jueves, junio 14, 2018

Mahala - Energy Update for June 13th, 2018

This is a short video where Mahala talks about the planetary configurations that are coming for the weekend and the summer solstice.



Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, June 14, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, June 14, 2018

You are learning to trust yourself times twenty.

Now, this is the secret of life.

Up until now, you have been harboring too many resentments again self
and this is the chatter that is beginning to quiet down.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday June 14, 2018

What if you considered your life expression a Grand Unfoldment? How would that shift how you perceive it? Would that help you embrace growth and experience? Would that allow you to accept your glorious beingness? Because that is exactly what it is, opening and expanding like the most beautiful flower in bloom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

miércoles, junio 13, 2018

Suzanne Lie - The GalacticsTransmuting Earth-Chapter 20 of Through the Matrix- June 13, 2018

Transmuting Earth

Part Two

Greetings from Starlight, (once known as Zara Lynn) I am back to speak with you again. I have learned so much while being on this wonderful, fifth dimensional Starship, that I wanted to pass some of this information on to you. You Earthling, as we call you on the Ship, tell me that you share with others what you have learned from me and from the other members of our Ship.

James McConnell - One Who Serves - June 3, 2018

One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

What kind of a message was that!!! No?! We are not even going to attempt to follow that one!

But we are going to share with you that everything is in motion everything is exactly as it needs to be. We know we say this over and over and over but as the James said earlier, you do need to get this through your noggins. It is important. It is important for you to know who you are. It is important for you to remember who you are. And everything that is happening is happening for a reason.

James McConnell - Sananda - June 3, 2018

Lord Sananda

I AM your Sananda.

And I thank you for this opportunity to share this meditation with you.

Yes it is a meditation that you have done before, many of you. But it is important in this time, in these moments to be able to know that you have this Merkaba vehicle. Those of you that did not experience this before and this is your first time, you now have it. It is real. And the more you utilize it, the more you work with it, the more real it shall become.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - El Árbol de Luz Cósmico Activado para Emisión Colectiva de DMT: ¿Te Das Cuenta de que Tu REALidad es UNA Alucinación Masiva? Los Colectivos se Preparan para “Pegarse un Viaje” para Despertar a la REALidad de Nuestra NUEVA Tierra - Junio 3, 2018

El Incremento de Luz Fotónica se ha activado dentro de Gaia, nuestras atmósferas internas/externas y todo, un hermoso y magnífico Árbol de Luz Cósmico (ocurrió a mediados de mayo). Esto aumenta para las masas/colectivos más grandes, la producción natural y orgánica de DMT [NT: dimetiltriptamina], dentro del cerebro de cada uno, estimulada por altas frecuencias Universales/Cósmicas DENTRO DEL CUERPO FÍSICO (Cuerpo de Luz), donde cada uno puede oír estas frecuencias MÁS FUERTE ahora, para que ocurra la Ascensión Colectiva Cósmica.

Predictions Comments and Questions for July 2018

John Smallman - Saul - When you choose to cooperate for the benefit of all there are NO losers! - 06/13/2018

In many parts of the world humanity is presently in a state of turmoil as all the buried or denied issues that people have been avoiding dealing with for eons arise to be dealt with NOW! All know, deep within themselves, below their level of conscious awareness, that Love is their nature and that they have mostly hidden that divine Truth from themselves as they have played the game of separation from Source, and lived lives that are basically infantile – the me, me, me, syndrome.

ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 75 - 2018: USA-North Korea, corruption in Spain, antidepressants, UFOs

75º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2018: EEUU-Corea, corrupción España, microplásticos, antidepresivos

Aisha North - You are the Moon - June 13, 2018

You are the Moon


Yet old.

Endlessly changing.

Yet constant.

Because of you,

entire oceans move.

Tidal waves of light

traversing the globe.

Jennifer Hoffman - Energy Balancing through Change and Chaos - Jun 13, 2018

If you are experiencing a lot of changes in your life right now your life can feel very chaotic. You may be tempted to get rid of everything and start over but you realize that this isn’t the best idea either. How do you balance the energy inflows and outflows so you remain calm, centered, and peaceful no matter what is happening in your life? You can achieve grace and peace under pressure by balancing the energies through how you manage your intention and attention.

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Seminario en Bath, Inglaterra, Parte 1 - Bath, Inglaterra, 26 de mayo de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Bath, Inglaterra, 26 de mayo de 2018

Seminario en Bath - Parte 1

Marilyn Harper:

De modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Qué bueno ver su luz, su brillo, su energía, su irradiación. Para quienes no nos conocen, nosotros somos Adironnda y traemos con nosotros todo un Concejo de seres de luz que están aquí solo para ustedes. Pedimos a ustedes que abran sus corazones, les estamos agradecidos, porque así es como trabajamos, con su corazón.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

As you reach the holy conclusion of self-love
you will advance
and receive your natural acquittal.

All is advancing for you to do so.

To trust that which is natural.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Jerarquía Espiritual y la Federación Galáctica - 12 de junio de 2018

¡Selamat Balik! Venimos con más noticias emocionantes para informaros. Después de 13 milenios de control sin oposición, la Cábala se encuentra luchando para adaptarse a un repentino aumento en el crecimiento de la consciencia. Este nuevo elemento les asusta y realmente está cambiando todo. Como informamos en un mensaje anterior, una nueva coalición de fuerzas, a la que nos referimos como "la Alianza", se ha unido como el grupo más convincente que hemos llegado a respetar. Continúan confundiendo a la cábala, causando estragos en ellos de todas las maneras posibles. La cábala permanece desconcertada debido a qué su arsenal de métodos probados y verdaderos les falla continuamente.

Ron Head - The Council – Retuning - June 13, 2018

A great number of you are experiencing what appears to be a ceasing, or an interruption, of your communication with your guides, teachers, and high selves, what this channel has named The Council. We would speak to this now in order to remove your discomfort.

You have asked repeatedly, have you not, that your level of communication be expanded, be raised, be improved? Now, it is not that what is happening is of exactly that nature. It is more that your energy fields are being raised to a higher vibration by your efforts and your consequent influence upon each other. This is being caused, and in a major way abetted, by the increasingly higher vibrational field into which your entire star system is moving.

Shelley Youngn - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 13, 2018

It can seem daunting when you are experiencing energetic shift after energetic shift. We wish for you to understand that it is a great indicator of your success on your enlightenment journey.

You are now able to navigate rapidly shifting energies better than ever before. There are several reasons for this. You have gained skill both in the areas of release and of integration. You are accepting of the fact that good self care is required and are learning to listen to your body and allow it to take the lead. Your trust is much better developed in the process which is allowing you to stay in a space of acceptance which makes shifting with far greater grace, ease, and comfort possible.