miércoles, abril 26, 2017

Selacia - Your Role Updated to Reflect Energy Shifts - April 26, 2017

With each passing week in 2017, the world's energetic climate has become more chaotic and less certain - with crisis arising with such regularity that it can begin to feel normal. In this article I outline a fresh approach to viewing and moving through these unprecedented times.

In particular, I focus on the new roles for divine changemakers. I begin with a bit of background on how your path is already different - then provide insights about what is changing for you now as the world moves through an accelerated awakening process.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 26, 2017

Dear Ones, if we could have one wish for you, it would be that you give up your tendency to immediately make yourself wrong the second things become difficult or aren’t coming together as you think they should. It amounts to kicking yourself when you are down and serves absolutely no purpose at all. In fact, it only makes you more uncomfortable and resistant to what is happening behind the scenes that will always be for your highest good.

Natalia Alba - Ascension Update: Pluto "retrograde" - Reclaiming Your Personal Power - April, 20, 2017

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

Beloved Ones, 

It is a time of deep silence, soul integration and liberation of everything that once served us to evolve but that is no longer aligned with our Unified Self Will. It is a time to witness the lower self, as we destroy old worlds and build new ones that will foment a path of oneness instead of the separated one in which we used to dwell. It is at this time of profound inner change that we have Pluto, the Heart Planet, "retrograde" in Capricorn, since April 20 to September 28, to help us reorganize our tangible life as well as to help us become aware, of where we place our power and the use we make of it.

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Ones - Unity with SELF--Part 2 Unity Consciousness - 4-26-17

Remembering Unity Consciousness
Unity with SELF

The Golden Ones through Suzanne Lie
Because you have remembered that you are actually a Multidimensional Being, the higher expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF will be called on to observe and assist the third-dimensional component of your Multidimensional SELF. 
We can’t say exactly which lifetime, of the many lives that your Multidimensional SELF IS, WILL, and DID experience, that you will observe. However, most choose to observe the life in which they are currently incarnated because they can best make changes and alterations in their incarnation.
However, each person is different, and each person has free will. Hence, some people want to get right into the trenches and to clear up some “past lives” they already know are ready for transmutation.

RONNA - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - El Nivel Siguiente De La Conciencia Espiritual - Abril 2017



Traducción: Mary García
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El Nivel Siguiente De La Conciencia Espiritual

Amados maestros, la mayor parte de la humanidad ha olvidado que dentro de las Leyes Universales hay un derecho dado por Dios que permite a cada ser humano recuperar la capacidad de comunicarse con los Maestros Ascendidos y los grandes Seres de los reinos superiores. La comunicación interna es un compartir directo de pensamientos sin palabras ni sonido. Este es su estado natural de Ser. Sin embargo, hay requisitos y condiciones que deben ser alcanzados antes de que puedan tener acceso a las vías aéreas Telepáticas Universales.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - April 26, 2017

Deactivating the Energy of Lack (Limitation)

The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira

Greetings Divine Ones,

We are here because you are here, and in your focus, and in your desires, and with your heart, and because of your aims, you have summoned the energies, the knowing, the insights, the connections, the collaborations that serve you in this time/space reality, in the fulfillment of your desires, and we love that.

We are here to speak with you today about activating the energy of abundance. Deactivating the energy of lack or limitation.

martes, abril 25, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – April 25, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Masters of Manifestation!

You are indeed such, though it may appear at times that you are stymied by one demand or another.

Perhaps a larger than usual bill has arrived, or your job offers few hours, or is gone completely now.

Or perhaps some other situation has built in intensity—mounting debts, or a car that must be repaired—so that you can no longer put off a large expenditure.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Enciendan sus magnetos - 26-02-2017

Tenemos un nuevo mensaje para muchos de ustedes. El título de este mensaje de hecho lo dice todo pero discutámoslo un poco.

Algunos de ustedes ya están viviendo dentro de pequeños grupos de personas con pensamiento similar. Algunos de ustedes incluso están en grandes círculos y pueden discutir cosas abiertamente con muchas personas. Pero la verdad para muchos de ustedes es que se sienten muy solos y separados. Hubo un tiempo cuando esto fue verdad y debido a la necesidad de esparcir sus vibraciones crecientes por todo el globo, era necesario. Ya no es el caso. Como muchos más despiertan cada año, sus campos vibratorios han venido a tener un efecto en todo, tanto que ya hay más personas a su alrededor que aceptarían sus ideas como no lo hubieran imaginado.

Sandra Walter - Applying Knowledge to Gain Wisdom - Apr 25, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The alchemical transmutation of emotions, karma and trauma into Divine Love can turn our baggage into our greatest strengths. These energies support the process of transforming discomfort, doubts, fears, mental pollution, and personal belief systems into alignment with the New Template. This is the alchemical process of creating the New Temple of the Divine Self.

Restructuring the Etheric: Reflected in the Physical Experience

Our Etheric bodies experience transformation first. Anchoring of crystalline structures within the body becomes stronger as etheric blockages, baggage, and personal akashic are transmuted. Stronger physical symptoms on a collective level indicate the clearing of a collective etheric level. More light can get in. There is accelerated transmutation within the unified field as the alignment of the Stargates and timeline split occurs.

