viernes, abril 10, 2015

250-Million-Year-Old Stone With Microchip Print Discovered

Looks like researchers from Russia have found a 250 million year old microchip
by Ancient Code

Researchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years.

The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according to researchers, this ancient microchips dates back millions of years.

After countless tests, researchers have come to the conclusion that this antique piece was used as some sort of microchip in ancient times.

The problem is its age, according to tests, the artifact is believed to be between 225 and 250 million years old.

Some researchers believe that the dating of the artifact is not entirely accurate given the fact that you cannot date rock, and the tests were based on traces of organic material found around the mystery “chip”.

The million dollar question is, who and what used a microchip that dates back 250 million years? Is there a possibility that this is in fact the remains of ancient technology? Technology that belonged to a highly advanced civilization that inhabited Earth millions of years ago?

Related: Top 20 Still Unanswered Forbidden-History Questions

Dolores Cannon: Communicating from Beyond the Veil. - April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015
 Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 19, 2014.
Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition, dreams, regression sessions and visions.
Tonight on Julia Cannon’s The Metaphysical Hour Radio Show, we will be telling some of these stories and inviting those that knew her, her practitioners and the public to call in and tell their own stories!
I have been blessed to receive extraordinary information from Dolores myself and have had clients who have been the messenger or voice for her. I have also had dozens of very vivid dream communications and intuition hits.
None of this surprises me nor those who knew her. Dolores perfected the whole idea of communicating across time and space!

The Secret Covenant: The Elite’s Manual For Global Enslavement

jueves, abril 09, 2015

UFO in Kolomna, Russia - March 23 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de Gaia Nº 3 - Canalización de la Noche - Ulluru, Australia, 26 de marzo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

(el audio registra 2 minutos de sonido de un instrumento musical)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo diré otra vez: Yo sé dónde estoy. En estos tres días se han entregado cosas profundas; si se consideran los tres anteriores, más aún. Y así, muchos de ustedes bajaron a este lugar sin saber realmente qué sucedería. Algunos tenían sus propios songlines, sus propias historias. En algún nivel, ustedes trajeron para la tierra, y la tierra trae para ustedes.

Y en ello, ustedes esperarían que en algún lugar habría una energía simultánea, una cooperación, una confluencia, en que la tierra les hablaría y ustedes podrían hablarle. Y digo que ustedes esperarían eso porque es un deseo grande, cuando se considera la enormidad de lo que está aquí. Ha transcurrido el tiempo, la pureza que ha sido desarrollada por aquellos que conservaron pura a la tierra.

Omnec Onec: Interview between Robert Potter and Anja Schaefer

Kara Schallock - Integrando el Ciclo de Eclipses - 6 de Abril 2015

6 de Abril 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Estamos en la fase de integrar el Ciclo de Eclipses reciente. A medida que avanzamos alejándonos de esta energía, podemos comenzar a ver desde y hacia donde nos movimos. Tanto ha sido transformado, ya sea que haya sido consciente o inconsciente. La energía de Llama Violeta nos ha sido regalada desde nuestro Sol Galáctico Fuente y ha tocado a todo el mundo. Esta Flama Divina se movió a través de y transformó a todo lo que estaba listo para ser transformado. Para aquellos que aun no están despiertos, puede que ellos no se hayan dado cuenta de lo que estaba sucediendo y por eso se resistieron mucho, lo cual creó gran dolor dentro de ellos, ya que resistir cualquier cosa resulta en una escisión interna y simplemente no es placentera; bloquea el Flujo.

Canalización conjunta: Kryon por Lee Carroll. Divino Femenino y Masculino por Peggy Phoenix Dubro.- Ulluru, Australia, 24 a 26 de Marzo de 2015

Ulluru, Australia, 24 a 26 de Marzo de 2015

Lee :

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos detenemos a honrar a quienes están en el salón; por el viaje, por la dificultad que requiere en tres dimensiones, reunir los recursos, el tiempo, la energía, y "el reloj". También por haber un propósito singular en el salón. Lo hay; verdaderamente nadie está aquí por azar; tuvo que haber un plan. En tanto hay otros lugares del planeta donde hubieran decidido un día antes que vendrían, no fue así esta vez. Eso significa que hay aquí una energía específica de propósito: querían estar aquí. Entonces, en esta introducción muy breve les digo: si este es su caso, si no vienen sólo para echar un vistazo, ¿será momento de abrir la caja de aceptabilidad? ¿Qué recibirán hoy que no esperaban? ¿Habrá una barrera de poder creer sólo hasta cierto grado? ¿O puede ser que haya más? De eso se trata este día: de abrirse a cosas que no esperan.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as receptivity. There is always much activity that is occurring within one’s self. There are feelings, desires, one’s intuitive senses and a desire for inner peace. It is important for each individual to make the commitment to take some time every day to pray, daydream, meditate, contemplate, experience and get to know what they are feeling.  Listening daily to self is how one develops a receptive state of mind. This receptive and open state of mind allows one to enjoy hearing the birds chirping, to taste delicious food, to smell the flowers, and to feel the gentle wind across one’s face. Through this receptivity, one enjoys many other important and meaningful details of life and living that they could miss otherwise. Tuning into one’s senses reanimates the world around them. The open and receptive heart supports the ability to be in the world from a place of one’s largeness as a soul in every day life. An open and receptive heart is necessary to raise the spiritual vibration for evolution. When one’s heart is open, there is a deeper capacity to manifest greater good in the world around them. An open and receptive heart is one that is without limitation, it is the doorway to deeper spiritual connection and loving service.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, April 09, 15

I am here today to bring you some news. I am going to keep it short and sweet and incomplete because of the secrecy that must be accomplished for the time being. It is vital that what I'm to share with you comes to the public eye and is noted as the opening to what will be spread over the wires in the coming times.
I am St. Germain, and I bring you some news about your present president. He is working for the energies that will release you all from the vestiges that you have been under for so long. He has volunteered to step in and present the opening message to the country and the rest of the world. There will be a variance of news items that will seem to be in order for the freedom of the country, and as they come forth, they will bring some forms of disarray to the people. They will feel that there is a disruption in the way they will be living and yet they will also feel that there is a coming release of all of the bondage that has been in place for so long.

