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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Líneas de Tiempo. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, octubre 19, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The Divine now is moving forward with the Divine plan for the upcoming time - October 19, 2020


Dear angels on earth. I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to give you updates. During the Divine Gathering which happened in the last few days, the Divine accomplished quite a few items. The light warriors who came to the gathering did such an amazing job and they successfully accomplished their Divine mission for the gathering, and now they have started the next phase of their own personal journey.

jueves, octubre 01, 2020

Lisa Renee - Rising Universal Shadow Body

Rising Universal Shadow Body

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and into the Universal Gateways which is connecting into the next layer of the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. During this phase, the planetary architecture is undergoing massive changes which integrate the next harmonic layers of non-dimensionalized God Forces from the Cosmic God Worlds, which has also penetrated through and beyond the Wall in Time and into Universal Shadow and phantom bodies. This phase has begun the dismantling, routing and transiting of vast quantities of Universal Shadow bodies which contain the historical records of many wars of the Christos Human holocaust, and the anti-christos conflict in which our species suffered the fall.

sábado, septiembre 26, 2020

Celia Fenn - Spinning the Timelines into Balance - Sep 26, 2020

Spinning the Timelines into Balance.

As we exit the Equinox and settle into Libra, the key energy is Balance. 

Of course, this Libra/October season is moving towards the US elections and the Scorpio/November and 11/11 season where the key concepts are Death and Renewal, Change and Transformation and "diving deep" within ourselves to connect with the powers of renewal and regeneration.

martes, septiembre 15, 2020

Judith Kusel - So many think that life will go back to 'normal' again - Sep 15, 2020


So many think that life will go back to 'normal' again.

It will not.

Such deep and profound shifts have taken place in the last few months, and indeed immense paradigm shifts in all directions, that life just never will be the same again.

domingo, septiembre 06, 2020

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - Sep 6, 2020

So, in this beautiful month of Virgo, we are coming up to a very tough week.

The energies are going to be off the scale as we approach the Equinox on the 22nd September and set the scene for the rest of the year on the various Time Spirals.

martes, septiembre 01, 2020

Maria Chambers - Moving in and out of Time - Sep 1, 202

Image credit

I don’t know about anyone else here but August was a very intense month for me. I have felt especially sensitive and insular. I had a couple of mini-meltdowns. Things just felt kind of endless and hopeless. My human self felt like it didn’t need too much more to push it over the edge into a precipice. And then there were moments when I felt the extraordinary bliss of my soul.

martes, agosto 25, 2020

Diane Canfield - The Great Awakening Timeline Split – The Separation Of Realities Is Here - August 24, 2020

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Everyone,
I have been asked recently why it seems as the collective are in two different realities. It seems this way because this is exactly what has taken place.

In 2012 the Earth and all of it’s inhabitants realized the beginning of the Great Awakening. We were then given a choice of which road to pursue. Truth or continue on the road of deception and lies. It is this road that is now causing the split to occur.

In 2020 this split has become even more obvious. 2012 was the turning point and the choice was made then to seek light or continue in deception and darkness.

The Collective has split into two groups, the awakened and the unawakened. Right now the time is closing for the unawakened to make the jump into the awakened state of consciousness.

The Awakened and Truth tellers know what is happening but may now know why. This is why I am called to write this article.

The Dark players have ramped up their game since 2012, knowing the awakening/ascension was on its way.

The lower level entities do not want to the awakening to occur because this will mean they too will have to make a choice they don’t want to make. They are happy in their lower level state.

The protestors, rioters, looters are all part of the ones who believe they are of the light. They believe they are heralding in a new way of being but in the reality of LIGHT, they are self destructing and destroying their own surroundings and way of being. They are defunding law and order which is essential to human rights and the LIGHT.

Prediction: there will be repercussions to the many who are being used by the dark players in ways they did not think possible. You can not cause chaos and destruction and not have karmic debts to pay. Ascension is about removing Karma, not creating more of it.
What is happening is on an energetic level as well as a now physical level. The energetics have taken on a more concrete level.
The division of non compatibility is taking place between dark and light. These are becoming two extreme energetic states. The ties are being severed between those that are not like minded.

These can be your friends and family. They can be long time friends. There is no solution to this except for the ones not in the TRUE light to NOW step in. The time is fading quickly for this to take place.

The Division becomes more and more apparent as we see that they truly believe what they are doing is for the LIGHT. This takes place in all of social media and our day to day interactions with the two polarities now at play.

