2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
Today the 31 December 2022, marks the end of an Epoch, the end of the Old Earth, the old you.
As I was resting and often between worlds in the last few days, being prepared for an intense recalibration on all levels, what came up most, was the total letting go of the past: All which has ever been before. All past lives, all existences, all unforgiveness in any form or way, old baggage. Whatever.
2023 marks the process of even higher ascension, assuming multi-dimensionality, where we fully step into our lightbody form and can, as we shed more of the density, bilocate, soul travel into infinite space, teleport, telekenesis, use sound technology, etc. we are being transformed into the star beings we in truth are!
The navigational tools are within us, within our open hearts and souls. Our higher mind is in the process of reawakening, so that we can access the higher knowledge again, in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all.
We will become more aware of our intergalactic brothers and sisters, as the super cosmic races are making their presence felt more and more, and assisting the ascension process.
All is leading within, back to your own soul, your own divinity, as you remember the truth of who and what you in truth are and live it!
Changes, changes, and more changes, expansion on every level, known and unknown.
We are being reborn, reinvented, reshaped, alchemized and transfigured.
All is leading back to unconditional love for self and all others, as the inner soul is as One with All That Is.
Photos: Judith Kusel