martes, abril 09, 2013

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Mis queridos amigos, el mañana está aquí

 abril 7, 2013
Comet Flying Towards Planet


Miguel: Han alcanzado el fin de un periodo corto de descanso, del cual captamos de nuestro canal, que no estuvieron del todo confortables.

Es tiempo de que evalúen las herramientas disponibles para ustedes para determinar cuáles serán sus contribuciones. ¿En verdad están listos para comenzar?

Si todo se desata mañana, ¿pueden decir que en verdad están listos? Porque, mis queridos amigos, el mañana está aquí.

Hemos establecido a través de nuestros canales confiables que ésta temporada sería el momento en el cual las cosas estarían listas para comenzar, y así lo están. Hemos dicho que esperábamos que se alcanzara cierto punto y se diera la señal. Ya no hay razón para esperar.

Pero hay una pequeña consideración que hay que tomar en cuenta. ¿Ustedes qué harán? No se necesita nada grandioso como, “Cambiaré el mundo”.

El Alto Consejo de Orión - Su Tasa Vibratoria Parte 2

ondas-de-sonido dos


Saludos, queridos, somos el Alto Consejo de Orión

Hoy continuemos en nuestro viaje con la idea de tasa vibratoria, y la última vez estábamos hablando de cambiar su propia tasa vibratoria en una forma pausada lo que está en su mundo ahora mismo.

No siempre es solo cambiar su pensamiento, pueden cambiar su ambiente físico a su alrededor permitiendo eso que los eleva, lo cual permite que eleven su tasa vibratoria, lo cual mejora su experiencia en la vida.

El otro lado de esto es el juicio que vemos en el planeta sobre bajas vibraciones, como uno diría. Como dijimos en la canalización previa, esto puede referirse a las personas, la música, programas de televisión, ambientes, y así sucesivamente. Lo señala como, “Oh, es baja vibración”, o “Oh, esa es una persona de baja vibración”.

Los alentamos a moverse lejos de ese lugar de juicio sobre esa otra persona o situación o experiencia, y verlo desde su punto de vista a nivel del Alma.

¿Por qué dirían que esa es una experiencia de baja vibración y lo que realmente es una experiencia vibratoria que no está en alineación con su Alma?

La razón por la que la música no suena bien, la razón por la que la película no se siente bien, el libro no se siente bien, las personas o lo que sea no se siente bien es la evidencia de que no está en alineación con sus vibraciones inherentes al Alma.

¿Significa eso mejor o peor? Desde nuestro punto de vista diremos con el corazón que no. Desde nuestro punto de vista lo que significa es que hay una vibración disonante y no es mejor ni peor, ya que eso que dicen que es peor podría estar en alineación con el Alma de otras personas.

Al respecto del progreso a nivel del Alma y la verdad a nivel del Alma de cada encarnación individual en el planeta, los alentamos de nuevo a que vean su propia tasa vibratoria en vez de darle una carga de juicio a lo que es mejor o peor y particularmente en éste caso, peor, lo cual implica que ustedes de hecho son mejores. Les pedimos que reajusten eso para que sea diferente.

“No está en alineación con la resonancia natural de mi alma así que no se siente bien para mí”. ¿Eso significa que entonces lo abrazan?

No, están recibiendo la carga de la vibración disonante, no mejor qué o menos que, es una vibración disonante de su tasa vibratoria inherente a su alma.

La evidencia puede decirles si les gustaría o no moverse hacia o moverse lejos de algo el cual es perfecto. Alentaríamos a cada uno de ustedes a sintonizarse con su propia tasa vibratoria, y a qué se siente confortable y a qué no se siente confortable, qué se siente impulsador y disfrutable y excitante e inspirador, y qué podría llevarlos por un agujero de conejo de no sentirse bien con ustedes mismos, o bien sobre la situación.

Esa es la evidencia que les permite moverse hacia algunas situaciones o experiencias y lejos de otros. Lo cual es perfecto. Es un gran mecanismo de retroalimentación.

Pero lo que nos gustaría alentarlos a hacer es alejarse de la necesidad de categorizar o estratificar a las Almas en su planeta. La estratificación es innecesaria. Decir que alguien es mejor o peor que ustedes, solo se trata de tasa vibratoria.

