domingo, octubre 15, 2017

James McConnell and Charles Osburn - There Has Been A Fundamental Change In Your Local Universe Which Has Allowed Us To Install The First Level Of This Energetic Change That Is Now Permanent - October 8, 2017

"There Has Been A Fundamental Change In Your Local Universe Which Has Allowed Us To Install The First Level Of This Energetic Change That Is Now Permanent"

Meditation by Sananda, with messages from Archangel Metatron, Master Djwal Khul, and Q&A with One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell and Charles Osburn.

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on October 8, 2017

End of Meditation led by Sananda

I AM Sananda, and I turn this over to our dear brother Charles to carry on.


Greetings! This is Archangel Metatron.

And in my realm, which is the realm of Sacred Geometry, which is the realm of the infrastructure of this universe which is what I mostly deal with as far as the structure and how this universe operates from an energetic level, I'm here to say that there is much celebration today!

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - It’s safe to let your Light shine! - October 15, 2017

Dear One,

At the very heart of you is the pure light of God. This light has the ability to change your thinking and change your outer world. It is a light which, like a flame when fanned, can fill every cell, every fiber of your being and transform you. Fanning this flame means giving the light within you a time of focused attention.



5 Batz, 9 Tzotz, 1 Ik

¡Selamat Balik! Muchos desarrollos desconcertantes se están manifestando actualmente. Sin embargo, se están produciendo acontecimientos que se espera acaben con el punto muerto actual del fondo de prosperidad. Es sumamente necesario que las distribuciones actuales se lleven a cabo rápidamente, según los deseos del Cielo. Se ha puesto en marcha un sistema modificado para completar esto lo más rápidamente posible. Ahora está en marcha una estrategia complementaria para permitir la entrega eficiente de vuestros paquetes de prosperidad. Del mismo modo, los importes de estos paquetes de financiación han aumentado exponencialmente.

Radiant 5D Abundance Transmission: Aligning with a Higher Wave of Personal and Planetary Abundance

Selacia - New Moon Leap-Connecting with Your Spiritual Heart- Oct 15, 2017

New Moon Leap
-Connecting with Your Spiritual Heart-
by Selacia

The 10/19 New Moon comes with an opportunity to make a big leap forward. Now is a perfect time to energetically prepare for this opening. Continue reading to understand your potentials at this juncture, and where to place your focus for optimal success.


We are at a crossroads involving how we relate to one another and the Earth. That crossroads is coming more into focus at the Libra New Moon. Libra is associated with balance, and certainly we have a lot out of balance at the moment.

Mike Quinsey - 13 de Octubre, 2017

Prólogo de Mike Quinsey

Recientemente he estado leyendo los mensajes de Kryon, que sin duda son de lo más informativo en el tiempo actual, cubriendo los años inmediatos que hay por adelante. Se enfocan en los cambios que han estado sucediendo desde el final de la última Era, en el 2012, y los muchos cambios más que van a llegar incluyendo el camino hacia la Ascensión. Los mensajes dejan claro que debemos olvidar literalmente lo que aprendido antes de 2012 porque ha comenzado un nuevo paradigma que revela muchas verdades que hasta ahora no se nos habían dado a conocer.

sábado, octubre 14, 2017

Blossom Goodchild - October 14, 2017

Welcome to you. I am raring to go, so let’s see what wisdom is to be shared today?

Welcome to you also, Dearest Blossom. We are certainly keen to continue our conversations with you and we are aware of a question you shall pose from a gentleman follower.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Shifting Realities and Changing Time - 10-14-17

Shifting Realities and Changing Time

The Arcturians, through Suzanne Lie

More and more, your third dimensional reality is changing and shifting. For example, the third dimension was once the only reality you had. There was “Heaven,” but that was far away, and you could only get there by dying to your 3D earth vessel.

James Gilliland October Update - Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein, Pedogate, WW3 October Update - Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein, Pedogate, WW3 - October 12, 2017

Eceti Banner
James Gilliland October Update - Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein, Pedogate, WW3
October Update - Las Vegas, Harvey Weinstein, Pedogate, WW3
by James Gilliland

October 12, 2017

I am writing this newsletter in hopes we can avoid the ultimate sacrifice these deviant souls are planning and that is World War 3.

Has anyone connected the dots? Vegas is referred to as Sin City. Hollywood fits into the same category. We can’t ignore politics and many of the agencies connected to positions of power. If you want to know who is at the top of the food chain – follow the money. Who owns the better part of Hollywood and Vegas?

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Imágenes de No Ser Dignos


Queridos amigos: Soy Jeshua. vengo a recordarles quiénes son ustedes, a recordarles de su fortaleza y su grandeza. Ustedes son una fuente inextinguible de Luz que refresca continuamente, que crece y se expande; un flujo exuberante de energía divina. Deseo infundirlos de esta energía y pedirles que le permitam fluir plenamente por su mente, su cuerpo, y toda su vida a fin de que la energía de su ser pueda expresarse aquí en la Tierra.


