The evening meetings with the Arcturian and Elohim Alycone have
been very successful. Almost everyone comes to these meetings, bringing
their children who appear to understand every word. The children have no
resistance to perceiving and accepting their new life and often play
with light beings that only those who have calibrated to their expanded
senses can perceive.
In fact, on day three desperate sets of parents came to me telling
me their children were missing. However, the children were standing
right next to them in their lightbodies trying to get their parents
attention. I instructed the children to lower their frequency by
pretending to be something that was solid.
The children thought this was a fun game and began to blink in and
out of their parent’s perceptions. The parents were very relieved, and
all of them asked to go to the Temple for special classes so they could
see their children. Of course I agreed. In fact, we had to create a
“play center” in the Temple for the children so that their parents could
study there.
The Priests and Priestesses of the Temple can easily perceive the children and give them advanced play
lessons regarding their abilities. The younger children who have not
yet lost their “imaginary friends” were the first to transmute into
lightbody. Then they taught their friends and older siblings by playing
games in which the others had to find them. Soon the older siblings
joined in this game and even some of the parents.
The children did not have enough “time” in the third dimensional
world to become separated from their imaginary friends, higher
expressions of SELF, who were their favorite playmates. Hence, they
never severed the connection between their third/fourth and
multidimensional expressions. With their innate connection to their
Multidimensional SELF still intact they can easily perceive the higher
dimensions of reality.
The children are, indeed, leading the way. Some of them have never
been on a starship and for others that memory is far away. Hence, they
have no memory of the fear and anxiety that we carried while on our
ship. Furthermore, their parents had been much calmer since the
Arcturians gave us the temporary shelter of the dome around our new
living area.
I told the adults to look to the children as their guides, as the
children still lived in joy and innocence. Therefore, they can eagerly
accept the adventure of their new reality. It is the fear of change that
is the biggest problem amongst those who are still trapped in the
illusions of their own making. Those who allowed their higher
perceptions to awaken have no problem with the Draconian, Franquoix, as
they can perceive his kind aura.
However, with the arrival of the three new Dracs, and two more back
to the village, there could be problems. Franquoix instructed the three
new arrivals to walk back to the village. In that manner, they had the
illusion of time to change their consciousness. When Franquoix could
feel that all five were ready to return, he and I beamed to the village
to speak with them.
Franquoix introduced me and informed them all that this was to be
their home now. We all sat together while I told them the entire story
of our ascension and how the group has openly accepted Franquoix.
However, five more Dracs might lower the consciousness of the member of
our community that are still “on the fence” of accepting their
ascension. That is unless the five new Dracs appeared in their
All of Franquoix’s crew had studied their ancient texts and were
fully informed regarding Franquoix’s intention. However, they had not
intended to join him. However, as they were to learn, their higher
expressions urged them to join into this adventure. That is, except for
the one crewmember who was unable to make the transition and
“disappeared” from the ship.
The members of our community, who had assisted in raising the
Violet Temple, as well as those from the village’s Temple, had been duly
prepared for their ascension and were among the leaders in our camp
assisting those who were still confused and frightened. However, many of
the members of the village were new to the concept of a
multidimensional self and were having great difficulty integrating their
multidimensional brain into third dimensional brain.
On the other hand, the members of Franquoix’s crew were well versed
in the subject of transmutation of form. Once they were fully informed
as what had happened in our community, they were eager to experience
their lightbody. Therefore, Franquoix and I joined forces to assist them
to transmute their forms to that of light. Thus, only those who were
ascended would even know that more Dracs had joined them. Since the
consciously ascended ones would be beyond all fear or prejudice, they
could easily accept the new Dracs.
Franquoix informed his crew of our plan, and they eagerly accepted
our idea. First Franquoix guided them into their highest state of
consciousness, which was apparently something that he often did with
them. When I could see their lightbodies flash around the remnants of
their physical form, Franquoix told them that I would guide them. I took
a moment to call in my higher expression of Arcturian and began by
“Visualize your multidimensional mind resonating just beyond, and
around your physical brain. Your multidimensional mind was activated by
your ascension, but you have not yet connected it to your physical
brain. Therefore, you are not fully integrated with your
multidimensional perceptions. You habit of the duality of the third
dimension has separated you from your true Multidimensional SELF.”