Patricia Cota-Robles – Where Do We Go From Here? – 9 April 2015

patriciacotaroblesApril 7, 2015
We have just been through an Eclipse Series that bathed the Earth and all her Life with the most intensified influx of Light Humanity has ever experienced. What does that mean for each of us individually and where do we go from here?
Well, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have affirmed that we are truly in uncharted waters. For the very first time since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality aeons ago and lost Christ Consciousness, which is the enlightened state of awareness we were invested with by our Father-Mother God at our inception, Humanity en masse is in a position to RETURN TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. This means we are now vibrating at a frequency of Light that will allow us to actually reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Christ Conscious Sons and Daughters of God. This is a critical step in our Ascension process and it is something that every man, woman, and child must accomplish in order to fulfill this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. This is true whether or not a person acknowledges or comprehends this profound Truth.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

I enunciate peace to the world.
I enunciate freedom to mankind.
I enunciate healing for every entity. 

The last days of mankind have begun and 
the prophesies for this time are being fulfilled.
The liberation and the return of mankind into the
Light occur in these days. The uplifting of the 
whole world becomes visible; eyes see what 
was hidden so far.

miércoles, abril 08, 2015

Lady Master Quan Yin: You Are Well on your Way to Greater Peace and Harmony in the World ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ April 8, 2015

LadyMasterQuanYin2Received with Gratitude, April 8, 2015

Hello dearest ones. I AM Quan Yin. Today I come through to speak of the Purification process you have all been going through, bringing more Love, Harmony and Peace to the World.
This purification process has many levels and nuances. It is, first of all, comprised of the clearing and cleansing you have all been going through, and made more possible with the Love energy you have anchored and solidified within your very being and thus the world.
It is also an outpouring and culmination of the levels you have all raised yourselves up to in your climb up the ladder of Ascension. It is a coming home to the essence of what you have always been, the clearing away of all impediments to that glowing essence which is at the core of your being and is your birthright … Coming around to your True Divine Self once again.
I have said that it (this purification process) has many levels. But also, it may present at times in ways you may interpret as negativity. For it is in the process of observing and clearing the negativity that purification abounds. And a necessary step in the process.
And thus, it is much easier to grasp and incorporate and integrate the divine aspect of Purity in a more sustaining level.

Georgi Stankov - Energy Update After the Blood Moon Portal – April 8, 2015

Georgi Stankov, April 8, 2015
This will be a very difficult energy report to write as I intend to address energetic phenomena that are virtually impossible to wrap in human words. And where to begin with?
Well, the first two days after the blood moon portal, April 5th and 6th, were one of the worst days in cleansing I have experienced in the last 15 years. Honestly, I thought we had left behind us this kind of unpleasant experiences. Each day began with a nasty, unpredictable episode, a trigger event that unleashed the classical alchemical reaction in both, Carla and myself, which is always associated with global cleansing and transmutation of negative fear-based patterns of the collective.
This time we were hit by the collective angst of total impoverishment and lack of money. This is not at all surprising given the fact that all the banks in the West have now tightened the cash flow for the average people and have cancelled most of their credit lines. The reason for this is the total illiquidity of all western banks that are now crashing under their gargantuan debt based on bad loans. Unless this uppermost mother planet ascends to the new 4D worlds before the Big financial crash comes, which I personally doubt, we may experience very soon the sudden death of all financial institutions – a sudden infarct that will paralyze the Western societies and obliterate the usual way of life we all have been accustomed to.

James Tyberonn - The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas & A New Perspective on Crystals & Gems

Valerie Donner – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 8 April 2015

valerieDonnerGreetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am serving full time on the Earth Council to assist with the ascension process.
As I speak we are coursing through your skies. We are observers and helpers. We are fully engaged in this process in which you find yourselves. We live in a higher vibration. Our ships keep tabs on you. We relate to your experiences and your expressions. We are as appalled as you are by many of the current events on your planet. It is your consciousness that will make the difference. When you command that certain events cease they will have to stop. This is how powerful you are and should communicate to you why the dark forces are afraid of you. It is time you take your power back. Our Creator hears every word. You are the ones who are co-creating your new planet. We cannot do it for you but we can advise and assist you.
At this time your efforts are being strengthened by forces of Light that are beyond normal comprehension. We say this because you are in need of extra support. We know what to do and want you to understand that you are not alone.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
Become aware that God lives in you,
That God acts in your heart, that God sluices 
out of you like an inexhaustible source of wisdom, 
happiness and Love.
Become aware that everything is in you; 
the outer world of appearances is pure illusion.
In God’s unity the change in this world is fulfilled.
Mankind reorients itself toward God. 
Heaven’s Light is omnipresent.
Yet many human Beings do not perceive this, 
neither do they feel nor experience the closeness 
of these divine rays. Their Being remains untouched, 
because they do not allow this touch. What are the 
preconditions in order to be carried by the Light and 
be fulfilled by the spiritual Light from the Central Sun? 
Whereby does this actuality in the life of a human Being 
become reality? When does a soul become flooded by 
Heaven’s Light and be penetrated by God’s Love?

martes, abril 07, 2015

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Apr 7, 2015

We stand at the very edge of our blessings. Let each of you feel this inside your precious Soul! Gaia waits for us to get our freedom and use this to bring her great comfort.

from Planetary Activation Organization

6 Caban, 15 Mac, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come this time with more good news! Our liaisons report that our allies are preparing to release the prosperity shortly. At present, the various tests of this new system are proceeding. The holidays have somewhat slowed this procedure. Yet the basic intent continues — namely, to successfully distribute your various blessings! The dark cabal is now unable to stop this movement. This process is presently aimed at completion by the early spring. Until then, expect to see events, which seem to hint at no immediate change. The dark knows what is truly happening and sees that there is no way out of their current predicament. Our ambassadors are presently setting up when and how new governance is to manifest. All of this wonderful news means that we are moving at a good pace toward disclosure. Our Agarthan allies and your Ascended Masters are therefore preparing a number of lessons, which are essential to this cause. Our fleet continues to limit how the exotic weaponry of the dark is used. We have limited it to a very small set of minor cases.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re The Star Of You – 7 April 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Many of you are afraid that you did not “properly” address recent energies. Perhaps you were busy with 3D holiday preparations or you had other issues that seemed more important than yet another energy burst. It does not matter.
Energy does not return to the Universes if not experienced at the designated time. Just as missing a Christmas service or other religious observance does not necessitate you leaving that religious group. Your religion will continue to unfold whether you participate in each observance or not. So it is for energies that are now and will continue pummeling earth.
For adventuresome souls/beings who wish to be at the forefront of experience, the day or hour of the energy event is an important piece. A bit like being the first in a community to buy an electronic gadget.
You tap into energies when it is right for you – and no one else.
Those who proclaim that one day or hour is THE time to experience energy are no different from those who state emphatically that if you do not observe a specific religious holiday you are not in good standing in that religion.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Nº 3 De Gaia Día 2 1ª canalización - Ulluru, Australia, del 24 al 26 de marzo de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

