Walking Terra Christa has now started the next phase of Self Parenting with Step 9 “Transforming Your Promises” and initiating Metatronic Seal No. 9 “Remembering Your Angelic Presence” for Ascension Mastery Training.
We are working within the Golden Etheric City of Aslannetair (residing over Sweden, Finland, and Norway) represented by the 10th Flame of Pearlescent, “Integration of the Masculine & Feminine Divine.” We share the decree working with Master Voltar and Lady Valencia of Andromeda. Lord Metatron initiated the 9th Metatronic Seal in the Temple of the Eternal One.
Our focus is to now allow the previous elements we have worked upon with the Steps to Self Parenting to become a reality, in other words making good on our promises to heal with unconditional love.
The Pearlescent Flame is the 10th Ray of Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. It works within the 4th Dimensional Chakra Grid in the Sacral Chakra. Pearlescent is a mixture of pinks, greens, blues, yellows mixed with a pure white silvery light.
The Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair looks like a labyrinth with many labyrinths throughout the entire landscape. The Temple of the Ethernal One sits on one large labyrinth with a beautiful river flowing behind its structure. The river is called the River of Flowing Movements. The city represents finding oneself through the depth of mystery. It is a city that brings forth the ability to bring unity of all consciousness into Oneness – sense the balance of the Mental and Emotional bodies which in the higher frequency is the Masculine and Feminine Divine.
Master Voltar and Lady Valencia bring forth a love vibration that is linked to the creation codes of the Universe. Master Voltar teachings an individual how to change the issues within the masculine self while Lady Valnecia brings forth the warmth and love to nurture the Feminine Self. Both of them together elicit qualities of balance within the four-body system as the blending of the Higher Self occurs more naturally with the acceleration of the higher light realms to be infused.
As I walk with the Andromedans,
Lord Voltar and Lady Valencia,
In the Golden Etheric City of Aslaanetair,
Which resides in the Etheric Earth over Sweden, Finland, and Norway;
I realize how important it is for me to learn how to be in Oneness,
That it just does not happen automatically.
This Golden City is magnificent,
As it is one large Labyrinth,
With many other labyrinths within the city;
It is mountainous with hillsides,
There are waterways throughout the countryside,
With the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia on its borders.
As we walk together through the main Labyrinth,
I start to feel more acceptance occurring within me;
The color of Pearlescent resides in all of nature,
With colors of purples, pinks, yellow, and greens.
I feel the energy running through me;
It helps me to feel more balanced within my four-body system.
Master Voltar shares with me that the shape of the Labyrinth,
Guides me into the right direction,
It helps me not to think so much about what I am doing,
But just to allow the walk to guide me.
I feel as if I am being blessed with the most Divine understanding,
That all I was worried about ceases to exist.
We walk around the main temple,
The Temple of the Eternal One,
There is a massive river that flows behind the structure of the building;
We enter the main hall of the temple,
I am enamored by the exquisite energies,
With a massive altar reflecting the Pearlescent Flame.
I take time to sit and reflect,
As the journey I am about to experience,
Is going to help me understand from my higher perspective,
How important it is for me to just breathe and take in the energies.
I hear angelic music flowing through the room,
There are other souls doing the same as me;
As I sit and allow my breath to take me to an altered stated,
I start to feel the sensations of my body,
But yet have no desire to move,
I just relax and feel my Higher Self flow through my full body system.
I believe that I am calmer than I ever have been before;
It is a wonderful experience to feel these energies,
As my Sacral Chakra is flowing with my Masculine and Feminine Essence,
Starting to work in unison.
It feels good,
I desire to have more,
So I sit and reflect on the beautiful healing I am receiving.
As that is all that matters in this moment.
I am ready to learn more of how the Pearlescent Flame,
Can help me to become more of what I truly desire.
I am deeply grateful to be in this moment,
Of my Re-Creation.
I AM that I AM that I AM
©Walking Terra 11, 2017 New Earth Consciousness
The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities. Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals. You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available.
Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body. Please use the link to learn more about this series.
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