Hello to one and all. I AM that friend of yours known as Vywamus.
Some of you may not be familiar with me by that name, but you are all
familiar with the feeling of joy and laughter within your spirit. You do
not need a “dead guy” telling you this, but I can assure you that I AM
not dead!
Yes, I am here because of a special request by my friend here, who as
well could use more joy and laughter in his life. In fact, you all
could take your level of joy up a notch, for there has been much heavy
discussion in these Lightworker forums lately, it may seem. I have been
there myself when I was physically focused in a body, and holy smokes!
What you guys are going through right now makes my lifetimes look like
Disneyland by comparison! We get a good, hearty laugh on the “other side
of the veil” over here as we observe you from our vantage point, and we
applaud your courage in choosing such in-your-face human lessons to
speed up your ascension in consciousness.
If you would imagine what it is like to be peacefully detached from
the drama of human experience, it may help to imagine a fast-moving
train moving through the countryside. Your current physical reality is
very much like a bullet train, and the further away you can look beyond
this fast-moving reality into the countryside, which is consciousness,
the more you will notice how much slower the objects in the distance
appear to move. I ask you to imagine that you are inside one of those
You are the observer, and you are looking outside the window. At
first you may notice the fast movement of power lines and trees as they
pass the window, but if you relax your focus and look beyond you may
notice the majestic mountains in the distance, and how they appear to
peacefully move along in your view. You see, you all miss so much beauty
in life when your focus is short-sighted and narrow. You miss the
graceful movements of life when your attention is so focused upon the
quickly-fleeting aspects of your day-to-day experience.
The countryside–consciousness–is open and spacious, and it is here
that I would like you to focus your attention for this little exercise.
Expand your view to the mountains, and then expand this view to the
panorama of the countryside. As you identify with the ”countryside” of
consciousness and sustain this focus, you gradually notice that the
details, the stories, the places, faces and races of your human reality
do not matter. What matters is the infinite countryside.
You may certainly lose sight of the countryside in favor of a
narrowed-down focus, for this is what Spirit has done when It
experiences Itself as human; but once you have experienced for yourself
the panorama (the “All Sight”) of a broader state of consciousness, your
world is no longer seen in the same way, for “you” have changed. Each
and every one of you reading this have experienced moments of
timelessness in which a warm glow of peace overshadowed you. I ask you
now to recall that memory, that feeling, and let it fill you up again
with the Spirit of joy.
Just as you would not wear raggedy old clothes to your high school
graduation, you cannot bring the old “you” into the new reality that you
have shifted into. Any attempt to hold onto a more limited perception
of yourself or another causes strain and tension in your personal
experience. I therefore teach humanity what I have humorously called
“Vywamus Vision,” which is my brand of panoramic perception. I have
nothing that you do not have, my friends, and thus I share with you here
the joy and the vision that your Higher Self knows and loves and gives
Once you remember this joy, you are again attuned to your well-being
(your “Vortex,” some of you call it), and in this state you have much
quicker access to manifesting answers and solutions. Your Vortex is the
infinite country of Universal Consciousness. If you sincerely believe
that your present choices and actions are granting you access to a more
expansive awareness, then please do continue! But if you do not truly
feel at ease with yourself right now, I ask that you “turn the other
cheek,” “turn over a new leaf,” and “turn up the music” as you play a
new tune–make fresh, new choices–for your continued spiritual growth.
Oh, yes, Vywamus and your Spirit Family loves you all very much, and
we thank you for sharing your love and light with us as we commune in
this manner.
Vywamus out.