We are the Arcturians and the
guardian of this planet and star cluster, the Elohim Alcyone, will speak
with you every evening until you have become stabilized within your new
frequency of reality You are aware that you are in the midst of our
Arcturian Corridor, which allow the highest, ascension frequencies of
light to be focused directly into the core of your planet and the bone
marrow of your body.
These incoming energy fields are
focused into the core of the planet and your personal bone marrow
because this light holds great transmutational abilities. As you know,
transmutation begins from your core and expands into your form, then
into your hologram. Those of you, who can accept this transmutation, as
Earth is still a free will planet, will discover that myriad innate
expanded perceptions will begin to come online.
Your expanded perceptions will assist you in activating your
multidimensional thinking. With your multidimensional thinking
predominant your powers of manifestation via your thoughts and emotions
become greatly amplified. You higher multidimensional senses become
activated and you will realize that all perceptions are your choice.
You can choose to perceive that
which creates fear. OR, you can choose to perceive that which fills you
with bliss and joy. These perceptions are the result of your ability to
believe that you are ascended. Therefore, instead of “trying to ascend,”
your focus is totally shifted to adjusting to your multidimensional
consciousness, perceptions and thinking.
For many of our Lightworkers,
this has been a life-long task. Hence, this opportunity will not be
novel, but greatly accelerated. As you have seen, your thoughts, sent
out as manifestations hold more immediate response than ever in all your
incarnations. This of course means that you must be the Master over ALL
negative/fear-based thinking, as that too will manifest almost
It is vital now that your desire
body include all of Gaia’s inhabitants, as personal desires will lower
your consciousness. On the other hand, living the FACT that YOU are the
planet will allow you to maintain your newly awakened expanded
consciousness/perceptions. These abilities come to you as a butterfly
silently landing on your open palm.
If you try to grab them or use
them in any fashion, you will lose them. Instead, these abilities are
here to guide you into your true SELF, so that eventually you can guide
others. You, meaning all those who can accept these energies, are
entering into Mastery Training. To remain in your expanded state of
multidimensional consciousness you must be the master of your EVERY
thought and emotion.
This training is more of a memory
than a unique experience, as you are truly remembering your SELF.
Doubt is your worst enemy, as is judgment of your self or of others. If
you are among the ones whose life path is to be an Opener, a living
portal of light, you must know that everyone has a role and each being
will perform their assigned task at the appropriate moment of the NOW.
Everyone’s DNA is coded with
everything they have ever known. You have specific roles that will be
triggered at the appropriate moment of the NOW. You are all being
activated, so it is best to relax and trust your SELF. In the manner you
can more fully accept this great gift.
It is important to release all
trying and to allow your consciousness to float as a feather in a soft
breeze. In the fifth dimensional world “doing” is an expression by your
“being.” However, in your 3D world your “being” is defined by your
“doing.” Therefore, your 3D world you became too focused on output and
you forgot about you input.
You forgot to recognize and
accept the constant inflow of the higher frequencies of energy that
reminded you of your true SELF. Then, instead of believing that you
created your reality, you believed that your reality created you. Hence,
you were buffeted around from situation to situation like a ball in the
midst of a game–the game of 3D life.
That game is coming to a
conclusion and none too soon. Far too many were injured in this game and
far too many never even knew it was a game. Instead, they believed that
the game was reality. Worse yet, too often they were observers of this
game and never had the experience of being the creator of their own
Victimization and loss of hope
overtook those who had fallen into the illusions of the 3D Game. They
became depressed–anger turned inwards–or combative–anger turned
outwards. Either way, they chose anger to disguise their fear, which
only created sorrow. Now with the doorway open just in front of them,
they are too exhausted from the fight to even look up and see it.
