viernes, noviembre 18, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Releasing Your Third/Fourth Dimensional Operating System - 11-18-16

Releasing your Third/Fourth Dimensional Operating System

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Greetings to our brave and ever-awakening volunteers to Earth,
We, the Arcturians would like to speak with you today from one of our Motherships. We wish to remind you again that your state of consciousness is the “operating system” that directs your brain to determine what frequency of reality that you “consciously” perceive.

Since what you perceive is often what you believe, your state of consciousness, which determines the operating system you are using, also determines which reality you perceive as REAL. Once, your fourth dimensional consciousness/operating system was only thought of as your dreams and daydreams.

Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary

Marlene Swetlishoff -- MENSAJE SEMANAL DEL MAESTRO ASCENDIDO HILARIÓN - Del 13 al 20 de Noviembre 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu

La dualidad en todos sus aspectos se está presentando ahora ante sus ojos. Hay una imagen más grande de lo que está en juego aquí. Es una batalla entre la Luz y la oscuridad, es la vieja batalla que ahora está llegando a su fin. Aquellos que siguen una agenda que no es para el mayor bien de todos están ocupando la última posición y se están revelando todas las tácticas y cada paso que ellos toman para tratar de recuperar el control.
Aquellos que siguen nuestros mensajes y los que tienen ojos para ver, se han llenado de tristeza por las energías de polaridad que están expresando aquellos que aparentar llevar la Luz. Les pedimos que recuerden nuestras palabras sobre tener tolerancia, paciencia y entendimiento de que estos tiempos que ahora se manifiestan en su mundo son una parte necesaria de la limpieza y purga que está ocurriendo en el escenario ampliado de los eventos en su planeta y dentro de los sistemas humanos y estructuras de la sociedad.

Natalie Glasson - Lord Maitreya - Awakening Your Original Consciousness - 18th November 2016

I honour the golden Christ light within your being; the energy of pure active love of the Creator which exists within you and within every soul. I am Lord Maitreya, the higher aspect of Master Sananda. I am known as the Christ upon the inner planes because it is my purpose and mission to ensure the continued flow of the Christ Consciousness from the heart of the Creator through the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe to support a continued connection with all souls. I oversee and protect the Christ Consciousness ensuring that the purest vibration is available to all, that the energy is constantly present upon the Earth and that all expansions of this sacred energy are synthesised with the entire Universe of the Creator.

Selacia - Rebellion and Your DNA -Today's Energy of Rebellion - History Repeating - November 17, 2016

Selacia Article & Invite to November 19 Mystic Journey DNA Event

Rebellion and Your DNA
Today's Energy of Rebellion - History Repeating -
by Selacia
There is a palpable energy of rebellion in the air these days, regardless of where you live and how satisfied you are with the status quo. If you live in the US, still processing the combative and angry election cycle, the rebellion energy can feel like hot coals that are getting hotter by the day. If you live elsewhere, trying to make sense of the nonsense that just unfolded in the US these past 18 months, you may be feeling a bit dazed and uncertain. 

The Big Picture

With so many unknowns and lots to process with each new cycle of events unfolding, it's helpful at this stage to take a step back and consider the big picture. Continue reading to better understand what is happening in the background that directly relates to your life and your path as a divine changemaker alive now to create a loving world.

Most likely, you are weary of the tsunami of US election news now morphing into confusing accounts of what to expect of the newly-elected US leadership.

Americans: Even Americans who had little interest in the US campaigns are starting to ask deeper questions about what kind of country they want, how free they want to be, and what that freedom looks like.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Message to Lightworkers – November 17, 2016

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, fellow Light Warriors!
We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.
We are aware that many are feeling downcast and unsettled, sometimes worried and fearful, regarding recent turns of events in the United States that will affect not only life in that country, but in many countries.
And we would say, that you are not merely witnessing, but taking part in the most powerful overhaul and upliftment of energies that this planet has seen in many millennia.
Far from being in a position to see the end of things, you are witnessing a beginning, and an unprecedented one.
Most assuredly, you are seeing the end of the old regime.
You are seeing the end of the old control of the dark forces and dense, low frequencies that have kept human consciousness at a level of awareness that permitted only bare subsistence for so long.
Under that old matrix, your higher instincts and higher dimensional abilities were kept separate from you, appearing only to a few who dared allow themselves to experience and speak or write about them.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Trabajadores de la Luz, Definitivamente, ustedes están viendo el fin del viejo régimen - 17-11-2016

La última guía de los Galácticos, los Elementales de la Tierra, los Maestros Ascendidos, los Ancianos Hadas, y los Seres Angélicos conocidos como el Colectivo:
¡Saludos compañeros Guerreros de la Luz! Definitivamente, ustedes están viendo el fin del viejo régimen.
Estamos complacidos de tener esta oportunidad de hablar con ustedes de nuevo hoy.
Estamos conscientes de que muchos se están sintiendo desanimados y nerviosos, a veces preocupados y temerosos en lo referente al giro reciente de los eventos en los Estados Unidos, los cuales van a afectar no sólo la vida en ese país, sino la de muchos países.