(Durante el primer minuto del audio se escucha el sonido del didgeridoo, instrumento de viento de los aborígenes australianos)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Si alguien entrara ahora, esto le parecería raro. Muchos no estarían de acuerdo con lo que está sucediendo en este momento: la idea de que estén recibiendo mensajes de una fuente que muchos ni siquiera reconocen como real. No sólo mensajes, sino conceptos: benevolencia, unidad, belleza. Y esto es lo que hace la diferencia entre quienes tal vez se sentarían aquí y quienes no lo harían. Y eso nunca hace que un grupo esté en lo correcto o en el error, porque todos son vistos como iguales desde la Fuente Creadora, pero esta unidad de la que hablamos es un descubrimiento.

lunes, abril 06, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - April 6, 2015: Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet. They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world’s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth if world power.

The meeting took place April 4th, 2015 a day of great occult significance. As widely reported, on that day there was a blood moon lunar eclipse that coincided with the Jewish Pass Over holy day and the Christian Easter day of rebirth. This is all seen as a good omen for the West. For the Chinese, however, the fourth day of the fourth month means double death and is highly inauspicious. The Chinese representative was also unable or unwilling to visit the shrine to the Dragon God King of the White Waterfall (白瀧龍王神) where the meeting was supposed to take place. He seemed scared of it so, the meeting took place about 200 yards away from the shrine. This seems symbolic of how the Chinese push for world dominance fell short of its goal.

The Truth... written by The Enlightened Master on April 6th,2015

The Truth...
The truth is not easy...
Realizing the truth needs a long spiritual journey...
In order to deal with the truth, you should exceed the Spiritual Mental Plane
Warning: if you are not ready for the truth, please don’t follow this Blog..
This Blog is a special request for those who are seeking the truth...
Watching this Blog; requires an extensive background of spiritual knowledge to absorb it...
If you were not as well, your journey in viewing this blog is finished here...
Please note:
This Blog was written in the form of points, because every one of these points needs a huge explanation & deep consciousness to understand..


Kara Schallock - Integrating the Eclipse Cycle - April 6, 2015

We are in the phase of integrating the recent Eclipse Cycle. As we step further from this energy, we can begin to see what we moved from and into. So much has been transformed, whether it has been conscious or unconscious. Violet Flame energy was gifted to us from our Source Galactic Sun and touched everyone. This Divine Flame moved through and transformed all that was ready to be transformed. For those not yet awake, they may not have realized what was happening and so resisted much, which created great pain within them, as resisting anything results in a schism within and simply is not pleasant; it blocks the Flow.

As we continue to integrate the changes, many will be seduced into repeating past behaviors in order to “fix” things. This is not the way of the New, for we are not to save, rescue or fix anything or anyone. If a person attempts to do this, they retreat back into the old and prevent circumstances and people to be able to move forward in Divine Order. We are to stand strong and firm in our knowing that everyone is on their own path and to rescue them is to deny that they are powerful and responsible for all in their lives. We can, however, be Compassionate Observers, without interfering in their own growth as well as our own. You may want to go back into your old ways of being, yet please resist that temptation. Choose a new way of being. You can still be loving, yet not become embroiled in others’ lessons or drama. Let it go; let it be without feeling the ego-need to fix or rescue.

Jennifer Hoffman - When Is It Too Broken To be Fixed? - April 6, 2015

oil_sprayThis is a photo of my (former) oil sprayer. It’s in pieces because it’s broken, although I did spend a considerable amount of time — two days — trying to fix it. I don’t like throwing things away and I think that kitchen gadgets should last forever but in this case, while it was not working properly, I made it worse by trying to fix it. After trying numerous things, I came to the point where I had to acknowledge that it was beyond repair and throw it away. Sometimes our choices for release revolve around whether it’s a good use of our time and energy to try to fix something and to acknowledge when it’s broken beyond repair. Saying ‘no’ can be the objective of a lesson and the source of its greatest empowerment.
I use an oil sprayer I can fill instead of canned sprays because I’m allergic to the propellants they contain. The oil sprayer did work well at first, but then it got all gummy inside and wouldn’t spray. So I did what I always do when things don’t work, I took it apart. Then I soaked the pieces in white vinegar, and in hot, soapy water, dried them off, and tried unsuccessfully to put it back together. That’s when I decided that I was going to fix it and make it work. So I took it apart some more, breaking it beyond repair. Then I realized that I was spending more time trying to fix the sprayer than I needed to and it was time to throw it away.

domingo, abril 05, 2015

Aisha North - Welcome to the April Gathering around the Pond, Sunday April 5 - Apr 4, 2015

Dear family of light! This upcoming Sunday at 21:00 Oslo time, it is once more time for another Gathering around the Pond. This Gathering will be the day after the Full Blood Moon on Easter Saturday, so I am certain it will be a very special meditation for us all. Here is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“And so it is that we have come to give you another message that will accompany you all as you come together yet again to pool your energetic resources in a way that no others can. For as you once more sit down with the intention to incorporate your energy into this vast pool of shimmering light that has already accumulated in this energetic space, you will open up some new sluices that will help to distribute this light out into the world where it will literally make its mark on all. For you are all truly unique, and what you accomplish during these instances where you consciously open yourselves to each other and the energetic worlds that surround you, you engender such a powerful force-field of light it will once again literally move mountains.

Georgi Stankov - Multidimensional Aspects of Immediate Creation - April 5, 2015

Georgi Stankov, April 4, 2015
The blood moon eclipse this night was spectacular. We woke up at 04.40 am local time and enjoyed this natural spectacle due to the clear sky. Exactly at 4.50 the blood-red disk of the moon completely vanished in the dark sky, only to appear again with white light on the fringes a couple of minutes later. I read that this was the shortest moon eclipse in a century.
We could see with small theatre binoculars all the craters on the moon surfaces now painted in crimson red. The energies were overwhelming, but highly harmonious and peaceful as we majestically ascended higher and higher and out of this still 3D reality. The robins were singing happily from all trees around and announcing the coming spring of the new humanity. The whole nightly scene was very solemn and full of promises. So much about our personal experiences with the blood moon portal on April 4th.