Therefore, it is the assignment of those who did not forget their
SELF, and those who found their way to remembering, to assist those who
have become so desperately lost. Some of you will assist people; others
will help animals, plants, weather, world systems etc. As we remember
that we chose to play the game and we can remember to BE our SELF who
joined the game to assist.Once the “helpers” are able to enliven the “helpless” changes will progress in an exponential manner. In fact, these changes have commenced. However, you see what you want to see. If you choose to see what is wrong, there is plenty of “wrong” left for you to ponder and worry about. However, if you choose to see that which is rooting towards the higher light you will find that great changes are occurring in your world everyday.
What you chose to think about and where you place your point of perception will set your state of consciousness. If you focus on what is fearful and damaging, you will become depressed, sad, angry and helpless. On the other hand, if you focus on what is loving and transmutational, you will feel empowered, happy and purposeful.
Many of you have forgotten that
you are the creators of your life, in fact many never realized that you
were the creators of your reality. Instead, you believed the illusion.
You believed in what you feared because you were on the edge of
survival. When you are on the edge of survival adrenalin takes over and
your brains differ to the fight/flight behavior of a wounded animal.
Fortunately, more and more of you
are realizing that being a wounded animal is a choice. The only thing
you have to change to alter your perspective of realty is your state of
consciousness. Once you raise your consciousness enough to feel the
higher frequencies of light around you, you will be able to believe that
you can shift your perspective from victim to victor.
From this perspective of reality,
you have the courage and ability to change everything. Your earth
vessel will still live in “time,” so patience is important. However, if
you really think about it, time is always just NOW. The past in which
you were wounded is over and the future has not occurred.
However, if someone enjoys the role of being the victim they can curl
up in their fear and sorrow and be angry at anyone who tries to show
them the light. All Lightworkers have had experiences of people being
angry at them when they attempt to show a higher perspective of their
life. Why?Why do people get angry when others are trying to assist them? It is because they have lost HOPE and are so beaten down that they are afraid to try. These people cannot be helped–yet. They have become their sorrow and will need many role models of transmutation before they can find the courage to come out from undercover and see a better world.
Yes, the world is better if you
look for better. If you look for worse, you will find that too. In fact,
that is how you create your life.
- Your belief sets your state of consciousness.
- Your consciousness sets your perception.
- The reality you perceive is the reality you live.
Therefore, you need to take the
risk to believe that your reality is shifting NOW into a higher
frequency. If you choose (as it is a choice) to believe that you are
transmuting into higher frequencies of your SELF, and hence of your
world you set a state of consciousness filled with hope, joy,
forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love.
Within this state of
consciousness your body releases, not adrenaline, but endorphins. Your
Pineal Gland is signaled to open to higher frequencies of light, which
further stimulates your inner pharmacy of consciousness expanding and
joyful “drugs.” You feel “high on life” as your body is calibrated to
that experience by your own inner pharmacy.
Because you feel so joyful,
elated and focused, you find that you focus only on that which fills you
with love and joy. Because of this choice of perception you begin to
see and hear solutions, creations and new ideas for how to improve your
life. Your creative channel into the higher frequencies of reality is
turned on. Thus you dedicate yourself to helpful and creative endeavors.
Instead of stealing time to have
fun or be creative, you grab a moment in your wonderful day to take care
of whatever remaining 3D tasks call you. We move to the place you love.
You quit the job you hate. You see the people you enjoy being with and
share your joy with the very atmosphere of the planet.
Solutions to problems are found inside and patiently waited for
knowing that you are infinitely guided. At this point you KNOW you are
protected because you commune and communicate with your inner guidance,
which you realize is higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF.
Yes, fear threatens to take you
down into victimization. However, you have the map that shows you the
way to be your SELF. You remember how easy it is to just give up and be a
victim of your “awful life.” But, since we have traveled the path, you
also know the way back into your SELF.
From the peak you have created,
you remember to remember to choose love. You remember to go inside your
SELF for guidance and reassurance. Most important, you remember that YOU
are great multidimensional beings who took a form HERE in the NOW to
assist with planetary ascension.
You remember that:
You are NOT your body.
You are NOT your job or your chores or your bills.
YOU ARE New Earth–NOW!