miércoles, marzo 22, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Our Promise to Gaia - 3-21-17

One day, a very normal person was walking
On the body of Gaia when…


Suddenly, an energy wave flowed into her HEART and MIND 
And, also, surrounded her Body.

Selacia - What's in Your DNA Akashic Records - March 22, 2017

Our world may seem turned upside down right now but your life doesn't need to be. In fact, some of your greatest breakthroughs and progress can occur during these uncertain times. In this article I'll describe the key resource that exists within your very DNA - connected to your soul's akashic records - that can help you break free from very old stuff and live more of your life purpose.

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - Equinoccio de Marzo 2017: El nuevo comienzo y el "espacio vacío" - 19 de Marzo 2017


Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora.

Así que Amados, ahora se están acercando al primer equinoccio del año 2017. En el Norte este será el poderoso Equinoccio de Primavera, y en el Sur, el Equinoccio de Otoño. La Onda de Luz de Diamante que se libera en el momento de los Equinoccios está cobrando impulso, preparándose para traer aún más iluminación y resplandor a la Tierra.

Pero, al mismo tiempo, hay un sentimiento de vacío, de que nada se mueve hacia adelante que se traduce en la frustración, ira y impotencia para muchos de ustedes.

Hay un curso, una razón para esto. A medida que avanzan en este nuevo ciclo de Tiempo y Cambio, hay momentos de alta actividad y cambio, y hay momentos en que se les da un espacio para "respirar" y contemplar de dónde han venido y hacia dónde quieren ir con su deseo de Creación de la Realidad.

Jamye Price - Tranquilidad y Movimiento - Marzo 9, 2017

A medida que empiezas a elegir más lo que estás creando, muy frecuentemente empiezas a notar cuánto está fuera de tu control.
Observas todo lo que tú (y la humanidad) están experimentando y reconoces la falta de control, lo cual te deja confundido sobre qué puedes controlar en realidad.
Deseamos darte algunas áreas de enfoque sobre este impulso básico de buscar el control a fin de que puedas empezar a moldear tu mundo interno y sentir más del progreso de la creatividad y empoderamiento creciendo dentro de ti.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Wednesday March 22, 2017

So many enlightening human beings have regret or shame over choices they made pre-awakening. We love you for your tender hearts and accountability! But what if your darkest days were simply the starting point and you have come so far simply to experience and demonstrate the evolution humans are capable of? 

Kryon "Unexpected Change" 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Your Aura and Communication ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - March 22, 2017

Your energy field, the frequency you transmit as YOU. Going about your day, those you come in contact with are subconsciously knowing what you are transmitting. It is all in your Aura.

Your thoughts and emotions, even if felt hidden, are known energetically and subconsciously by others through the Aura.

Seeing Auras and seeing what takes place on the many levels of consciousness is profound.This truly is all energy here on Earth. Through a vast and intricate communication system of Light.

Kryon - Vancouver, Dual Channelling - 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It's JUMP Time in Every Moment NOW - 3/22/2016

Aloha beautiful light family!

Every moment is powerful now. Every moment is one of new higher consciousness, intentional focus and conscious choice. We are at "choice point" again... Each JUMP means that everything not in alignment with your highest vibrational reality must be reviewed, adjusted (tuned/tweaked), and opening up to NEW to come forth the moment we let go of anything that we've been holding onto that needs to be released to be free....

Every energy that you hold onto, builds up inside of you. The "breaking point" necessary for that energy to break, can be easy, subtle and beautiful or it can be intense, harsh and break the energy for you.

There are many ways to do this journey. Unconscious brings forth one type of experience that we don't particularly injoy, yet is necessary to move us in a certain direction. Conscious means we are often doing the uncomfortable thing, to move the energy out, to transform the situation into one that is in-service to love and the light that we all truly are.

martes, marzo 21, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (33) - Boston, Marzo de 2017


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (33)
en Boston, Marzo de 2017

Saludos, queridas damas; Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En este momento mi socio se aleja, bien lejos. Ya lo hemos dicho; para quienes no lo oyeron: aquí no hay secretos, no realmente, pero mi socio se aleja en honor del género que se ha reunido aquí, verdadero honor. Ya dijimos antes: no se dejen engañar por la voz, es una voz masculina de un varón; que sale de un hombre. Pero el hombre no está aquí, y no recordará lo que estoy diciendo. Del otro lado del velo no existe el género, pero aquí sí. Ustedes se reúnen como un grupo de mujeres, y si consideran el último mensaje, hemos hablado sobre la recordación akáshica: ¿qué es lo que están tratando de recordar, verdaderamente. que las unificaría en una hermandad? ¿Es solo una reunión de quienes tienen algo en común, ser mujeres? ¿O hay algo más? La respuesta es que hay mucho más.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Are you Self Healing or The Healer? - March 21, 2017

Are you Self Healing or The Healer?

