Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nación de Cetáceos. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Nación de Cetáceos. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, febrero 14, 2019

Dianne Robbins - The Heart now leads the way -

Love and Freedom

We continually sing love songs to you on land,

so that we can meld with you in consciousness as one.


is a state of Being, and a state that we,
the Cetaceans, are always in.
It is a marvelous way to live life
and we recommend it highly to you on land.

We are beaming our Love to you, even though we’re not on land.

martes, enero 01, 2019

Dianne Robbins - Cetacean Nation - A Message of Peace for the New Year - Jan 1, 2019

A Message of Peace for the New Year

We don’t divide ourselves

Greetings, our Sister on land. We welcome you into our midst. We surround you with our consciousness of Light as you sit here receiving our thoughts.

We are one. All of Creation is one. All of humanity is one. One soul, one mighty wave of light. Humanity has chosen to separate itself into millions of factions, millions of splinters of light, each calling itself something else in its strivings for identification.