viernes, marzo 29, 2013

The Time Capsules Of Gaia

This channelling is a continuation of the channellings from Phoenix and Boulder (below). It continues the discussion, a very controversial one, that Human scientific advancement is controlled... released to Humanity when it is ready. If this is the case (and the logic of it makes sense), then what is coming and where is it coming from? Are there Gaia time capsules left for us that open with ideas and enlightenment as we move into this newer energy past 2012? Are there personal time capsules as well? Where? When? It's all here...
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The message that I give this evening is an extension to the two that I have given previously within the last weeks [in Boulder Colorado, and Phoenix, Arizona].

The information that you need to know, old soul, needs to be repeated sometimes, so we're going to do a little bit of a review first.

There is a truth laying in the room, and one that is refreshing. There is a newness here, a renewal, and a recalibration of all things. Having passed this marker of the 2012 energy is far more significant than any of you realize. Many are watching in a quantum state from afar, and there is celebration. You can't take back what you've done, and there are some axioms we wish to remind you of that may affect how you think about it all. But let us review, just for a moment.

Wes Annac – The Galactic Federation Manuscript With SanJAsKa – Part 2 – 29 March 2013

Continued from Part 1
Galactic Craft & Government Knowledge
SanJAsKa tells us about the multiple different races of the Galactic Federation, and begins to tell us about the conscious technologies that are the Federations’ starships and Motherships. We are also told of the inhabitance of star and Motherships by higher dimensional souls, and our governments’ knowledge of advanced technology is discussed as well.
“There are a myriad of races comprising the Galactic Federation, and we Pleiadians are one of them. We could not name all of the races who are a part of the Galactic Federation but trust, dear hearts; there are plenty of us and we are all geared toward helping you to ascend.
Our ships are comprised in so many different and unique ways, and you will find that each one of them looks different and retains their own individual form. We exist harmoniously within our Motherships and starships, who are conscious beings who’ve decided to inhabit higher dimensional technology and help us to travel around and mitigate pollution manifested on your dearest Earth, among many other things.

The New Humans by Mary Rodwell

SaLuSa - Mike Quinsey - March 29, 2013
SaLuSa  29-March-2013

By now we see that Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age. Their understanding of what is needed is helping the awakening process, which continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already losing its power to create more fear. In this respect in spite of the apparent threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness. You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your lives.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Una conexión con el Espíritu - Marzo 27, 2013

alasabstra dos


Miguel: Comenzaremos una discusión ésta mañana sobre las fuentes de mensajes canalizados.

Intentamos con ésta información hacer que sea más fácil para aquellos que se encuentran receptivos a esos mensajes entender el proceso y confiar en lo que reciben.

Muchos más de ustedes se encontrarán sintonizando vastos campos de esa información de ahora en adelante. Su estructura interna está cambiando de tal forma que la están haciendo parte de sus vidas.

Recibirán más mensajes personales y algunos desearán ser conductos para información general como la que ha sido registrada por éste canal y otros.

Entiendan que ustedes están, y siempre han estado viviendo en medio de un océano de frecuencias llevando toda la información en los universos.

John Ward – Smoke Signals Special : ‘ Eurogroup Will Stop Capital Flight NOW ‘ – 29 March 2013

draghimerkIs the European public being quietly alerted to an assets freeze? Will eurocapital controls be rushed through on this bank holiday weekend?
The Slog has posted endlessly about ECB boss Mario Draghi’s disappearing act since March 7th. Last Saturday, I posted this opinion on what Mario is busy doing:
‘The mystery of Mario Draghi the Invisible Man is more disturbing in some ways. I posted about Schäuble briefing bigtime against him the week before last, and I now think it boils down to two serious possibilities. The first is that Berlin has somehow neutralised the ECB boss, and told him to stay out of public and leave it to them. If so, he has managed very well to be AWOL during a classic Brussels-am-Berlin cock-up. But even as the ECB demanded a Nicosia decision by Monday and then demanded more money after the Moscow talks broke down, SuperMario was nowhere to be seen. That is odd.

