On The Eve Of The 5D New Earth: A Lot Is Happening, Can You Feel It
The 5D New Earth is about to be birthed, and we are getting ready to become the rainbow tribe of New Earth.
This is the time that we have been incarnating on Earth to be here for the great shift!
This is the time when our minds will be expanding infinitely, which will lead you to step into this Golden Age!
This is a time when you may encounter fear, but know that when your mind expands, the fear automatically disappears, and there will always be INFINITE LOVE to replace the fear with.
So don't be afraid and show who the real masters are of planet Earth and the universe.
In this new 5D reality, we will go deeper into our connective relationship with Earth and the other celestial bodies of the Solar System.
The "invisible" benevolent ETs and our star brothers and sisters will more openly take the stage!
Much more so than what we are used to, we will be able to experience multidimensional living while also enjoying a richer set of realities that were previously unavailable as a direct result of 3D programming.
Now we have evolved to a level where we can confront the "dark ones."
The journey of life is one of evolution and transformation. We are going through major transformations that are triggering our DNA and sending us a new set of neurochemical messages to accept our global family connections and love everyone on this planet as ourselves.
This is how we get on the path of enlightened mastery.
There is a shift in consciousness that is happening on a planetwide scale!
We are all connected by invisible threads of light, which connect us to one another and keep us in balance with the universe. When we realize this truth, it begins to change how we see ourselves and others.
The shift from separation consciousness to unity consciousness takes place in us when we begin to understand that we are all connected at the deepest level of our being, no matter what other beliefs or labels we may have believed in before.
As soon as this realization occurs, we will begin to feel more connected with each other as well as more connected with ourselves as individuals.
When I say "we are all connected at the deepest level of our being," I mean that there is an energetic connection between each one of us; it exists even if we don't yet know about it or feel it in our daily lives. This energetic connection is what keeps everything on this Earth alive.
This is not easy. It's counterintuitive because we've been conditioned to believe that people are basically different from us and that we can't understand them or share their perspectives.
But trust me, if you can make it through this first stage, you'll be able to work with anyone in any situation—even the most difficult person in your life—because you will know how to restore balance and harmony within yourself.
It's not about changing other people; it's about changing yourself so that you can have a deeper connection with them.
This takes time because it involves letting go of old beliefs about who you are and who others are and replacing them with new ones that allow you to see clearly with your heart instead of with your head alone.
If you want to be truly happy and live a life of purpose, you need to change your perspective.
The most important thing you can do right now is to accept that you are a part of something bigger than yourself.
This means that you have an innate connection with all other beings in this universe, as well as with plants and even rocks. You were born into this incredible world for a reason, and it is up to you whether or not you choose to make the most out of your life by living in harmony with others around you.
I am part of this solar system, and so are you. We all have a role to play in the grand scheme of things.
Everything you see or know of is connected in oneness. All is one.
There is no beginning as there is no end.
Energy never ceases to exist, it only changes form.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.