57º ALCYON PLÉYADES VIDEO NOTICIAS 2016:Trump, Protestas Soros, Conspiración, desclasificación OVNI

Arcturian Update: Living in the 5D NOW ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & Arcturians

Blossom Goodchild - Nov 18th 2016

Hello my friends. I’m feeling your Energy very strongly right now. So many would like you to talk about the US election results … are you up for that?

We are with you strongly indeed, as we always are. Although, it cannot always be felt as though we are.

Let us give comfort to many who feel so very disappointed and concerned regarding the voting protocol and the result therein.

We have already spoken to you about this … for all that we have said in the last few months regarding the changes that are coming are a valid part of the outcome of this election.


Ron Head - El Consejo, Unión, Unidad, Todo Lo Que Es - 31-08-2016

Si pudiéramos ofrecer un consejo en este momento sería este: desarrollen un hábito, un hábito nuevo. Cambien la forma como piensan de ustedes mismos.
Hay muchas formas como podrían hacer eso benéficamente.
Y es verdad que la mayoría de ustedes que leerán esto han estado ocupados con esta clase de cosas por largo tiempo.
Pero estamos sugiriendo un cambio específico que será importante incluso hasta el mismo momento de su evento extensor de consciencia rápidamente acercándose.
Lo que queremos que cumplan es el paso del concepto de unidad con todo del reino del entendimiento intelectual y tal vez acordar un saber experiencial.

Sandra Walter - Ascension Preparedness: Questions for the Path - Nov 18, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

We are in a purposeful and profound passage for our Ascension. The consistent reminder has been to forge ahead with the creation of the New, rather than watch the old realities burn. Remember this, as entanglement in the illusions playing out become challenging for the unawakened (and for some on the path as well).

Many are attaining the goals of their Ascension process, which co-creates new realities to be available to the collective. This is an act of Wayshowership; blazing the paths which others may follow by choice. Our experiences are Divine, and often bizarre, as we expand the parameters for our realties. We continue to expand into new experiences, consistently releasing the grip of the old illusion. The past is disappearing. Time becomes very fluid as the emotional attachment to the past or the future dissolves. All becomes the Now, in order for us to become pure conduits in the Now of absolute Presence.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 18th November 2016

The Earth and its people are in a state of major change and it is happening to such an extent, that it is almost impossible to keep up with it. However, whatever view you have of it remember that the changes are necessary to move Humanity into the New Age. There will be much discontent as so many people will only see the effect of what is happening, without understanding the true reasons. It will seem chaotic but the “shaking up” of the old systems is necessary to enforce changes that are needed if it is to be re-invented and suitable for the New Age. Remember that in time you will be entering the Golden Age and much work must be done in readiness. There is an aspect of “catching up” with changes that have been held back, and are essential to create the path to the new world that is going to take you into the higher dimensions. Consequently nothing of the lower vibrations can go forward and must drop away. The same reasoning applies to all souls and there will come a point where only those that are ready can rise up.

Natalie Glasson - Comandante Ashtar - Asumiendo responsabilidad por el futuro de la Tierra - Sep 23, 2016

Permite que en tu corazón y en tu Alma se desarrolle la paz, encendiendo en el interior de tu Ser un espacio de verdad pura. Yo Soy el Comandante Ashtar; Yo superviso a los miembros de la Federación Galáctica de Maestros Ascendidos, conocidos como los Maestros Ascendidos espacio-transportados, porque para servir, viajan en una nave espacial por el Universo del Creador. Yo soy el Comandante de la nave espacial y supervisor del trabajo de los Maestros Ascendidos dedicados a este servicio. Nuestra misión es estar en sintonía con la inspiración Divina y la guía del Creador, para que podamos entender en qué sitio del Universo del Creador están ocurriendo los más enormes cambios y transformaciones de Ascensión, lo que se requiere para apoyar la evolución del Creador; y la manera como podemos servir. Nosotros estamos presentes en todas las transformaciones importantes en las cuales un Ser, una comunidad, un país, o inclusive una civilización, está pasando a una mayor incorporación de Luz. Nosotros ayudamos en cada momento enviando nuestra energía, anclando los Códigos Lumínicos apropiados que nos da el Creador; y sanando cualquier estrés o tensión que pueda surgir debido al despertar. También tenemos el propósito de viajar por el Universo del Creador para entregar sabiduría, información y verdad Sagrada a quien quiera que llegue a nuestra consciencia guiado por el Creador. Somos un equipo de sanación, un equipo para el despertar de la verdad del Creador; y un equipo que ayuda a la entrega de conocimiento sagrado. Las herramientas lumínicas que tenemos en nuestra nave espacial son inmensamente poderosas; sin embargo, solamente se pueden usar para apoyar la evolución del Amor. Parte de la información que tenemos concierne a la Tecnología Lumínica del futuro de la Tierra y de los planos internos.

