We're Entering Into New Earth, The One With Diamonds And Emeralds
The New Earth is the beginning of a new era for humanity. The time has come for us to enter into a new dimension of consciousness and experience.
While it may be tough to imagine how we can ascend from this physical dimension into a higher one, there are many signs that indicate that we are on our way.
The Earth has been shifting for many years now, and it will continue to do so until we reach a higher vibration than what we have right now. This means that there will be changes happening all over the world, but some people will not accept them, while others will embrace them with open arms.
The shift is taking place very quickly, and there are a lot of people who are not ready for it yet, but they will get there eventually because they need to get used to living in a new way before they can move forward in life again.
The new Earth is happening now. It has been in the making for centuries. We were born here on this planet, and we were born human beings with a soul connection to Source energy. It was never our intention to leave this planet because we love it so much.
However, things have happened that have changed our lives forever, and it is time for us to move into a higher frequency of beingness where we can continue to evolve as conscious beings instead of going through another cycle of recycling our life force through reincarnation after death until we reach enlightenment, at which point we will no longer need to reincarnate again.
The last few years have been one of the most transformative times in human history. We have seen so many breakthroughs that it would be impossible to describe them all in this article.
We now have access to higher levels of consciousness than ever before, and we are using these new abilities every single day! Now we have begun to understand our true nature as spiritual beings living in physical bodies. This has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for us!
Yes, we're going to that new Earth. The one with diamonds and emeralds as windows. The shift, ascension, and transformation is occurring on Earth.
We are in a time of great change on this planet. It is not only happening in the physical realm but also in our minds and hearts. We are being led by our spirit guides, angels, and divine beings to take action and make changes now so that we can survive the next steps into higher dimensions of consciousness.
While it's hard to tell which end is up, I feel it is important for as many people as possible to be prepared for what is already happening to the planet and its inhabitants. And to do this, one must be connected with their spirit guides and ask for guidance, inspiration, love, and protection so that we can successfully ascend into the new era where peace on Earth is apparent.
It's important for us to stay balanced and grounded during these intense times. The key is to be in the moment and not get swept away by the hectic pace at which things are moving—both physically and spiritually.
Let go of fear so that you can tap into your intuition and trust that all will turn out exactly as it should. There's a feeling that all of this change, both physical and metaphysical, will all be worth it once we come out on the other side into the New Earth.
I do not claim to know what will exactly happen next, but my heart tells me great things are on the horizon. I am excited to see the new Earth and experience living on it.
The best advice for those who are still feeling a sense of despair or frustration over the state of our environment is to learn to let go.
Trust in your inner guidance, take positive action, and don't give up hope. This planet is not done with us quite yet, and as long as we continue to play our part in her rebirth, there's no telling what we might be able to achieve together in the coming millennia.
Will you choose to recognize and accept that it is time to let go of many of your old beliefs and make changes?
With the new Earth, the one with diamonds and emeralds, just around the corner, it's important to remind ourselves that this process is not only possible but also essential in helping us get there.
So what will you be doing? Will you be on board for the new Earth flight or still onboard for the next crash landing? It's all about choices.
Will you see that new Earth and work towards creating a world filled with peace, freedom, joy, and prosperity for all?
It's time to get off the couch! It's time to stop watching TV or scrolling through social media and start doing something positive for yourself! You are worth it!
What are you waiting for?
Please, know this:
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.