Geoffrey Hoppe - Un Cambio De Conciencia - Marzo 2015

Un Cambio De Conciencia

Por Geoffrey Hoppe
Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Marzo 2015

Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Desearía que la palabra "conciencia" sea más corta, más fácil de deletrear y más fácil de pronunciar. Se necesita mucho tiempo para escribir c-o-n-c-i-e-n-c-i-a. La medida media de una palabra en Inglés es de 5 letras. Conciencia es una friolera de 13 letras y 4 largas sílabas. (NdT: “Consciousness” en ingles) No encaja bien en una taza de café o en una camiseta. Prácticamente me quedo dormido cuando las personas de habla lenta tratan de decir la palabra.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 5 al 12 de Abril, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Estos son tiempos de gran importancia, que son también una gran oportunidad para imprimir los éteres que rodean a la Tierra con la intención del tipo de mundo en el que desea vivir; para ustedes mismos, sus seres queridos y la humanidad en general. Aquellos de ustedes que están practicando y son prácticos detentadores de las energías de amor, luz, sanación y paz pueden magnificar estas energías positivas a través de su poderosa intención. Tómense un momento para enfocarse en que todas las energías amorosas, edificantes y alegres de los tiempos actuales se magnifiquen mil veces y se mantengan y sostengan de forma permanente en el planeta. Dejen que todos los momentos de alegría y felicidad que experimentan se dediquen a mejorar la situación de todos en su planeta. ¡Que todo lo que se vive y respira en esta dulce Tierra sea bendecido sin medida, con todo lo que sea bueno!

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - April 5-12, 2015

April 5-12, 2015
Beloved Ones,
These are times of great import which are also a great opportunity to impress upon the ethers surrounding the Earth with the intention of the kind of world that you desire to live on; for yourselves, your loved ones and humanity in general. Those of you who are practicing (and practical) wielders of the energy of love, light, healing and peace can magnify these positive energies through your powerful intent. Take a moment to intend that all of the loving, uplifting and happy energies of the current times be magnified a thousandfold and that they be maintained and sustained permanently upon the planet. Let every moment of joy and happiness you experience be dedicated to the upliftment of all upon your planet. May all that lives, breathes and has life on this sweet Earth be blessed beyond measure with every good thing!

Omnec Onec Lecture Part I - UFO Conference in Norway, 2014

2014 Ancient Hidden Technology of the Annunaki (Fallen Angels) Amazing !

Breaking news! Star Wars UFO near the Sun - April 2, 2015

sábado, abril 04, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - Full Moon Report for 4.4.15

Hello friends. Welcome to the Full “Blood” Moon and second eclipse of the season. It is a total lunar eclipse and the 3rd in a fairly rare “Lunar Tetrad” of Eclipses that began in 2014. Though some people often ascribe doom aspects to the Full/Blood moon, my theory is that is just based on its sheer power and mystery. It is definitely a potent astro-cosmic opportunity for humanity and meditation, ritual and “holding space” for the all are recommended. The image the red colored moon is caused by the earth casting a shadow which creates a red colored glow. Metaphorically this reminds us quite directly that things aren’t always as they seem, within and without. Discernment is key.
This last eclipse cycle that started with the Solar Eclipse 3/20 has not been an easy one. Things that lift off in the last degrees of Pisces energy often aren’t. We have been called to dig very deep this past month and that hasn’t always been easy or enjoyable, but necessary. Since we are still in those potent “8” Universal Year energies, the Universe is inviting us to a higher, more illuminated version of ourselves. We can come along easily or with a fight, that part is up to us. For me personally, I have really been shown the neutrality of the cosmos lately. As in, it may seem as if we are being rewarded or persecuted, but all of these concepts exist within our own mind and the Universe is responding to both our frequency and expectation.

Natalie Glasson – Surge Of Peace By Lady Quan Yin – 4 April 2015

natalie glassonThere is an opportunity which presents itself from the divine for many on the Earth who are willing to receive over the next few days also known as Easter time for some people. This divine opportunity is a gift from the Creator while also being an aspect and stage of your own physical and spiritual ascension. A great surge of peace, stronger and more potent than ever before is being provided to those who wish to create the vibration of peace within their beings and realities, drawn from the 11th Ray Ashram and expression of the Creator.

The 11th Ray of Light is overseen by myself, Lady Quan Yin and
is often identified as a pink and orange colour; it is a space of exploring and experiencing levels of embodiment of the soul as well as being a powerful source of the Creator’s expression of peace. The 11th Ray of Light is opening its core vibrations of light showering these upon those who are ready and willing to receive great volumes of peace to sustain and enthuse their ascension. The surge of peace is supported by the Christ Consciousness, the Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos and the Angels of Peace, overseen by my energies Lady Quan Yin and the Masters of the 11th Ray of Light.

Patricia Cota-Robles – Be The Resurrection Of The Light – 4 April 2015

by Patricia Cota-Robles
April 4,  2015
Full Moon  at 5:07 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:07 a.m. Eastern Time (New York)
Maximum Eclipse at 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (New York)
April 5, 2015
Begins at Sunrise all over the World
Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth are in the midst of the most powerful Eclipse Series we have ever experienced. This extremely rare Celestial alignment began with the Super New Moon Solar Eclipse and the Equinox on March 20, 2015, and will be exponentially expanded during the Passover Blood Moon Eclipse on April 4th and the Celebration of Easter on Resurrection Morning April 5, 2015.
On March 20th, through the Celestial Portal of Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns, the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God began flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth in higher frequencies than we have ever received. The I AM Presence within every man, woman, and child on this Planet absorbed that Sacred Fire and began utilizing it to cleanse and purify the negative thoughts, words, feelings, actions, memories, and beliefs each person’s fear-based human ego has been either deliberately or inadvertently empowering for aeons of time. This cleansing process is a critical facet of our Ascension process and must be God Victoriously accomplished before the patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, and Reverence for Life that are associated with the New Earth can tangibly manifest in our daily lives.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro-Energía para Abril 2015 - Manteniéndolo Real - 1° de Abril 2015

