various ways. As we have entered the Year of the Fire Monkey, get ready for HUGE LEAPS in all of this! Your heart and mind must be fully open and you must function from a relaxed state for this to be "easier" and awesome easy too!
Your DRIVE and INTEGRITY is located in your root chakra. The sexual distortions, security issues and safety mechanisms must be completely cleared. As you do this, your drive is how you accomplish your purposes/missions and fulfill your roles here. Lack of drive, core security/safety mechanisms are held here. God Consciousness is partially activated through this area here.
Your CREATIVITY and NURTURING are based in your Sacral and your NEW Earth Realities are birthed from here. Solar photonic winds will blow your belly up with light codes that integrate during sleep. When you awaken you will have new knowledge, more ideas that you are to PUT INTO ACTION and SHARE to activate others to awaken further to magnificence, magic and brilliance too! Your "gifts" are part of what you programmed your consciousness with to support yourself. If you are not sharing these and getting out there, you will struggle with transitioning to NEW Earth. Mothering energy also comes from here and will have to be purified by releasing the distortions, griefs and lack energy held here.
SOLar Plexus is HUGE for us all. WE ARE THE SUN and this is our power center. Our fears were also anchored between here and our sacral. You will feel heartbeats each time these vortexes activate, further empowering you and pushing out any old programs of lack beliefs too. We need sun, Vitamin D and these are linked to the "feet". Standing in our POWER and BEING a force of Light.
Heart... ahh, the crux of it all. The PORTAL TO OUR DIVINE ESSENCE and as human, we walled up, carried all our pain and lack here too. We sought love from others, protected ourselves through distorted beliefs and all of those walls and protection mechanisms have to come down. Our heart must be PURE AGAIN. All the anger and separation must be allowed to come up and go. Mucous carries this out of the body. Old Energetic beliefs bind to physical matter to leave the body. This is a continual process until the heart remains open all of the time. Then the other two hearts activate and the process goes to the next phase if you will. The Higher Heart (Thymus) and the Depth of the CORE of our BEing is located in that teeny tiny space inside. That teeny tiny space grows (expands) and we walk through and as it the longer we access it and keep it open throughout our days and function from this space at all times. The heart activates all of your systems, crystal and magnificent gifts, powers and realities here. It also opens your pineal gland for you. Open your heart and your muscles relax, your mind opens and vision is returned again.
The THROAT CHAKRA.... Thyroid goes whacko as this comes into alignment and clears old lack/separation out. Honest communication, Divine Expression through LOVE, words transformed into light, and POWER, sharing WISDOM.... all of these things, oh yeah and establishing and maintaining loving strong boundaries where we still have humans in our lives. This goes as we learn (REMEMBER) how to communicate fully again. There is a crystal here too. There are crystals everywhere that have to be activated and these frequencies do this for you.
3rd Eye/PINEAL GLAND.... a MOST IMPORTANT part. Right between the eyebrows, this will fill with light codes (get heavy), which need the mind to shut down (close eyes/rest/sleep) to release. This is ancient knowledge and new vision. The crystal in the center of your brain (Pineal Gland) activates, lights come on inside your head, you can see holographically as this occurs, see in illusions, clear akashic records/filmstrips and all the beliefs/mentalities and emotional energy all in one fell swoop. This activates in total darkness (eye mask or pillow over the head) and sungazing too. When the head is pounding, this is your pineal gland and neural pathways (Universal Corridors) and vortexes activating. Human calls these headaches or migraines. These beats lower and slow as the frequencies raise. This is inner earth and the galactic core that you can hear. The high pitches are the entire universe, your higher selves (YOU), planets, Inner Earth, Stars... you'll hear Morse code, songs, entire celestial events. These tune you and guide you. These are you. Listen to them. Earplugs will enhance them and make the activations stronger to tune you faster too. You can decipher these the more you listen. The keys to the Universe sing for you through these. It's magnificent!!! Use these. They are a huge gift returned.
Crown Chakra/GodHead/Universal Mind and activations AS a Crystal Skull... we used to think we got downloads, and kinda of we did. Yet it was just our energy field activating as we expanded from within. All the tingling is higher vibrational knowledge, code, sequences, geometric shapes and all that we desire that floats right outside of us in our own energy field of consciousness. It's up to us to activate this and bring it all inside, stay expanded so that the abundance, magic and brilliance never ends! Crystals in the bones of the skull activate, the jaw/teeth/skull expand all along the way too. Electromagnetic plasma energy moves through our neural pathways to open up the other 95% of the brain that was closed off when we entered our unconscious experience here. The brain must be expanded continually for this to open up. Observation at all times shifts us from thinking to processing our thoughts like a computer. Because we are! As the physical body raises it's consciousness, and one's perception changes, all moves inside. It was never out there. All was just the higher frequencies we needed to embody through the release of our human'ness for full embodiment here. Our bubble of consciousness expands as we hold all within. It merges with all out there, that hologram a projection that becomes solid in accordance to us and changing in every moment as we move through frequencies in every moment. Adaptability is key here. So is translating everything within our program instantly so that we are acting intentionally as all presents.
Bio-living-organisms, intelligent sentience runs through our cells. Electromagnetic charges, we emit plasmic energy, gamma activates radio active energy inside to kill off the obsolete programs and activate our sleeping cells. Our DNA/RNA is adaptive to our expansion of consciousness and as we merge the frequencies/energy of our aspects, our physical body changes it's own genetic codes to match these new sequences, mathematical equations and geometric codes within us. Each is mutating, shape-shifting and trans-configuring according to your GALACTIC SOUL SIGNATURE that you bring into you from your own field of consciousness, while linking up to the filed of SUPER/ULTRA CONSCIOUSNESS that is available now. The more conscious you are in every nano-second, the more you speed up this process yourself. The more you choose, act and do... the more you honor sleep, the more you move through the perception of fear and lack, the quicker your realities can materialize for you.
Open up loves.... it's always just the beginning and there's always so much more. This writing does not even touch on all that is truly going on inside of you, therefore out there too. You bring forth your existence from inside of you. You do this. Every bit of this. It's all you!
As all truly desire to UNDERSTAND and start to value the knowledge we all share, more will start to open up to share too, for they shall see how important it is for all of humanity and galactic civilizations. See your gifts, that which you have access to already and open up for all. See your own limits, judgments and perceptions. Use everything and shift your support TO ALL NEW EARTH REALITIES. You shall experience YOUR OWN UNIVERSE in every moment now. Collectively those with common interests, desires and dreams and doing energy will come together more as family by that which each contributes from within. See you all along the way! I love you! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
p.s. Photonic light weakens the system to assist with power building from within. Honor your process. Sleep where called and start implementing your creative desires and ideas when you are foggy groggy and as your energy returns more powerful than before! These are power building energies huge.
These blast through realities... so get ready loves. We are preparing for a huge jump and as always, we ain't seen nothing yet. This is a HUGE LEAP of Consciousness for us all. Materialization of the physical faster. The physical body will shift it's activations and we will move from deep inner core reflection, creativity and realization energies to "git'r'done" and massive amounts of stimulating energies running through the body systems to charge, obliterate and scatter particles for faster and more powerful re-alignment with each blast of light that lasers through the body activating all that was hidden deep within. Distorted physical realities go haywire, get more bizarre, louder and more visible when this occurs. Unsettling happens after every particle blast as all constantly re-aligns. Presence will tell you what's going on for you. Expand out from within and pay attention to outside. It tells you whats inside of you or what you have to do to realign, tune and synchronize all yourself.