jueves, agosto 09, 2018

Ron Head - The Council - What am I doing here? – Aug 9, 2018

One of the questions most commonly asked these days is “What am I doing here?” Another is “What am I supposed to be doing?” We have discussed this many times, through many channels. But you continue to ask, so, we will assume that either you have not seen the answers or you did not like them.

You learned at a very young age that not liking something, on your plane, did not change it very much. You may, therefore, not like our answers. But as they are true, they will not change very much. We will, however, explain them in differing ways to amuse you, and perhaps allow you to expand your understanding.

ANUNNAKI - Mensageiros do Vento (FILME COMPLETO)

Jamye Price - Intention for Healing - Aug 9, 2018

Intention for Healing

I get a lot of requests for the intention that I have a client or group set before I do energy healing, so I want to share that with you for you to use if you like. I even use it when I am doing healing work on myself.

I was guided to do this intention by my non-physical guides so that the person(s) is taking part in their healing more, and we are both making an agreement of our healthy boundaries. It has a deep meaning that helps to broadly shape the experience, which I will detail below.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, August 9, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Doors are opening as you receive your good.

You must all be excellent receivers now of your good.

You have already passed
and stepped into new timelines.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday August 9, 2018

Questions to ask over the next few days: What do I need to move forward with grace and ease? What is my body asking for? What blessings can I celebrate in this Now moment? How much gratitude can I feel for my personal transformation? How can I find comfort and alignment? What would bring me joy? What do I need to give myself permission to do to move forward? What mastery do I have today that I didn’t have last year at this time?

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 8-11-18 - Aug 9, 2018

A Super New Moon with a partial solar eclipse (the last one of three eclipses) is Saturday, August 11 at 3:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This New Moon bookends this rare eclipse trio that has given us such an opportunity for change, growth and maturity despite the discomfort and challenge that we may have also experienced. The theme of this new moon is “new directions”. With new insights, hard lessons and a creative outlook, you can use this New Moon to consider a new direction in some area of life.

miércoles, agosto 08, 2018

John Smallman - Jesus - You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them - August 8, 2018

When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be an enormous outpouring of LOVE world-wide. You have, collectively, been working towards this event for a very long time, and you are now ready for it. The chaos, confusion, and conflict across the world, at this moment in your spiritual evolution, is a result of your collective choice to awaken. Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain, and suffering are arising so that they may be released. Retained and dwelt on, they hold you in a state of

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Accelerating Timelines for Multi-Dimensional, Quantum Collective Consciousness Earth Templates: Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Frequency/Light Holders, KeyCode Holders, WayShowers, Emissaries/Embodied Councils of Light, Grid Stabilizers and all - 8/7/2018

"New" Cosmic Timetables have become visible/available for us to see and start to activate through our own consciousness, and intentionally participate in anchoring within each one of us, as well as our entire physical reality here too.

These accelerations are to "complete" energetic re-gridding processes, along with Universal Gaia's Cosmic LightBody and template building, simultaneously, on a "Cosmic Timetable" for TEMPLATE COMPLETION to occur.

Jennifer Hoffman - Fear, Courage and Consequences - Aug 8, 2018

The most disempowering thing we can say to ourselves is very short phrase but it speaks volumes. “I am afraid” is how we describe our feelings about something we cannot consider, don’t want to look at or think about, and do not want to do.

“I am afraid” is how we give ourselves permission to not face a challenge and consider alternative pathways to the fulfillment of our goals, dreams, desires, and intentions.

“I am afraid” occupies the energy space of intention, action, and courage, which we think is the opposite of fear but it is not.

James McConnell - Sananda - Ascended Masters One Who Serves - You Are Being Acclimated to These Energies August 4, 2018

Lord Sananda Kumara

I AM your Sananda.

And I say ‘your’ because I am very much involved very much with this particular group, this Ancient Awakenings, just as I am with many other groups. Even at the same time as we are communicating now, I Am in many other groups speaking to many others across the planet. And yes even in many different languages. For it is time to raise the communication to all across the planet, to raise the awakening that is happening.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You are being asked to receive Truth.