Pueden usar de nuevo eso como evidencia en la dirección que necesitan ir para llevarlos a la alineación vibratoria con la naturaleza de su Alma, respecto a las Almas de otros para encontrar esas experiencias que resuenan con su naturaleza, y al hacerlo, le permiten a la gente estar en el espacio que es más confortable para ellos, en ese punto en su progreso del Alma o evolución o transformación.

Entonces liberan la constricción del juicio y permiten que venga más a ustedes, permitiéndoles estar más en resonancia con su propia tasa vibratoria.

Su energía no se preocupa por los otros o las situaciones de otros, ustedes responden a su propia tasa vibratoria. ¿Esto tiene sentido?

La liberación de la necesidad de estratificar y juzgar, les permite tener más de su propia conexión con su tasa vibratoria inherente y en un sentido les da mayor combustible para su propio proceso de exploración y ascensión.

Jueguen con estos conceptos de tasa vibratoria con ustedes mismos. ¿Cuáles son las cosas que pueden hacer y traer a sus vidas que es más de lo mismo, o incluso nuevas experiencias que les brindan esos sentimientos y pensamientos de elevación, que los lleva a estar en alineación cercana a su vibración inherente del Alma?

Jueguen con el concepto de remover el juicio y la necesidad de estratificar y hacerse uno mejor haciendo juicios sobre su tasa vibratoria de otras personas o situaciones.

Solo observen cómo eso cambia su punto de vista. Es liberador no tener que preocuparse de la tasa vibratoria de otros. En vez de eso, preocúpense de sus propios asuntos, preocúpense de su propia tasa vibratoria. [risa].

Al hacerlo tengan una gran posibilidad, en cada momento, de experimentar más alegría, más libertad, no solo para ustedes mismos sino también para aquellos que no hacen otra cosa que no sea vibrar en su propia tasa vibratoria perfecta de su Alma en ese momento en el tiempo.

Sean Bendecidos.

Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión.

Archivo de audio disponible en message-high-council-of-orion-2nd-apr-2013/ en inglés
© 2013 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust
Éste mensaje canalizado puede reproducirse en su totalidad mientras se conserve en su forma original y no se altere ni se cambie en ninguna forma, con el Autor y el vínculo claramente incluido.
Canalizador: Holly Hawkins Marwood
Traducción: Gustavo T


idea focus dos
¿Porque tanto en el modelo capitalista como en el socialista o comunista solo se busca el ser líderes en productividad y no en la durabilidad de los bienes de consumo?
¿Porque crear tantos bienes de consumo basura , muchos de ellos innecesarios y programados para no durar?
¿Serán acaso el modelo capitalista y socialista dos instrumentos ideológicos del mismo poder, que con su confrontación teóricamente democrática, nos quieren hacer ver que solo existen estas dos opciones?
La confrontación política, aunque se etiquete de democrática , solo provoca ganadores, perdedores, rencores , intrigas de salón, influencias y corruptelas.

Méline Lafont: Un me​nsaje personal de Lo​s Maestros del Lejan​o Oriente ~ parte 3 ​del proceso de trans​formación​

 abril 7, 2013
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Esta canalización es en realidad un mensaje personal para mí. Estos Maestros son conocidos por el libro: “Vida y Enseñanzas de los Maestros del Lejano Oriente” de Baird T. Spalding, un maravilloso libro, me han dicho, que desafortunadamente no he leído todavía.

Ellos vinieron a principios de noviembre para guiarme en mi proceso de Transformación y Transmutación que sigue en curso.

Como esta guía incluye consejos importantes, he decidido compartir mi mensaje con todos ustedes. Tengan en mente que éste es un mensaje personal para mí, y que esto puede variar de persona a persona y por lo tanto hay una posibilidad de que no resuene con su persona y corazón.

La canalización entera consiste de 20 páginas escritas y está compuesta de partes de la canalización total, e incluye los pasos. La primera y segunda parte del mensaje entero pueden encontrarse aquí: here.

