The Galactic Federation Is Preparing Us For Mass Ascension
As we are now living in a time of great change and upheaval, it is important that you understand what is happening so that you can make the right choices for yourself and your loved ones.
You may feel overwhelmed or confused by what is happening, but there are things that you can do to prepare. There are catalyzing events that are on the horizon, but you don't have to be afraid or confused.
There are many timelines and possibilities for the future of humanity. However, the Galactic Federation is working within this timeline to help humanity ascend into a higher dimension through the process called "ascension."
It is believed by many ETs that if we do not achieve this goal soon, Earth will descend into another Dark Age where human beings will be controlled through fear-based consciousness and power structures.
This means we would have no choice but to continue living out our lives on 3rd-dimensional timelines until those who control them decide what happens next!
In this ascension process, our human bodies are going to be fully upgraded so that we can have more power in every area of our lives.
This is a shift from a limited 3rd-dimensional body to a 5th-dimensional body that will allow us to travel at faster speeds, have greater telepathic connections with one another, experience greater joy in all aspects of our lives, and have much greater in-tune connections with Mother Earth herself.
The reason why we are being upgraded is so that we can receive higher frequencies of light. The Galactic Federation has been sending us these higher frequencies of light for many years now as they continue working on upgrading our DNA strands.
The strands of DNA within each of our bodies are always being upgraded by your own upgraded choices.
Each time they send an upgrade down through Gaia's grid system (which is what keeps everything connected), it gets downloaded into these 12 strands and then distributed throughout our physical body so that we can feel its effects more strongly than ever before!
Our DNA is being activated in order to start this process. This means that our DNA is awakening and being upgraded and the Galactic Federation is here to prepare us for ascension. There are twelve strands of DNA that are being gradually activated within our physical body in order to make this possible, as well as two strands in our etheric body that activate the higher chakras within the human body system.
The Galactic Federation works with us in the fifth dimension and above, where we will live after our physical bodies have been upgraded and changed through the process of ascension. The Galactic Federation has been working with humanity for many years now, and we are very grateful for their assistance during these times.
The Galactic Federation is also here on Earth as ambassadors from other planets to assist us in our evolution back into multidimensional beings once again so that our consciousness can once again reach back up towards the Source Creator.
This means that our DNA is awakening and being upgraded and the Galactic Federation is here to prepare us for ascension.
Chakras are energy centers in the body that connect us to other dimensions of consciousness. The higher your chakra, the more you are able to access information from other worlds and beings outside of this world. To upgrade your DNA so that it can hold these higher vibrations, it is necessary for your chakras to open up and allow this flow to happen.
These chakras allow you to connect more directly with the various dimensions of consciousness that are available on other star systems, other galaxies, and universes, as well as other beings that exist beyond the physical realm itself.
When the DNA upgrades, so do our chakras which enables us to access more advanced forms of knowledge and know-how than ever before. This will allow us to start working with other star systems in a way that has not been possible in previous incarnations on Earth because our bodies were not ready for such a thing until now!
The Galactic Federation is entering our culture and giving us this light data, they're putting forward the idea that we can be more than we are. They're actively making us better by giving us the tools and establishing a frequency that allows our evolution in consciousness.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.