12 Etznab, 16 Trotz, 1 Ik

¡Selamat Balik! Mucho está tomando forma entre bastidores. Los responsables de los fondos (de prosperidad) todavía parecen vacilantes a la hora de repartirse unas sumas tan elevadas. Este aspecto concurrente de la realidad está siendo apartado por la Luz. Los diversos focos de conflicto son indicios simplemente de por qué se está produciendo tanto caos. La principal intención del Cielo es liberar rápidamente los fondos de prosperidad y permitir finalmente que florezca la verdadera República NESARA. ¡En ese momento, se va a derrotar la oscuridad completamente!

Christine Meleriessee - LORD ASHTAR ~ GLOBAL ENERGY GATHERING - October 14, 2017

Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly connection with Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern, 18:00 GMT for Ascension Mastery Training.

TO JOIN THE CALL ~ Lord Ashtar – Global Energy Gathering


Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I come to you as Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light. I would like to say a few words about how important this monthly gathering assists Gaia and humanity.

As you know the challenges that every soul is experiencing upon the Earth, have been increasing throughout the year. I believe that humanity in general is not aware how vital it is for each of us to connect with each other.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - October 14, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, October 14, 2017

We are asking you to be most willing to allow the energies of abundance

to flow to you now

through the opportunity of grace.

Imagine there is a package at the post office

John Smallman - Saul - You all have a very important divine purpose which you cannot fail to achieve - 10/14/2017

As you wait expectantly and confidently for humanity’s Grand Awakening, continue to hold your Light on high, and continue to hold firmly to your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Doing this is very powerful indeed because your intent combines with similar intentions held by others resulting in an exponential increase in the intensity of the field of Love in which humanity is firmly held, even while choosing to remain asleep within the illusion. It is the Light and the Love from you, the Light bearers and Light workers, seeping steadily and constantly into people’s awareness that is nudging them toward their moment of awakening.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday October 14, 2017

Dear Ones, there is so much more purpose and meaning to the things you experience in your lives than you realize. It may not feel like it at times, but rest assured all movement is forward movement. Everything exists to serve you, your life expression, humanity, and the planet, even if you are not able to see exactly how at the moment.

Asara - Archangel Michael Update - October 14, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, your perception of time is currently changing.

Or, shall we say your experience of time is changing.

Lifting out of the constraints of time is part of your Ascension process.

viernes, octubre 13, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua - Images of Unworthiness

Pamela channels Jeshua

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I come to remind you of who you are, your strength and your greatness. You are an inexhaustible source of Light that continually refreshes, that grows and expands; an exuberant flow of divine energy. I want to infuse you with this energy and I ask that you allow this energy to flow fully into your mind, your body, your entire life, so that your soul’s energy can express itself here on Earth.



Walking Terra Christa has now started the next phase of Self Parenting with Step 9 “Transforming Your Promises” and initiating Metatronic Seal No. 9 “Remembering Your Angelic Presence” for Ascension Mastery Training. 

We are working within the Golden Etheric City of Aslannetair (residing over Sweden, Finland, and Norway) represented by the 10th Flame of Pearlescent, “Integration of the Masculine & Feminine Divine.” We share the decree working with Master Voltar and Lady Valencia of Andromeda. Lord Metatron initiated the 9th Metatronic Seal in the Temple of the Eternal One.

Our focus is to now allow the previous elements we have worked upon with the Steps to Self Parenting to become a reality, in other words making good on our promises to heal with unconditional love.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Amethyst - Transformation with Gentleness - 13th October 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings beloved ones and angelic beings upon the Earth, I am Archangel Amethyst, I am the feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are known for our ability to purify your being, ignite transformation, accelerate your ascension and connect you with your journey of Creator exploration.

I, Archangel Amethyst, bring forth my essence to you for you to receive and draw upon. I give to you an energetic amethyst crystal and place it in your hands; it represents my love, truth, clarity and consciousness. I am an angelic being although many perceive me as a crystalline being because I hold the similar frequencies and qualities such as magnification, purification and strengthening of your entire being and spiritual evolution. As I place my amethyst crystal in your hands let yourself absorb my violet/purple energy, it will fill your entire being. You will be able to feel my presence around and within you. I will begin to purify your energy, magnify your truth and strengthen your connections, especially with the Creator. Sit with me, be with me and I will support beautiful and fulfilling transformations within your being which will lovingly transfer into your reality.

Jennifer Hoffman - Free Will and Energetic Consent - Jul 13, 2015 |

Our free will allows us to choose any path we wish for our life and we do that every day, with every thought, word, and action, whether we realize it or not. Contained within our free will choices are decisions about the frequency, vibration, and type of energy we will allow in and into our lives and on the earth. And there are two distinct paths for how we allow energy to flow into and out of our lives — we can either adjust ourselves to the energy around us or set strong boundaries and stay in the frequencies we choose for ourselves.