Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Multidimensionalidad. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Multidimensionalidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, mayo 02, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - May's Phoenix Energies: A Call for Great Change & A Brave New World... - May 1, 2021

While there are many focuses of the frequencies activating daily, there are "repeating ones" that are stronger in nature, clearer in focus and pivotal for the rest to unlock and come forth....

Mid-April there were two specific Clarion Calls that went out across the Ethers (Quantum Field) for all....

  • A Call for Great Change
  • A Brave NEW World.... 

When diving into all that this speaks to, it was vast and basically included everything and in every way.

Suzanne Lie - Saving Gaia A Conversation with the Arcturians - May 1, 2021

A Conversation with the Arcturians


Dear Arcturians
What do you have to share with us today? 

We, the Arcturian Members of your Galactic Family, are very pleased to communicate with our Family Members who have called upon us to assist the awakening humans to remember their true Higher SELF.

We the Arcturians have been calling our members who have taken a third dimensional Earth body, to remember that that they too have a higher dimensional frequency of SELF We are pleased to see that more and more of our third dimensional humans are awakening to their true Multidimensional SELF.

jueves, abril 22, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional LightBody: The Physical Body's Vibration is/was Too Low...- April 22, 2021

This Lightbody support article is to assist with an understanding, a vibrational/energetic one. The human aspect loves to play in the "high vibration/low vibration" as a "better than/not good enough" ego game. This is so completely different than that.

Each's Lightbody is their "Vehicle" for Physical Body Ascension to occur. It energetically builds each's Merkaba with every Photonic/Cosmic/Solar Light upgrade process.....

sábado, abril 10, 2021

L’Aura Pleiadian - NEW MOON In Aries, April 11/12th, 2021 ~ A RESET - April 9, 2021

This powerful New Moon in Aries is on April 11th, 2021 at 11:30pm ADT. This will be a powerful activation and depending on where you are AT in the moment; the outcome may be surprising or not.

The Sun conjunct the Moon is always the most powerful for BEGINNINGS. This of course begins a new 28 day cycle for you.

jueves, abril 01, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - April's Energies: Divine Sacred Remembrance - April 1, 2021


Picture March was THE MOST POWERFUL month we've had thus far... leading into this vibrational/energetic now....

So much energetic upheaval and clearing that needed to occur... so much deeply buried (asleep) begging to be un-anchored, felt and processed through/out of the cellular body/entire template....

The whole month "one huge electromagnetic unlocking"....

martes, marzo 23, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2021 Multi-Dimensional/Quantum/Energetic Visionary Pre-View/Over-View - March 22, 2021

BeLOVEd Light Family,

This sharing/activation is deeply encoded with infinite multi-dimensional/Quantum Light Codes (Soul-Star-Light-Photonic-Geometric-Holographic (Pure Love Codes) and more. These activate on a multi-dimensional level and speak to multiple dimensions/dimensional aspects as well. Each will FEEL all first and then as Heart-Connected-Consciousness allows, start to see.... (for some this can be simultaneous, for others take much time, even months/years, so be patient and just FEEL/absorb). Consciousness works on a Quantum/non-linear level... as all is processed through the whole body/field. ♥

domingo, marzo 21, 2021

Lisa Transcendence Brown - ♥ As Planetary Amnesia Dissolves ♥ - March 21, 2021

☼ A NEW Dawn, A NEW Day, A NEW Life, A NEW Earth ☼

♥ Happy Equinox Gateway ♥

♥ As Planetary Amnesia Dissolves ♥ 

Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FULL Divine Soul-Star-Light Family,

I've remained primarily offline since last year for many reasons. It's been beyond important to respect and honor all that needs to occur in order to dissolve heavy duty individual/collective distortions and shift the people of our planet into much higher States of Consciousness through each's own individual new realizations, awareness and experiences now.

martes, febrero 23, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Transmissions from the Antarians - WE ARE ALL MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEINGS

This message was first received 9-17-17



Through Suzanne Lie

Feeling Completion By Going Back To The Beginning

This article was first received on May 27, 2019

Note from Suzanne:

The below information channeled to me about the Antarians started on 7-4-14. I have been called to send it out, bit-by-bit via my Blog for all of you to experience. Antares is found within the greater star system of Scorpius (often known as Scorpio). Please see the Star map for Antares above. Then, perhaps you can look up into the night sky to find Antares.

domingo, febrero 21, 2021

Sandra Walter - Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now - Feb 21, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Schumann spikes, geomagnetic storms, and a large plasma filament release in this Now. A massive amount of information, upgrades, releasing and recoding are unfolding with this Gateway.

Unprecedented frequencies are emanating through the grids after another strong magnetic shift last Monday. We anticipate another Schumann response next week to the lengthy geomagnetic storm and plasma release.

lunes, enero 25, 2021

Lev - From 3D To 4D And 5D – The New Galactic Year - January 25, 2021

How To Go From 3D To 4D And 5D. By Lev.