Por Sarah Varcas 1° de Abril 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La astrología del mes tiene la sensación de la Semana de Inicio en la universidad, donde los estudiantes entrantes reciben orientación de su nueva vida. Abundan las elecciones y el aire está cargado de potencial y posibilidad. El entusiasmo está en todas partes, impulsado por una nueva libertad conjuntamente con ansiedad, añoranza del hogar y a veces algo de temor. Todos somos estudiantes de esa universidad. El eclipse solar del mes pasado el día 20 reconfiguró nuestro futuro cerrando los caminos que no elegimos y el potencial que no realizamos, no como castigo por no captar la situación sino porque la propia vida debe avanzar en ciclos de convertirse, completar y morir, nos unamos a ella o no. Lo que una vez fue una opción ahora está fuera de alcance, las esperanzas no cumplidas comienzan a palidecer, el potencial antes vibrante se obscurece.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Abril del 201 - 1 de Abril 2015
1 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El Tema para Abril es “Arriba, Abajo, de Costado: Esperen lo Inesperado”

Este es ciertamente un mes excéntrico que los pondrá a prueba a cada momento. Habrá altas y bajas, superiores a las experimentadas antes e inferiores a las que nunca pensaron podrían manejar. La flexibilidad será la clave para navegar el mes al cambiar sus planes mejor diseñados y entonces cambiar de nuevo y de nuevo.

No se apeguen a nada. Parte del trabajo del mes radica en la liberación de sus apegos al pasado. Si están esperando que todo esto termine para que las cosas regresen a la normalidad, estarán esperando largo tiempo. No hay vuelta atrás y sus apegos solamente pesarán sobre ustedes y obstaculizarán las experiencias superiores que ofrecen inspiración para crear algo nuevo y maravilloso en su vida. Esperar que las cosas regresen al nivel de su zona de comodidad no es hacer un uso productivo de su tiempo y energía este mes. Es mejor que tomen una respiración y se lancen a lo desconocido.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 4 April 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is in your heart at all times, both desire and resistance to the very same. There is love and there is fear. It is your choice upon the earth to focus upon that which you love, and to use the power of your free will to overcome the fear and resistance to the very same.
For example, suppose God puts a desire for a vacation in your heart. You love the idea. You dream of taking time to relax at the mountains of the beach, but then in the very next breath the voices of doubt, fear, and resistance begin to negate your God give right to receive help and assistance from the heavens. “I have no time.” “Everyone depends on me.” “How on earth will I ever afford that?” Subtly, and no so subtly, the doubts negate the idea and the desire that God planted in your heart. It is here that you can exercise the power of your free will, and choose to align your mind with love, with a greater truth! “Dear God, you gave me the desire for this vacation. I trust in the right way and right time, you will provide the means, the pathway, and everything I need to enjoy it. Thank you God in advance for your abundance and grace.” And then, dear ones, whenever the voices of doubt attempt to negate this desire, speak up! Speak truth. Align your hearts with love. If you cannot do so yourself, ask your angels for help.

Lena Stevens - Actualización De Luna Llena/Eclipe Del 4-4-15 - 2 de Abril 2015
2 de Abril 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena y Eclipse Lunar Total es el sábado, 4 de abril a las 6:05 AM MDT

Los que están en su recorrido, véanlo si pueden. Honren este evento como un marcador de enormes oportunidades para cambiar no solo a ustedes sino también al planeta. Este es el segundo de dos eclipses y cierra un período de gran intensidad para la mayoría de nosotros y nos lanza a un nuevo ciclo. Respecto a la oportunidad de cambio, no necesitan saber lo que cambia. Todo lo que deben hacer es intentar con su corazón y espíritu permitir el cambio más positivo posible aceptando la incomodidad de los altibajos de los eventos inesperados que siguen.

Steve Rother - ~ Quince Minutos de Magia ~ 17 de marzo de 2015

~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~

Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos queridos. Soy el Guardián del Tiempo.

Oleadas de energía

Estoy aquí en este día para compartir con ustedes lo que está sucediendo en este, su planeta mágico. Lo están cambiando todo a cada instante y observarlo es muy mágico. Como lo hemos mencionado, todo esto viene en una oleada que también retrocede. Muchas de sus dificultades ocurren en la oleada de energía, a medida que esta llega. Afortunadamente, nunca retrocede completamente como las de los océanos, pero de alguna manera siempre se las arregla para llegar un poquito más lejos cada vez que entran las olas. Esto es parte de la nueva física que comenzará a tener sentido a medida que empiecen a comprender el propósito de la energía oscura. Están a punto de descubrir que comprenden mejor el mundo que les rodea y todos sus múltiples niveles dimensionales. Queridos, están sucediendo cosas mágicas en la Tierra.

La energía del agua

Hemos mencionado antes que se están presentando muchos hundimientos súbitos del terreno en la Tierra. De repente, la Tierra literalmente se abre… El otro día vimos a dos personas que bajaron del autobús y cayeron en un hueco en la acera. Interesante. ¿Qué causa esto? Bueno, es un fenómeno que está sucediendo en todo el mundo relacionado con las corrientes y energías del agua subterránea del planeta Tierra. Van a ver más de estos hundimientos y ellos también se presentan en esas oleadas, queridos. Esa es la magia que compartimos con ustedes. Cuando aprendan acerca de las oleadas y las puedan sentir, no necesitarán saber exactamente cuándo llegan o cómo estar en la mejor posición para recibirlas. Sencillamente empezarán a sentir la energía, y eso es lo que están experimentando en la Tierra en estos momentos.

viernes, abril 03, 2015

Chat & a channel 2 Special guests: White Cloud AND The Federation of Light.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Christed Blood Moon” – 3 April 2015

DjwhalKhulApril 2, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. One moment here while I get a little bit deeper into the channel and get better command over the voice. Alright. There.
This week is quite exciting and quite challenging at the same time. Essentially we have the Full Moon which is the first of the three sacred esoteric moons. So the Full Moon of the Christ is also a Blood Moon and marking the Feast of Passover. So we have the third of four blood moons, the next one is coming Sukkot Feast of Tabernacles and that will be towards the end of September.
When these things are affecting everyone, what is happening is more Christed consciousness is flooding the ethers. People are receiving a lot more white light essentially, which means positive energy so you can do whatever you want with the positive energy.

