Are You Qualified For Ascension
The Galactic Federation is a group of humans, ETs, and other beings working together to help spread love and peace throughout the universe. It is made up of different planets that are united by their love for each other and their desire to live in peace.
It is a cosmic organization of galactic civilizations that seeks to protect the galaxy from any and all threats. They use their advanced technology to keep the peace and protect all life in the universe.
The goal of the Galactic Federation is to unite all planets within our galaxy under one government in peace. The term government is not accurate but it is a term through which humans can have an understanding of the concept. The first step towards achieving this goal was to establish a universal language and common law system.
The Galactic Federation has been known to have existed for thousands of years before now. Their existence was kept secret until a few hundred years ago when they began to publicly reveal themselves to Earth, first through ambassadors and then through various other methods.
They are here to help you achieve all these things by providing a safe space for us to learn new skills that will help us live a happier and more fulfilled life. All races have their own unique qualities that make them unique individuals.
Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses, just like every individual does. Yet, because of this diversity of cultures, races, and species, there are many types of people within our galaxy who struggle with what would appear as less advanced issues that may impede them from being able to take on a leadership role within society.
The Galactic Federation has taken on this role as an organization dedicated to helping those who need help in expanding and learning higher concepts.
Also, the Galactic Federation knows that there are many people who are not happy with their current situation in life and who want something better. They want freedom from the bonds of their mind, emotions, and body. They want to be free from all this negativity that keeps them trapped in the 3D reality. They want to move into the higher dimensions of existence, where there is no more suffering or pain.
The Galactic Federation has long been planning to assist during mass ascension of humanity into higher consciousness through the use of technologies such as "Ascension grids." These grids are designed to assist resonant frequencies in the human body that go beyond what can be achieved by normal means such as meditation or prayer. They are here to help you on your journey of ascension.
This is meant to assist with the physical and spiritual changes that people are going through. People need not feel lost or confused as to why they are feeling out of sorts right now; the universe has a plan for everyone.
If you are wondering why the Galactic Federation is helping us to ascend at this time in our spiritual evolution, it is because they, too, have been given the opportunity to achieve a similar feat. It took them millions of years to achieve their current level of consciousness, and now they are here to help us achieve the same.
For us, the most important thing that you take away from this is that you are never alone, and it is possible for anyone to ascend at any time. Help, guidance, and support have been provided by countless enlightened beings throughout the history of humanity. And while we have all been preparing for this, there is always help around the corner, just in case you need it.
You may be wondering where you find yourself in all this:
"Am I qualified for ascension?"
Such a thing as a "qualification' judgement does not exist. Immature souls think in these terms.
Since we have an overflow of people stepping up into the roles of leaders who do not understand the higher concepts, and do not have any trainings or education in this regards, we are dealing with a flood of immature information that is fully flawed.
Since these so called self-proclaimed leaders lack in true spiritual education and understanding they recycle each others information which concludes that you can't eat this or that, you can't do this or that, no sex, no alcoholic beverages ever again, no sugar, etc.
Basically ascension is being turned into a virtue that is nearly impossible to achieve for the average human. And in all honesty, the above concept does not only sound like punishment of the self, IT IS.
I have been there, done that all, and evolved from it. It is NOT the way.
The result is that people are confused and insecure when it comes to ascension.
Ascension is ONLY about the choice of your soul.
Are you wishing to live a more positive experience?
What are you contributing to achieve this?
If your first answer was YES, and you're thinking about your answer to the latter, congratulations. You are already on your ascension journey.
Imagine a future in which the many conflicts of today are resolved, and humanity has discovered the power of love. What would the world be like? How would that future compare with your expectations? What happens after ascension? What if Earth was even more beautiful, and peaceful like it never has before, and all people would love and appreciate each other?
As the light continues to grow and expand, it causes an increase in your vibration and an acceleration of the consciousness of each individual. Once the light has filled Earth completely, the rest of the cosmos will be revealed to you.
So, not only will you become aware of the life that is here on Earth now but also of all other things in existence. This will usher in a new way for humanity to learn about its purpose as well as a new way for you to explore your world. The entire universe will be yours to explore and discover!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.