jueves, febrero 14, 2019

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - 14 de enero de 2019

Con saludos amorosos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. La combinación de respuestas positivas y negativas a las vibraciones en constante aumento ha mantenido el campo de potencial energético de la Tierra en demasiada agitación para que cualquier actividad logre un impulso imparable. Sin embargo, los generadores de energía en el esfuerzo por acusar a todos los directores Illuminati han ido ganando fuerza constantemente y, de las múltiples actividades detrás de escena para acabar con el control de la oscuridad de su mundo, parece que las acusaciones serán las

Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - February 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing your concerns as to how the following situations are affecting the progress of the light: Yellow Vest movement in France, Brexit complexities, political upheaval in Venezuela, effects of China’s economic slowdown on the global economy, effects of the United States government shutdown, cyberspace warfare, crisis in Yemen, continuing terrorism around the world, climate change denial, Russia’s intentions, nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - THE/YOUR PUREST FORM OF LOVE - Feb 14, 2019

The Higher WE Continue to Go (Vibrationally),
The More WE Remember PURE LOVE through our own Unification /Re-Union from deep within...

Aloha Love Family,


The early phases of SOUL/human AWAKENING is a challenging one, because it challenges everything we once "thought".... and as a part of the process of our bodies waking up/coming into consciousness, every fear, every suppressed emotion, every compromise, every hurt... it all has to come up (or down) and out. It's physically and emotionally uncomfortable (for the masculine energy it's "excruciating")... yet it's very necessary for our Divinity to surface/emerge, for the PURE LOVE OF OUR SOUL to become visible/felt and for us to REMEMBER all that we forgot.....

KRYON, a través de Lee Carroll - Mensajito Malvavisco - Feb 14, 2019

Del Libro 14 de Kryon "El Nuevo Humano"

Viene la Evolución del ADN

El ADN del ser humano está listo para cambiar y transformarse. Nunca lo verás en un microscopio, porque no es químico; es Física. Escucha un momento, porque ya has visto cómo funciona esto. El 90% del ADN que hasta aquí era basura, ahora tu ciencia lo comprende. La ciencia ahora entiende que este 90% es información - un manual - un panel de control para los genes. Pero todavía es un misterio en cuanto a qué contiene realmente o cómo entrega la información a los genes.

Lisa Renee - Clearing from Other Timelines

Clearing from Other Timelines

As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we will connect into other timelines where the true historical record was erased from our conscious mind memories, but our higher consciousness body is surfacing the memory because it needs to be witnessed. Clearly, when the cellular memories in our body are ignited from the changing magnetic fields and stellar activations and we have no context for biological-spiritual Ascension that shifts our consciousness into other Timelines, this can be disorienting. When this does occur many people feel deeply confused and isolated. This is why the knowledge that this is occurring on the planet is not given to the people, to invalidate them and then hijack and control their Awakening process.

Benjamín Fulford - 11-02-19. Los tratados secretos señalan cambios mundiales masivos ya en marzo

(Segundo link de Ben: Países que reconocen a Guaidó Países que reconocen a la Asamblea Nacional Países que reconocen a Maduro Países Neutrales Venezuela)

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: https://benjaminfulford.net/2019/02/11/secret-treaties-being-signed-signal-massive-world-changes-as-early-as-march/

Por Benjamin Fulford - Informes semanales

En este momento se están llevando a cabo negociaciones intensas en los niveles más altos del poder mundial, tanto en secreto como en público, según coinciden múltiples fuentes. Dicen que esto podría dar lugar a anuncios de grandes cambios para la Tierra a principios de marzo. La lucha por el poder en Washington, DC, también se dirige hacia una especie de clímax, como puede verse en la amenaza del presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, de declarar una emergencia nacional.

Jamye Price - Interaction - Feb 14, 2019

Blessed Being, your Ascension path through separation is to find connection. This is the evolution that is before you. It is a gradual progression in the physical realm, for the flow of time supports deeper understanding through experience.

In the conditional realm of separation, you are experiencing the blessing of duality. This mirror offers you choice to connect, and choosing connection is your work. In this blessing of duality, you are choosing your yes and your no, yet connecting consciously with your in-formation of Love.