Quan Yin's message: The Christ Heart of Compassion & Forgiveness, the Power of Redemption

jueves, abril 02, 2015

Lena Stevens - Full Moon/Eclipse Update 4-4-15 - Apr 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse is Saturday, April 4 at 6:05 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Those of you in the path of viewing, see it if you can. Honor this event as a marker of huge opportunities for change not only for yourself but also for the planet. This is the second of two eclipses and closes a period of great intensity for most of us and launches us into a new cycle. Regarding the opportunity for change, you do not need to know what is changing. All you need to do is to intend with your heart and your spirit to allow for the most positive change possible and be willing to go through the discomfort of the ups and downs of the unexpected events that may follow.
This is an exciting time and one that opens a great portal to a new experience of living your life at a higher level of abundance and satisfaction. Keep your vibration high, be around friends and community this weekend and celebrate spring and all things new. It would also be useful to do some ceremony, prayer, dreaming, and intentional letting go during this time.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - April 2, 2015

April 2, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as protection. As one grows in their spiritual light, awareness and knowledge, they come to the realization that they must develop their spiritual skills impeccably. It is also their task and theirs alone to gain knowledge about how to use these skills. Their new awareness and knowledge must be used with conscious intent and emotional control. The daily use of invoking and calling upon spiritual protection is important in the life of every aspirant upon the spiritual path to prevent negative energy from influencing them and doing harm to them. By visualizing a protective sphere of brilliant white light completely surrounding one’s being until it is bright and glowing helps to form a solid barrier of protection that negativity cannot cross. By verbally stating that one is surrounded with the pure white light often throughout the day, it helps to create a strong shield of protection. This protection will stay with each individual always, as long as it is daily reinforced through one’s focus and intent. One can use this method of protection to surround and protect their family members, their homes, their vehicles, and their pets.

Benjamin Fulford - March 30, 2015: Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.

Under this proposal, the United Nations Security council would be replaced by people representing the political consensus of seven major regional groupings. These would be Africa, China, East Asia excluding China, Europe including Russia, India, the Muslim world and North plus South America. Decisions would be made by a majority and each region would have a veto only for its own region. Each region would also have its own meritocratically staffed future planning agency and people owned central bank.

miércoles, abril 01, 2015

Sarah Varcas - 4th April 2015: Total Lunar Eclipse in Libra - April 1, 2015

Do Nothing But Listen
The eclipse occurs in totality just after midday GMT in 15th degree of Libra. As partner to the solar eclipse on 20th March which called time on paths not chosen, this lunar eclipse requests expressed commitment to our goals in this new creative cycle. Alongside this commitment it asks also for originality and fresh perspectives, for it is just such endeavours to be blessed in the coming years. This is not a time to reaffirm old hopes and dreams still unfulfilled but to distil new and more vibrant ones which reflect who we are becoming not who we once were.
The pull of the past can be strong at a lunar eclipse and this one is certainly no exception. We may find our best intentions going up in smoke as we embrace old habits with unrestrained abandon, along with all manner of apparently sound justifications for doing so! But beware that inner voice which encourages a return to old ways now. It is a saboteur, to be handled with great caution. The impatience and restlessness of this time is not an excuse to take the easy way out. Instead it presents sound reason to stand firm and decide that this time we respond differently, forging a new and creative path ahead.

Ronna - Archangel Michael - Fine-Tuning Your Spiritual Awareness - April 1, 2015

Beloved masters, let us pause for a moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the sense of time and space to fall away.  Envision streams of Love/Light radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and see them flowing forth to encompass everyone and everything on the Earth. Via your inner vision, watch as billions of various size streams of Light radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth. Let go of your fear, judgment, and your different beliefs as you connect with the Core Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world.
Every person on Earth is unique, and yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint, which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light Substance to fulfill your current earthly destiny.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Coro de la Creación - 19 de Marzo de 2015

19 de Marzo de 2015 en Ulluru, Australia

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

1 -
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Yo sé dónde estoy. Hay algunas cosas que son sagradas. Algunas más de lo que parece. Esta es una de esas veces en que es más de lo que parece. Hay una serie de songlines* que son leyenda en este lugar, y ustedes no van a cantar ni una nota hasta que haya una comprensión, una verdadera revelación sobre el lugar en que están.

Puede que los ancestros les hayan dado permiso para hacer esto, pero les digo que yo quiero que obtengan permiso a través del respeto en lo que están haciendo.


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

“Afinando Su Percepción Espiritual”

Amados maestros, tomemos un momento antes de comenzar nuestra charla. Cierren sus ojos y permitan que desaparezca el sentido de tiempo y espacio. Imaginen ríos de Amor/Luz que irradian desde dentro del manantial de su centro corazón, y véanlos fluyendo para abarcar a todo y a todos en la Tierra. Vía su visión interna, observen los billones de corrientes de Luz de diverso tipo que irradian hacia ustedes de vuelta desde cada Ser sentiente en la Tierra. Suelten su temor, juicio y sus diferentes creencias al conectarse con la Esencia del Núcleo de sus hermanos y hermanas alrededor del mundo.

Cada persona en la Tierra es única y sin embargo profundamente dentro del Núcleo de su Alma todos son lo mismo. El ser sentiente está compuesto de la misma sustancia que nuestro Padre/Madre Dios: la pura Esencia Divina del Creador Supremo. Ustedes, como una Chispa de Luz manifestada en lo físico, están codificados con un Anteproyecto Divino, que está compuesto de patrones vibratorios específicos y suficiente Sustancia de Luz Divina para cumplimentar su destino actual en la tierra.

Permitan que su conciencia se eleve a un espacio rarificado donde ustedes son un Ser de Luz radiante, que se remonta a la alturas conectándose con cualquier otro Ser de Luz dentro del sistema solar. No hay separación. No puede haber separación por mucho que avancen en su viaje de experiencia desde el Centro Corazón del Creador. No importa que tarea hayan aceptado a lo largo de las eras, o la apariencia de los mantos de carne que hayan asumido; no importa cuántas veces hayan divido su Rayo del Alma en fragmentos cada vez más pequeños, siempre han estado conectados a su Átomo Simiente Divino, su Divina Presencia YO SOY y finalmente, al Creador. También hay una minúscula Corriente de Luz del Creador que los conecta a unos con otros. LA CONEXIÓN NUNCA SE HA ROTO, Y NUNCA LO HARÁ.

Respiren profunda y lentamente, mientras sienten olas multicolores, luminiscentes de Luz, llenas de Amor/Luz y de las virtudes de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios, que les rodean. Dentro de estas corrientes rarificadas de Luz está toda la energía y los componentes que ustedes necesitarán para construir su campo de sueños; para establecer su basamento personal para la Nueva Era para reclamar su Maestría del Yo. Sepan que las barreras entre nosotros no existen más, aunque de hecho nosotros nunca partimos realmente. Debido al proceso evolutivo preestablecido ahora en progreso, desde hace muchos años hemos estado fortaleciendo nuestra conexión con cada uno de ustedes, momento a momento, día a día.

