sábado, agosto 19, 2017

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual para Agosto 2017 - 1 de Agosto de 2017

1 de Agosto de 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El tema principal de Agosto es RE-EVALUACIÓN/ REINICIO.

Este es un mes que brinda una gran oportunidad para reevaluar lo que están haciendo en su vida, eliminar lo que no funciona, e ir a por un cambio a gran escala. Es un mes muy intenso de altibajos emocionales, de confusión sobre lo que es correcto y además es un momento de lidia profunda con verdades difíciles.

También es un mes en el que tomamos lo que "HICIMOS" en julio, y re-evaluamos su ubicación en nuestras vidas para luego llevarlo al siguiente nivel o bien, decidimos que no es para nosotros. Cuando "se busca algo nuevo", se tienen que cambiar las rutinas establecidas para permitir que el espacio (y el tiempo) se apoderen de ello. Esto generalmente significa que algo más que era receptáculo de un lugar enérgico tiene que ser cambiado y/o liberado. A veces esto sucede naturalmente, pero la mayor parte del tiempo es cuestión de tomar una decisión consciente y el consiguiente compromiso. Conseguiremos muchas oportunidades de hacer nuevas elecciones y mover las cosas para acomodar los nuevos aspectos que deseamos anclar.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Vieja Energía Adictiva - Stanford, Connecticut, Agosto 12 de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Stanford, Connecticut, Agosto 12 de 2017

La Vieja Energía Adictiva

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado, como siempre. Les daré un mensaje ahora del que él no está enterado, o que no está enterado de que sería dado. Así es como funciona, querido, que la información que se da desde el otro lado del velo, es información que no esperarían, dada de maneras que podrían no afrontar. Esta noche es una revelación que avanza más que nunca en las diferencias entre la vieja y la nueva energía.



August is one of the key, transformative months of the year that will move many of us out of our comfort zones and bring us completion on many levels. It's an "Expect the Unexpected" month that will bring huge change. August is full of Wild Cards in which anything can happen. And at this moment, we don't know which Wild Cards are going to be dealt to us.

We are experiencing heightened polarities as humanity splits into various divisions. There's the ever growing separation between those living in the two reality systems of Duality and Oneness. There are the obvious divisions between religions, races, political beliefs and between the rich and the poor. Splits within splits are taking place.

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Agosto 2017 ~ FORJADOS EN LOS FUEGOS DE LA TRANSFORMACIÓN - 19 de agosto de 2017

Agosto es uno de los meses clave y transformadores del año, que sacará a muchos de nosotros de nuestras zonas de confort y nos traerá culminación en muchos niveles. Es un mes de "Esperar lo Inesperado" que traerá grandes cambios. Agosto está lleno de Comodines en los que cualquier cosa puede suceder. Y en este momento, no sabemos qué Comodines nos van a tocar.

Estamos experimentando polaridades exacerbadas conforme la humanidad se fracciona en varias divisiones. Hay la creciente separación entre aquellos que viven en los dos sistemas de realidad de la Dualidad y la Unicidad. Hay divisiones obvias entre religiones, razas, creencias políticas y entre ricos y pobres. Se están produciendo divisiones dentro de las divisiones.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday August 19, 2017

The act of surrender is like putting your car in drive after you've programmed your destination into your GPS. Intention is step one. Activating your help is step two. But neither one will do you much good if you don't get into the flow that allows you to be guided to where you want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 18 de Agosto, 2017

Estad seguros de que todo marcha bien a pesar de las apariencias externas. Las nuevas energías se están estableciendo y en consecuencia las viejas están luchando para mantener su posición sobre la Tierra. Es parecido a una batalla por la supervivencia, excepto que las viejas energías ya han tenido su tiempo y están perdiendo el poder para seguir existiendo, y más tarde desaparecerán. Es muy parecido a lo que pasa con las energías negativas de las que dependen los Illuminati y sus secuaces para continuar con su existencia, que es por lo que perpetran el miedo con sus actos. Pero están perdiendo su poder poco a poco y ya no pueden controlaros como antes. La campaña para eliminarles de forma que les cierre la posibilidad de seguir en el poder sobre vosotros está teniendo éxito, y silenciosamente y con poca publicidad las Fuerzas de la Luz se han convertido en la fuerza dominante del bien. Eso significa que no pasará mucho tiempo antes de que sea seguro avanzar e introducir las diversas innovaciones que elevarán vuestra calidad de vida.