Every lifetime has a soul mission for healing and a life purpose designed to bring closure to the healing cycle. Every healing path mirrors your soul’s desire for wholeness, to release pain and trauma so you can know joy and peace. The release of soul groups and karmic cycles is the focus of your healing journey so that you can be complete with your karmic cycles and soul groups. You enter a lifetime for healing and to heal yourself into wholeness but when you see yourself as the healer for others, you lose the focus of your self healing purpose and become a purpose for others.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Escapar de Sí Mismo - Boston, 12 de marzo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 12 de marzo de 2017

Escapar de Sí Mismo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y así es que finaliza la serie. Ahora hablo para los presentes en el salón. Por supuesto muchos están escuchando. Pero los del salón han sentido una coherencia en la energía; es parte del hermoso sistema de benevolencia que con el tiempo alía los corazones con el conocimiento, con la experiencia, y entonces los grupos de individuos tienden a unirse cuando han compartido las mismas experiencias unos con otros. Y tiene que ver con el amor, el conocimiento que obtuvieron; se vuelven un grupo coherente. Puede que sea un tiempo que no olvidarán; puede que sea uno entre tantos. Pero nunca habrá otro exactamente igual; por tanto es absolutamente único.

Kryon "Escape from Self" 2017


Lord Metatron brings forth an important message about the 10th Dimensional energies of the March Equinox which occurred on March 20th, 2017 at 3:28 AM PDT; 6:28 EDT, 22:28 GMT time zones. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

Greetings and Blessings for a new time of arrival,

I am Lord Metatron desiring to assist you in the rebirth of change that is occurring in the planet as we speak. The Equinox of March has arrived: Spring for the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn for the Southern Hemisphere.

It does not matter where your location is concerning the present incoming energies as everyone around the world is being affected at this time to step into the next phase of their spiritual development.

As of early morning the Northern and Southern Hemispheres came into alignment to fully receive the light forces of the Solar level to be more fully initiated into existence. This occurrence has already taken place which means that the onset of the energies is already within the atmosphere of the Sun and the Earth.

Steve Rother - The Group - Triality Focus ~ Rise of the Feminine Power - March 15, 2017


Greetings Dear Ones.

I join you this day with a full and open heart, for I am Merlia. I have come to help balance your energies by returning to a centered state between the masculine and feminine. The Earth is screaming for feminine energy at this moment because the planet has been out of balance for far too long. Now there are many circumstances, opportunities and chances for you to change everything. It is very clear that you have been in a recessional wave and many of you have been quite concerned about this. You have seen things going the opposite way of what you considered to be advancement. This has occurred globally, not just in one place. Quite simply, this is happening out of fear. When humans become afraid, they step backwards in their own evolution and that is what you have witnessed on a global basis. Be assured, dear ones, we are not worried at all. Why? Because we have placed some of the most powerful people in the most critical positions at exact junctions of time and space where they can change this wave. Yes, they can shift every part of it around and turn this into an evolution.

Sheldan Nidle Update~3-21-17~Wondrous things lie just ahead.


4 Men, 18 Ceh, 3 Caban

Dratzo! There is a strange silence that permeates everything. The rascals of the night, the cabal, realize that the current period of nothingness signifies how the cabal can, to a certain extent, still control what goes on. Consequently, the Elders are cautiously monitoring the pace of change. Our liaisons still report that the process to commence a massive arrest is nearly complete. The present American de facto regime remains fully aware of its current shortcomings. The end is growing near as the current regime displays the emptiness that has largely characterized its official movements. The Light, as noted earlier, is readying itself for a possible breakthrough in due time. As usual, things are popping just below the surface. The elements of this odd reality stay as disjointed as ever. A strange sort of malaise is the dominant condition of this time. All of this is not destined to last much longer. The dark is beginning to notice the unusual rhythm that we have installed just beneath their feet. All is in divine timing and something the cabal can no longer ignore.

Kryon "The Great Escape" 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Mary - The Two Faces of God

The Two Faces of God
Pamela Kribbe channels Mary

Dear, beautiful men and women,

I am here with joy. During one of my lives on Earth, my name was Mary. I am now here with you in spirit, heart to heart. See me as an equal, as a friend, a sister. I am here in your midst with a feeling of joy and enthusiasm in my heart because I see you shine. You are open to love, the abundance that is here, partly as a result of your own creation. When people meet and share their deepest feelings, their pain, their longings, it creates a feeling of being accepted and joined together, combined with a simplicity and directness, which brings out the best in everyone. Let us celebrate that together.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers - March 21, 2017

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, fellow Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

You have been traveling the equinox energies, and the shift in Light, as true Jedis in the making!

You are witnessing and aligning with not only Light in the sense that your cells are being transformed into higher frequencies, but Light data, in the sense that you are viewing yourselves and one another in renewed and higher ways.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 21, 2017

Dear Ones, never underestimate the positive impact of your own evolution and expansion on the whole! Every single time you choose light, love, acceptance, new belief systems, to be healed, to expand, to embrace your own divinity, to BE, you support new potentials and possibilities, through both teaching by example and anchoring higher vibrational energies. Each individual awakening supports the awakening of the whole, making your enlightenment process service to yourself, humanity, your planet, and beyond. ~Archangel Gabriel