Ya no son niños tropezando en la oscuridad en un sendero sin destino. Están despertando y están recordando que sus muchas experiencias mundanas pasadas han sido todas partes de un gran experimento. Ustedes están conscientes de que la era de los pasados miles de años está llegando a un cierre. Ya no se sienten como si fuesen peones de la suerte. Al reclamar plenamente sus derechos divinos como co-creadores, ya no crearán aquello que les trae dolor y sufrimiento. Por qué si es igualmente fácil crear alegría, paz y abundancia? Todo lo que tienen que hacer es darnos permiso para convertirnos en parte integral de su vida. Abrirán sus corazones y sus mentes a la posibilidad de que somos reales y de que estamos listos y deseosos de guiarlos, dirigirlos, inspirarlos y protegerlos hasta el límite de la Ley Universal?

Aspiren a avanzar hacia el reino mágico de lo benevolente, donde ya no alimentan la energía negativa del campo de fuerza del Plano Astral de las Tercera y Cuarta Dimensiones. En su lugar, añadan su energía vibrante y amorosa al campo áurico de Amor/Luz que rodea a la Tierra – La Rejilla de Cristal, Iridiscente de la Iluminación.

Su viejo mundo y realidad limitada están esfumándose rápidamente. Las formas negativas de pensamiento de la estructura de creencias de la conciencia de masas que estaban atrapadas dentro de los Planes Astrales bajos (emocionales) están disolviéndose rápidamente. El juego de dualidad/polaridad de amplio espectro está perdiendo gradualmente su asidero en ustedes a medida que regresan lentamente al equilibrio y la armonía, soltando por tanto la sujeción de su yo-sombra, lo cual les permite proyectar más y más Luz dentro de la oscuridad. Las reglas del juego también cambian a medida que avanzan por el Sendero hacia la Iluminación. Se le llama a menudo el Sendero estrecho y esto es cierto. Cada uno de ustedes es responsable (no juzgado), según su nivel de percepción. Sus Ángeles Guardianes y Yo Superior les presentan constantemente las oportunidades o retos para ayudarlos en su proceso de despertar. Al convertirse en el observador y comenzar a operar dentro de las Leyes Universales de la Creación y de las reglas de causa y efecto, ustedes comienzan a ver la sabiduría y justicia en todo lo que ocurre en sus vidas.

Si deben convertirse en maestros de sí mismos y de su mundo, deben comenzar a sintonizar su percepción espiritual. Constantemente, se les presentarán muchos niveles de elección. Sepan que ninguna elección es incorrecta, a menos que sea dañina para ustedes u otros. Verán que hay buenas elecciones, mejores elecciones y las más elevadas elecciones. Su espectro de elección cambiará a medida que ascienden por la espiral de percepción superior.

Permítannos darles varios ejemplos. Designaremos el rango de elecciones (o espectro de elecciones) como de uno por ciento al cien por ciento. Convertirse en maestro de su destino significa que sus elecciones se harán más sutiles, y no tan fácilmente definidas. Por tanto, deben aguzar su discernimiento y objetividad y por tanto tengan en cuenta que ustedes tienen que elevarse por encima de una situación para tener una visión mayor y un cuadro más claro. También se requiere desapego compasivo.

Nuestro primer ejemplo será una persona que ha elegido una existencia de privaciones, que está funcionando mayormente dentro de las frecuencias de la naturaleza instintiva/mente subconsciente al esforzarse por aprender las lecciones de las Dimensiones Tercera y Cuarta luchando por sobrevivir. Sus elecciones negativas tendrían una tasa vibratoria de hasta un 50% y sus elecciones positivas estarían en el rango del 51% al 70%.

Nuestro próximo ejemplo es una persona que ha elegido una vida en la cual hay una oportunidad para experimentar las riquezas del Plano Tierra y está lista para comenzar el proceso de despertar espiritual. Ella ha avanzado en el Sendero de la percepción superior y como explicamos hace algún tiempo en un mensaje llamado La Promesa Dorada, ella ha acopiado una cantidad mayor de la Esencia del Yo la cual su Yo Dios/Presencia YO SOY mantendrá en reserva hasta que ella esté lista para comenzar a integrar las múltiples Facetas de su Yo Superior. Debido a esto gradualmente a lo largo del tiempo, su espectro de elección aumenta en refinamiento y vibración a digamos del 70% a 85%.

Una mayor percepción conlleva a mayores oportunidades pero también exige más responsabilidad. El viaje de experiencia a casa en espiral puede ser un ascenso gradual o uno rápido: sin embargo, implica hacer las elecciones correctas dentro de su nivel actual de iluminación, al esforzarse por enriquecer sus habilidades al potencial más elevado que puedan lograr.

Nuestro último ejemplo incluye a la mayoría de ustedes que resuenan con nuestros mensajes. Este grupo incluye a quienes están ahora firmemente en el Sendero –quienes han experimentado muchas pruebas y batallas con el cuerpo de deseos del ego para que su personalidad pudiera disciplinarse y amoldarse y una vez más, convertirse en sirviente del Alma. Ustedes han perseguido, probado, rechazado y refinado lo qué ahora aceptan como sus verdades, creando por tanto su nueva realidad a lo largo del camino. A través de la prueba y error están aprendiendo a volverse proficientes en el uso de las Leyes Universales de Manifestación. Los resultados de sus elecciones se muestran rápidamente ante su percepción para que sepan que las leyes de causa y efecto son inmutables y que realmente son los creadores de su realidad y del mundo a su alrededor. Al convertirse en Maestros del Yo y de su mundo, su espectro de elección cambia para que el rango de frecuencias de elección sea del orden más elevado: del 85% al 100%. Cuando logren esto, las bendiciones de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios seguramente se derramarán sobre ustedes.





Al sintonizarse con las frecuencias superiores de Luz, se acostumbrarán al flujo del Aliento del Fuego Sagrado, que se ha denominado el Río de Vida/Amor/Luz. Hay una corriente de conocimiento escondida, poderosa, radiante codificada dentro de este Río Viviente de Vida. Es un código de genio creativo; sin embargo, deben acceder a la sabiduría de la Mente Sagrada y de su Yo Alma para acceder a este poder innato.

