miércoles, diciembre 12, 2018

Geoffrey Hoppe - TODO ES SOBRE ENERGÍA - Artículo Revista Shaumbra Diciembre 2018

Artículo Revista Shaumbra Diciembre 2018
Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Traducción: Hector Ramallo

Acabamos de terminar dos retiros Ahmyo para quitarse las medias aquí en Kona, Hawai. Nos hemos acostumbrado al hecho de que, a pesar del título del taller, Adamus adapta el mensaje a cada grupo. No hay dos talleres de Adamus que sean iguales porque cada grupo tiene necesidades diferentes.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Diciembre 2018 - Dic 2, 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Resulta increíble que ya estemos en el último mes de 2018. Menudo año ha sido.

Estamos en la etapa final que nos permite dar los últimos retoques a un año de iniciación espiritual (un año 11) y prepararnos para 2019, que se caracterizará por la creatividad, la intención y la manifestación -energías de 5D. ¿Estás listo para la creación de 5D? En este artículo explicaré en qué consiste.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

You are learning to make the grade.

Now there is no fear in trying.

It is quite delightful, yes?

Ronna - Arcángel Miguel - Desarrollando el Desapego - Diciembre 2018

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Desarrollando el Desapego

Amados maestros, cada nivel avanzado de evolución y Ascensión contiene verdades superiores, junto con nuevos desafíos y oportunidades para alcanzar el dominio propio. Se requiere autodisciplina, mayor conciencia y determinación. Sin embargo, cuanto más controles tu cuerpo de ego-deseo y permitas que tu Yo Superior te guíe, más fácil será el proceso.

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Chrysalis Phase is Complete ~ All Records Pass Through the Portal of Mirrors - Dec 12, 2018

The Passing through of consciousness records; through the Portal of Mirrors, goes through the Eternal Light through which all things emerge.

There will be no area left unturned. All corners of consciousness are being PUT through this initiatory Light ~ Portal Process, now.

Jennifer Hoffman - How What Matters Manifests into Matter

How What Matters Manifests into Matter

Whenever something is important, meaningful, and relevant to us, we say that it matters. Isn’t it interesting that this word is also how we define physical form, which we call matter. And because we send a lot of energy towards what matters to us, it is what manifests as the reality of our life. Whether this is intentional or unintentional manifestation, what matters manifests and if we aren’t happy with what we’re manifesting, we need to take a look at what we are including in what matters to us.

12-12 Gateway / Mandela Effect/ Time Anomalies/ Solstice Event

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 12, 2018

Many of you choose to not show your true selves because you fear that others will not like you if they see you in your truth. What you don’t realize is that approach actually prevents people from seeing your true beauty. Allowing your truth and authenticity to show, honouring your interests and passions, and letting your loving heart to lead the way, is how your beauty shines brightest because it is unimpeded by filters. And it is how other beautiful souls with similar energetics can find you and celebrate you because those are the ones who can see you for who you really are! The more you accept yourself in your authenticity and allow it to show, the more you give the world the opportunity to see your true beauty and to love you, too, exactly as your are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shadow Work, Echo Templates of 3D/5D Integration and Calling the Shaman Shapeshifters

Aisha North - Be clear about your light - December 12, 2018

Be clear about your light

Be clear about your light.

Be mindful of your focus.

For the light is always clear.

The opposition to it always less so.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - December 2018 Solstice Energies - Dec 12, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the various possibilities that are in front of you all regarding the Solstice and the energies that will be upon you shortly. Now,there are many different ways that this could go for humanity, but we are seeing that the most probable outcome is that you will awaken within you a sense of unity amongst all of humanity. And this is the type of unity that has yet to be seen, felt, and experienced on planet Earth.

Ron Head - The Council - What is and what mostly is not happening - Dec 12, 2018

As this new season begins, let us call your attention to what is and what mostly is not happening in your world.

It was forecast that this time would be chaotic on your world. We told you that most, if not all, of the structures of your societies would begin to crumble, that this is necessary before you can or will rebuild them into the new. And many of you are seeing the beginnings of this. We would like to point out for you what is not happening.

Jim Self and Master Kuthumi - Creating Self Worth - November 19, 2018

A Conversation between Jim Self and Kuthumi (speaking through Joan Walker).

Jim: Kuthumi, what I’m watching is that a sense of self-worth is really a key element of this recent work around the Heart chakra and the physical heart. The lower three chakras, as we’re playing with them now (bringing in the increased energy from the Earth Star) allow for more fluidity and comfort within self-worth. Then as self-worth is accepted, that triggers those lower three chakras to do what they’re capable of doing. Self-worth is enhanced by those chakras and those chakras enhance that sense of self-worth. It’s a cycle that’s spiraling upward.

martes, diciembre 11, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Flood of Higher Consciousness Codes: 12D Template Update - Part 2 - Dec 11, 2018

La imagen puede contener: cielo, exterior y naturaleza
Aloha Divine Light Family,

These SOULar/Star/Stellar Light Codes are to accelerate the AWAKENING and EVOLUTION of our HUmaNITY....

This flood is through your bodies..... breathe all through you and out.... keep breathing all through you and out.... open up fully to expand and allow..... ♦

An Update on Sheldan's Recovery and the Updates

An Update on Sheldan's Recovery and the Updates

Many of you are writing PAO inquiring why there have been no recent updates. Sheldan has provided us regular updates from the Galactic Federation for more than 20 years. Why, you ask, have they stopped?

To recap: For just over a year, Sheldan has been recovering from back surgery to help him walk again. He has been doing rehab ever since and now can walk normally again. Unfortunately, the operation triggered the recurrence of a neurological condition caused some time ago by a Dew Weapon.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A heavy military budget, eh?

Who are you arming yourself against?

One day, you will come to discover
that it is your own self, small "s".

James Gilliland - Planetary Liberation Off World Solutions to a Failed Experiment - Dec 11, 2018

Planetary Liberation
Off World Solutions to a Failed Experiment

By James Gilliland

A misdirected Global Elite is the core issue on planet Earth. Their entire lives are based on lies, misperceptions and ignorance. Love, joy and power are what they seek yet they have none of the above. Most have no love in their lives, they are seen as an asset by others, a means to an end. They be lie ve joy comes from acquiring more yet material objects possess no emotions. They may have a mansion, have all the toys yet they have very little love within themselves nor are they loved by others who again only love what they can do for them. Their joy is dependent on their transitory

Ron Head - The Council - Answers Ep. XXII – Indications and Judgments - Dec 11, 2018

We are choosing to respond to two of your questions today. Call these indications and judgments. The first involves what you currently call symptoms and we choose to rename indications. The second is the question of the current societal divisions that are appearing in many of your countries and is serving to bring judgments very much into focus.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 11, 2018

Do not be afraid to experience the depth of your emotions, Dear Ones, for they are the very things that demonstrate your humanity and your divinity and both aspects of you are equally glorious to behold. It is the combination of it all that makes you so beautifully and uniquely you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young