Si quieres entender la futura Tecnología Lumínica de tu Mundo, durante tu meditación puedes pedir visitarnos en la Nave Espacial de la Federación Galáctica; te ayudaremos a tener acceso a la Tecnología Lumínica, dándote información sobre cómo puede ser recreada en la Tierra, así como ayudando a tu protección si quieres introducir la Tecnología Lumínica en la realidad terrenal. No toleraremos a quienes quieran hacer mal uso de la Tecnología Lumínica y de los planes de Tecnología Lumínica que custodiamos. Cuando alguien quiere visitar nuestra nave espacial u obtener acceso a la información Sagrada que tenemos, su Alma es evaluada para asegurar que sus intenciones sean puras y que su mayor deseo sea la evolución del Amor puro del Creador. Te invitamos a que visites nuestra nave espacial en meditación, si quieres ver y percibir una vislumbre de la Tecnología Lumínica que en el futuro será usada por todos en la Tierra, así como para comprender la futura Ascensión de la Madre Tierra y de la Humanidad.

La Tecnología Lumínica es muy diferente de la tecnología que estáis usando ahora en la Tierra. La Tecnología Lumínica se puede manifestar en forma física, semi-física o energética. Cualquier forma que tome está compuesta de Luz y tiene el propósito de crear más Luz. La Tecnología Lumínica siempre tiene el propósito de actuar como apoyo para la evolución espiritual de todos, ayudando a la unificación con el Creador y a la Maestría de todas las dimensiones de Luz. La Tecnología Lumínica solamente apoya, inspira y empodera. Los cristales brindan un apoyo similar al de la Tecnología Lumínica; por ejemplo, un cristal puede despertar tu energía sanadora interna, almacenar para ti sabiduría de tal manera que pueda ser reactivada cuando la necesites, así como apoyar el fortalecimiento y el empoderamiento de las cualidades sagradas de tu Ser. El cristal nunca hace el trabajo por ti, nunca te empoderará demasiado como para que tus intenciones o tu Poder Interno no sean necesarios; el propósito de la Tecnología Lumínica es igual, son herramientas que te ayudan en tu Ascensión en lugar de llevarla a cabo por ti.

El futuro de la Humanidad consiste en que cada individuo en la Tierra asuma responsabilidad por su propia existencia y por su proceso de Ascensión. Se le darán a la Humanidad muchas herramientas y tecnologías de Luz; sin embargo es necesario que la Humanidad asuma su poder para que la Tecnología Lumínica se manifieste verdaderamente en la Tierra. Asumir responsabilidad no es solamente encargarte de ti mismo y de tus necesidades; asumir la responsabilidad de tu existencia y de tu Ascensión es lograr el acceso a tu poder interior; con esto quiero decir reconocer cuan poderosamente están en tu interior las cualidades de verdad, Amor, paz, armonía, unidad, comprensión, generosidad y consciencia expandida. Darte cuenta de que cuando estás alineado y sintonizado con las energías sagradas de tu Alma, estás en tu poder y te conviertes en el creador de tu realidad. Esto significa que ya no existirán la negatividad, el dolor ni el daño, a menos que consciente o inconscientemente elijas acoger esas experiencias en tu realidad para ayudar a tu evolución. Cuando asumes responsabilidad te basas en tus energías, habilidades, poder y sabiduría internos; consecuentemente no necesitas nada más. Lo que requieras se puede manifestar en tu realidad con facilidad y perfección, a partir de tus pensamientos empoderados. Cuando los Humanos asuman su responsabilidad, se darán cuenta de que la energía o fuente que es cada uno, está presente en todos los Seres. Al hacer daño a otro solamente te haces daño a ti mismo disminuyendo tu vibración y debilitando tu conexión con el Creador. Cuando haces daño, estás creyendo en la separación; y esto hace impacto en tu Alma provocando caos en muchos de tus sistemas. La Humanidad se dará cuenta de que experimentar unidad interna con el Creador y con todos los aspectos del Creador, realmente empoderará su presencia y su existencia en la Tierra, permitiéndole soltar la consciencia de víctima que muchos tienen. La consciencia de víctima no consiste solamente en ser blanco de la negatividad; también eres una víctima cuando entregas tu poder a quienes están en posiciones de autoridad en vuestro Mundo, quienes quizá no tengan en el corazón tus mejores intereses. Al convertirte en lo opuesto a una víctima, en un atacante, también renuncias a tu poder. Solamente cuando te alinees con tu verdad, con poder interno y con tu sabiduría Sagrada, creando aquello que quieres ver, sentir y experimentar, usando tu poderosa mente, tus poderosos sentimientos y tu poderosa energía, asumirás tu responsabilidad y verás en la Tierra los cambios que quieres.

