viernes, octubre 24, 2014

The Day of Days - The Ascended Masters - Jahn J Kassl - August 29, 2014 first published on September 6, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This very powerful and poetic message would not have been given to Jahn at the end of August if the “The day of days is (not) near.” Anything else would have been a complete lack of psychological understanding on the part of the Ascended masters. Most of its information deals with what this A-Day will bring to us and humanity and should be a basic knowledge to all of you.
However, it also announces several notable phenomena that will herald this event and can be perceived with human senses. I would like to make you aware at this place of these phenomena, so that you can observe them and know in advance when the time of your ascension will arrive:

“It will be a day,
1) when Heaven turns into infinitely many colors, in order to attune human Beings to the departure into the Light.:
2) when a sound from the inside of the earth let the world take notice and many remain irritated or ossify in an instant; because in this moment they will be confronted with their own shadows.
3) when the great silence announces the great bang, and the birds in Heaven become silent as if they did not exist, because they expect the approaching wave of transformation and the Light like silent and living witnesses.”
These are the three precursors of our ascension that you should be watching very carefully in order to know when you will be transfigured in the blink of an eye. In addition, I am sure you will hear the clarion call of your soul in your inner Self and will know this beyond any doubt.
It will be a day, which pours out Love and Happiness to a so far unknown extent for human Beings. It will be a day, which let land appear, where there is water now and brings water, where there is land now.
It will be a day, which releases vibration and Light, an unthinkable measure of dignity, given from the prime Sources of All-That-Is, so that the whole world will be transformed and every Life will be changed.
It will be a day, when Heaven turns into infinitely many colors, in order to attune human Beings to the departure into the Light.
It will be a day that brings the abundance of all Life, the super-abundance of Creation to human Beings, like the wind carries on the most beautiful seeds, in order to create new life.
It will be a day, when the Gods of Heaven will take a bow in front of you, the Gods of Earth; and you will understand, why they show this homage to you.
It will be a day, which will enlighten the ready human beings in an instant; and reminds the astonished and ignorant human beings of their truth, which they have forgotten.
It will be a day, when the earth turns, and above becomes below and below becomes above. It will be a day, when the living Christ reveals himself and in this moment of Grace you will know that everything that was proclaimed to you, fulfills itself.
It will be a day, when all powers of darkness capitulate, and the right to continue to live in this world will be withdrawn from them.
It will be a day, when the people of inner Earth greet you in the new world, and you will be reminded of your siblings from Agartha. It will be the day, when all levels of Creation will send representatives to Earth, and you will hear, what you have accomplished and affected – for the whole Creation.
It will be the day, when you will be carried away and will ascend to God. It will be the day, when this world will be returned to you, so that you build a new world on this Mother Planet of Creation. It will be the day, when Heaven and Earth open simultaneously, to be seen everywhere, to be heard everywhere, to be experienced everywhere.
It will be the day, when all bad deeds of mankind will be healed, and you will recognize that it was your own lack of redemption, which gave this game of illusion the dramas and brought pain.
It will be a day, when a sound from the inside of the earth let the world take notice and many remain irritated or ossify in an instant; because in this moment they will be confronted with their own shadows.
It will be the day, when the groom comes in order to close the sacred bond; and many brides do not recognize him and the marriage with oneself stays away.
It will be the day, when the Light warriors of the first and last hours will enter into their perfected Light bodies and will leave this world for the period of purification; and each one of the ascending ones will know his place.
It will be the day, which exceeds every human expectation and towers above every human imagination, and you will know that the divine is boundless. It will be the day, when every human Being will forget the present life in an instant; because the signs of Heaven and the labor pains of the new earth announce the “great event”.
It will be the day, when the world tumbles and falls – into the abyss; in order to stabilize itself after the completed transformation, for a long time of peace.
It will be the day, which will imprint itself eternally into the consciousness of all human Beings and of all heavenly bodies of this Creation, and the scriptures of the 4D worlds will give witness to it and will speak of the “great day of revelation”.
It will be a day, which will end suddenly for the great majority of mankind, because they will become aware of their inability to ascend; and an ocean of tears will pour out on account of this missed opportunity.
It will be a day, when the great silence announces the great bang, and the birds in Heaven become silent as if they did not exist, because they expect the approaching wave of transformation and the Light like silent and living witnesses.
It will be a day, when the cosmic families find each other, and the long waiting ends and your return into the oneness of all Life is fulfilled.
It will be a day, which will evince their sins to human beings and a day, which reveals their hidden Light to human beings. Instantaneously the ascending ones will obtain transfiguration, and over the remaining ones and the descending ones the veil of forgetfulness lowers itself again.
It will be a day, when the victory of the Light will be obvious on all levels and the rich harvest, which is based on your seedlings, will be brought in. It will be a day, when God’s Grace will be poured out, continually without respite, and many confused yet not gone astray human Beings will awaken in this moment.
It will be the day, when every human Being receives the last opportunity for turning around, because truly: God’s Grace is boundless. It will be the day, when God’s trumpets portend the new age and the new worlds far from time, and the great circle completes, on this day.
It will be the Day of days: End, Beginning, and Eternity – in an instant.
Those, who understand, are blessed.
Those, who know, are without fear.
Those, who expect it, will receive.
Those, who see it, will be recognized.
The day of days is near.
We are