Ésta es la última parte. Las tres partes son medios canalizados por mí personalmente y a través de mí, según los recibí de estos Maestros.

domingo, abril 07, 2013

= How to Activate Your LightBody / Merkaba = (By Drunvalo Melchizedek)

The Council of Nine — Building Bridges — 6 April 2013, by Tazjima

Spring time in the Blues
The Council of Nine — Building Bridges – 6 April 2013, by Tazjima
We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine. We are your sisters and brothers in light and love. We come to instruct, to cajole and to encourage you.
These past two weeks our companion council, the Pleiadian High Council, has advised our scribe that she sits on that same council. During her waking hours, she has no remembrance of these ongoing council meetings, except dreams about being with large groups of people in gatherings. During her daylight hours, however, she deals with the practical matters of being in two worlds, even three, at the same time. Her soul resides with us in the fifth and sixth dimension, her physical body in the third, her heart and mind in the fourth. It has become a daily task to learn to remain calm in the face of clashing egos, stubborn rigidity and unfounded fears. She does not always manage to find balance every waking moment, but she is working on releasing the fear and on building the light body so she will have a suitable vehicle in which to reside in calm and safety while drama still occurs in the world around her. It is a challenging balancing act, but one that she has prepared lifetimes for, as have you who are now reading these words.

Your savior is standing in your shoes. – channeled by Ron Head


Our topic for this day will be the messages that we send to you and your trust in us.  This is a very crucial question to the entire subject of ascension.  It brings into sharp focus the need for you to have developed discernment that you can rely upon rather than allowing events about you or the words of others to sway you to and fro like a leaf in the wind.

We believe we have never asked for you to believe in, to trust, the messenger, but have always urged you to base your judgment upon the content of the message itself.  Further, we will tell you now that messages that are sent to you from the higher dimensions, particularly those which contain the truth of the divine Creator, will always carry a detectable feeling to you which you will sense as a loving embrace.  It is the transmission to you of that which your hearts have yearned for ever since you have journeyed away from it.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 7 April 2013

Beloved Ones,
As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them. The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her inhabitants to join her in her ascended state of expansion and so the Cosmic window of opportunity is still wide open to allow this change and transformation to occur. All upon the planet are finding themselves awakening to many truths that were not available for their conscious knowledge before these times that you are now in the midst of.

As these truths are revealed more individuals are finding themselves in difficulty, having to struggle to deal with acceptance of how much they have allowed their innate sovereignty as divine beings to be usurped by those they have allowed authority over their lives. The initial reaction is one of uncomfortable rejection of these truths followed by an internal upheaval as they try to process and overcome this requirement for awakening. The good news is that the more who awaken to these truths, the greater the impetus becomes for all to awaken and that is what is occurring in your world in the now moment. All upon the planet are opening their consciousness to the idea that they are much more than they ever dreamed possible and that they have many rights they were not aware of before.


The Vatican & Aliens 2013 - The Vatican & Aliens 2013

UFO alien encounters the lost Walt Disney documentary 1


Part 20 - Pleiadian Alaje - ADVANCED LIGHTWORK - English Sub

THe MOST Money Will Be Made AFTER DOllar Collapse

Good evening this is Adrial speaking – 6th April 2013

6 Apr

549671_10151415642514023_141392784_nWe are glad to be in orbit around your Mother Gaia once again after your Easter break. We look forward once again to receive you onboard during your dreamflights.
Leave all the worries concerning 3D Earth behind for the coming 2 nights and float away to our ship in the stars.
As star beings, many of you like the idea of having a space family. Your heart beats for the time you can enjoy physical space travel and in fact many of the celebrities on your planet are looking forward to making it into space. We too look forward to the times when you will be allowed to freely roam our ships and we to be allowed visits on your ships. This times near for these kind of exchanges and as such we would like you to envisage how such exchanges could be organised, how comfortable would you be with some of our crews, and how relaxed would you be on our ships and scout ships?

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group April 6, 2013

As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele

Greetings dear ones. We speak to you in this time of change and fear, for many are still holding on to fears which in turn push them to make less that perfect choices. This is not a criticism, but simply an observation of the world's state of consciousness. It is perfectly understandable that you would experience fear, for all around you are the signs of war, death, and violence. However, these appearances can take you deeper should you choose.