Transformar el Mundo que te rodea a partir de tu Ser, en lugar de emprender acciones físicas, bien puede parecer un concepto extraño, o quizá creas de todo corazón que es cierto; sin embargo, aún tienes que experimentar la evidencia de que realmente funciona. Asumir tu responsabilidad es confiar en ti mismo, ser guiado por tu conocimiento interno que es la voz del Creador en tu interior; y reconocer tus poderes energéticos inclusive si aún no los has experimentado.

“Yo asumo la responsabilidad de mi existencia en la Tierra y de mi proceso de Ascensión, alineando todo mi Ser con la verdad, el poder y la Esencia de mi Alma. Yo creo la realidad que quiero experimentar a partir de la riqueza de las vibraciones y del poder del Creador en mi interior. Yo ayudo a la transformación de la Tierra y de las creaciones negativas de la Humanidad, reconociendo mi verdad interior y proyectando hacia el Mundo mi Luz llena de sabiduría y Amor. La realidad que Yo creo en mi interior, forma mi realidad física alrededor de mí. Ahora reconozco el poder y la fortaleza de mi mente, el expansivo conocimiento que tengo para ver más allá de las ilusiones; y la potente Luz que puedo emanar, la cual junto con mi intención puede crear cualquier cosa que Yo quiera. Yo estoy en mi poder, alineado con mi verdad, asumo mi responsabilidad de ser mi Sagrada Esencia en la Tierra. Comandante Ashtar y Federación Galáctica: Ahora os invito a apoyarme, sanarme, inspirarme y guiarme. Gracias”.

Cuando la Humanidad asuma su responsabilidad, la tecnología parecerá inútil; y en su lugar se dará la Tecnología Lumínica, empoderando la verdad de cada Ser. Entonces comenzarás a darte cuenta de cuán inteligente eres como Ser Humano, porque tu Alma y tu mente se fusionarán; esto creará en tu mente una enorme expansión que la estimulará a contemplar la Luz y aceptarla. En la Luz hay información, conocimiento y sabiduría sumamente avanzados, valiosos e iluminadores. Todas las personas tendrán acceso a esta sabiduría y se volverán Seres expansivos, de mente abierta, sumamente inteligentes y profundamente espirituales. Entonces las ilusiones desaparecerán y la verdad estará disponible para que todos tengan acceso a ella; el Mundo se transformará dramáticamente. Sin embargo, todo eso comienza en tu interior.

Yo, el Comandante Ashtar, quiero deciros que en este momento nosotros, la Federación Galáctica, estamos dotando a las Almas de la Tierra con un capullo de paz que actuará como una activación de paz en el interior de vuestro Ser; y también como una participación en la sabiduría de paz. Nosotros queremos compartir esto con vosotros para ayudaros a despertar la paz en vuestro interior, mejorando vuestra experiencia de la paz interna, así como creando paz en vuestras relaciones; ya sea la relación contigo mismo, con otros, con una vida pasada o con un temor; en verdad con lo que sea necesario. La energía que suministramos actuará como la pieza de un rompecabezas que restaura la paz donde es necesario, para ayudaros a aceptaros vosotros mismos y a aceptar vuestra transformación interna. Simplemente convoca mi energía, la del Comandante Ashtar; e invítame a entregarte un capullo de paz para activarla en el interior de tu Ser, para compartir la sabiduría de paz y apoyar la paz en las relaciones de todas las clases.

Nosotros estamos apoyando cada paso de Ascensión y empoderamiento que das.

Comandante Ashtar.