Saúl - John Smallman - Crea un espacio en el que puedas escuchar a tus guías espirituales - Vinícius Francis

athena dos

Aquellos que se liberan de sus propias prisiones son los que verdaderamente se vuelven libres.

No vine a enseñaros la perfección, pues en ella ustedes ya viven, sin embargo aún no se dan cuenta. Las prisiones externas, las limitaciones exteriores reflejan vuestra condición interior.

Todas las cadenas puestas sobre el ser humano fueron colocadas por cada uno individualmente. Veo a muchos de ustedes reclamar acerca de la condición de su vida. Oigo a muchos pidiendo por auxilio para que su realidad pueda cambiar.

Mientras tanto, cuando vengo en nombre de muchos, en respuesta a esas oraciones, la mayoría no se satisface con aquello que es dicho.

Qué desean oir de mi parte o de parte de otro “espíritu” fuera de la materia?

Que tenemos las soluciones para lo que desean cambiar?

Que vamos, por nuestra cuenta, a revertir vuestras historias y transformar vuestro desierto en un lugar arbolado y con jardines?

Es ese vuestro deseo?

The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 3 - Advanced Technology Kept from Humanity - Wes Annac - March 29, 2013

SanJAsKa specifically is, again, a fifth dimensional aspect of my overall higher self and as such, I feel quite close to this soul in energy. Though this may not be the method utilized by other races or Councils of the Galactic Federation who speak through other scribes, the connection I feel with this soul is utilized as the group’s energies are brought through SanJAsKa, as is outlined below.
We are also reminded below that our governments have known about much of the technology we have been and will be discussing, and that they have proven uninterested in releasing such technology to humanity.

jueves, marzo 28, 2013

Disclosure Now - The Truth of the UFO & Extraterrestrial Presence (2013


Méline Lafont – Welcome To Your Magical New World – 27 March 2013

cosmic world 2We have shifted big time !  That is what, in several ways, is coming in these past 3 days and nights. All sorts of messages and clear hints saying that in fact the shift is present and happening BIG time.  Since the spring equinox I have felt, seen and experienced so much that is beyond my control and my comprehension.  The only thing that I can explain will be these following  sentences, explaining  to you my messages and feelings that I have received during these days.
As the equinox was taking place, lots of energies were pouring in and through our bodies.  I have been experiencing sudden different ways of heart beatings, like first my heart would skip beats to then take a leap into a race as if an explosion would result from  it, which was fortunately not the case.  It is clear that you do not have control over this whatsoever and luckily this is the case, or we would hold on to fear too much or block our way to Ascension.
This, I experienced on March the 25th of this year after having quite an intense night.  This process of heart beating was suddenly taking place and lasted a few seconds while I felt this energy coming through my heart and lifted me up.  After that, I felt very lightheaded and not so comfortable, then I received the advice to lay down.  I received 3 short messages right after that process: LAST ASCENSION, END DUALITY and OUT OF DUALITY, REUNION.
As I went to get my kids from School, I all of a sudden felt emotional while driving and looking at the beautiful sun.  Tears were flowing and I had a feeling of happiness and relief.  I could not control those tears and I felt myself so good!

miércoles, marzo 27, 2013

Wes Annac – The Galactic Federation Manuscript With SanJAsKa – Part 1 – 27 March 2013


Written by Wes Annac
I would now like to present, analyze and discuss material concerning the Galactic Federation, sometimes referred to as the Galactic Federation of Light (some hold the belief that the two are different Organizations).
Who is the Galactic Federation?
The Galactic Federation is essentially an Organization comprised of a myriad of races of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings who have come together and united in the common goal of serving others, as we will learn below. These beings have found and evolved to the higher states of consciousness we are currently growing toward as a planet, and the Councils from the Pleiades who will be informing us about their Federation and a plethora of other things in this series are comprised mostly of fifth dimensional evolved humans or spirits.
The information we will discuss has been channeled from a Pleiadian Representative of the Galactic Federation and specifically, of the Pleiadian Councils of this Federation, who goes by the label of SanJAsKa. This soul is also a fifth dimensional aspect of my higher self, and could be called a “future self” as some may refer to it.

