miércoles, diciembre 25, 2013

10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases

It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be a little bit more aware of it. A little bit.

Judy Satori - Christmas Message from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua - Dec 2




Christmas Message from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua

Peace, love and gratitude to you all. May your year in 2014 be bright and blessed.
Click Here to Listen
(To download - Right Click and choose Save Target As)

martes, diciembre 24, 2013

Angelic Guides – “A look ahead: The year of 2014″ - Taryn Crimi - “Un Vistazo Adelante: El Año 2014″ - 22-12-2013

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014. As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is. The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices. We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year; your calendar year of 2014.

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius – Part 2 - Dec 24, 2013

The following was written by Wes Annac for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which is being offered for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
Continued from last week’s Age of Aquarius discussion.
Beyond what I and Wikipedia have already described, what are some other traits of the Age of Aquarius? What else could we potentially expect to see as we go about this shift? 2012 Spiritual Growth Prophecies explains.

Brenda Hoffman – Merry NEW Holidays To Us – 24 December 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s December 22, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: As was true in puberty, you’re changing hourly. Those people you might not enjoy today, may feel right tomorrow. All entities throughout the globe are evolving even if they elected not to be part of new earth. As was true for most in puberty, there are no earthly parents encouraging you to be. Your higher self, inner-being, spirit guide, angels, etc. are functioning in that role during this transition. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Join the Sparkle Fest”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed!

From: againstcronycapitalism.org
Indeed. End the Fed.
Sounds so radical doesn’t it? Isn’t the Federal Reserve there to smooth out the economy, to stabilize the currency? To make sure the world doesn’t blow up?
What if I told you that it doesn’t smooth out the business cycle, but exacerbates it. That the dollar has lost 95% of its value since the establishment of the Federal Reserve. And that the world has “blown up” multiple times under the Fed regime? The world is worse for having the Fed in it.
A reasonable person might ask, “Well, I don’t buy it. That’s not what I’ve been told. Wouldn’t things have been even worse without the Fed?”

Golden Age Messages from the Masters: Living in the Joy of the Season Part I ~ 12-22-13 posted December 23, 2013

Living in the now is living in the Presence, and living as the Presence of God embodied is truly the only everlasting joy there is in your world or any world! This is indeed simple to understand, yet truly living as the Presence of God and the mastery that goes along with living moment-to-moment in unconditional love has eluded the minds and hearts of humanity for untold centuries. We delight in sharing with you that the time has come for each of you to fully remember your origin ~ because in remembering your origin, you will know that you are on Earth to live as the glorious Presence of God that you truly ARE and that is a real cause to celebrate the joy of this season!

Julie Miller – El Morya: Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech Dec 24, 2013

http://goamusic.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/interfaith.jpg?w=535Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech
Received by Julie Miller, December 24, 2013
Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with.
The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to.
What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others.
It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica les desea una muy Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2014 - Dic 24, 2013

Que el espíritu de Amor y Paz reinen en sus corazones 


Catherine Victoria - Never give up on yourself. Remember how special you are. - Dec 24, 2013

Never give up on yourself. Although, it is people who are so different that often do. Because they don’t always see how special they are because they are different. In this world it least. And sometimes, we get lost. But if you let yourself shine, and stand strong, you cannot be lost because your light won’t let you.

lunes, diciembre 23, 2013

Wes Annac - Equality for Everyone: It’s Time to End the War - Dec 23, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I woke up this morning with incredible inspiration to create and be real change for this planet.
As great as talking and writing about a new paradigm is, what can we do right now to start building one? I’m aware that people all around the world are creating real change for us all to benefit from, but I think we all need to be as active as them.
If you don’t feel like you’re in a good position to start creating change or to at least start contributing to this growing movement, think again. I’m confident in saying that even those of us with nine-to-five jobs can start contributing heavily if properly motivated and inspired.

AA Michael for the Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters - Your next trip around the sun will be even more eventful than your last. – Ron Head - December 23, 2013

new year
Michael for the Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters
At this time of great celebration all over your globe we wish to bring you a short message of our appreciation.
We are more aware than you of the wide reach of these messages.  And combined with those of our other channels, there are very few places on your world that have not read or heard messages from any of us during the past year.  This has resulted in a great shift in the consciousness and understanding of thousands upon thousands of people in almost all countries, speaking most languages.
That has been the major task which you have accomplished over the past two years.  This is a time of yearly celebration.  Some of you are in the grip of winter.  Some of you are basking on sunny beaches.  Nevertheless, this time of your year is focused, around the world, on joy, peace, and unity.  Due to the internal shift which has been and is being felt by most of you who follow our messages, we know this is felt more deeply this year than ever before.  Know then that we join you in this celebration of all that you have accomplished, all that you have become, and all that you yet dream of.

HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 - Dec 22/29, 2013 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 22 al 29 de Diciembre 2013

December 22-29, 2013
Beloved Ones,
The high energy of love pours down upon your planet as the people celebrate with their families and loved ones. This is the magical time of year when everyone believes in all possibilities and that the good will that is manifest will make all things right in the world. Love abounds deep within each soul and each earnestly desires and looks forward to a symbolic new beginning in the coming New Year. Much has changed in the year that is past and as the people look back in review, they will feel astonished at all that has occurred. If people would keep track of all the developments in all sectors of human life upon the Earth, they would see that, indeed, their world is changing dramatically.

James Tyberonn: The Law of One & the Golden Age of Atlantis - Dec 23, 2013

Earth-Keeper Chronicles December 22 2013 | Thanks to the Galactic Free Press.
Edgar Cayce is the most credible and genuine ‘channelers’ of not only the past century, but perhaps the past millennia. His medical, past life, past civilization readings are acclaimed and studied by millions at his institute, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The executive director for the A.R.E is the esteemed John Van Auken. He has written over 30 incredible books on Edgar Cayce’s readings, and was involved in the Atlantis Research project. He will be one of the featured speakers at the Earth-Keeper Star-Gate Gathering in May 2014 at Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi – A Look Ahead: The Year of 2014 - Dec 23

2014Today we would like to focus your attention upon the year of 2014.  As many of you know we do not particularly like to give “future predictions” simply because your future is not set; rather it is constantly changing based on the decisions you make in the now moment. 
However the “future” energy of the human collective is far more stable than any one individual is.  The reason being is that it is based on the decisions of the masses, rather than simply one individual’s choices.  We will not focus upon events or occurrences, but rather the energy and experiences that will likely manifest continually in each of your lives over the course of this next year;  your calendar year of 2014.

Anna Merkaba - Update from Galactics :) Happy Times Ahead :) - Dec 23, 2013

Dearly beloved children of the universe,
We come to you today in celebration of the new beginnings unfolding on your GAIA. Many of you have been waiting this moment of eons, those of you who are first timers on earth and the ones that have come to liberate this planet from the veil of forgetfulness who are the first wave to arrive on this planet, understand the preciousness of this moment quite well. For this is indeed that which you have been striving for, for so long, finally it is to unfold before you.

Jahn J Kassl -Sananda - Mankind is in God’s Care.- Dec. 23, 2013

http://api.ning.com/files/mhrng7eeJg0-s2nApBg77V99hc91ihxcc-CeNkhV5d4G*u87LpNjmYicOtnsYAnBOumFVDfvrFZDddbB7DzfbM6E1Wq8m20q/sanandaesuimmanueljesusthechrist.jpgtranslated by Franz
Source: LICHTWELT VERLAG http://www.lichtweltverlag.com/de/blog/index.html
Mankind is in God’s Care.
Our Creator, the All-that-Is presence in God,
directs the last steps of this world and the last steps
for mankind into the Light. All of us are in HIS care.
Beloved Ones,

Karen Bishop - LA INTERMINABLE LIMPIEZA - Dic 23, 2013

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Karen Bishop - LA INTERMINABLE LIMPIEZA - Dic 23, 2013

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Karen Bishop - LA INTERMINABLE LIMPIEZA ~ 3° Parte - Dic 23, 2013

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Natalie Glasson – An Empowering Time Of Transition For One And All By Archangel Metatron – 23 December 2013

http://api.ning.com/files/ZkGIaEHgr8Jnxts*b14sqgb5zxn8eDg0e3DPe5Q2iGrRPMmuMQlggkJ5wASXG281lzR73QlmczVM9tqYK8m9Q9WV-McAOh2P/AAMetatron1.jpgWithin your being is the most beautiful light like a beacon unfolding gradually beaming with greater strength into your awareness, cells and entire being. Your soul is appearing more and more within your physical manifestation upon the Earth, attracting all that it needs to be fully present within and throughout your being. A deep cleansing is occurring within all levels of your being as you prepare for a greater and more profound birth of your soul into your reality and magnificent presence upon the Earth. The birth of the soul is occurring within every being upon the Earth, it has been a continuous process for some time now but the end of 2013 and the year of 2014 marks a profound birth of higher aspects of each person’s soul within their being. This will have a powerful impact upon the way in which you perceive yourself and the reality around you, even the way in which you perceive the Creator. A major shift within your being connected to the soul is waiting to occur but this shift requires tremendous courage from you in your entirety as well as a new conscious focus upon linking all the aspect of your being on all levels of the Creator’s dimension as one to achieve a high frequency alignment which merges all aspects of your being especially all aspects of your soul in a supreme divine unity. This unity will allow for a new stream and flow from the Creator which will completely alter the energetic patterning of your being and body as well as revitalising you with the supreme light of the Creator.

