photo credit: Andrea Percht
More and more people come out of hiding, stand up for life and stand advocate light, peace and freedom. The goal which more and more people fully dedicate themselves to is a humanity united in love. More and more people strive for what is essential and have declared the transformation of the heart A MATTER OF LIFE.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
A matter of life
The forgotten meaning
Without love, everything is worthless, meaningless and lifeless. Without love, you are like a dried-up riverbed, a withered tree or a soulless robot. Without love, there is no life, there is neither happiness nor humanness. Love is everything, the highest quality in a human being – and it is the kind of love that develops once a human being remembers their own self.
There’s more life in a rock than in a human being without love! So spread love wherever you can and wherever life invites you to do so.
Nowadays many have forgotten what they are made of and what the meaning of their life is. Very many strive for this and that, for everything but love. That way, a great part of humanity has lost compassion too, along with the loss of love. So now the world looks the way it is bound to look like when humanity walks away from love.
The only way out
However, the time to recall and remember has dawned, and the number of those who reconnect and find themselves again is steadily increasing. This is the only hope and the only way into a peaceful and humane future.
Therefore, the spiritual realms of light do everything to awaken as many human beings as possible and support them in reconnecting with themselves. This task is completed with absolute dedication, and the positive results become more visible each day.
Because more and more people come out of hiding, stand up for life and stand advocate light, peace and freedom. The goal which more and more people fully dedicate themselves to is a humanity united in love.
More and more people strive for what is essential and have declared the transformation of the heart A MATTER OF LIFE.
Today you can turn directly to God and the powers of light. Earthly mediators or “God’s representatives” have become obsolete, and you know that God’s light is only waiting to be used by you.
Perfect yourself with God
Your inner maturation and transformation have progressed to the extent that now it is possible for you to turn to God directly and to connect directly with the angels, archangels, ascended masters and beings of light.
This opportunity presents itself to anyone who is working on themselves spiritually and to whom Being and Becoming are of true profound inner concern.
The current time quality allows for everything, and so miracles happen that you have been waiting for, for many lifetimes.
Thus, your own perfection in the course of this lifetime is possible as well, and the events on this earth serve you in getting closer and closer to the end of your incarnations.
However, let me tell you: Many of you will return to this earth as masters and continue their service to mankind. You are deeply connected to the earth and to humanity. For some of you, this earth is the source and mother planet of all your forms of existence you have lived or are simultaneously living in the infinity of all being. This is a matter of perspective.
A holy moment has come: It is the moment when perfected masters postpone and delay their own spiritual ascension out of love for their fellow human beings.
This is the love we are talking about, and at the same time, this is the ground on which this mankind is unified and this earth turns into a place of abundance.
You are many, and you are becoming more and more! Nobody is on their own.
Please continue to do your spiritual homework!
Sort out your life and be prepared to die many small inner deaths.
Being reborn and uniting with those whom you recognize as masters and call masters, that is your gift.
We love you endlessly