Susan Leland - Ashtar: "There Is NO Separation Between Us!!!" - August 8, 2017

Ashtar: "There Is NO Separation Between Us!!!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - August 8, 2017

"Greetings, Most Beloved Family! And this is indeed a most special day on all levels of being. Do not think that just because you are in a human body that the rest of you, that part of you that is – let’s just say outside and above your body – is not in sync with it. And as a matter of fact, this is where some wondrous openings, changes, shiftings, and so on, are taking place!

"And so it is to greet the Lion. And, of course, the Lion will be here - the main Lion representative that we have, and are blessed to have in our company.* But for now, I will simply say, hang on for the ride, because it's huge. You just heard - unprecedented events opening, shifting - revelations are occurring even now.** How high can that Schumann resonance go? Use your imaginations! It is to come together in the consciousness, and the raising of it, that it's all about anyway. So take off whatever limitations you may have on your own individual selves, and join in the fun, because this is the greatest party ever seen on Planet Earth - and ever attended!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Our NEW Earth Decree & Declaration as a Cosmic BEing - 8/19/2017

I have written this Light Encoded Activation for all who resonate and desire to utilize this for anchoring highest timelines of UNITY LOVE POWER PEACE here. I've placed it on this dedicated page of my website, as it will be included as just one small part of a much larger Divine Grand Evolution Plan/Project/Design that we've received the encodements for over the years, which have culminated for embodiment this entire year. This Grand Design is a huge project, including geometrically light encoded schematics outlining implementation of our Galactic Soul Civilizations together here. It takes the complicated and simplifies all back into Unity-Love-Consciousness for us all....

Our NEW Earth Decree & Declaration as a Cosmic BEing

A Light Encoded Activation to Solidify All of Our Highest Timelines Here
​(I will record this and make it available to all when I do)

viernes, agosto 18, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Kryon y Adironnda - Introducción para: La Vieja Energía Adictiva - Stanford, Connecticut, 12 de Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Stanford, Connecticut, 12 de Agosto de 2017

Marilyn Harper:

Es buen día para ustedes, ah? Eso está fuerte, eh? Nos presentamos: somos Adironnda. Y como dice nuestro querido amigo Kryon, venimos con todo un grupo, una muchedumbre, y es para ustedes.

Y nos vamos a poner de pie, porque podemos (se ríe). Así, para poder ver todo a lo largo hasta el final del salón. Queridísimos seres de luz, ustedes son el paso vibratorio siguiente en este planeta. ¡Ju, júu! ¡Qué excitante es eso! Están aquí para transformar la consciencia de este planeta y están empezando por la Costa Este. ¿Les parece que habrá un poco de consciencia que puede ser cambiada aquí? Si lo creen vengan a Kansas, y lo sabrán. (risas)

SkyWatch August 11th to 14th

Lena Stevens - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Update 8-21-17 - Aug 18, 2017

Dear Friends,

The New Moon and total Solar Eclipse is Monday August 21 at 12:30PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is the big one we have all been talking about. Some of you are determined to be in a place where you can see and witness the totality and many of you will simply be in its energy or see a partial view. It really does not matter energetically, only psychologically.

But with that said, this is definitely a time to honor a marker of huge change and the agent of a massive reset. Even if you have been working with these energies now for the past weeks, it is always good to honor the exact time frame around this event.

Alcyon Pléyades 60: Patton Reencarnación, inmortalidad criogénesis, robotismo, Lincoln- Kennedy

Blossom Goodchild - August 18, 2017

Welcome once again to my mind, my friends! 

And we too welcome you into our thoughts. Together, this makes for a conversation that is most sought after by many.

Yes. That always amazes me that so many are interested in a conversation I have in my mind … (That is what it feels like) without any proof at all of whom I’m speaking with. Yet, I have to accept it is with Very High Beings … from Very High Places. That’s the bit that amazes me.