The Sirians: Greetings from your Star Kin - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - December 23, 2013 - Los Sirianos - De Sus Familiares Estelares. Venimos en paz y con un gozoso saludo. Por Elizabeth Ayres Escher

The Sirians: Greetings from your Star Kin
Greetings! We are the Sirian emissaries of whom our scribe has written in recent weeks. We come in peace and with greeting of joy as you reach the end of one year and enter a new one. And as you enter a new world and leave an old one behind.
We know that this past year has been a difficult one for many. The rate of change and the thrust of different agendas have torn countries, communities and families apart. Change will continue to dominate your awareness, although it may take on a more refined appearance or strain the very edges of your ability to hold your center. We encourage you to all embrace whatever change emerges into your world and to open up to the possibility that challenges mean new opportunity, both for growth and experience.

Karen Bishop - The Ascension Posts




White Tara, ISON and heart portals~Jose Sanchez - 12/23/2013

It is with the great love I greet you my dear family of light. Mother Earth and humanity are beautiful and shiny and look like a Fourth of July majestic sparkler from our heavenly perspective.
Many are now awakening now with incredible speed and your beloved planet is doing an amazing job in her divine service of supporting you in your growth to become the creators you have always been intended to.
The many new energies and the new light infusing and surrounding you like a golden, silver light is quite beautiful to watch. ISON awakened the new codes within your sun and now those energies are activating the new codes within your DNA.
Yes many see and saw what they needed to see and out of fear witnessed the ship ISON disappear and apparently disintegrate and for those awakened enough and with the eyes to see, see it and feel it as it approaches and comes closer to your dear planet.

domingo, diciembre 22, 2013

~INTEGRANDO~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 30, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

~LA OSCURIDAD ~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 26, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

~EMERGIENDO~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 16, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

~IRRUMPIENDO~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 16, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

~LA ENERGÍA DEL AMOR~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 10, 2013


.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

© Copyright 2013. Gama Books Inc. El uso y/o duplicación no autorizada de este material, sin el permiso expreso por escrito de su autor y/o propietario, está estrictamente prohibido. Los infractores serán reportados por la DMCA. Por favor respete este trabajo.

~NUEVOS COMIENZOS~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 6, 2013

 Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


A Brief Solstice Message from the Council of Angels Pleiadian Council and Source via Goldenlight 12-21-13 - Un Breve Mensaje Del Solsticio Del Concejo De Los Ángeles, El Concejo Pleyadiano, Y La Fuente via Goldenlight

We want you to know that you are transforming into a higher being of light; that your multidimensional self is “coming online” so to speak and that your world is also transforming likewise… That the release of the global prosperity funds is being planned for after Christmas, that the liberation of your planet from the dark forces is very real. That there will be a ‘time’ that will intersect with your ‘now’ timeline wherein we will intersect our star nation societies our energies our love our higher dimensional technologies and so much more.

Sirian Archangel Hermes 12/21/13

Greetings fellow beings of light. I come into your perception now as your linear timeline of the winter solstice once again bridges our consciousness.
As many of you who shall read or hear this message are becoming aware, timelines that you have been upon are changing rapidly. More are now able to affirm that they exist in many timelines, and that all of them are becoming more and more complex. This is manifesting in transcendental synchronicity, so clearly that it can no longer be denied or dismissed by the ego. While some experience this synchronicity, they begin to discover that it is their own level of consciousness that is creating most of their every day perceptions. They begin to notice that some are able to see, and comprehend the same things that they themselves are, and that others are unable to see or comprehend it. This will be a sign for you all, of those whom are on your level and those whom you resonate with. Which leads to my next message from the Sirian Archangelic League.

James Gilliland Update: The Days of Tyranny, Enslavement and Manufactured Oppression are Fast Coming to a Close - Dec 22, 013

http://www.eceti.org/james_gilliland.jpgSelf Healing and Leadership

We spoke earlier about the incoming energies one wave peaking just after Thanksgiving with a build up before and assimilation period after. Now we are moving into the second wave which is exponentially stronger than the last wave. If you were resisting the process, in denial and shifting into blame and projection this next wave will be even more intense. Many ask when are the Ets going to help. This is help, it is coming from the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, the ultradimensionals which would better be refered to as the greater family of man/woman. They know how to work on the level of cause or consciousness as well as working with the consciousness and energy grids of the planet. This is where the real power resides yet this does not diminish the need for hands on work in the physical. Much of this is up to us. There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. This is universal law and fits within the prime directive. Because there has been so much interference and manipulation by the regenerate Ets they are having to intervene for the sake of humanity and the earth. This does not however diminish the need for the ground crew, the awakened ones on earth to do their part.

DL Zeta – Wayshowers Provide Alternate Means Of Transport Into The New Time – 22 December 2013

DLZetaDecades ago, many souls began the long process of awakening to their purpose as wayshowers who would someday guide others into the new time. For the most part, in earlier times these souls didn’t know the scope of their mission. This was by divine plan to help these future guides remain in the present moment and learn to build trust in their internal guidance system. This trust is essential in becoming adept at navigating the unknown terrain of the new world.
As these souls strengthened the bridge to their higher knowing, they received downloads of guidance that, in one way or another, led them to set intentions of love and service. It is through setting higher intentions that we reset our inner compass and begin moving through life based on our spiritual mission.