As each one of the five Dracs connected with their own
multidimensional mind a glow appeared around them, which was the
beginnings of their lightbody. I then said,
As each one of the five Dracs connected with their own
multidimensional mind a glow appeared around them, which was the
beginnings of their lightbody. I then said,
· Feel the higher frequency of light that is surrounding your form…
· Now focus on the vortex of light, which is your multidimensional mind…
· Feel the vortex of light to down to connect with your physical brain…
· Feel how this immense energy field moves into the core of your brain…
· Observe the flashes of light as your multidimensional mind interacts with the synaptic junctions of your brain…
· With your physical eyes closed, look out through your Third Eye…
· See the higher frequencies of reality that emanate beyond that which is physical…
· Connect your multidimensional clairvoyance to your physical sight…
· Open your eyes to see the physical…
· Close your eyes to see with your clairvoyance…
· Listen to the higher sounds as all life communicates with you…
· Connect your multidimensional clairaudience with your physical hearing…
· Commune with the silence to hear the voice of the ONE…
· Hear the voice of your Multidimensional SELF…
· What does it tell you?…
· Smell your physical surrounding…
· Connect your clairsentience with your physical sense of smell…
· Allow the multidimensional memories ignited by these aromas to fill your mind…
· With your clairvoyance and clairaudience, see and hear the higher frequency of these memories…
· Allow your multidimensional mind to link these memories
with your physical brain to remind you that you were NEVER alone…
· Touch your physical form…
· Feel the resistance of the density of this form…
· Connect your Telekinesis with your physical sense of touch…
· Use your clairvoyance to see your lightbody expanding beyond your physical form…
· With your hand flat, gently touch your lightbody…
· Feel that there is no resistance or density…
· Think a loving thought and touch your lightbody again to experience how it has expanded…
· Think a fearful thought and touch your lightbody to experience how it has diminished…
· With your telekinetic ability think that your body has expanded and fill that thought with love…
· Using your telekinesis, touch your lightbody again to
understand how you create your reality by your thoughts and emotions.
· With your clairvoyance, see a higher dimensional world resonating just beyond the physical…
· With you clairvoyance, hear how all life is communing with you…
· Smell the aroma of bliss and love…
· Touch this world with your mind…
· Continually, calibrate your brain to the expanded perceptions of your multidimensional mind so that you can…
· Open your physical eyes to capture a glimpse of the higher reality as it flickers past your vision…
· Listen and attend to the higher frequency messages attempting to commune with you…
· Smell the aromas of higher dimensions as they move through your awareness like a soft breeze…
· Touch the world softly to feel the higher resonance of life…
· Most important, love your self unconditionally so that you can…
· Unconditionally forgive yourself when you forget to recalibrate…
· Unconditionally accept that you are in transition when you become impatient…
To maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, release ALL
self-judgment so that you can release judgment of others. All forms of
judgment lower your consciousness and disconnect you from your
multidimensional mind. Hence, live in a state of self-forgiveness, so
that you can forgive all life. In this manner, the fear of failure will
not invade your brain to lower your consciousness.
The resonance of your consciousness aligns you with that frequency
of reality. Furthermore, this reality is based on your perception. You
can fully experiencing a fifth dimensional reality while someone sitting
next to you is experiencing only the physical world. Initially, you
will perceive each other, but you will leave each other’s perceptual
field because you will make our choices based on your perceptions.
Hence, your state of consciousness will make choices based on
unconditional love, joy, bliss, unity and creativity. On the other hand,
the one whose consciousness resonates to the third and lower fourth
dimensions will make choices based on separation, limitation, caution,
conditional love and fear.
If that person could just transmute their conditional love (of
self) into unconditional love (of self), their consciousness would
greatly expand and they would begin to activate their higher
perceptions. With these higher perceptions, they would perceive, and
hence create, a higher resonance of life. But first, they would need to
believe that they deserved this higher world because:
Your beliefs set your state of consciousness
Your consciousness sets your perception
What you chose to perceive to chose to create in your life.
If you choose to perceive that which creates fear, your thoughts
and emotions combine to create a lower dimensional reality based on
fear. If you choose to perceive that which creates love, your thoughts
and emotions create a reality based on love because:
The Universe is an Illusion, but Your Consciousness Isn’t
Notes from the video:
There is an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside all of us!
Matter does not exist. All solidity is a mirage. All physical matter is
the result of a frequency. As we change the frequency, we change the
matter. When a system becomes highly destabilized there will be random
higher shifts that suddenly organize into higher complexity.
On a sub-atomic level reality behaves in accordance with the
expectations of the observer. Everything in the Universe is composed of
sub-atomic particles. When we change the mind field of the atom, we
change the atom. Therefore, when we have feelings in your hearts we
change the mind field to alter the physical world.
Once we establish the reality we live in and the nature of our
physical bodies, which is our biological computer, the nature of our
consciousness influences what we perceive. However, what we perceive
with our physical senses is just a tiny range within an infinite energy
field of infinite ranges.
We are in a holographic TV show, and it is the act of our
consciousness perceiving reality that creates the building blocks of our
Universe. There may well be no universe without us as it is the act of
us observing the world that is allowing us to create reality as we go.
Everywhere we look with the power of our expectation something will be
there. We are building the Universe as we go in a participatory
universe. The act of our exploration is what creates that which we see.
Consciousness is the programing language of the universe. If we
turn our brain’s off and hook into the mainstream media we become
manipulated in a certain way; then our creation becomes not ours, but
someone else’s. Therefore, we must take control of ourselves from the
quantum, molecular level up.
Some people can remember that our reality is just a ride. These people tell us,
“Do not be afraid ever, as the universe is just a / link to original article