December brings quite a lot of action in a month that is typically a time to relax and focus on holiday gifts and gatherings, and preparing for the new year. But while we’re decorating the tree and singing holiday songs, there is a lot happening under the surface. The last month of 2015 can be the ‘end’ of many things, a deciding moment between the past and the future, as we get a life review this month too, as many decades of cycles come around again, just to make sure we have made a choice we like and are happy with. December’s energy can be like good Scrooge or bad Scrooge, but it will definitely be exciting.
The month opens with an activation of the Uranus/Pluto square that first began whispering to us in 2009 and ends in 2016. And the month ends with many planets in the final degrees of a sign and for the final week, every planet is in direct mode, that hasn’t happened all year. We also have Saturn square Neptune all month and we should get used to it, as it’s a signature aspect for 2016. In fact, many of this month’s energy aspects are a sampler of what we can expect in 2016.
The final month of a year can be huge disappointment if we have not achieved the things we thought we would in January, when we set our intentions or resolutions. But the seeds of success grow much more easily and faster if they are planted in weed and rock free ground and 2015 has been a year to get rid of the rocks and weeds and anything else we didn’t need to be successful, even if we thought we did. When we set intentions the first issues we address are those that block the success of our intentions. As much as we want to skip those parts, they have to be done first.
And that’s what we have been doing all year — getting the dirty work done or trying to skip it. It doesn’t matter where we are now, each step on the path has its own blessings and everything in our life serves a purpose. When it reaches the end of its purpose it’s time to let it go and replace it with something else, or take it up a few notches, by raising our vibes, and setting our sights for new horizons. The end of a year is a good time to do some emotional housekeeping and decide what we want next.
Are we finished yet? That depends on us, on what we are prepared to release and to receive. As we will find in 2016, receiving is going to be a major factor in what we achieve. We have cleared the path and set the foundation, now we have to face our issues around worth, deserving, and value. Are we worthy of receiving what we ask for, do we believe we deserve it, and is there a value attached to it? The big question now is do we ask for ourselves and for what we truly want or do we engage in hopeful ‘tire kicking’, hoping that somehow things will work out and we won’t be too disappointed with the results?
Stepping into our power has been tossed around a lot this past decade, now we are standing at the power portal and we need to decide when, and if, we’re going to open that door. It’s the only way we’re going to move out of the doldrums of 2015, and many years prior, and make 2016 a joyful, joy-filled, abundant, prosperous, blessed year. December sets the stage for that and in the final week we get a chance to try out our wings. With every planet in direct motion and no retrogrades, aside from tricky Mercury in retro shadow on the 21st, it’s a blessing from the Universe to have everything moving forward. The question is, are we going to move forward too?
With a new moon on the 11th at 19 Sagittarius, and a full moon on Christmas Day at 3 Cancer, we get the full spirit of the holiday season this month, with a focus on belief, home, family, and security. What does expansive freedom look like (Sagittarius) and how do we define home, family, and security (Cancer)? If your biological family has let you down yet again, maybe it’s time to seek out your energetic family. Labels define how we expect people to act and if people aren’t living up to their labels, maybe it’s time to set new boundaries for love, honor, and respect, and invite new people into our lives. And Cancer also rules the mother, generally a touchy topic for us, whether it’s about our maternal mother, us as a mother, or how we mother ourselves, make sure to put a present under the tree for yourself this year.
A curious aspect of December is Mars’ placement. It is at exactly the same degree as it was in January 2014, so take a look at the energy report for that month, you can find it here, it may have some additional meaning for December. This has the makings of a great month, so tie up the loose ends and start thinking about what you want to receive in 2016 because we’re nearly there. Have a wonderful month and enjoy the holiday season.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to