This powerful New Moon in Aries is on April 11th, 2021 at 11:30pm ADT. This will be a powerful activation and depending on where you are AT in the moment; the outcome may be surprising or not.
The Sun conjunct the Moon is always the most powerful for BEGINNINGS. This of course begins a new 28 day cycle for you.
The Sun will be sextile Mars and as well as The Sun will be sextile Jupiter. This ~ depending on your own frequency, may mark a bold new start. Or a freedom from fear that has held you back. And/or, a monumental RESET allowing your Heart to expand into higher dimensional/consciousness and awareness.
Mars also will be trine Jupiter. The freedom from fear and monumental shift just may FIND YOU in a great expansion of awareness. Of life and of shedding MORE of your old ways.
The old ways of non aware thought, leading to HEART awareness and MULTIDIMENSIONAL living and BEING.
What it is for you will match your energy perfectly. As things unfold you will know if the ways of the past still have a hold on your thought patterns. OR if you have prepared fully to now live as a 5th dimensional BEING through your Heart.
This 5th dimensional WAY IS NOT FAR AWAY or apart from YOU. IT exists ONLY through the access portal of THE HEART.
There is no bypassing this way of being into higher dimensions. It is only through the heart fully activated. The mind quiet, thoughts quiet, and LIVING through the heart.
In this HEART PORTAL we activate you NOW. Through this eternal Being, beyond this Universe, in the now, through love.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.