As much as many of us wanted to help those awaken that were still asleep , this time is quickly coming to a close.

I now advise to spend more time anchoring the light into your being and securing its position with in you for the future complete split that will take place. Working on your own light and strengthening it can also be a way to help those still caught in darkness.

The more of us in the light, the more chance others can join us although this gap is closing.

For those in the light and awakened you will see your psychic gifts increase as well as synchronicities.When you are able to hold more light, your gifts will automatically raise in frequency.

I am amazed at my own gifts and the higher timelines they are reaching. My prediction skills are completely off the charts as I am predicting on a day to day basis with complete accuracy. I have precognitive skills where I know what will occur daily before it happens.

Your own skills will increase, the more LIGHT you embrace and step into. The higher you raise your vibration and merge with the Creator of all things. The more you discard darkness within yourself and focus on igniting your light.

This will include not surrounding yourself with low vibration people. It will take a lot now to remain in a separate reality from them and clashing of realities will occur more often.

Having psychic experiences is one of the FIRST indications you are on the right timeline. When you raise your vibration higher and merge with the Creator, these things are automatic.

You must be able to tell the difference though between those who say they have psychic gifts but don’t and those that really do. Yes there are dark players in the area of psychics also.

If they are able to give accurate psychic readings, this is the first indication they are indeed psychic and of the light. If they have knowledge beyond this dimension this is another indicator.

My Prediction 

This is the BEGINNING of a New Consciousness field unlike the Earth has ever seen before. The Great Awakening is happening on so many levels of awareness now it has exploded into the energy fields of all of those that are able to accept it. We will see more signs of this reality split as 2020 progresses. This is what the Ascension process is all about – moving completely into 5D.



Stay tuned for more to come….

Copyright © This article must be shared in whole and intact with the authors name and website. Copyright 2020 Diane Canfield All Rights reserved


Diane Canfield is a Psychic Clairvoyant who also receives messages from those who have passed over. She is a Prophectic Visionary and Transformational Healer. She is a Psychic Life Coaching Catalyst for change, not only in peoples lives but in the building and creation of the New Earth as well. She assists and heals others through her clients sessions, articles, special events, and videos. As a Prophetic Visionary knowing information beyond this realm. She travels through many different realms at the same time. She lifts Humanity to higher levels of Consciousness through her extensive knowledge of the unseen and unknown.

martes, julio 28, 2020

Natalia Alba - The Energies of August 2020 ~ Timelines Shift - July 28, 2020

The Energies of August 2020 ~ Timelines Shift

There's always another level up. There's always another ascension. More grace, more light, more generosity, more compassion, more to shed, more to grow.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Beloved Ones,

We welcome a new energetic month in which a new doorway is opening to experience more ways of self-empowerment, and hence, freedom and expansion within new timelines. We have a month ahead whose main essence is one of self-expression and sharing one’s truth. One, as its universal number 3 invites us to do, for us to break the chains that are being imposed to us, beginning to walk a path of sovereignty, in which we do not need to fight the system or show any resistance to it, for we have already created our own parallel timeline to it, where we dwell in freedom, love and compassion to All.

miércoles, julio 22, 2020

Lisa Renee - Controller NWO Cliff Notes


Controller NWO Cliff Notes

What are the primary goals and methods used by the NAA and Power Elite in their quest to fulfill the Luciferian Covenant and install the New World Order, a totalitarian and dystopian nightmare of consciousness enslavement?

lunes, julio 20, 2020

Denise Le Fay - Crystallizing Shift - July 20, 2020

This is another article that’s not a convenient One Size Fits All article for the honest reason that not everyone is at the same level of development, consciousness, focus and embodiment of the NEW Light and codes. For that reason this article will require the reader to be self-reflective and honest. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of doing this however. Discernment and honesty will get you far whereas self-delusion, wishful or magical thinking won’t. There is no end, no final completion point with any of this so just relax into your ongoing evolutionary ascension journey no matter which energy stair-step you or I or anyone else is currently on. Every step is important and needed because each one alters you a little more.

sábado, julio 04, 2020

Selacia - Vida en una Zona de Construcción-Navegando las Combas del Tiempo- - Julio 2, 2020