TRADUJO: Jairo Rodríguez R. Consultoría Energética y Espiritual

Natalie Glasson - ARCÁNGEL RAFAEL - TRANSICIONES DE SANACIÓN PARA AHORA Y 2017 - Octubre 28 de 2016

Yo, el Arcángel Rafael, estoy ante ti como una joya de Luz Esmeralda, emanando hacia ti todo lo que Yo Soy. Soy conocido como el Arcángel de la Sanación; y también como el Arcángel del Descubrimiento/Síntesis del Alma. Yo quiero estar a tu servicio apoyando tu transición para incorporar tu Alma con mayor intensidad. Por favor, recibe mi presencia y respira mi Luz hasta lo profundo de tu Ser; es una Luz potente con vibraciones de Amor, Códigos Angélicos y Plantillas de Despertar, especiales para ti.

Cualquier forma de Sanación se manifiesta por causa de un despertar, una síntesis o una incorporación del Alma; sanarse es presenciar la magia del Alma. Cuando Yo manifiesto energías de Sanación para ayudarte, te estoy dando mi Luz con la intención de que incorpores mayores volúmenes de Luz, Amor y Verdad. Mi Luz energiza tu intención de Sanación; entonces Yo me conecto con tu Alma e invito a uno de sus aspectos a fusionarse con tu Ser. Yo limpio tus energías para que la energía de tu Alma pueda fluír con mayor facilidad, sin bloqueos ni obstáculos. La experiencia de Sanación se produce cuando tu Alma se integra en tu Ser, con tu intención y la mía fusionadas, incrementando así tu Cociente de Luz y tu vibración energética. Te conviertes en un Faro de Luz que permite la claridad y la comprensión; en verdad, el amanecer de una nueva perspectiva. Resumiendo, la sanación es una transición de la integración del Alma con tu aspecto físico, el incremento de la Luz en todo tu Ser y una transformación de tu perspectiva. Así es como Yo, el Arcángel Rafael, trabajo contigo cuando invocas mis energías y mi ayuda.

Ron Head - El Consejo - Una meditación - 07-09-2016


A veces, en el pasado, les hemos ofrecido meditaciones sugeridas.
Hemos continuado refinando las meditaciones practicadas por nuestro canal y nos gustaría ofrecerles otra en este momento.
Por favor usen lo que resuene con ustedes con nuestras bendiciones y más profundo amor.
No usaremos este espacio para describir los lugares o los preparativos para su meditación.
Puede hacerse efectivamente en un sinnúmero de formas.
Solo estén callados y centrados. Entren en su “Espacio del Corazón”.
Respiren la luz blanca del amor del Creador por su corona y hacia su corazón. Hagan esto hasta que sientan que es así.

jueves, noviembre 17, 2016

Ron Head - El Consejo - Tocando el campo - 17-08-2016

El campo al que nos referimos es lo que muchos llaman Todo lo Que Es.
Ustedes tienen muchos otros nombres para eso y se han peleado guerras por el nombre correcto de eso.
Ningún nombre es tan correcto como que otro sea incorrecto.
Y precisamente es porque ningún nombre para eso jamás lo describirá en su totalidad. Y ningún nombre que les demos hará eso tampoco.
Este hecho ha sido usado por muchos para manipularlos.
Como lo enseñan algunos, el nombre no es la luna.
Es un dedo apuntando a la luna. En otras palabras, experiencia es la única manera.
Pero lo que queremos discutir hoy es cómo usan este campo para cambiar su vida y que sea más lo que desean que sea.

Ailia Mira - Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Navegando la Vida con Claridad - Nov 9, 2016

Robert Smithson: Spiral Jetty, 1970 (Great Salt Lake, Utah)*

Hola Queridos Amigos: Los saludamos con amor.
Han sucedido inmensos trastornos en su experiencia en las últimas 24 hrs, lo sabemos, y vemos su proyección al futuro de sus intenciones y pensamientos, y la manera como la fluidez de la vida manifestada puede desestabilizarlos.
Este contraste es beneficioso para ustedes porque les señala los obsequios de su soberanía no reclamados.
Ustedes tienen interiormente la capacidad para crear su experiencia, los alentamos a que prueben y lo vivan.
No pueden crear un mundo en el que lo que no les gusta nunca sucede.
Su mundo está destinado a ser una diversidad de expresión e individualización.
Sin embargo, ustedes pueden crear su experiencia de este mundo de tal manera que moldeen muy intencionalmente su experiencia, y en ese moldear crear un gozo siempre expandiente y todas las otras cosas que desean sentir.










New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light ~ We visited the City of Telos with Lord Adama, Lord Saint Germain, and the Ray Chohans to receive a blessing of love and light from the 5th dimension after the US Presidential Election results. Included within the transmission is a beautiful journey within Telos, with amazing masters giving us hope and faith during GAIA’s current transition into the New Earth. We visited the JADE TEMPLE OF THE EMERALD ESSENCE.

