martes, mayo 27, 2014

Méline Portia Lafont - Archangel Metatron ~ Why is this happening or not happening? - May 27, 2014

Thanks to Alexander D.S for this picture

This is a message from AA Metatron about connecting with your guides. This came through after a dear sister of Light has asked me in her reading, how to "see" and how to connect with our beloved light family more clearly as this seems to be blocked in her ? This is an excerpt of her reading from Archangel Metatron that I share with you all as it may benefit you all. Thank you Katerina Z. for allowing me to share this part of your reading <3

Pope Admits Priest Pedophilia Similar to Satanic Mass

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - May 27, 2014

It is a time for freedom, prosperity and new governance! You are not alone!..
We leave you in Joy and in the everlasting Spirit of the Almighty!..

by PAO

3 Ix, 5 Pax, 10 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) A grand series of events is now occurring around your globe! These events mark the beginnings of certain critical projects that are to bring you freedom, sovereignty, prosperity and new governance. Our liaisons report that several groups, which comprise our Earth allies, are moving to push the dark cabal and its minions from power. Included in these projects are the means to exponentially expand a nation-by-nation common law network, and projects, which tie this network into a means to forge new governance around your globe. The prosperity projects are also readying the delivery systems that are to be the basis for declaring NESARA to come into effect. As these events get ready to surface, we are preparing to put a formal stop to an international conspiracy that has made the spraying of "chemtrails" a nearly daily occurrence. The Agarthan liaisons are also busy informing the various dark cabal leadership groups that their vile objectives are to be ended in a slew of mass arrests.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Eliza: On Allowing Change - May 28, 2014

Eliza: On Allowing Change
This morning I woke up with the images of a dream fast vanishing from my awareness, save one thing. In the dream, I found a white otter pup and was carrying it around like I do sometimes carry a cat in my dream. It was partially grown, definitely an otter, being white (very rare) with little paws rather than flippers (like a seal).

Prayer to Earth Mother - Planting Seeds of New Beginnings

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ MERCURY RETRO June 7 thru July 1, 2014 ENTERING GEMINI FULL SPEED AHEAD

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ MERCURY RETRO June 7 thru July 1, 2014 ENTERING GEMINI FULL SPEED AHEAD

Mercury retrograde is a maintenance period, perfect for revisiting everything one has not gotten to in the last several months. The planet Mercury is associated with the god mercury/ Hermes who is the 'god of the unexpected' and divine coincidences.  Hermes/Mercury is the creator of new and sacred spaces.

Mercury retrograde is inevitable regardless of our best-laid plans; we might just get a taste of unexpected luck in a serendipitous coyote medicine type of way. Mercury makes us go to the picnic in the pouring rain and have a great time. It asks us to be fluid in our day and remain flexible, having as many backup plans as it takes. Whenever things seem 'stuck,' Mercury/Hermes introduces fluid movement laced with little chunks of surprise. Mercury retro is all about getting unstuck in thought deed and dreams forgotten.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Vanilla Box of Creation - May 27, 2014

As of late the energies have had reverse whirlwind patterns, in other words we have all been bent in the wrong direction. New patterns emerge as the old patterns dissolve into a fine mesh, that needs no definition. Life is absorbing us into a collage of who we thought we were, mixed with a handful of what we use to be, mixed with a dash of who we hoped we would become and a spoonful of divine will. We always thought we were directors and producers of our own plays but apparently the Celestial Benefactor has more say so then we previously thought. Free choice, free will is in very small print with lots of asterisks at the bottom of our karmic contract.

Brenda Hoffman - No One Can Dictate Your Joy - May 27, 2014

Dear Ones,
Even though you are familiar with the theme of new earth joy, few of you have yet dared to fully experience it.
Joy is not concentrating on someone or something and expecting that will result in pleasure.
Such is a continuation of 3D logic (or illogic!) and expecting different results. For is it not true that in your 3D life you expected to enjoy family holidays or events, the celebration of a new job or numerous other activities only to discover the opposite or something quite different was your reality?
That discovery often resulted in the sense you were not worth love or you did not know how to experience joy as others seemed to do – that somehow you were not ‘getting it’ whatever it was.
Each disappointing experience added to your self knowingness that you did not know how to live or celebrate life.

Are these mystery radio bursts messages from ALIENS?

lunes, mayo 26, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Back From Lemuria – A Morning Message – 26 May 2014

I woke up in our bed wondering if the whole event of finding the fifth-dimensional airport, going into the core of Gaia, attending the Lemurian celebration and the messages from the Arcturian, Gaia and Sanat Kumara were a dream.
“NO,” said Sandy who was still half asleep, “It was NOT a dream.” She then sat up, looked straight into my eyes and said, “Was it?’
I wanted to answer her, but heard a sentence in my mind, which felt like it was from Sanat Kumara and ran to get my computer.
“Are you getting another message?” I heard Sandy’s sleepy voice.
“Yes,” I replied, “can’t talk now.”

John Smallman – Jesus – Your Choice Is Greatly Honored And Appreciated By All In The Spiritual Realms – 26 May 2014

john-blog-pics-0135You are most dearly loved. Focus on that when you go to your quiet inner space to meditate, and don’t judge or, worse still, condemn yourself for your perceived lack of ability or value. It’s an utterly wrong and invalid perception that your ego encourages you to believe is true in order to keep you in doubt and fear. You are on Earth at this point in your evolution – humanity’s awakening process – with a very specific and essential purpose.
You chose to take part because you knew that you could be of very great assistance, and your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spiritual realms where we have full knowledge and understanding of what is required of and offered by all our brothers and sisters presently incarnate on Earth. Every one of you is highly honored and respected for your choice to be human at this point, and our love for you all knows no bounds. We thank you.