Traducción Alicia Virelli
Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

Si eres como la mayoría de nosotros, la vida en el 2020 parece una serie de giros y vueltas interminables y a veces como si estuvieras atrapado en una zona de construcción. Ciertamente con la pandemia global, la energía de la incertidumbre y las incógnitas está siempre presente. Cuando olvidamos temporalmente que esto es global en lugar de personal podemos sentirnos frustrados o incluso enojados porque nuestra "normalidad" desapareció. Incluso nuestro sentido del tiempo ha cambiado. Continúen leyendo para obtener contexto y sugerencias.

jueves, julio 02, 2020

Selacia - Life in a Construction Zone-Navigating Time Warps - July 2, 2020

by Selacia

If you're like most of us, life in 2020 seems like a series of endless twists and turns and at times like you're trapped in a construction zone. Certainly with the global pandemic, the energy of uncertainty and unknowns is ever-present. When we temporarily forget that this is global rather than personal, we can feel frustrated or even angry that our "normal" vanished. Even our sense of time has shifted. Continue reading for context and suggestions.

domingo, junio 14, 2020

Celia Fenn - We enter a week of powerful energies, with the Solstice on the 20th and the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st. - Junr 14, 2020

We enter a week of powerful energies, with the Solstice on the 20th and the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st.

The Solstice is normally a time of powerful changes and incoming waves of Light/Plasma energy.

But this week will de dominated by the fiery eclipse energy, with the presence of Solar Goddesses like the Egyptian Sekmet and the Japanese Amaterasu bringing the Divine Feminine codes of fiery change to Cancer, which is normally associated with water and flow. At this time, the eclipse brings in the fire "at the edges" to accelerate the changes that are happening on the Planet.

jueves, junio 11, 2020

Sandra Walter - Vivid Experiences & Solstice-Eclipse Prep -June 11, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

Many of you have been receiving the full-body activations this week; part of the Brotherhood-Sisterhood dispensations. I AM grateful for these experiences with the Crystalline realms, initiating us into the next phase of Embodiment in such a physical way.

jueves, mayo 07, 2020

Judith Kusel - The Lock-Down has opened the collective soul memory banks of Atlantis - May 7, 2020

I was made aware again this morning during my meditation, of how, with the planetary ascension into in the 5D, the old Timelines are coming to the fore, which now need to be dealt with and closed.

The Lock-Down has opened the collective soul memory banks of Atlantis, and all which was before Atlantis, and what happened after Atlantis, as humanity sunk further into the quagmire.

miércoles, mayo 06, 2020

Judith Kusel - Immense upgrades are happening - May 6, 2020

Immense upgrades are happening.

All has been in an immense gestation period and with this immense spiritual growth will now spurt forth as never seen before.

Know that all will be churned up that you now need to forgive, let go of as Timelines need to closed off.

jueves, abril 23, 2020

Diane Canfield - Time Travelers Revealed/ The Great Awakening Has Ascended To A New Level - April 23, 2020

Blessings Everyone,

We have shifted to a New Timeline as the dark players and dark agenda are exposing themselves.

More light is able to enter the Planet and create the NEW Earth as more dark players show their hands. This then creates a higher vibration of earth itself and all its inhabitants as more earthlings wake up to what has really been going on.

martes, abril 21, 2020

Celia Fenn - Energy Update - April 21, 2020

The Sun has now moved in to Taurus and energetically that should give us some relief from the fiery and challenging energy of Sun in Aries.

Of course the Pluto/Jupiter thing is ongoing, so we will still be dealing with transformation and upheaval on a major scale.

domingo, enero 19, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are now entering the no-time, area - Jan 19, 2020

We are now entering the no-time, area.

Our whole society is structured around time and its uses and thus are run by timezones, time thinking, acting and being.

Time in truth does not exist.

What is all - but one single cosmic dreaming, where realities and non-realities mingle and co-exist with multiple dimensional tiers of existence, in multi-dimensional space.

sábado, enero 11, 2020

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, New Higher Light Consciousness, Mandela Effect, Changing Timelines - January 10, 2020

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Everyone,

The Full MOON is today and the Lunar Solar Eclipse. We have been receiving many downloads and upgrades since the beginning of this year. You may notice your dreamtime has changed. This has taken place for many of us. No longer are dreams vague and unreal. Now, it’s as if dreams are just as real as our waking life. For instance, in a dream I had recently, I woke up with my arm outstretched because in the dream I was pulling an item off a shelf. I was literally still moving my arm when I woke up ! I have heard reports of others continuing to talk after they are awake, thinking they are still dreaming. For those of us going through this, you will know exactly what I mean, for those not, you may not understand it now but will.