Aluna!  Aluna!  Aluna!
It is my pleasure to have you here in our beautiful City in this moment.
Take some more brief moments to smell the fragrances, to feel the 5th dimensional energies that are within this beautiful City that we Love so much.  We thank you for being with us.  As my Lady and I now take our own seats in front of you.  Let us gather together in a circle as we connect with each other’s Hearts and our Souls of Light.
I’m going to ask the beautiful elementals within the City right now to assist each of you to come into a deeper space of contentment allowing all insecurities and all thought processes that are going on presently to relax you.  Let go of the worries and the concerns you have had on this day.
We thought for the visit this evening we would bring everyone to Telos to assist each of you to experience that beauty that we have here and to have some explanations and understandings of what is happening on the Upper Earth with the Presidential Election and the results that came forward.
As I spoke to Meleriessee and Ara earlier today I saw within them that there was an intense energetic exchange that was going in their systems because of what has occurred.  I’m sure each of you have gone through the same process.

First of all, our Hearts are all with each of you through this process. 

We are not surprised by the results of Mr. Trump winning the election, but I want you to know that there are a lot of factors that are going on presently.  It is truly not the desired candidate to have in the White House for the next four years.  There are many factors involved within that, with what is happening upon the Earth with the control mechanisms that have occurred in the political gain.  He is disliked by many, but there has been a change that has occurred upon the Earth.
Remember how hard we have all been working to bring more Light infractions into the Earth, since 2011 actually and 2012.  Well, these Light infractions are bringing forth a new change in existence within the Earth.  We always know that before change can occur, there has to be an event that erupts.  This is the event that each of you are experiencing.
We all must understand as Initiates, as Masters upon the Pathway, that there can always be danger that we are faced with.  But we must also understand that we have the capability through God’s Light, of the Rays of God, that each of you incorporate onto yourself that you can experience elements in a different manner than we thought previously.  The tools that we have been giving are not just tools that exercise great change.  They are tools of God’s Light, of Divine Mother and Father God of the Creative Source of Oneness.  They’ve always been in place.  And until an individual awakens to these tools as the Rays of God and how to bring forth those Spectrums of Light into your physicality that you are unaware of what they can do for you, or you have no idea that it is available for you to utilize.

What has happened through this election and the results that has occurred is the 4th Dimension has opened up. 

The duality is being manifested physically.  It is no longer a thought process that duality exists upon the Earth, but in truth, it is now being felt by what has happened.
The dark side and the Light side are facing each other through this process.  This gentleman known as Mr. Trump who has won the votes through the process of the election does not command these Rays within his consciousness.  He represents many that are still upon the Earth.  So the separation that has occurred through the election has brought all of these elements to the surface.  It is a time of understanding what the reality is upon the Earth.  There can no longer be magical thinking that the Earth is in a 5th dimensional level as many have said from many, many channels of Light.
The intent is there, in the consciousness it is there, but physically it has not been acquired except in certain levels upon the Earth that have the higher dimensional frequencies like Mount Shasta and other areas around the world that represent those highest peaks of Light that bring forth those Essences.  All the work that we have been doing through the New Earth Consciousness Cities is bringing those essences of those capital cities onto the Earth to be felt so it becomes a consciousness.  Each of you that are awakened, each of you that are an Initiate upon this Pathway feel this and know this and experience it in your meditations and in your higher consciousness.  But yet now, the reality of what has occurred brings forth those lower aspects, brings forth the elements, the fear, the worry and what is to be.

Our role as Initiates and Masters is to uphold the Light through this darkness. 

It is very, very important.  The Spiritual Hierarchy has known that this possibility could occur.  It was very probable because of the majority of souls upon this earth.  You have the individuals that are aware of an understanding that there is a higher level of energy or there is an intellect of a learning process that they have been able to acquire in their life path.  Then there are the souls that have not had that ability.  They are the souls that may be a farmer in the Midwest, may be someone has worked very hard and diligent.  But these souls are at a lower evolutionary level.  They haven’t had as many lifetimes as each of you have had and others have had.  There are individuals in Commerce, in Business, that have studied so they have that higher knowledge and wisdom through their intellect.

This is where the division has occurred.  The reality is that this Earth is in duality.