The manuscript of survival – part 291 - Aisha North
The undertow will be strong for many of you now, and it will feel as if your feet are in danger of being swept away. And so you think you face certain destruction, for when you venture to feel into these energies surging around you now, you can feel just how powerful they are. But in this, the lesson is the same as for those caught in a riptide when they are out in the waters. Do not fight this dear ones, for then you will only prolong your pain and misery, and you are apt to tire yourself out completely. For what you need to do is to go completely against your instinct. For your instinct will tell you to hunker down and fight with all of your might against the relentless push and pull if this surge. But what you need to do, is the complete opposite. For you need to just lift your feet, release your hold on the firmament, and let yourself ble swept away on these currents. And when you do, you will find it is so much easier to navigate this stream of incoming energy, and you will find yourself floating freely in this large body of water. For if you stick to your guns, you will find yourself fighting for air, as the water rises and your head starts to become submerged.

Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – Post- Equinox Full Moon: Passage To Fulfillment – 27 March 2013

Beloved Ones,
You’re about to enter the new paradigm of being. You’ve been preparing for this for a long while. Some conscious for longer than others, but for all of you, what feels like a long, and arduous challenge. It is so wonderful when you reach a moment like this in life — when you don’t have to do anything, just let all you have already created ripen. 
The galactic energies of the moon alignment will usher you into the new expression of being you have longed sense would become a reality on Earth.
The balance within you, emerging from the Equinox, is the last part of integrating the re-calibration process/program transmitted during the December Solstice and which has been unfolding and firing since then.
You know in your heart that new levels of awareness have come online. Your ego is gradually fading in it’s authority and it’s control. The emotions you used to merge with a sense of feeling, are now perceived more accurately and you’re begun to relate to sensation and feeling as different than emotions. Do you realize what an enormous shift this is? How much you have allowed yourself to become more neutral? In this neutrality, in welcoming life as it is, you have empowered your DNA to resume healing and reorganizing. It is liberated to open you to the world and to all of life, receiving the encodements that were intended to set you free. You could not receive all of this energy fully until you tipped the balance into a higher level of awareness. It is this greater merging with your Higher Self and your Soul Presence which is now facilitating this process for and with you.

John Smallman – Saul – You Can Clearly See The Collapsing House Of Cards That The Global Financial System Has Become – 27 March 2013

The divine energy field enveloping you is strengthening and intensifying daily, matching your ability to meld with it more and more effectively, and of course its energy is Love, and that is permeating the hearts of those who are opening to It – the vast majority of humans – and helping you to release the attitudes and behaviors, the inflexible beliefs that so many have held for so long.  The results of this are visible all across the world as new ideas to deal with the major problems and issues facing you are expressed and shared.
The old, inflexible beliefs and the tools used to maintain them are still in evidence, but their ineffectiveness can no longer be disguised by blaming others for their failure to resolve the issues that they were supposed to solve.  The old order, the established order, has been in control, directing the business of politics, business, ethics, morality, religion — in fact, anything in which people interact together in any way at all — for a long time.  This order has remained hidden in the background while directing the activities of public figures so that its hidden agendas were achieved unseen, discreetly, and easily.

Judy Sartori – The Full Moon Transmission For March Is All About LOVE – Love Is The Key And The Way – 27 March 2013

