Take long, slow, deep breaths to expand your consciousness…
Make sure your exhale is twice as long as your inhale…
Inhale through your Third Eye 1…2…3…
Exhale through your Heart 1…2…3…4…5…6…
Repeat this breathing three times…
Look again to see your reality as it appears in this NOW…
Do you see how the state of your consciousness
influences your perception of reality?
NOW, think about all the parts of your life that you love:
All the Persons
And even things that you love…
Remember that every thing holds the resonance of the owner’s life force. Therefore, a thing that you love is something you created to appear in your reality. Hence, it is a symbol of your connection to your true, Creator SELF, who is a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF.
Feel the energy field of all that you love inside your heart…
Allow this love energy to travel up into your mind/thoughts
and down into the body of Gaia, your planetary self…
Hold that LOVE as you observe the parts of your life that you do not love
and wish to transmute/change…
Do NOT attach any emotion to these unwanted aspects of your life,
as the emotion would likely be some form of fear.
Any feelings of fear, anger or sorrow lower your consciousness
and make it more difficult to commune with your Creator SELF.
Remember, fear separates, but LOVE unifies.
As you peruse your reality, allow all that you LOVE about life to expand
until it encircles any parts of your life that you wish to transmute.
Now, imagine that the loved portions of your life are a green meadow
And the difficult parts are holes in that meadow…
Keep your process symbolic so that you will not get triggered
into fear by the negative charge of your “problems/holes.”
Know that physical reality always has meadows/love and holes/ fears.
Visualize a “rain of higher light” coming down
from your Creator/Higher SELF…
See how the rain of higher light expands the meadow
While the holes become smaller and smaller…
Send the higher light directly into the holes
to fill them with unconditional love…
Look again to the holes in your meadow…
See how these holes in your meadow are filled with the rain of light…
Observe as these holes transmute them into pools of light…
LOVE the pools of light in your meadow,
for they allow you to better see your SELF …
Visualize your entire meadow …
See how the holes have become pools of light
that are seeking to unite the to unite with the Rain of Light…
Once more, look at the loved portions of your reality…
See how your love of life has expanded…
Feel how this love of life allows you to love YOU more…
Observe how loving your SELF assists you to more deeply love others…
Send thanksgiving to these challenges that have served as your teachers…
Hold on to this feeling of thanksgiving and add unconditional love…
Recognize how thanksgiving and unconditional love for your life assists you to release the habits of stress and fear, which you have associated with the challenges who have served as your teacher.
Return to you inner Meadow…
Stand on the edge of each pool of light that were low points in your life…
Look into each pool to see the reflection of the lessons of each challenge …
Now, see how confronting and fulfilling each challenge has changed your life…
Look into each pool of light (fulfilled challenge) to see the image of
the FULFILLMENT of that challenge…
Feel the Greater Love in your Heat with the Expanded Power in your Mind
Use this combination of love and power to create your Heart/Mind.
Your heart/emotions and your mind/thoughts,
flowing through your Heart/Mind connect you to the expanded creative force of your fifth dimensional SELF.
Surrender this image to the rain of light…
Begin every day for 7 days by focusing on your greater mental powers and enhanced ability to Love ALL Life
Surrender into the flow of the
Multidimensional power and unconditional love
Of your higher expressions of SELF
As you surrender to the flow,
You will be able to “let go” of your past
And live in the NOW in which your only challenge is:
While your Heart/Mind is connected and open please read:
Edgar Allan Poets and The Midnight Mission: Shedding Light on Homelessness
Video Link:
Beverly Hills—one of the most glamorous places on Earth, known for fashion, celebrities, and the prestigious 90210 zip code. But just minutes away, another reality exists. This reality is Skid Row, one of the largest populations of homeless men, women and children in the United States. The numbers are staggering; it is estimated that anywhere from 3,000 to 6,000 people live here in extreme poverty with no access to even the basic necessities for everyday life. These are the invisible people of Los Angeles, living side by side with their affluent neighbors who may be unaware of just how dire this situation is. But, a ray of hope breaks through this darkness.
Edgar Allan Poets is honored to announce their collaboration with The Midnight Mission (www.midnightmission.org). The band has a unique style they call Noir Rock, which draws inspiration from the writings of Edgar Allan Poe and the films of Alfred Hitchcock, creating an intense and haunting blend of classical strings and grunge guitars. For the past century, The Midnight Mission has been providing services to the people of Skid Row, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, free of charge. Amongst their services are a twelve-step rehabilitation program, job training and education, all to give people of Skid Row hope for a better future.
Edgar Allan Poets is reaching out to the Noir Family for your help in making their vision a reality! Your generosity will allow the band to fund the production of the video “Watch” as well as the recording of the new EP of the same title. Thirty percent of the profits of this EP will be donated to The Midnight Mission. If this ambitious project is funded, the video will be directed by Daniel Lir and his partner Bayou Bennett, who have previously worked with Coldplay, Sum41, Isaac Hayes, Tricky and many new independent artists. Of this project, Lir states, “As filmmakers, we are all about meaningful stories. We look forward to creating this high impact and exciting video with Edgar Allan Poets and The Midnight Mission.”
It’s up to YOU now! Don’t just sit back and “Watch”! Bring your noir into the light and help others help themselves. Music is the voice of the silent and the invisible. For more information, contact Edgar Allan Poets at info@edgarallanpoets.com or Georgia Berkovich of The Midnight Mission at gberkovich@midnightmission.org.
to donate and track the status of the project.
“A glimpse into the world proves that horror is nothing other than reality.” – Alfred Hitchcock
www.suzanneliephd.blogspot.com / link to original article