sábado, enero 24, 2015

Questions for Jim - Is It True That the Muggles Are Waking Up Too?

Ancient Aliens On Mars: Life On Planet Mars Evidence

Is the truth important OR not ???? ... written by/The EM on 24nd of Jan 2015

Let's think together...
(1) * Lies: the earth is round =There are no boundaries = Vast and scary space = Stay in the ground under the Veil = Do not recognize our brothers from space.
* The Truth: the earth is flat= There are borders= bypass memory scanning devices after border breach= Return Memory= Know the real history= The space is not scary= Recognize our brothers in space.
(2) *Lies: You are a human = the capacity of your brain works only 15%.
* The truth: You are a multi-dimensional being embodied in human form = the capacity of your brain works 100%.

Ovnis y Misterios con Yohanan Díaz 220115

Christine Meleriessee - Comrades In The Light Forging Towards New Earth - January 12, 2015

earthhandsThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, January 12, 2015.

Greetings, my dearest ones. It is my pleasure to be with you once again. It is I, Yamteleus, your Guide within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.
It seems like such a journey since we have been apart. It is now your year 2015, which seems miraculous to me. You will find that we will be experiencing in the next few weeks is going to be very life changing. All the Beings that will be coming through from the Board of Directors of Walking Terra Christa you all know very well. They will be talking about some other Elements of how we can work through the Energies and assist ourselves in Planetary Transformation whilst accessing the Multidimensional Selves. Tonight we are being honored by Lord Adama, who is the Academy Chancellor. He will also bring forth the Energies of the Telosian Council of Light. For those of you who do not know, Walking Terra Christa is guided by these beautiful Beings, everything that they do and everything they bring forth.

viernes, enero 23, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: A dark-skinned woman talks to me excitedly 
about Obama. By all means I try to convince her that 
Obama is an out-and-out bastard, yet she does not 
understand it at all. (End of dream)
Beloved Ones,
A short as well as clear dream sequence.

Suzanne Lie - Beta Through Delta Brain Waves

Blossom Goodchild – 23 January 2015

Good morning! Within me, there seems to be an inner excitement about this year, and yet, I don’t really know why? A sort of expectancy … or maybe, because it’s a new year once again … I am simply full of hope! Anyone home?
We are always home. We are always who we are in our TRUTH … which of course is home to us. The same way for you, is it not? When you are full of Love and all is running smoothly in your life … you FEEL you are home.
Today shall be a little different once again.
In what way?
In the ways of bringing about a change of direct contact through these words … and allowing, through you … a more meticulous vantage point in which to get our message across.
No idea what you’re on about … to be honest.

Selacia – Soulmates And Destiny – Bonds Over Time – 23 January 2015

SelaciaRelationships play a key role in your joy and success in 2015, and some soulmate connections can be pivotal influences on your longer term destiny. To understand this, be prepared to expand your view of what a soulmate is and how the two of you help each other over time.
What is a Soulmate?
A soulmate is someone you bond with on a soul level. It’s a person, or even a pet, that comes into your life for a special connection that greatly enriches your life and helps you grow. This is someone who helps you see yourself more clearly and more lovingly – this helps you to progress spiritually.

jueves, enero 22, 2015

The event's node ... written by/The EM on 22nd of Jan 2015

The event's node
The operations continue in the penetration of the ethereal level, there is a great range of intervention from Goddess, Archangels and light forces through a special Portal that led to a huge stream of Light into the ethereal level, and will directly do some breakthroughs in the veil, and this matter led to the escalation of events in the physical level...We are now in the event’s Node, the physical level began affected by the manifestation energy. Overall the ethereal level & The Physical level are two sides of the same coin...

SaLuSa - January 22, 2015

As events on Earth become more disturbing for you, so the Light is progressing more quickly towards its goal of bringing an end to the interference of the dark Ones. They have held the power for many centuries, and embarked on their plan to reduce the population of Earth to a manageable size. This they have partly achieved by keeping Man in virtually a continual state of war. Although they believe that they are achieving their aims, it is beginning to dawn on them that they can no longer control events on Earth. By now they would have drawn most countries into another global war, but through our actions have been unable to do so. Their ambition to bring about a Third World War has been prevented, and we are limiting their ability to delay the coming changes that will signal the true beginning of the New Age. From our position we see matters as progressing very well and the coming of the long awaited advancements that will truly indicate that the New Age has arrived.

Dana Mrkich - What Is Your Energy Saying To You?: Tips and Tools - Jan 22, 2015

Our energy is speaking to us loud and clear this year. Well it always has, only we are now hearing it and feeling it in a stronger way. When energies are super high as they will be from now on in, everything within us and in our lives that is not true to how our souls would like us to be is highlighted, felt more intensely, seen more clearly and often released or changed completely with or without our conscious desire. So, depending on your perspective this can feel totally liberating, or leave you feeling quite dishevelled.

Inner and outer turmoil forces us to ask the questions: What needs to change? What do I need more of? What do I want less of?