Pat Liles - Gemini New Moon ~ Sun and Moon 7º - May 28, 2014
Gemini New Moon ~ Sun and Moon 7º
Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 12:40 PM Mountain Time
(May 28, 6:40 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
It’s a heavily endowed Gemini moment at New Moon.  The Sun entered this airy element this week enhancing our communication, networking, and mental agility.  Mental stimulation, ideas and even light-hearted gossiping and catching up feel good.  As the Moon adds her presence to the Sun at new Moon, our ruling planet, Mercury, will be expressing fully through the last degree of Gemini.  29º of any sign is considered a critical degree; 29º Gemini is a bridging degree holding the space between two cultures or two realities, two ideas…  Between now and Full Moon, we also welcome the beginning of a retrograde Mercury cycle spanning in influence from June 7 until July 15 when it will again fully regain the place at 3º Cancer from where it began its backward-appearing journey.  Most of that time will be spent in Gemini.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 26 May 2014

AishaNorthYou have gathered here for many purposes dear ones, but there is one thing that you all have in common, and that is your eternal quest for finding that inner peace you know reside somewhere, not just in you, but in every single being that inhabit this beautiful planet of yours. For you are indeed those that will serve to open the doors to this peace of mind, this space of tranquility and bliss, this vibrational field that will support all of mankind for eternity. You see, this hunger that has driven mankind closer and closer to the abyss, is the hunger that stems for the inner knowing that there is something else out there, something that will make you all complete. But as we have discussed on many an occasion, this hunger has led mankind on a misguided quest for an external solution to this inner longing. And as you all know so well by now, that gaping void within cannot be filled by anything that is separate from you, it can only be filled by connecting with what is already there.

SaLuSa wishes to make us dream of the spaceships tonight – 26 May 2014 by Multidimensional Ocean.

10380307_10152205275479023_3270914144240535805_nDear ones, we are so glad to see the ranks of lightworkers increase almost every day. This pleases us very much. As you know, many of you are our brothers and sisters from the stars quite literally. Many of our fleets are on Earth in order to protect and supervise our ground crew.
Dear ground crew, this message is especially for you today. Many of you have entirely forgotten who you truly are. You have become identified with Earth’s history and personal goal. In time you will have to go within and to distance yourself from the daily activities that all humans are involved in, and to elevate yourself above those daily concerns in order to be able to see the bigger picture and to sense your part in the Earth Ascension.

Judith Dagley – The Celestial Team – Manifesting Form Through Frequency – You Do It All the “Time!” – 26 May 2014

judithHello, Beloveds!
We understand what a leap it is to begin to experience yourSelf as an energetic being who manifests form out of frequency in every moment. Is not a leap into BECOMING a powerful Creator Being that is required. That is exactly what You are and have always been. The “leap” is into BELIEVING what YOU are, and therefore becoming a CONSCIOUS and RESPONSIBLE Creator Being! In this, your Year of Integration, that is a most important leap, indeed… in truth, it is the most important one You will ever make.

Denise Le Fay - Divine Push into deeper Change & Release - May 26, 2014

stair steps 316x380
It has been one heck of a time lately hasn’t it? Multiple aspects of my life have been divinely exploded into further change and release since the last week of April 2014. I’m certain many of you can wholeheartedly relate.
For many the April into May 2014 energies have been a Divine blinding blast that helped us fully see, know, understand, standup for ourselves and our happiness and future well-being, make adjustments and/or completely disconnect and release in all ways from certain people/family members/friends/partners etc. if  that’s what was required of us at this time. For me it was with more family members. Sometimes it’s easier to have loved ones die than have them remain in-body and not progress but disintegrate even more, falling into deeper mental and emotional sickness.

Wes Annac – The Spirit World Chronicles: More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 5 – 26 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 4
Joy tells us more about the interesting deathbed phenomena she’s experienced.
“I have seen a man who had been writhing in agony suddenly grow calm, fasten his eyes with an expression of joyful recognition on what to those observing him was only vacancy, and uttering a name in tones of glad greeting, breathe his last breath.” (1)
This man was clearly greeting a departed friend or loved one who’d come to see him off in his final hours of physical life, and it’s interesting how the pain and fear completely dissolve from people who experience this.
The excitement upon discovering the fourth dimension must be wonderful. It has to be incredible to go from worrying about ceasing to exist, to enjoying a much freer and more expanded reality than we ever did on earth, and the presence of friends and relatives from our past probably makes it all the more enjoyable.

If You Have and Alien Encounter, Consult a Professional - Giles Campbell

Gile's has a degree in Zoology, a Masters in
Biodiversity and Conservation Genetics

YOU'RE driving down a long road at night, towing a boat on the back with your father beside you. Then a big, bright blue light appears just over the car to the right-hand side. It just sort of blinks on.

You notice it immediately; turn to your father for assurance that you aren't imagining it. He turns around and looks. He can see it too but, unlike you, he wants to drive faster and get away.

The orb follows the car for a few minutes before it shoots off into the distance.
You do not speak because neither you nor he can explain what it is you have seen. But for you, this is just the beginning of a series of paranormal encounters that make you begin to question your sanity.

The Nephilim are ALIENS - They walk amoung us - Shocking Truth Exposed

Jahn J Kassl - ACTIVATION OF THE ASCENSION GATES, ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL -*UGGVj2098elNjtp6YbR6Lyvh4*SjIihgVv0iB/ArchangelRaphael.jpeg
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
transalted by Franz

Beloved Children of Humanity,
Beloved Gods in human countenance,
Beloved Siblings of the heavenly realms:
We are One! Truly, we are One with ALL-THAT-IS.

I am Archangel Raphael and it is up to me to accompany you 
through the coming days and weeks, to guide, to lead and provide 
you with everything you need for your salvation and wellbeing.