I want to urge each of you to understand to see how special you are by allowing these energies to be fully in your consciousness to understand what you realize can be and to move out of those walks of life that you have experienced.  Believe me, each of you have been like the farmer.  You have been like a pioneer and not had that awareness because that was your soul level.
What we need to do is give compassion to these individuals that have elected a man that has no concept of God’s Love or Wisdom within his capability.  He has the capacity to do so but chooses not to be because of his evolutionary process.
What is important for each of you is to stand up to this energy and to not allow the fear to take you over with the lower thoughts or what is going to happen and what will be.  Believe me, there are elements that are being put in place by many individuals that understand this process.  They are not like you and I being so aware, but they have a sense of that this is not the right way to go for this Country because it affects the whole world.
I want to give this understanding to help you to see that there are many possibilities that will occur.  We have been trying to bring forth the higher consciousness of the New Earth unto this Earth.  Having Mr. Trump as the President of the United States will not allow that to happen.  So the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the Beings of Light are working with all the others that feel the same way.  There is change that is going to occur.  It’s going to happen within the parties of the Republicans and the Democrats.  It’s going to happen in how Government is created.  It’s going to happen in the Hearts of all the men and women that are part of these energies.
What I urge you to do is to have the realization that you are protected; to have that faith of the pathway that you are on that the Masters will not turn away from you as long as you stay out of the trenches of the darkness.
This takes a great responsibility and each of you are being asked to uphold this responsibility for yourself as it is going to assist the planet greatly.  There are other plans that can be put in place if things do not go the way that we think that they will.  There is always a higher level of understanding within any situation.
The higher level of this situation is that the Earth is changing, it is erupting.  But it cannot go on the way that it has, so something had to occur.  This is the event that is the catalyst for the entire world to see because North America is the Ascension capital.  It is represented by each of the Seven Flames of all those Cities.
Now let us just say per se that it doesn’t work the way that we would like it to work.  The last option will be that Terra Christa will become a whole new planet and each of you and many others will be open to go to that planet.  This planet would exist in the way that it is desecrating itself with those souls that are not able to see that they are God’s Light, but that is the end result.  That is exactly how Sirius went through her transition.  We are working very hard with all the Beings of Light for that not to occur.
I feel it’s important to explain all these energies to you so that you can see within yourself that there is a choice.  I don’t want you to be in fear.  I don’t want you to have to go to that place because many people could be affected by all that has happening.  There are so many other factors that are working right now, in meetings, and talking, and trying to figure out a way to create change which does not have to be in this manner.  We have all worked too hard for it to dissipate in these moments.

The darkness will not prevail, the Light will. 

This is what we all must accept within ourselves.  Each of us of the Agartha Network are working diligently on our part.  

Believe me, if this Earth with the climate change and the ice caps changing, the Hollow Earth will be affected also.  So were all going to go with you also to Terra Christa.  This is the process that we are learning together.  So we have a couple of plans in place.  We have options that are available.
I want each of you to fully incorporate within yourself that you are safe, that you will accelerate through these energies, that calling upon each of Rays such as the Seven Flames is what is going to assist you to get through this process.  I believe that each of you will find your strength even stronger.  You have all been warriors previously.  Now you are those Warriors of Light to uphold that Light.  That is your responsibility.
Please do not get into arguments.  Please don’t let the posts that you are reading from so many individuals of their angers, or their happiness of this election to affect you.  Only be strong within yourself.  This is the lesson that each of you are learning within this Ascension Mastery Pathway.

Be strong to the Light because you are that Light and you are allowing those elements of the Spectrums of the Rays to come within you, to command that energy fully in your consciousness for you to be aware that you have the ability to walk through the doorways.

This is not a time of catastrophe.  It is a time of awakening.  The planet is awakening and the ones that cannot awaken will suffer even more, because we are all working most diligently to continue our journeys.
This is one of the reasons that Meleriessee and Ara travelled across the country, to spread the Light from Mount Shasta.  It was to help in this process.  They thought maybe it would change the election process.  To their dismay, it didn’t come out as they had hoped.  But yet, there is hope because there are more Light infractions that are occurring within this Earth than there were previously.  It must come through a physical person.
That is where each of you come in.  I don’t expect any of you at the level that you are to be able to do what they did, but what I do desire within each of you is to uphold it within yourself.  When you allow those Light infractions to be part of your existence from all of your chakras within your four-body system so that it changes it to a higher level of acceleration, it will immediately seep out of you.  It will go out of your auric field into the areas that are needed.  Each of you are not ready to command that on your own.  You must be at a higher initiation in order to do so.  You are still going through the process of regenerating your timelines, your karmic ties and changing those dark timelines while accelerating the Light timelines to allow them to be into Oneness and into Wholeness within your full-body system.

It is a powerful time. 