With the onset of the New Galactic Year, the replacement of old (3D) with new (4D/5D) energies, matter, constants, evolutionary programs, codes and more has accelerated dramatically.

For it, the Co-Creators, the Higher Light Hierarchy, and the Ground Teams have built various channels, multidimensional axes, and other conductive systems, structures, Islands, Cities of Light, Altars of Transition…

martes, diciembre 29, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - You are All Multidimensional Beings - Dec 29, 2020

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, Suzille,

We always have a message for you, as well as for anyone who will ask us. In other words, we are always available to our volunteers to assist Gaia. We would like to talk with you today about the State of Mind and Place of Heart the you are allowing to direct you through your daily life.

We refer to “State of Mind” as the frequency of reality to which your mind is calibrated, and “Place of Heart” refers to where you direct your gifts of love.

lunes, noviembre 09, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Inter-dimensional Communications - Nov 9, 2020


As our consciousness expands more and more, we will all experience more and more 

Inter-dimensional Communications.


There are as many types of Inter dimensional Communication as there are with different people. 

There is not right or wrong way to experience this communication, but there is YOUR way.

jueves, octubre 29, 2020

Jim Self - ¿TRANSICIÓN O CAOS? - Septiembre 10, 2020

Seminario online de Jim Self  
Jueves 10 de septiembre de 2020

¡Hola, bienvenidos! Muy bueno estar aquí, como siempre. Esta es una sesión interesante, porque cuando tenemos sesiones con más de mil de ustedes, en esta convocatoria han venido más de 1.400, algo hay interesante, algo en la vibración, en el punto de atención, que de algún modo creó una resonancia en las personas, y entonces esta sesión en particular trata de este día, el día que estamos viviendo, transición o caos, ¿qué es esto con que estamos tropezando?

sábado, octubre 17, 2020

Sandra Walter - Reescribiendo la HUstoria: Hacia la Fase de Revelación - Oct 15, 2020

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Un pasaje que todos hemos visto y sentido está a punto de revelar otra capa. Las frecuencias están fluyendo para apoyar una aceleración de nuestra fase de Revelación. Utilizamos la brújula de nuestro Corazón y el discernimiento para navegar por este río de cambio.

La trayectoria de la Ascensión (Línea de Tiempo Crística Primaria) ya es una conclusión inevitable para esta HUstoria Divina de Gaia. Cómo lleguemos allí y cuán tumultuoso sea puede ser ayudado, dirigido y asistido ENORMEMENTE por los corazones activados en servicio.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - As Gaia Increases Releasing Frequency Bandwidths of Distorted Codes/Recordings/Data/Programming/Akashes...- Oct 17, 2020

Picture Our Earthly Physical Body forms link us up to Gaias LightBody-Grids/DNA/Templates and Nodes, our DNA Multi-Dimensional and holding all levels of Consciousnesses within... through an immense "purging/purification/reconfiguration" process, our cellular structures go through a continual re-writing process of "all new codes".

martes, octubre 06, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Circle - Oct 6, 2020



Suzanne Lie

The changes that beings have waited for so, so, long, and have predicted, but the time passed, and what else that has been predicted, and the time passed again, and has been predicted and once again, and that time passed. Now that reality, of course, passed because we were are third dimensional time, and no one can perceive an inter-dimensional experience while they are locked in their third dimensional consciousness.

lunes, septiembre 28, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - The "Mother" of all Gateways Preparing to Open Up Wide for a Mega-Blast of Ultra-High Frequency Photonic Light: Energies of Unpredicatability and 3 Month "Great Purge/Purification" Process Kicks-Off - Sep 28, 2020

While I've not yet completed/released the October Energy Focus/Overview/Report, it feels important to share for "opening up" fully in preparation to receive, upgrade, stabilize and integrate what I've been observing since last week as the most powerful influx/gateway we've experienced thus far.

I was hesitant to share, because the energy of "when" was confusing, yet every day the feeling/observation gets stronger and today the words "Unpredictability" are a part of this one, so here we are.

sábado, septiembre 26, 2020

Celia Fenn - Spinning the Timelines into Balance - Sep 26, 2020

Spinning the Timelines into Balance.

As we exit the Equinox and settle into Libra, the key energy is Balance. 

Of course, this Libra/October season is moving towards the US elections and the Scorpio/November and 11/11 season where the key concepts are Death and Renewal, Change and Transformation and "diving deep" within ourselves to connect with the powers of renewal and regeneration.

sábado, agosto 29, 2020

Sandra Walter - Cambio de Línea de Tiempo Colectivo: Inminente y Palpable - Agosto 28, 2020

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Otro cambio positivo en la línea de tiempo colectiva es inminente. Agradecimiento a todos los que han participado durante este Portal. Felicitaciones por una tarea bien hecha. Este cambio se fisicalizará al entrar en septiembre, otro mes de cambio de realidades en este año transformador.