The Temple of Archangel Chamuel

jueves, octubre 23, 2014

Eliza: On My Ascension Day - October 23, 2014

View from Beaver Ridge
On My Ascension Day
A new friend asked me how I was feeling today:
I woke up after an intense, very detailed and long dream of being in a bright city with friends.  We were in a restaurant.  Then I walked out into the garden below and saw a paved trail leading away, towards tall steep mountains looming in the bright distance.  I wanted to follow that path right then and now, but I hesitated and returned to the restaurant.  I found my friends and was eating some powdered donuts (!) and then realized that I had lost my purse and could not pay.  I asked for assistance, but everyone was in a rush.  I spoke to the lady at the cash register.  She asked me if I had credit… I did.  She said it was okay and handed over a package for me.  I looked into it, a tablecloth for home.  I walked out of the restaurant and realized that my friends had left me behind.  I stood there for a moment and then felt the mountains calling to me.  I started walking towards the beckoning heights.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Report for 10/23/14

Hello friends. How have you been enjoying “Eclipse month” so far? Thrills, chills and turns most likely I would imagine which is right on cue for the season and its energies. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio has certainly added an interesting twist to things too. I was joking that my report on this subject would either be one paragraph or 1000 words; it has ended up being somewhere in between. Needless to say, there is certainly a lot going on with this New Moon.

miércoles, octubre 22, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - DAYS OF TRUTH, ASANA MAHATARI - Oct 22, 2014

On October 22nd, 2014 at Midnight

Separation of the Galaxy strikes Space-Time!
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: At exactly midnight my beloved son NOAH startles in his 
sleep and cries out loud from the deepest level of his soul and 
interpenetrating for his mama. As I get him out of his bed and bring 
him to his mother, he is like dazed and motionless. Because similar 
situations are very familiar to me, I know that here, based on the
intensity of his reaction, something significant has appeared or 
has occurred – beyond the visible! (End of report)

The Secret of All Secrets!

Lauren C. Gorgo - Cosmic-Human Hybrid: becoming gods - October 22, 2014

After so many years consciously on the voyage to Godhood, we are well enuf experienced at eclipse passages to realize that when we are deeply immersed in such major transformation, we are mostly unable to interpret any of it.
In walks the Pleiadian perspective. The starbeings take great delight in witnessing the extraordinary changes that are taking place within us…AS they are taking place…just prior to our integration and understanding of said transformations. This cycle of change is no exception.
Part of the reason why they allow us to go thru most of the process before they report on our collective happenings is so that we have the opportunity to flesh out these realizations on our own first, to witness our own inner-guidance system as it is validated by their confirmations.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 22 October 2014

SheldanNidle7 Muluc, 7 Tzec, 11 Ik
Selamat Balik! We come with very good news! The legal aspects of our Earth allies’ programs to defeat the dark cabal are gaining successful inroads. Both the common law courts and the statute courts agree that the present de facto US government is deeply in debt and cannot proclaim a bankruptcy to save its remaining assets. Instead, the US “corporation” and its prime ally, the Federal Reserve Bank, need to deny any assets to their largest creditors and go into a special receivership. This action is shortly to put an end to both entities, which have long masqueraded as legitimate federal institutions. The end to this set of shenanigans is finally to allow our allies to take over the general control of both institutions. As a result of these developments, we expect a number of prosperity programs to fund, and the RV and global currency reset to occur.