Use these times to evaluate your belief systems, asking yourselves; "What is it that I believe? What is it that I wish to create in my life? What am I still holding on to that I now know is not truth?" If you wish to change the manifestation of that which is not of the highest light in your lives and your world, then these questions must be seriously pondered. Too many simply sit and wait for others to do the work of changing the outer scene. The material world (that which you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell) is the manifestation of spiritual reality, but as interpreted according to the states of consciousness of those in the world. Where one sees a magnificent living forest, another sees only the money to be had in cutting it all down.

Saint Germain ~ The Sightings of Your Current Heart are Overwhelming ~ via Méline Lafont ~ January 31st, 2013

As channeled by Méline Lafont

Precious beings of Light, my friends and brothers/sisters of heart. What a magnificent movement of Light is taking place here on Earth and beyond. This movement is astonishing to behold and it is occurring within you all: within your hearts and also within your minds. Let me thank you for it, as I AM deeply moved by this.

Little by little and step by step these creations of Love are now unfolding themselves within you all to be fully manifested in your own personal time and space. You all are flourishing like beautiful flowers, becoming these roses of Love. These flourishing flowers are all of you!! One by one and day by day, we of the Light are gaining more and more space on your precious Gaia, and in the minds and hearts of your precious Selves.

A Personal Message to Me from the Ascended Masters of the Far East ~ Step 2 ~ Knowledge for the Transmutation in the Process of Transformation ~ via Meline Lafont ~ January 31st, 2013

As channeled by Meline Lafont
(This channeling is actually a personal message to me. These Masters are known by the book of “Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding, a wonderful book I was told that, unfortunatly, I have not read yet.

They came in early November to give me guidance in my Transformation and Transmutation process that is still running.

Since this guidance includes important tips in it, I decided to share my message with you all. Keep in mind that this is a personal message to me, and this can vary from person, and therefore there is a chance that this does not resonate with your person and heart. The entire channel consists of 20 written pages and is composed of parts from the entire channeling and includes steps. The first part was posted on January 9 and This is the second part of the entire message, the third part will follow later in the coming days. Much love, Meline ?)

Ascended Master Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ April 05 – 12, 2013 ~ Adding Discipline Produces Favourable Outcomes ~ via Julie Miller

As channeled by Julie Miller

Your journey dear ones depends on your choices that have a close relationship with self-discipline. It is understood dear ones that Self-Discipline is a pattern of learned behaviour where you have chosen what you will do at any given time. Self-Discipline isn’t just a requirement for developing more of your Self in a spiritual perspective, but adopting a disciplined attitude is required in many occupational settings. Self-Discipline is part of an Inner Power that encourages you to rise a little earlier to meet the sunrise you enjoy to meditate with, or what nudges you out of bed to improve your muscular health by doing a little exercise. It is the declaration of understanding of your willpower over your primary needs that is equal with your self-control.

Adopting more Self-Discipline into your regime will also encourage you to hone your Inner Knowing or Intuition that will further increase your stamina to persevere during the hardest of trials. When you choose to live a disciplined life, you will notice an increase of Inner Strength that will allow you to endure difficult challenges and hardships regardless if they are of mental, emotional or physical origin. Discipline provides you immediate satisfaction because of the effort and time you applied to bring forth the desired outcome.


Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Point One: 12 DNA- what is it? Where did it come from?
How did we get it back?

12 DNA is the Divine Blue Print of the Human Angelic Race line. That race line began as Oraphims who created the Turaunesiums - of Tara. That was 550 million years ago. Since then, our race line was completely destroyed three times and re-created three times. This is the fourth time. This time our race line is being re-made by bringing one of each of the DNA strands back at a time.

There were twelve parts of the original Star called Tara that was created by Sun Alcyone. Tara is not from the Milky Way. She is from Sun Alcyone. When Tara broke into 12 pieces and became 12 planets in the Milky Way, the plan began to put Tara back together again. So, when the question is asked whether we are from Earth or Tara or Sirius B, or if we are Arcturians or Pleiadians, the answer is always yes. We are all one. We all came from Sun Alcyone. If we didn't come from Sun Alcyone, we came from Ra. If we didn't come from Ra we came from Ka. We all came from the same place. We came from the Breath of Source creating the Idea of the Perfect Divine Blue Print.