Living Up To Your True Spiritual Potential
Do you want to be a better person?
Do you want to be happy?
Do you want to live a more fulfilled life?
Are you ready for a change in your life?
Are you prepared to live up to your true spiritual potential?
If so, then this post is for you! I will show you how to take control of your life and live up to your true potential. You can start today!
Are you ready?
You have the power to do so. You have the ability to live a better life. You have the right and privilege of being yourself, but only if you choose to use it wisely and take responsibility for your own life.
First off, I want you to know something significant. We all have flaws and weaknesses that we need to work on, but we also have strengths that make us special individuals.
It's just too bad, so many people don't realize their true potential because they are too busy focusing on all the negative things they do or what they think others think about them.
There are three types of people:
1) The ones who know themselves,
2) The ones who don't know themselves, and
3) The ones who don't want to know themselves.
A lot of people think that they are spiritually evolved beings, but in reality, most of them don't have any idea what true spirituality is or how to get there.
If you ask them what their purpose in life is, they will probably tell you that it is just living and staying alive for as long as possible. They are not aware of the fact that their lives will be incomplete without knowing their true self or having a goal that will guide them through every single day of their lives.
You do not need a lot of money or material things in order for you to feel happy about your life because no matter how rich or poor one may be, happiness comes from within and not from any materialistic possessions which can easily be taken away.
If you are not living up to your true potential, then it is time for you to wake up and realize that you have been given the gift of life!
Your life is yours, and you have the ability to shape it however you want. If you wish, then set yourself on a path of self-discovery so that you may live up to your true potential in this lifetime.
You have been given the opportunity to experience this life on earth and be whoever you choose to be. This choice comes with great responsibility but also great reward if done right.
The greatest reward would be to live a peaceful, harmonious, and blissful life. This can only happen when we listen closely and truly feel as though we are living our lives for ourselves only, not for others or for anyone else around us or even other beings around us!
When I was growing up, there was a lot of pressure on me to be 'good.' There were many messages telling me that if I didn't do well in school or follow the rules, then my family would be disappointed. If I wasn't popular at school or got into trouble with the law, then everyone would think less of me.
There were many other messages about what it meant to be successful and good people. These messages came from our parents, teachers, friends, and even the media. Then one day, it hit me that none of these things mattered at all! They were just opinions that came from others who didn't know what really mattered in life.
Throughout my life people would tell me that I am a very positive person and it took a few decades for me to grasp this concept. The further explanation by a friend was: "There are people who are just always very nice. You are a bit spicy sometimes but you are incredibly positive always." LOL
So now, ten years later, when I look back on my life, I don't feel like being good is something important at all!
In fact, being good or even nice doesn't matter at all! In truth, there is no good or bad. That is the human error. There is only more positive or negative experience.
What matters is how happy you are with your life right now and how much joy you can find in your everyday activities which boils down to one single choice: Being positive.
And how could you serve yourself or the world better than by being a positive being?
We will not create a new nice world by being nice or good. We are here as positive beings to help create a positive world so that we, as souls on earth, can enjoy positive experience.
Good or bad are very limited concepts of the conscious mind. That's Mr Stupid Ego language.
The biggest, most positive changes that we can make in our lives all have one thing in common. They occur when we have the courage to change our minds.
Life is a series of habits, but none of them are written in stone; they're just behaviors that we've developed over time, and when we become aware that we can choose differently, the path begins to open up before us.
The motto of Buddhism is to "be present," and this isn't just aspirational advice—it's the foundation of a lifetime of good decisions and the key to living life with spiritual potential.
We must learn to be in the moment. We must set aside our worry, anxiety, and regret to focus on the here and now. When we have learned to live authentically in this way, we will have found the secret to liberation. For me, it is as if a great burden I had been carrying has been lifted from my back.
How can you be more positive today?
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.