Selacia – 10/23 Eclipse – Where Do We Go From Here? – 22 October 2014

SelaciaWith Thursday’s solar eclipse adding to the intensity of an already powerful month, you may be wondering where we go from here. Even more important than this question right now is: “Where do you want to be when the dust settles from October’s wild ride?”
The answer you get to that second question is instrumental in helping you create what you want next.
In this article, I’ll provide insights and suggestions for honing in on your passions and discovering your blocks in the way of fulfilling them. The passions I refer to here are the dreams of your soul, incarnated now to bring them into manifestation as part of your life purpose.

Suzanne Lie – Arcturian Transmissions To Our Inter-Galactic Emissaries – Part 1 – The Power of Unified Creation – 22 October 2014

SuzanneLieOur Beloved Inter-Galactic Emissaries,
We see that many of you are fully awakening to your true Multidimensional SELF and are either seeking to remember or trying to live the Mission that you wrote for yourself before you entered your current earth vessel.
We wish to remind you that in order to fulfill your mission, you will need to find a way in your busy life to “create the NOW” to focus on expanding your personal frequency of consciousness. As you create that NOW everyday, you will learn/remember how to live in the NOW. Since the NOW resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond, you will also be learning/remembering how to live I the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond.

The Yucatan Hall of Records - The Atlantis Connection

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - An Opportunity of Co-Creation - The Solar Eclipse of October 23rd - Oct 22, 2014

An Opportunity of Co-Creation

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Copyright Protected-All Rights Reserved

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light. I greet you in unconditional love ! An extraordinary opportunity is at hand, and we urge you to seize the day. For this day hosts an event that streams fertility to vision. And we urge you to believe in your ability to create.

Marlene Swetlishoff - AA Gabriel - October 22, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as transmutation. This quality of love within a person comes into effect after great struggle within the depths of their soul to understand who they really are and what they truly stand for. Transmutation begins when one awakens to one’s spiritual essence and discovers the spiritual path. Along the way, the individual who was identified with their outer persona through the body, emotions, and mind gradually becomes identified with their soul, their inner spiritual being.  They begin to understand that they are embodied in the physical in order to gain awareness of their spiritual origins through their material plane experiences. These material experiences are transmuted into spiritual energies such as wisdom, love, compassion, and higher purpose. A mysterious spiritual alchemy occurs by means of which the human soul becomes vaguely aware of its higher counterpart, the higher Self.  When this awareness reaches a kindling point, awakening occurs.

Patricia Cota-Robles - UN CAMBIO HACIA LA CONCIENCIA CRISTICA - 22 de octubre de 2014

Por Patricia Cota-Robles

Octubre 8, 2014

Traducción: Alicia Virelli

Este es un momento monumental en nuestro amado Planeta Tierra y todos y cada uno de nosotros se ha estado preparando durante épocas de vida para cumplir con las facetas de nuestro Plan Divino sin precedentes, individual y singular, que se está develando diariamente y a cada hora durante este Momento Cósmico. En septiembre del 2014, hemos experimentado milagrosos influjos de Luz que han cambiado el curso de la historia para TODA Vida sobre este Planeta. Ahora ustedes y yo estamos siendo llamados a un servicio mucho más elevado que el que hayamos alguna vez prestado a cualquier parte de Vida.

martes, octubre 21, 2014

Sarah Varcas - 23rd/24th October 2014: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Venus and Pallas - October 21, 2014