Dianne Robbins - The Heart now leads the way -

Love and Freedom

We continually sing love songs to you on land,

so that we can meld with you in consciousness as one.


is a state of Being, and a state that we,
the Cetaceans, are always in.
It is a marvelous way to live life
and we recommend it highly to you on land.

We are beaming our Love to you, even though we’re not on land.

Lee Carroll - Boletín de la Familia Kryon - Febrero 12, 2019


Aquí estamos en Febrero, y dentro de este año, 30º Aniversario de Kryon, ¡estoy asombrado de empezar a recibir tantas validaciones de mensajes de Kryon! Es casi como si vinieran en oleadas. Primero, la confirmación del "frío que viene", ¡y ahora del magnetismo!

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St Germain - Feb 14, 2019

Wake up Call: St Germain, Feb 14, 2019

If we ever go to the place where we are showing our hearts in a wonderful kind of way, it will be as if we have always felt that way, and it is true, we have. We are originally from a place of Love, and when we show that love it is in a grin, a smile, a happy face, a side view of who we are. It is a tremendous way of being who we are being, and showing others that even though we may sometimes feel only to look at them with a stare, or in an upset way, or an unhappy feeling of emptiness, it is always based from Love, or we would not even look at each other. We would not even acknowledge that we are all in the same place and doing the same kind of thing that others have likely done at one time or another, in this lifetime and others.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Be Your Own… - Feb 14, 2019

Be Your Own… 

You see it every day; people desperately reaching out for something, anything to fill a void within that only they can fill. They are constantly looking outside themselves for the perfect job, life, car, house or partner. What they do not realize is that everything exists within! (Smiling)

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love is a beautiful combination of acceptance and connection. On this day that focuses on love, we celebrate your heart connections with you.

What if you don’t have a beloved in your life? You can still celebrate that connection because your soul always knows exactly how to connect with the energy of your next great love. Simply stop, still yourself, and feel their presence energetically. Honour their existence, and feel the love that already exists between the two of you!

Ailia Mira - Ashira - An Attunement: Ascending Energy & Your Vastness - Feb 14, 2019

Photo by Seb [ P34K ] Hamel on Unsplash

Message from Ashira

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Letting go of specifics can bring you home.

It’s a wonderful aspect of your innately multidimensional life, that when you focus in different ways you create different experiences.

Today we offer some words that you can feel into as you read, and use to tune to your vastness,

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - A Human/Arcturian Community - Feb 14, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are establishing a sense of community with those of you who receive these transmissions. We have done this quite deliberately because we wanted you to familiarize yourselves with the energy of our star system. We are Arcturian, but we are also non-physical. There are, however, physical Arcturian beings that you will be more likely to resonate with because of the energies that we have sent in these transmissions.

miércoles, febrero 13, 2019

John Smallman - Saul - As the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify - Feb 13, 2019

An event in human affairs of enormous significance is approaching rapidly.

The mainstream media have been avoiding issues of real significance, while attempting to draw your attention towards distractions which are intended to confuse and divide you so that you live in anxiety and fear. Politics is a game played by influential people who are blinded by their own self-importance and driven by their desire for power over others, and who are supported by the mainstream media, while both are controlled and manipulated by a tiny but very powerful elite who have unlimited financial resources,

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Works of Fiction - Feb 13, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are beginning to suspect that humanity is bringing about a true renaissance period in your entertainment industry. You have so many different ways now of telling stories, and those stories are often quite cathartic. You are all being served by the works of fiction that you read and watch.

Predictions, Comments and Questions for March 2019

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Beacon…- February 13, 2019

The Beacon… 


It is time to keep your eyes wide open. There may be people and situations being designed specifically to move you into ‘fear mode’. Some may attempt to ‘sell you’ beliefs and ideas that do not resonate. Many have chosen to stay asleep in the comfort of the mass consciousness, ignoring the mounting energy engulfing your world and choosing to remain blissfully unaware that things are changing at break-neck speed. Free will dictates that you get to decide what works and does not work for you!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Wednesday, February 13, 2019


There are many great gifts that come from what you consider to be intense energies. They offer the opportunity to move the old up and out. They provide clarity on what you are doing well, what you could improve, and what you are ready to tackle based on this latest level of attainment. They transform you and are proof positive you are ready for the next step.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

You are coming to understand who you are and
are learning to bless yourself with the gifts of Divinity.

That is the role you are playing in this lifetime.