Natalie Glasson - The Original Essence of Mother Earth - Future Awakening of Humanity and Earth - 18th August 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa, https://www.omna.org/

Greetings, I am the original essence of Mother Earth, the pure consciousness that fuels the energetic body and presence of Mother Earth. You might say I am the higher aspect or consciousness of Mother Earth. I hold the awareness of the codes and wisdom which were anchored into the Earth at its creation as well as the pure intentions of all light beings for the Earth. During the time of the Creation of the Earth and the synthesis of my consciousness as Mother Earth with the Earth, there was a great deal of excitement. In order to create the Earth a clear and strong vision was needed, the same required to aid my integration with the land and the incarnation of beings of light onto the Earth. Everything was achieved with a pure, clear and strong vision which encapsulated all that was needed in the present as well as for future ascension. Everything was taken care of, even the energy vibr ations created to support many light beings such as yourself in moving through levels of self-exploration on the Earth. The planet Earth was made three dimensional, physical and solid to enhance experiences and a greater understanding of all your senses. Enjoyment of the Earth, working in harmony and peace with all creations on the Earth was the key.

Ron Head - The Council – Your Collective Field - Aug 16, 2017

Image Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

In five days, there will be a total solar eclipse, the path of which will pass across the whole of the 48 contiguous states on the North American continent. This event has received more attention than any eclipse in your history. Of course, it is the first to occur in the era of the internet. We have had nothing to add to the discussion of this until now. It hardly needed to be hyped any further. In fact, there has been such a frenzy built up that your guardians and guides will be kept very busy for a few days.

Steve Rother - The Group - Crystals on the Path ~ Planting the Seeds of Light - August 15, 2017

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I have come to share with you that you are in a magical moment in time. In truth, you have specifically chosen to be in a situation that can be very challenging for most. Yet here you are. Some of you are trying to figure out exactly what happened. You do not re-member agreeing to all this. You wonder if someone pushed you into this lifetime, then somehow you woke up in a human body trying to figure out what you were doing on planet Earth. Well, dear ones, let us tell you. You are not here by accident. Soon you will understand more about this energy and what is taking place on planet Earth. The largest plans of all beings everywhere are now starting to come together, so quite simply that is what is happening. Do not think that you are going through this alone. You are spirits playing a game on a very strange planet. Although you have fallen very much in love with the beauty of planet Earth, know that you are not completely of Earth. Dear ones, you are here specifically to make a change that we are here to help you with. We are not here to show you which way to turn or to open doors for you, but instead to re-mind you that you already know the way Home.

ECETI Video News Letter August 16th 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday August 18, 2017

There is an understanding of the importance of having clarity for what you would like to create moving forward. But during such times of energetic intensity, much that is looking for healing comes up for examination and release. So how do you stay focused on what you want while having what is NOT wanted come up so clearly?

Lisa Transcendence Brown - NEW Earth is Not Logical, It's Vibrational, Multi-Dimensional and Magically Appears as We Open Up To Magic & Unified Love Again - 8/17/2017

When rainbows and magic are what we hold in our hearts, minds-eye and whole being.... this is what materializes in our physical reality outside. Opening portals, anchoring higher dimensions by way of holding all of this from within us... for all of us here. When it's time to become multi-dimensional (now)... choosing to leave old realities for the "unknown".... we had to say YES, without knowing or understanding all. Our human aspect fears what it cannot control... now look at this... bliss, amazing paintings fill the skies, and pristine energies fill our Quantum Unified Field SPACE....

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 18 August 2017

Be assured that everything is proceeding well in spite of the outer appearances. The new energies are becoming established, and in consequence the old ones are struggling to maintain a place upon Earth. It is like a battle to survive except that the old energies have had their day and losing their power to continue existing, and eventually will die away. It is very much how it is with the negative energies that the Illuminati and their minions depend upon for their continuing existence, which is why they perpetrate fear by their actions. However, they are losing their power bit by bit and are no longer able to control you as before. The campaign to remove them in a way that denies them continual power over you is succeeding, and quietly with little publicity the Forces of Light have become the dominant force for good. It means that it will not be too long before it will be safe to go ahead and introduce the many innovations that will lift up your quality of life.