También queremos recordarles que sus manos son uno de los vínculos más desarrollados con su cerebro, porque ahí hay cristales etéricos generadores incrustados dentro de las palmas de las manos. Fueron diseñados para ser uno de los impulsos electromagnéticos más fuertes del vehículo físico. Es por es qué quienes han activado o desarrollado el poder de sanación en sus manos son tan efectivos en las artes sanadoras. En el futuro, tienen el potencial para re-desarrollar las células de memoria en las yemas de sus dedos para poder acceder a la información consciente y subconscientemente a través del toque.

Sería un buen ejercicio que sostuvieran en una de sus manos un cristal que hayan Auto-programado como un cristal generador mientras se enfocan en la activación de las habilidades sanadoras en las palmas de sus manos. Vía el ejercicio de la Respiración del Infinito, concéntrense en enviar/sentir las Partículas Adamantinas de Luz a sus palmas. Sus palmas pueden volverse muy tibias o comenzar a hormiguear. Puede llevar un tiempo para que sientan las sensaciones; sin embargo, gradualmente ganarán en habilidad para enviar Luz sanadora del Creador a partes localizadas de su propio cuerpo. La sanación futura incluirá a sanadores dinámicos, Iluminados con la habilidad de enviar rayos de Luz Divina casi del tipo láser a sus pacientes. El Reiki y otras modalidades de energía se basan en este conocimiento antiguo, esotérico.

Ustedes las Semillas Estelares están despertando a la percepción de su Herencia Celestial que se ha codificado dentro de los Cristales del Átomo Simiente y almacenado dentro de su Mente Sagrada. También, sean conscientes de que hay una historia magnífica de coraje y excelencia tejida dentro del viaje de experiencia violento y a veces tedioso de la evolución humana. Ustedes están experimentando una resurrección de habilidades extra sensoriales y de conciencia superior, que han estado dormidas por muchas eras. Sin embargo lleva dedicación y esfuerzo para abrir la puerta sellada a su sabiduría interna, la Mente Sagrada. Es vitalmente importante que aprendan a confiar en su propia guía interna una vez más. Un corazón amoroso y agradecido purifica la conciencia y crea tranquilidad y paz de espíritu. Evoluciona hacia un Estado constante de Ser y no solamente una práctica ocasional.

Es aparente en cada faceta de la existencia humana que la humanidad está despertando del sueño ilusorio de eras pasadas a medida que la conciencia refrescante de la Luz de Dios inunda toda la Creación. Ustedes están echando los cimientos para el cambio de las décadas venideras. Según observamos, podemos ver las energías que conforman sus futuros probables, y cómo ellas cambian mediante el uso de su libre albedrío. Es por es que nadie y repetimos nadie, puede predecir el futuro con certeza, porque el uso del libre albedrío es siempre el factor determinante. Les preguntamos fervientemente: “Desean tomar plena ventaja de su regalo Divino de libre albedrío? Desean empeñarse en tomar las elecciones más elevadas de que dispongan?” Al hacerlo, añadirán su energía al futuro de mayor potencial para la humanidad. Son mucho más poderosos de lo que creen. Al unirse en oración para el bien mayor, tienen las capacidades potenciales para evitar guerras, detener la destrucción devastadora de la Tierra y ayudar a la creación de la paz y la abundancia para todos.

Todos y cada uno de ustedes es responsable de la energía que emiten desde el Banco Cósmico de Sustancia Divina de Vida, las Partículas Adamantinas de Luz del Creador. Cómo aplican su herencia espiritual? Al embarcarnos juntos en esta importante fase de la evolución, por favor deténganse a definir su compromiso consigo mismos y con su familia espiritual.

Cuando ustedes permitan que los grilletes de tiempo/espacio y la densidad de las dimensiones más bajas se desprendan, sus visiones se harán más claras y agudas y ustedes no impondrán expectativas ni restricciones en cuanto a cómo o cuando éstas se manifestarán. Su resolución ganará en fuerza, y ustedes avanzarán confiadamente con gracia y facilidad porque su mantra constante es: “Pido el bien mayor para todos”.

Únanse a nosotros amados en la manifestación de las elecciones más elevadas dentro del Plan Divino del Creador para la Era venidera. Comenzamos juntos este viaje de experiencia en gran alegría y expectativa y cuando nos reunamos de nuevo en nuestra celebración de victoria, añadiremos: Bien hecho, guerreros aguerridos de la Luz, bien hecho! YO SOY Arcángel Miguel y les traigo estas verdades.

Trasmitido a través de Ronna Herman* Como trasmisor de este artículo, Yo, Ronna, reclamo el derecho de autor universal a nombre del Arcángel Miguel. Se permite la colocación en sitios web siempre que no se altere, abrevie o añada información y se acredite la autoría y se incluya mi dirección de correo y sitio web. Se puede publicar en revistas, boletines o impresión pública con la autorización de: * *

© 1998-2015 Ronna, Star Quest All Rights Reserved
775-856-3654 • *

6005 Clear Creek Drive

• Reno, NV 89502

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Upcoming Lunar Eclipse – 1 April 2015

AishaNorthFor now, much has been set into motion that will take more than a few of you by surprise, as the incoming crescendo of light that will accompany the darkening of the moon will be such, it will literally blow the lid off the deepest of reservoirs within. And when this treasure trove opens, much will be put into action in ways that will be apt to take more than a few of you by storm. For as the moon darkens, you will all begin to light up in a way you have not been able to do before, and as such, this upcoming period will be one of great enlightenment for all. But as usual, with the light also comes strife for those so inclined, as the refusal to accept these emissaries will be met with an increase in pressure that will set alight quite a few incendiary flames within many a troubled soul.
So once again we say, expect the unexpected to arise left, right and center, but do not look upon this as a message of doom and gloom. Rather, it is a reminder that with the light comes change, and as change is a concept that is oft met with the strongest of resistance within the very depths of mankind, it will in turn engender a veritable smorgasbord of reactions within your environs. Be that as it may, always remember that the greatest effect it will have, will be for the benefit of all, even if it will make quite a few individuals out there chafe at the reins because they see little or no options as what to do with all of this internal pressure they will feel arising within them as these emissaries continue to gather at their door. For this time, they will not leave, for this time, they will be insistent and so, whatever will be construed as a blockage is where the pressure will be increasing the most.

James Tyberonn - April 4th Total Lunar Eclipse & Astro Energy 1st Half 2015-The Crucible Effect

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