Brenda Hoffman - Su Nuevo Papel es: Ejecutivo - 12 de Enero 2014


Por Brenda Hoffman

12 de Enero 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Ahora están entrando diariamente energías a la tierra – algunas se notan más que otras, pero hay un flujo continuo porque ustedes y la tierra han ido más allá de la 3D. Han cruzado el puente y están aprendiendo ahora a vivir en el otro lado. Así es que los Universos están aportando apoyo adicional a medida que aprenden a vivir en su nuevo entorno.

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are Proceeding Full Speed Ahead Towards The Moment Of Awakening – 22 January 2015

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms, as we maintain our loving watch over you, we observe with additional joy your exemplary progress towards your awakening.  Even your mainstream news media are now finding themselves unable to completely ignore the amazing changes that are occurring all across your world, and nor are they able to avoid reporting on the waves of corruption and criminal activities that had been concealed and are now being disclosed at all levels of government.  The truth of your enslavement to corrupt business and governmental rules and regulations can no longer be hidden from you because of the courageous activities of many investigative journalists, and of the whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Acceptance of the Crystalline Spectrum of Light ~ Channeling - Jan 22, 2015

This is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on January 12, 2015.
We are the Angels of all Principalities, honoring each of you and hoping that you feel your own wings within your Being. Command it to be outside of yourself to be in the beautiful Essence that you are. Expand and expand your Heart Essence as the beautiful Angels you already are. Access that Frequency of Light within your Physical Existence. We are deeply honored to be able to share our communication and our Vibrational Essence within each of you to help you remember whom you are.

Marlene Swetlishoff - AA Gabriel - Jan 22, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as  upliftment. This quality within an individual allows them to experience a wide range of emotional experiences and still have the ability to create some of the most inspiring creations. They believe that the best response to any situation in life is to be patient, grateful, gracious, and most of all, positive. These individuals believe that an uplifting attitude is beneficial to them and is inspiring to those around them. They believe that all good things belong to them and that even situations that are not ideal will work out for their benefit in the end. One must always look for the good in others because they know that pointing out the good in others uplifts their spirit and makes them feel valued. Their family, coworkers and community members know that they can count on this person to have a positive point of view in every situation. Their attitude towards all situations in their life is infectious and causes others around them to become positive towards them with an outpouring of love. Their uplifting attitude ignites others to emulate them and reciprocate their attitude by being pleasant toward them. Such uplifting spirit is strong because they choose to remain positive, regardless of the circumstances they may face.

Project Blue Book Now Available Online - January 22, 2015

Buried below the web page of Washington Post is a rare disclosure on UFOs from the United States’ Project Blue Book reinforcing the “conspiracy theory” to  deliberately fool the population that they are alone in the universe.

This disclosure, is of course, incomplete.
They are probably planning a big deal about it, probably a grand announcement by some self-serving politicians.

Two decades of mysterious Air Force UFO files now available online

January 21 at 7:48 AM

Documents newly available online explore the case of alleged aliens in Orange County, Calif., in 1965.
If not interrogated or probed by hostile alien beings, those lucky enough to see an unidentified flying object may consider themselves blessed. While their experience may be the result of optical illusion, mental illness or alcohol consumption, they have some margin of proof, however slim, that mankind is not alone in the universe.
Until, of course, the United States government shows up. All too often, Uncle Sam has pedestrian — and, for those open to conspiracy theories, suspect — explanations for UFOs. Unidentified flying objects are the result of swamp gas. Unless they’re weather balloons. Or the planet Venus.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - The Innate Revealed - November 22, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This evening I wish to expose a very important system to you in ways we have not before. We're going to call this information, "The beginning of information about Innate." We have given channels before, and one of them was called, The Mysterious Innate. In addition, we have given you some of the attributes about your own body, and tonight we wish to enhance that even more.
The Magnificent Innate
Dear ones, I want to tell you about a process in your body, not only mysterious because it's not in 3D, but elusive enough that you can't really define it. Yet it belongs to you so well that it is actually you. You might ask, "How can something be inside me, Kryon, that I don't really know about?" The answer I give yet again is that your DNA is not working at full capacity yet, and that this is the subject. Your consciousness is not yet synchronized to the reality of certain kinds of things at work within your body. But these realizations are coming to you eventually, and the recalibration of humanity includes an evolved Spirit within you, and we're going to talk a little bit more about that in this channelling.

Let us first identify Innate: What makes Innate so mysterious is that it is not a brain function. It is also, perhaps, one of the only systems in the body that is not centralized. This is difficult for you to conceive of. This system has not been discovered, so it is also not yet defined in medical science. Yet it has been seen over and over.

miércoles, enero 21, 2015

BIZZARE SPACE SOUNDS - Planets, Moons, Intestellar Space

Wes Annac – The Path To Heaven: Freeing Ourselves From Beliefs – 21 January 2015

wesannac2Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I’m reaching a point where I no longer want to pour my faith into any specific belief. Every belief contains its truths and untruths, and like a lot of people have realized, we can take what works for us from each belief and let the rest fall away.
I’ve been writing about open-mindedness lately, and like I said in a recent article, an important part of being open-minded is being diligent enough not to put all our energy and attention into a certain belief just because it’s more appealing than the distorted religions we’ve grown out of.
It’s obvious that contemporary religion’s been distorted to keep us from genuinely understanding spirituality, but we don’t really help ourselves by embracing other philosophies that are more appealing.