Now, this is no small thing.

This is everything.

You are coming to a place of completion

as you are most willing to align with Truth.

And so it is.


Sandra Walter - Final Eclipse and Unity in the Intensity - Aug 8, 2018

Blessings Beloveds ~

There is Unity in the intensity of this passage. The energies, and our Higher levels, are pushing for deep personal shifts to accommodate our true heart’s path and Ascension. If you allow it, choosing Unity and Love as your Primary focus and Primary timeline choice, the Source codes can activate, shed what does not serve, and migrate your consciousness to a brand new experience. It takes focus and trust to utilize this passage for the highest interests of all, and maintain calm in the cosmic storm.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Agosto 2018 - 1 de Agosto 2018

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Agosto ha llegado como un pequeño descanso de la montaña rusa que Julio significó.

Los temas de Agosto son: acción, alineación y conciencia (podríamos decir que serán nuestro plan A si usamos la energía de este mes para explorar los nuevos potenciales que se abrieran con los eclipses de Julio). Las decisiones que tomamos entonces darán sus frutos ahora.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Predictions - Science and Spirituality Conference NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, BC CANADA - June 16, 2018

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Nanaimo.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The threshold that my partner just passed [Lee went into channel] is one you may feel. It's the same voice, but the energy, for those who can feel it, is vastly different. This threshold opens a door. It is a door in what you have called "the field", where there is no time, no space and not an actual "place". It just is. It's here with every single one of you, and that is where I am as well.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 8, 2018

A reader recently asked, “What is the best way to deal with inner rage?” We would like to address that today.

When you carry rage, it is an indicator that something has happened to make you feel very afraid and powerless. Rage is a symptom of an underlying aspect that is looking for healing, so attempting to shift the rage without giving attention to what is lying underneath it will give you limited results.

Fall of Consciousness with Jim Self

¡¡¡Feliz Portal del León 8-8-2018!!!

Portal Estelar que nos ayuda a ser más conscientes, nos ayuda a transmitir nuestros miedos y nos ayuda a desarrollar nuestra fortaleza interior. Nos damos cuenta de todo nuestro potencial y comenzamos a planificar para el futuro que está por venir.

martes, agosto 07, 2018

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctica de la Luz y la Jerarquía Espiritual - Agosto 7, 2018

¡Dratzo! Estamos llegando rápidamente al punto en que un momento para el desenlace se hace posible. La Alianza, incluidos nuestros aliados terrestres, se da cuenta de lo cerca que estamos del borde de nuestra tan largamente buscada meta. Los diversos grupos de nuestros aliados terrestres finalmente están entendiendo que la difícil situación de este mundo necesita ser acomodada. A medida que la consciencia se eleva en este ámbito, el sistema financiero cambia y la nueva prosperidad debe ser revelada. Se acerca el momento para que estos cambios se manifiesten y expliquen. El plan de prosperidad es simplemente un instrumento a través del cual lograr vuestros sueños. Usad estos símbolos de poder para transformar vuestro mundo en un reino de paz y armonía.

Sheldan Nidle Update~8-7-18~We are teetering on the threshold of a long-awaited Golden Age

Dratzo! We are quickly reaching the point where a time for denouement is becoming possible. The Alliance, including our Earth allies, realizes just how close we are to the very brink of our long-sought goal. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally coming to understand that this world's plight needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity must be revealed. The time is coming for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The prosperity plan is merely an instrument through which to achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into a realm of peace and harmony.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

What if you developed bravery now?

What would that look like?

That is what is occurring.

You are displaying the courage to develop a new approach,
a new way of life.

You may feel like you have been tossed around a bit lately
but this is hardly the case.

You are demonstrating over and over and yet over again
the willingness to surrender all that is not in alignment
with your Divine Self.

And so it is.
