Feel the Divine Love pouring into your heart and soul.
Feel how the Power of Love is dissolving all blocks, hindrances, all remnants of separation, alienation, discord, pain and suffering.
Feel the sacred presence of the Holy Sophia with the Divine Mother speaking directly into your heart and soul.
Feel their love for you which is boundless and all embracing, yet at the same time enlightening, illuminating.
Feel something deep within you shifting, as you leave all behind you forever as the new and reborn you rises.
Feel the vibrant new vital life force rise.
Feel free.
Feel how the shackles and bonds of the Old Earth come off and dissolve forever.
Feel yourself lifted, as your heart wings lift you into the higher dimensional state of pure love, unity, harmony, oneness.
You have finally come home.
http://www.judithkusel.comPhoto: Daniel B. Holeman