We are moving through a gigantic force of energies that shakes everything at its core. Many are starting to realize the end of their old beliefs/convictions and ego they have clinged to for so long. The Full Blood Moon eclipse has shaken the core of that which has to wither away in order to make more place for the new and another grand portal, in the form of a solar eclipse, will occur in the upcoming days that will shake the core of this all once more. Each time it is a different energy influx which partakes in the process of release and rebirth. Every influx has its own unique codes and energies to touch every fibre of all existence.
A Tsunami of Love is being spread by various Sources of Light, which is held through our own unique pattern of Being. We are the light bearers who spread this Love to all existence as we anchor this on Earth. Once again I would like to stress the fact to learn and co-operate together as one and to let go of any grudge or judgment you hold towards another. You are all unique expressions of God consciousness and we need to differ in our work and energy to complement the energies that are being anchored on Gaia to move this shift ahead.
False beliefs are being released, old habits and patterns are to be
reviewed in order to move you forward towards full awakening and the
activation of your Lightbody/Self. You are literally opening yourselves
now to the awareness of your Multidimensional Being as the Universal –
and the Solar energy influxes are entering the core of your being to
reawaken your Christed state. Layers of multidimensional consciousness
are being lifted for you to explore consciously. This means that you
will be invited to work more on the level of your multidimensional self
and this pertains to you, the awakened ones, the gate-keepers and the
Ascension pioneers on this plane.
You are called to active duty and you feel the call within you for
some time now since the spring equinox. This calling has been amplified
during the lion’s Gateway in august as you have been activating a deeper
Solar Christ consciousness since then, preparing you for a deeper level
of not only Christ integrations but also of your I AM Presence. The
recent September equinox was a marker for those who feel the calling
within to take their first steps and to bring the change forth. It
immediately has been starting since this Full Blood moon eclipse on
October 8th, 2014 as you feel your foundation, that is built
upon the old beliefs, shaking to its core. This applies not only to you
but also to many around you. Are you prepared and ready for this new
coming birth?
Many belief that a new world will be thrown at them as if it were
an overnight process where you belief you will wake up in a new
surrounding. In a way it is so that you will “awake” into a new world
but not overnight. This is to be experienced in consciousness as you are
the one that shifts all of a sudden when you reach that threshold of
instant transformation and manifestation in the inner heart of your
inner planes. Then all that is shifted on the inside of your being ~
consciousness wise ~ will start to reflect into your outer world as if
you are in a whole new world but in fact this new world is you in
another state of consciousness. You will start to perceive things
differently and be able to see beyond the veils of density. This makes
your whole world start and change for you and you will find it easier
and easier to detach from the ego mind and from the energies that are of
the old vibration.
Many structures, systems and people are now fearfully fighting
against the forces of change and release, as they do not like to review
their beliefs and thoughts and cling on to that knowing in defense.
Those ones are effortlessly doing all they can to hold their views and
systems/beliefs up as this is all that they belief in as their own
reality. To lose your reality as you thought it was or as you were
convinced it was, is a ‘smack in the face’ experience as the ego mind
does not want to lose its credibility and sense of power. Every battle
is ego related so you can recognize a fight of your ego when this sense
of battle arises.
We welcome the energies of the eclipses in this month of October as
they cause more of this ego and those emotions to leave our plane and
being. This is a call for duty so it is best to be as ‘heart based’ and
‘centered’ as possible in order to function as this pioneer because you
are going to be crucial to assist and teach others by example. When you
feel you are ready to move and to go out there to bring your inner
knowing and assist all of Humanity, do so and do not tend to follow that
logic/mind but rather your inner heart calling. All of you will know
when time is Divine for you to start executing your duties more in a
conscious way as you will first go through profound changes of
initiations, activations, cleansing, transformation and release to
function as that conduit of Light to serve for the greater good of ALL.
These eclipses function as a trigger towards drastic changes on
different levels of your being. This differs from individual to
individual as your Higher Levels will know what is most important for
you to work on in this Now. For some this might mean new relationships
and soul connections with fractals of your soul group, for others it
might mean a leveling up to world service due to consciousness expansion
or a profound release of old layers and trapped energies, and for some
it may bring such higher levels of awareness and consciousness that you
experience being more off planet in the Higher Dimensions then being
here in the Earthly collective. It might also be all of this
simultaneously, as long as it benefits your Highest good and that of
You may expect more movement after the energetic influences of the
eclipses, which will be followed by a few other intense energy portals.
Do not be surprised when you see many things heat up and fall instantly
as people are fed up with the old beliefs and are feeling a revolution
of change within. You all have the power within and more are standing
their ground in what is acceptable and what is not anymore. Change is
upon you and in the midst of you for you are the ‘change makers’. It
starts within you! Just remember to act in Love and compassion at all
times and to not start a ‘war’ to prove your point. When someone or a
system is not ready to hear or see, make your point short and powerful
but without a continuous fight over who is wrong and who is right.
This will be an interesting winter and I get the image of me
staying inside of my home with my children and family: all together in
quietness. Something is moving underneath my feet, but it can be in my
own personal reality as much is happening for me that demands my full
attention every day. At this time I am actively working on the change
and the shift of the school systems, ever so subtle but nonetheless very
clear for the school that my words and signals cannot be ignored. My
twins do not agree with those school systems, so problems are presenting
themselves where the school is fighting their position and using my
boys to make their point. This is why I am currently focusing on
supporting my twins and showing the school that revision of their
methods is needed as many of the children are showing the same signals
to the school systems as my boys are; they mirror the school.
I see some others in the world as well as in my vicinity that are
experiencing the same issues with the schools of their children, so the
pressure is on.. it is a matter of time. The same is happening in the
medical systems as hospitals and homes are losing their grip on what
used to work and they are making efforts to sustain what once was. This
cannot be held very long anymore as the energies such as the eclipses
and equinoxes, portals and solstices are bringing the efforts forth of
tremendous change. Still we have a collective to take into account so it
might take longer than we personal feel changing inside of us on the
personal plane of consciousness because the collective cling on to the
old known. We are not alone on this planet so remain respectful and
compassionate for all beings and their individual pace of awakening
while moving forward with your own process and growth. You are a pioneer
and you pave the path so keep your focus on that in order to assist in
this shift. What you anchor through your light and your consciousness,
will also help others in their shift in due time.
With Love
Méline Portia Lafont
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You can find more HERE.
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://melinelafont.com and http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com / link to original article