Until the end of the year, these energies are going to be very intense.  I ask each of you to be strong, to be responsible for what you are bringing into yourself and to allow the changes to come within you.  This is going to help the planet immensely.  Let the rest of the Masters, the Archangels, the Higher Beings of Light, and the Christed Intergalactics do all the other work.  By calling upon them to assist you, they can then assist the rest of the world.
The change is coming.  We are in the midst of it now.  Let’s look to the horizon of the Light and to see that it is now upon us.  We have hit that point where the dark and the Light are facing each other physically upon this Earth to allow the Light to take over.  We still have many moments to go through.  But if each of you do your part every day and every night it is going to assist tremendously.

Commanding that Light energy within you and grounding it deeply into the core of GAIA will assist tremendously with every other soul upon this Earth.

We must realize that some souls are not ready to do this due to their evolutionary level of the soul existence, but each of you are.  Many more will become more aware of it.  I promise you this.  It is going to bring about a great movement in the healing processes and the self-development areas to move not just through self-development of the physical consciousness, but self-development of the soul consciousness.  It will grow exponentially in so many ways.
Let us take a moment and reflect on the beauty that is here within our garden.  I want you to stand up.  We are going to walk towards the back of the garden to enjoy the beautiful essence of the Lemurian waters. The waterfall is about 300-400 feet high.  It brings for the flow of the water that comes into Telos.  It is several yards long.
As you step into the water, feel the crisp and the coolness of the water.  Take your fingers and the palms of your hands and put it to any part of your body.  Allow the refreshing energies to take away any elements that you have been dealing with.  Allow the energies to flow through you and around you.  Breathing deeply take some moments to feel the energies.  Then walk to the waterfall.  As you stand, the water is very shallow.  It is about 3 feet deep.  Then you walk through the waterfall and you feel the water coming down across your Crown onto your whole body.  Feel the elements of despair, and any other thought processes or healing energies that you are going through personally to be purged through you.
I am going to ask Lady Galactia to assist in this process.
Lady Galactia
{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}
♫ Holy God, Holy Light,
We embrace your Love,
Feel the Love,
Feel it beaming through you.
Your heart is expanding,
With the Essence of Divine Mother God’s Love;
She extends Her Light,
She extends Her Breath;
As you breathe in,
Feel now the Will of God of the Masculine Divine,
As the Wisdom and the Knowledge of what you are experiencing is felt through your beam of Light,
Feel His Essence the Masculine Self become more in Love in the Heart as you become One within ♫
Blessings of Love – Lady Galactcia.
It is I, Lord Adama.
As we walk now through the waterfall we step onto the grass.  There are some beautiful children there.  They have a robe for you to put on.  Feel the colors of the robe.  The children are laughing and giggling and dancing around each of you.  Feel the beautiful existence of these energies.
Follow me as we walk down this cobblestone pathway.  We continue along the road.  We see a few feet ahead of us is this beautiful Temple of Jade.  We walk across a drawbridge, and we go in to the Temple.  This is one of our special Temples in Telos.  We have many of them.  This Temple represents the ability to have growth, to bring forth that essence of change and to feel the exuberance of the Heart Center deeply.  As we step into the Temple room at the entryway, there are beautiful sparkles of Light of all the Rays of God.
The altar in the middle represents the Heart Essence of the Green.  But it also reflects all the other Rays.  Walk around the altar and allow the feeling of this altar to come into your Heart to allow you to feel balanced, to feel the growth that you are going through.  It is okay.  It is okay to feel all these things, but bring this Essence and put an intention into the altar.
{{{Divine Light Language Encodement}}}
The Archangels are dancing around you.  Feeling their beautiful Essences as they bring forth each of the 7 Flames.  We continue to the left of the altar down a beautiful hallway.  The hallway has mirrors all around.  See your reflection of Whom You Are.  It takes us into a beautiful small meeting area.  It’s a blessing room where we bring forth the blessings of the Seven Flames.
As you walk into the room, you can feel each of the Seveb Flames around the outside of the room.  This is a circular room and all of the chairs represent a circular movement, a semi-circle.  Find a place in one of the chairs as I join you and Lord Saint Germain is now going to speak.

To Continue reading:  Part 2 – The 4th Dimensional Healing Phase Is Now In Place with Lord Saint Germain, please use the link.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked.

Shanta Gabriel para el Arcángel Gabriel - Acepta lo que es y permite que suceda el cambio a tu alrededor sin apegos - 13-11-2016


Querida Mía:, Cuando te sugerimos que aceptes lo que es, queremos decir que estés amorosamente consciente de todas las situaciones que suceden interior y exteriormente – tanto personal como globalmente.
Esto significa aceptar la apariencia de lo que está ocurriendo sin juzgar.
Hay una mayor verdad subyacente a todas las cosas, no importa cómo aparenten ser.
Cuando aceptas una situación como es te permite liberar cualquier apego a desear que sea diferente. El apego es lo que te causa el dolor.