The Solar Eclipse, flanked by Venus on one side and asteroid Pallas on the other, occurs at 9:45 pm GMT on 23rd October in the 1st degree of Scorpio. This eclipse feels paradoxical, for whilst it signifies a powerful drive inward for answers, forcing us to look beneath the sanitised surface of our lives for deeper and more penetrating truths, it does so in such a way that this depth journey can be pleasurable rather than scary, productively creative rather than underminingly confronting. Whatever it is we need to find in the shadows of this eclipse, we can do so without their revelation tearing us apart or disrupting current progress. As such this eclipse comes as a gift, even if its immediate fruits consist of an awakening to darker and more disturbing tendencies within us.

lunes, octubre 20, 2014

Sirian Archangel Hermes - 10/20/14

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as solar energies are flooding your planet with invisible plasma rays of light!
As revealed in our last channeling, the second half of the Hyperborean series eclipse nears within your linear timespace. Many have been feeling the roller coaster ride of emotions and ultra dimensional experiences that accompany ascension of consciousness and infinite time awareness, wonderful indeed. I say to you, if you think this was an intense period of linear time since the lunar eclipse, to prepare yourselves for even more intensity as the solar eclipse shall lift many veils, so to speak. Many who have long remained in denial of what they know deep within is their truth, shall no longer be able to dismiss it. They will finally find the courage to stand and act for what they have long known, is what they should be doing. The bondage and energy draining aspects of their everyday matrix lifestyles will begin to fade away, and some of the events that will lead up to this from their personal lives, shall be quite severe.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Freewill And Soul Contracts – Two Contradictory Concepts – 20 October 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
If you ever deviate from your life plan in favor of materiality or make choices that aren’t in the best interest of your growing perception of spirit, it helps to remember that you’re doing your best.
You exist on a planet where humans have been taught to believe material things and the luster that comes with them grant eternal happiness, but in reality, this happiness is only temporary and the materiality that drives it will away seek satisfaction; feeding; stimulation.
If you catch yourselves in the trap of materiality, you’ll find that you always strive to enjoy the next new or big thing; the next shiny or glossy thing; the next thing that temporarily takes your attention away from your growing spiritual perception and puts it on your external reality.
Needless to say, this doesn’t fill you with much love or wholeness.

Brenda Hoffman – Bank Your Love Energies? – 20 October 2014

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you sense that your being or world will shift with the upcoming energy bursts. Such is true. Even though not necessarily in a way that speaks to you in words at this time. The energies this week are densely packed with love. But not all will acknowledge those energies.
Those of you excited by the prospect of more in-depth  love sensations will experience a phenomenal shift within your being this week. Those who do not wish to experience anything other than 3D, will not notice much change.
Of course, everyone and every entity of, in or by earth will experience a shift within their being. But some may not have the need or wish to display love at this time.

Suzanne Lie – Arcturian Greeting – Welcome Home – 20 October 2014

SuzanneLieBeloved Ones,
We can come into the NOW of your awareness to speak about your third-dimensional, sequential time. Sequential time is constructed from the collective physical requirements of a third dimensional reality so that the members of that reality can create a timeline on which they can fulfill their divine plane, also known as their “Mission.”
Within this time-bound reality the collective consciousness of that world has thoughts, emotions and behaviors which impinge upon the 3D matrix to program and re-program the ever-changing experience of time. “Time” is quite novel to us higher dimensionals, as we often call ourselves.

domingo, octubre 19, 2014

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - The Rhythm of New Beginnings - October 19, 2014

Hello beloved friends.
Today we wish to speak of new beginnings.
You are in the midst of generating a very powerful new beginning. You are experiencing new beginnings frequently in your life but you are approaching a very powerful new beginning.
The theme of new beginnings is in the air and we want to talk today about the incredible positive energy of this and also about your awareness of your own experience as a means of generating more unlimited experiences. You are becoming more fully present. That creates a new beginning in your lives. You are becoming more concentrated in the present moment and that is altering the potentials of what’s available to you.
Now there are more and more pathways open to you. How you choose? How do you deepen your experience? How you select the pathway that will give you the greatest joy? How you know which way to go amidst so many options.