Today is Tuesday which usually means an update day from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters with Sheldan. It made my heart sad. So I decided to randomly open Your First Contact book and provide an excerpt. Hope you enjoy reading it!
Again, Sheldan and I are forever grateful for everyone's healing energies and Love. We are blessed to have our galactic community (on the ground) providing such beautiful support.
I'm including a message that our dear friend, John Smallman, wrote about Sheldan. Thanks, John, for letting your group know about Sheldan's current circumstances. You are the best!
Selamat Ja!
Your First Contact
Book by Sheldan Nidle
Excerpt from chapter: Galactic Federation of Light ~ Q&A section at end of chapter (page 186)
Q: Why is this planet special?
A: This is a showcase planet! Its endless varieties of life forms, its unusual energy ~~ the whole gestalt (what this planet and star system represent) ~~ make it truly unique. The Galactic Federation's advisors have revealed the startling fact that only approximately 100 examples of this type of star system exist in the entire galaxy! All the other showcase planets lacked some vital quality that kept them from being chosen as the planet mentioned in divine prophecy. Among them, Earth is the only one that truly posses all the requirements to be the great harbinger of change in this galaxy. That is why so much energy has been focused upon it over the last million solar years of Earth's history.
Q: What makes Earth so diffeent from the other 100 showcase planets that you mentioned?
A: Earth is unique among all the showcase planets because of the numerous prophecies that Reptilian and Dinosaurian groups as well as other forms of sentient life have made. These prophecies have spoken of your solar system~~with its change back into full contsciousness~~as the symbol for the return of Light to this entire galaxy. They all feel quite strongly that the unprecedented level of change on Mother Earth (as it is now occurring) is of great import.
This transformation signifies that the divine right time has finally arrived for all sentient societies to re-evaluate and drastically alter their way of being, their civilization, and their value system. That is exactly what has been happening in this galaxy! That is why, in the last few years (from around 1988 until now) membership in the Galactic Federation of Light has increased so exponentially that it is almost beyond belief!
Former Alliance members are joining the Galactic Federation precisely because of the transformation now occurring on your planet. When Mother Earth's human society accomplishes its shift, Earth will become a major showcase for consciousness, for Light, and for divine service throughout the entire galaxy.
Thereafter, you will be visited by star-nations from the farthest regions of this galaxy. They desire to come here, see your world, experience it, be a part of it, and then return to their home-worlds and share their knowledge about it. They will be able to tell their various stellar societies that a truly unprecedented and wondrous shift in consciousness, has indeed transpired on planet Earth!!!
This is the reason your planet is so unique, so different, and of such vast consequence? It is why the Galactic Federation of Light is allocating such an extensive number of personnel and other resources to bring forth this consciouinsess shift in perfect divine timing.
Highly sentient, inter-dimensional Beings are also being drawn to your planet. The entire solar system is being prepared on all dimensional levels for this long prophesied, monumental shift of physical Creation. Accordingly, it is the final event before this epic, cosmic drama is successfully completed.