miércoles, febrero 26, 2014

The collapse is coming and the reunion is imminent – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 26.02.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by Björn Kurt]
My beloved humans on earth. I am Archangel Michael and I have come to bring you good news. This message is addressed to all Twin Flames on earth. All the necessary requirements have been completed so that the reunion of the Twin Flames may be initiated within the next days.
Initially the portal will open which we have announced to you earlier. After this portal opening a very important event is being triggered and then the reunion process may start. The reunion of the Twin Flames will be happening on a level that shall not be accessible to all Twin Flames.

EirePort - Current planetary energies have reversed direction…Feb 26, 2014

26 Feb eireport_logo_thumb_1Current planetary energies have reversed direction, following a period of fluctuations, then stillness.
Reversal of direction is “temporary” and is required for next steps in the planetary “liberation” process.
Fibrous energetic “streams of entanglement” currently accompany planetary energies, intended to collect all those encountered of “lower than necessary for planetary ‘liberation’” vibration.
All is in readiness for the resultant chaotic “Node of Planetary Transformation”.

lunes, febrero 24, 2014

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: Metamorphosis Feb 24, 2014

Metamorphosis, As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, February, 2014 at: www.thequantumawakening.com | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
You are in a time and place of birthing yourself into higher light. As you sit in the place of nothingness you feel a little discombobulated. Like a cosmic Gumby you try to stretch, and push thru what was but the walls of illusion seem to keep you restricted flapping your wings against the wind.
Your life is similar to that of the unborn child. You feel boundaries; as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and slippery each time you try to scale them. You grunt, you groan, you complain as the restrictions become more and more animated. You are living in this 3rd dimension and yet you are also living in spirit. Your body seems limited and vulnerable, yet the spirit that inhabits it is magnificent.

Wes Annac – What Is The Divine Plan? – Part 4 – 24 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 3
As the influence of spirit continues to pick up here on earth, what kind of teachings will we be given? In what ways will we change the current manner in which we function? In a beautiful quote, Silver Birch provides an answer to these questions.
“As our teaching grows in your world, it will mean the end of all separateness between people. It will mean the end of national barriers.

Suzanne Lie – The Merging Part 4 – Answering The “Door” – 24 February 2014

I guess we were NOT back in the 3D because when I went to the door no one was there. However, shortly after I opened the door, Jason and I felt a very strong sensation. In fact, it was a multidimensional sensation. Because our physical eyes could not see anything, we looked at each other with puzzled expressions.
However, we both had a strange feeling that we were not alone. In fact, the feeling we were having was immensely familiar. We stood very still, almost as if we didn’t want to interfere with this unique energy that had entered our home.

CIRCLE OF LIGHT - ASANA MAHATARI - Jahn J Kassl - Februar 24, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl

translated by Franz

Beloved Angles of Light!


Who you know and I am ASANA MAHATARI,
whom you must first get acquainted with,
because many of you still hold on to fixed pictures
of my previous incarnations on earth.

Selacia – New Moon Catalyzes New Energy 2/28 – 24 February 2014

SelaciaIf you have been feeling uncertain or blocked making decisions or taking actions this month, the winds of change are bringing in some new energies starting on 2/28.
Knowing this now can help you to relax more over the next few days and to let go of pushing for answers or actions that simply are not yet within reach.
Use your time now to meditate, do inner contemplation, and focus on healing. Ask spirit to help you connect with an expanded sense of your progress to date and the bigger picture of your life journey. Doing this is time well spent. A larger perspective, after all, can help you to skillfully jump ahead to the next spot on the path when things open up for you.

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Feb 24, 2014

You have by now perhaps settled a little bit more into these unsettled energies, and as such, you will have become a little bit more familiar with all of these fluctuating patterns that in turn will begin to fire up some rather interesting affinities within you. You see, these buttons that are being pushed throughout all of these energetic missives that keep on showering down on you are indeed buttons that have been waiting to be reactivated again for such a long time, and so, they will begin slowly but surely to gain momentum as the days and indeed nights continue to add more energy to this process. And so, little by little, clarity will appear where before there were only murkiness, and a sense of solidity and empowerment will emerge from what has previously felt like an ocean of exhaustion, despair and frustration. But together with all of this emergence also follows dissolving, and you may find yourself looking at something that falls into pieces around you, and what you see reduced to a heap of rubble, may be circumstances in your life that you hitherto have seen as fundamental or as permanent. But fret now, for as we have told you on many an occasion, whatever comes apart now, does so in order to let the new emerge on every level you can think of, and then some. For without the breaking of the old mold, the new could not be born fully formed and have room to literally unfold its wings and take to the sky.

Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves - No one less would be where you are at this time. – Ron Head - February 24, 2014

love me
Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves
Having just spoken of self-love, let us move to the topic of worthiness, of self-forgiveness, of knowing oneself to be deserving of all that one can imagine.  And we say all that one can imagine because by and large you do not imagine very big.  You have, most of you, an ingrained practice of thinking you do not deserve very much.  And you also have the habit of thinking that the big things are impossible for you.

Let’s take care of that little misconception right now.  There is available a force that has created everything that you can see and far, far more.  For such a force, creating all that you can imagine is no more difficult than creating one flower, and both are miracles, are they not?  So just for fun, why not practice thinking big?

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – This Spring Watch Your Words Grow – 24 February 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWords, like little seeds have a great creative power.  When we speak we are giving life to what we are saying, we are all farmers of our life planting seeds everyday. We are going to get exactly what we sowed. Life is a powerful current that sometimes takes us in a bumpy direction that does not always fit us so well. There are no straight lines in the natural world, so we always end up exactly where we need to  be.
We are who we are today because of the words we have spoken in the past.  All of our words are self-fulfilling prophecies. Listen to what you say about yourself.  Negative thoughts do not need to be planted in your bountiful fields.  The moment you speak something outright it takes on a completely new meaning and an entirely different energy. Like a teenager off to college, it kicks up its heels and heads straight for the forbidden fruit.

How Wolves Change Rivers

Karen Doonan - Ipchres message to humanity 24th feb 14

Greetings I am Ipchres and I am here to further communicate with ALL who have taken human form upon this planet and who now are unraveling the “knots” in the tapestry, for LIFE IS A TAPESTRY and the threads have been woven FOR you within the old 3d earth created reality. Now you unwrap the knots and you begin to weave TRUTH and many of you are now able to understand the need to reweave and redesign the picture that has been presented to you. The old 3d earth created reality teaching you that the picture is set in stone and cannot be altered. I guide clearly that there those in human form who are now weaving TRUTH and this will be shown to ALL for as they weave TRUTH the picture for the whole of humanity begins to shift and to take on a new form.

domingo, febrero 23, 2014

UFOs...a look back

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 23 February 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 23 de Febrero al 2 de Marzo 2014 por Marlene Swetlishof

February 23-March 2, 2014
Beloved Ones,
The winds of change are upon you. While life goes on as before, the changes that occur within you are vast. These changes are taking place within each soul who lives upon the planet. Each soul has agreed to experience these changes. The first noticeable change will be a greater ability to feel emotion and express it. Most people on the planet have suppressed their emotions in order to harden their hearts so that they could function in the ever increasing density and these filters are now falling away because there is much greater light than ever before. As each person is enabled to truly feel and speak from their hearts, all that needs to be expressed will begin to come forth from within their being. At some point in this process, the feelings expressed will be the feelings of love, followed by the feelings of joy and other positive emotions which will move people in directions hitherto unknown on your world.

Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - February 23, 2014 - Art of Manifesting

Inspiration for the Week - February 23, 2014 - Art of Manifesting


The Gabriel Message card for this week

Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.
To bless means to confer energy on whatever person or situation you are focused upon. It is a wonderful way to bring Divinity into our daily lives, and this practice honors the Oneness within us at all times. And even if the reality of where we are is not what we like, it is important to bring conscious awareness to the place of "what is" so that we can expand our perceptions to what is possible.

It is important to recognize and honor what is truly manifesting in your life at this time. It is a recognition and gratitude for the abundance that is there for us to notice when we focus our attention. Without that level of honoring what we have already in our lives and being grateful, we are not in a place of magnetism for what we want to experience.

Strange UFO Light On The Moon, February 13, 2014

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: Transcending the Ego - Feb 23, 2014

The following was written by Wes Annac for the ‘planetary healing’ section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
I think it goes without saying that finding enlightenment is the best way to change ourselves and the world around us. Lately, I’ve been writing our planetary healing with the intent of exploring how we can become enlightened and heal the world in the process, and in doing so, I’ve noticed that there are simple but powerful solutions to the problems we face.
In my opinion, all of our problems can be solved by a collective shift out of the ego and into the brimming heart space. It’s very simple, and most people can’t touch such a level of simplicity because of the conditioning we’ve experienced. We’ve grown up in a materialistic society that teaches matter over spirit, and breaking this spell can certainly be difficult.