What Is The Ascension Wave: Are You Part Of It
Ascension happens in waves.
Each ascension wave is generated by the rising of collective consciousness which is the greatest event in human history!
There is no doubt that the current phase of humanity's evolution will trigger another ascension wave. It is a time of change, transformation, and awakening.
During this time, we will be moving into a new level of consciousness that we have never experienced before. We will experience new levels of physical and mental awareness as well as have our lives transformed in ways we never dreamed possible.
This is not just about us as individuals but also about our planet and all life on Earth. We are entering a new era where everything will change for the better!
The ascension wave is a time of great change when we leave behind the old ways of thinking, acting, and being.
I assure you that this shift in consciousness will be so fast that we can barely even understand it. There will be so many things going on at once that you might think your life has gone crazy!
But there's no need to stress about it. We're all part of this process, and we're being guided through it by our divine inner voice. It's not just about you anymore; it's about all of the humanity awakenings together as one consciousness!
Ascension is a process of transformation and integration that occurs in the soul. In other words, it is a process of moving from one level of your consciousness to another. It is a natural process that happens as part of a person's evolutionary journey.
Ascension can happen at different levels of your soul, ranging from the level of your DNA up to the level of your full awareness. Ascension happens when you move beyond your current limitations, past the remnants of old patterns and beliefs, and into your true potential.
The ascension wave is an energetic shift that takes place on Earth. It is not something that happens to you externally; rather, it is something that happens within you so that you can evolve on this planet as it shifts from one dimension to another.
There will be an energy shift within yourself and around you so that things begin to shift in ways that will allow for new possibilities for growth and expansion into higher dimensions.
The ascension wave is the culmination of all the energy that has been building up over the past several years. As you know, there have been many different divine waves that have come through our timeline, each one bringing with it a new level of consciousness.
An ascension wave is not the final step in this process, but it brings with it a great deal of change for everyone who is part of it.
The ascension wave is a gentle, uplifting movement that can be felt by everyone on Earth at this time. It's not something you can really describe because it's more of a feeling than anything else.
You may feel it as an expansion of your heart and soul or as if you are being pulled upward by an invisible force (or several). It's like being drawn out of your body, but not in an unpleasant way -- just more awake and aware of everything around you.
The ascension wave is a natural part of the process of moving from 3D to 5D. It's part of what makes it possible for us to shift from one dimension into another -- a much larger reality than the one we've been living in for thousands of years.
This change will be very profound for those who have chosen to be part of this shift and quite life-changing for those who do not want to make a choice to follow their soul's calling.
As we move forward into this new age, it will become more and more difficult for many people to stay within the old paradigm or belief systems that they currently hold dear. You see, these beliefs are simply no longer serving them or their higher selves anymore, and so they must make room for something else in order to thrive.
If you are part of this shift, then life will become much more exciting because you will begin to notice things happening around you that were once hidden from your view—things like people's intentions becoming clearer, physical signs showing up in your life that indicate what they mean, and so on. You'll begin to witness miracles both inside of you and all around you!
For anyone interested in bringing this information out to others, be sure to always present it in a loving way that resonates with their emotions. The Law of Free Will is still in effect here, and while they are ready to hear this message, they may not be ready to accept it completely. Continue to remind them that the choice is theirs, and the choice is love. The more of us that can help spread this information, the sooner we will see the full ascension of humanity as well as Earth!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.