Love is an energy that powers new creation and helps us move through change and frequently challenge, as change always brings up challenge as we first discover a New Way and then begin to live it and integrate it into our lives. As human beings we are all going through a time of transition right now within our own consciousness and personal lives. This inner change within us is also being reflected in our relationships, our communities and society in general.
Many people have said to me, “I did not expect it to be so hard after the shift. I thought things would be easier,” but for change to occur there has to be a big shake up of the old and a letting go of that which does not serve us. We have to release old ways of being and operating in the world so that we can become better aligned with the true essence of our soul self, the true nature of us, so that our soul self and the soul group from which we come can better express through our physical selves into the world.
In February I was asked by Spirit to travel to La Sainte Baume in Provence, France to receive information and energy from Mary Magdalene that was to be called ‘The Transcripts of Mary Magdalene’. This was the name I received last year after I first went to La Sainte Baume in July.
Mary Magdalene lived in the rocky hills of La Sainte Baume for 30 years when she came to France following the crucifixion of Jesus, but as you will learn when you listen to the transmission, the energy and information is really not from Mary. It is from her soul group. Her physical form and expression while on Earth was actually bringing through to the Earth plane the feminine aspect of the Godhead and this is the energy of the transcripts. These transcripts will bring information and intense energy and consciousness change to us so that we too might forge a NEW WAY on our NEW FIFTH DIMENSIONAL EARTH.

John Smallman – Jesus – No Solutions Can Be Found By Joining With The Darkness In Its Conflicts – 27 March 2013

We are One, God, and all of creation, all sentient consciousness, every single incarnate human (who has been in, is now in, or will enter that state of human embodiment), all that exists.  You know this because you have been told it more than often enough, and deep within yourselves your intuition tells you it is true, even though as embodied humans you do not for the most part experience it.  A few have had brief and ecstatic encounters with that Oneness, but while you remain embodied they can only be temporary, although the memories remain, because you cannot bring those encounters into the illusion, into time, where you appear to have your existence – they are timeless, limitless, eternal, and so it is impossible.  They just won’t fit!
But knowing, believing, and having faith that all are One, focus on treating all others as if they were yourself, and then, most importantly, treat yourself well.  If you do not treat yourselves well – lovingly, kindly, compassionately, non-judgmentally – you cannot treat others well.  That does not, of course, mean that you should expect them to be like you, with similar beliefs and interests, because there are infinite numbers of ways to know God, and to assume, as many do, that your way is the right way, the only way, leads, as you very well know, to unending conflict.

When love binds all that is – Message from the Angelic Realm 26 March 2012 by Multidimensional Ocean Posted on March 26, 2013 by Laura

We come forward with a message of peace, love and joy dear Earth brothers and sisters. Love is all you have when you have decided to incarnate for this ride on Earth. We bless you and love you so much. We wish you to understand that there is always a way for you to ascend in this life, provided your heart is set very firmly on this goal.
We will guide your every step towards the goal you seek. We are here to guide you and protect you as much as we can. We know that due to much interference it is not very usual for our voice and advice to be heard by you. It is not common that even the most enlightened among you consciously communicate with us, from the angelic realm.
Rest assured that we know the deepest longings of your heart for peace, joy, happiness, balance and justice. We know your worth as well as you know yours.
You have chosen to incarnate upon the Earth sphere for the end game times, as so many of us call this time. We are so proud of you all for having decided to spread your wings upon Mother Earth, who is in great need of love and courage among her children.

You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?

 Brenda Hoffman
Dear Ones,
Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.
You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King  Arthur and the round table. Such is not true – but you do not necessarily believe that yet.
You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality – those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.
Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller – as is true for the party game “Pass the Message” – changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience – until the truth was more fiction than reality.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 27 March 2013


5 Men, 3 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! We come to explain what we are currently doing and why it has not yet manifested. As you can clearly see around you, the dark’s minions are still in power across this precious globe. We have worked hard to create a working alliance between our sacred secret allies and ourselves, and this union has produced a new monetary system and secured huge amounts of unaccounted-for gold and silver to back the new financial system. In addition, we laid the foundation for a new banking system and set up the legal instruments that terminate the tyranny of the large private banks, as it is vital that this global, octopus-like institution be no longer able to suck the life out of your world’s economies. Furthermore, a new international system of governance is shortly to be in effect. The final arbiter of all things connected to this scenario is Heaven. The agreement between the Light and the dark that was put into effect some 13 millennia ago is winding down and a series of celestial events will terminate that agreement, taking with it the conditions which hold you in thrall to limited consciousness. This sequence of events is now underway and will shortly allow a new era on your world to begin.