Ron Head - El Consejo - El otro 99 por ciento - 24-02-2017

Muy a menudo escuchan sobre el 99% del cosmos que no es visible para ustedes. Aún más a menudo se les dice del igualmente enorme porcentaje de su ADN que es “basura”. Y constantemente se les recuerda que los humanos solo usan de cinco a diez por ciento de sus mentes y que la mayoría de la consciencia de uno reside en el subconsciente. ¿Podemos discutir esto?

¿Qué hay en todo este espacio desconocido? En el reino de su cosmos diremos que no ven o permiten la enorme presencia de energía que está en caos o en potencia.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 25, 2017

As you are all individual, some of you will be drawn to public acts of service, while others will quietly enlighten behind the scenes. Please hear us when we say one is not better than the other! Just as many tiny bulbs of light can join together to flood a large area with light, so it is with the shift on your planet. There is a great collective power that comes from each individual shining their own light consistently.
So make no mistake about it, Dear Ones. Every single time you choose to love, to heal, to shift, to evolve, to allow your own authenticity, truth and divinity to lead the way, you are supporting the whole in more profound ways than you could ever imagine. Do you see? Your growth is your service. ~Archangel Gabriel

Kryon in Monument Valley - part 9 to 11 (Apr 12-18, 2017)

Tiempo de Cine - Ellos Viven, Nosotros Dormimos

Sheldan Nidle - April 25, 2017

13 Oc, 13 Kank’in, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Your world continues to slowly unravel. We are finding daily how the dark and its whole host of minions are able to permit an unusual degree of “slowdowns”. This strange procedure is seemingly mitigating the reasons behind the new security prevalent in the entire delivery system. Our liaisons are now dedicated to a successful conclusion in this very complicated situation. We expect a number of unique procedures to be cleared. These can efficiently permit all upper levels of the payout system to be shortly resolved.

Suzanne Lie - Communicating With Your Higher Self--Week 4 of Preparing for Leadership 4-24-17

Communicating with your Higher Self
Week 4 of Preparation for Multidimensional Leadership Training 2017
Create the HABIT of speaking with your Higher SELF
Make it a part of your daily life to "take your Higher SELF with you."
When you take a walk, walk with your Higher SELF
When you need to shop, shop with your Higher SELF
When you want to talk, talk with your Higher SELF
DOCUMENT what your Higher SELF says,
Have some form of writing pad with you at all times
to document your conversations with your SELF.
While you are waiting at a restaurant to get your food,
Talk with your Higher SELF
While you are walking alone,
talk with your Higher SELF
When you are waiting at the doctor’s office, or for a meeting,
Talk with your Higher SELF
You are NEVER alone, as you ALWAYS have your Higher SELF with you.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Intensificación - 21-02-2017

ski run21-02-2017
Algunos de ustedes están experimentando incomodidad en este momento.
No es que no lo hayan sentido antes. Pero esto parece ser repentino y con más intensidad.
Algunos de ustedes, al escuchar esto, creen que esto los ha pasado de largo. Lo siento, pero hay solo unos cuantos que no les queda nada por limpiar. Le estamos mostrando al canal una foto de un saltador de esquí en una rampa de nieve.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Expandiendo una Idea - 08-02-2017


En nuestro último mensaje mencionamos que sería muy bueno que se enfoquen en la idea de que su actual circunstancia resultará en la creación del mundo en el que han soñado vivir aunque no vean cómo podrían llegar desde donde están. Nos gustaría expandir esa declaración si es posible.

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 4-26-17

Dear Friends,

A New Moon is always a good time to reset intentions and do an inventory of where you have been and where you wish to go. This is especially true on this new moon as you may have been through a lot of change, chaos, choices and letting go.

It is a good time to ask for more clarity of intention if you need it and to focus on creating a fairly detailed action plan based on your intentions. We have some very grounded energy to work with during this New Moon time, so think about what you need in terms of support and make sure to ask for it. Although this could be a good time to spend with others, it is also important to take some time just by yourself without the distraction of another’s agenda.



Aisha North - Water Speaks - Morning Glory - April 25, 2017

Morning Glory

Rise and shine

Dear One


You carry the Sun

within you. 

Posted on April 25, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

lunes, abril 24, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The GoldenOnes - Remembering Unity Consciousness--A Gift To Gaia on Earth Day - 4-22-17

Remembering Unity Consciousness
 A Gift to Gaia on Earth Day
Unity of Diversity

The Golden Ones through Suzanne Lie

The Golden Ones have been talking to me on a regular basis since about the middle of last summer, but it has always been at a time when I could only share them with one person at a time.

Actually, there have been two different people that the Golden Ones have brought through me to share themselves. There have, also, been a few writings in which I was able to feel their energy field and channel their message.

But, there is a particular part of their message I haven’t said because whenever I was going to express it, I just didn’t, or couldn’t, or it wasn’t the Now. I’m not exactly sure exactly why, but I have the feeling that it is the NOW to contact the Golden Ones and ask them to restate what I’ve been hearing them say to me since last summer.