sábado, julio 23, 2016

Quick Arcturian Bulletin #1 ~ The Arcturians through Dr. Suzanne Lie

Quick Arcturian Bulletin--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie


Quick Arcturian Bulletin #1
Greetings, we are the Arcturians,
Suzille has been feeling us all morning, but has not been able to concentrate her energy fields in that manner as she is preparing everything that she wants to take on her vacation. So she has asked that we speak to her NOW when she doesn’t have ‘something else to do.’
Initially, we would like to speak a bit about having “something else” that has to be done before one/you/everyone, are able to find the time to connect with your own Higher Expression of Self.
What we would like to say to you is that once you are thinking in terms of "time", it’s already too late. Already, you are within the confines of your third and fourth dimensional reality. So before you ‘find the time,’ you will need to center yourself and allow your consciousness to expand into the upper fourth and fifth dimension. Then all time is NOW.
Shawnna would you like to ask us a question?
Shawnna: Sure! In response to what you just mentioned, it sounds as if even when planning or setting intentions for agendas and activities and management of schedules, it is advisable to do so in a higher state of consciousness?
The Arcturians: Yes it is definitely advisable to do so in a higher state of consciousness.
Shawnna: Then, that higher state of consciousness creates potential for so much more because you are more fully aligned with your activities and initiatives?
The Arcturians: Yes, the higher state of consciousness will allow you to log out of the third/fourth dimensional thinking of ‘should I / could I / when will I / do I have time / can I fit this in’ and shift you into the NOW of ‘what could be more important than planetary ascension?’
Shawnna: And that statement alone assists in providing clarity in the priorities of the “time.”
The Arcturians: Yes. This moment of alignment with the higher frequencies is definitely something that is difficult for those who are new to the process of realizing that they are not just third dimensional.
It is especially difficult for those who are new to the realization that it is their own higher expression of SELF that is over-lighting them within every moment. Their higher expressions of SELF are also sending higher frequencies of light into their core to begin the activation of their Kundalini.
Also, when they are not aware that this higher energy is REAL, that ascension is REAL, that what they are exploring is something that is ACTUALLY happening, then it comes into direct juxtaposition with their daily life.
Now before that, before they came to this realization, meditation and reading spiritual information is something that they do on their spare time. During their daily life, during their work life, they are making money, raising a family, taking care of their home, and driving to work. Therefore, a primary percentage of their consciousness is still logged in to the third/ fourth dimensional illusion.
However, as they, the awakened and awakening, ones, allow themselves to fully embrace what is occurring during their inter-dimensional communications, meditations, and dreams as 100% real, once that component of their life matches their third dimensional life, they come to a quandary.
This quandary is, “Can I afford to put my focus on to the Higher Self? What about my children, what about my job, how will I get my chores done?” At this point, some people will become lost. They will say, “That’s ridiculous, I don’t have time, I can go to church on Sunday. That’s only a couple of hours, and then I can rest most of the day. That’s fine.”
Others may say, “You know what, I LIKE the way I feel when I am connected with my Higher Self! And I’m going to give it and try and see if I can clean the house in that state of consciousness.
Can I go through my emails in that state of consciousness?
Can I have a meditation just because I feel like I need to get more important information and then make sure that I write it down?
Can I begin to make these kinds of choices in my daily life?
That is a very big question because when you say ‘can I’ who are you asking? Are you asking your ego self? It would most assuredly say “No! No of course you can’t do that, you don’t have time. There are important things for you to do here! Stop fooling around with all that weird stuff.”
But what if you center yourself and move into that state that is increasingly coming into your consciousness? This feeling is one in which you feel that you are not alone, that you are protected, that you are over-lit, that someone is whispering something into your ear all the time. What if you could embrace that feeling that you can’t always grab, but you REALLY want to?
 What if you somehow “found the time” to be still and listen, to even jot down what you’re receiving and maybe even share it with a friend? THAT is when you are beginning to choose to make ascension normal.
That is when you have entered into that process of “I am leaving the old normal. I am moving into the new normal. And, the new normal is that I AM on the path of the process of, minute by minute, experiencing interactions and intercommunications with energy fields, with plants, with animals, with people’s consciousness, with my own higher guidance."
As you begin to live the new normal, it doesn’t matter what other people think. If somebody else says, “That’s weird,” you’ll just smile. And, in fact, you’ll remember to look at their aura and see if they want that information, because to give them the information if they don’t want it, just frightens them, and then they say something mean or rude to you because you scared them.
Therefore, before you share, make sure you take a long moment to check out their energy field, to ask a couple of introductory questions and see if they really want to hear what you wish to say. If they really want to hear it, then you’ll have a good experience. You’ll feel good about it. You’ll feel good about this new reality that you are creating by sharing it with others.
Then, as you feel good about sharing, your consciousness will expand more and more. You bring your clairsentience online, and you’ll instantly be able to feel if a person is ready. You’ll bring your clairvoyance online to see via your Higher Self what’s occurring, and you will bring your clairaudience online so that you can hear your Higher Self.
As these higher perspectives of life come online, you will automatically begin to shift your consciousness. It is not that “oh no, you have to meditate even longer.” No. Actually you’ll probably have to meditate less. You’ll need to read less articles because you will be within the moment of that newness.
We wish to remind you that you will still have a physical body. You still live in the physical world. You will still get pulled out of your reverie. You will get a phone call. You will have a child that is crying. You will have a neighbor that knocks on your door.
Part of making ascension normal is that ascension is normal!
It is normal to be interrupted, it is normal to be distracted, and, it is normal to have something else happen. Therefore, when you make ascension normal, you “normally integrate” all of these distractions and disruptions into your process of ascension.
Shawnna, we’re asking you if you have any questions or comments that you would like to add to this little commentary that we will share with our friends?
Shawnna: Well, it’s a valuable reminder of the common challenges that we face as we go through this transition of expanding our consciousness and slowly, one moment at a time, and are exiting the matrix, as we go through the reprogramming.
We are shifting into that new operating system where there are so many potentials and possibilities. It is a fascinating process to imagine how far we’ve already come! We are beginning to understand how we create our own realities.
Thus, it is a helpful reminder to remember that it is okay to still live in 3D, while we are learning to balance the 3D/4D/5D connection and, also, being as mindful as possible to make the best decisions to, moment to moment, create the highest possible reality.
As we have said many times, “What could be more important than planetary ascension?” I think that that question clarifies our purpose and is a very important reminder.
The Arcturians: Yes, “What could be more important than planetary ascension?” is a good sign to put up at your work desk, on your Facebook, on the desktop of your computer, to remind you to make ascension normal.
What is probably the primary difficulty that we observe from our higher perception is that people will say, “I’m busy, and I just can’t do that now. I just don’t have time to do that now.” We want to remind you that that sentence arises when you are now looking at your life via the third or the fourth rung of this ladder.
Therefore, you are on the same perspective of the issue and the problems that you are dealing with in your daily life. However, when you climb higher and higher up that ladder, you will expand your consciousness. With that expanded consciousness, you will have a point of perception that you can look down into that lower frequency where those issues are and say…
“Oh my heavens, look at that. Hey, from this perspective I can see that I can do this, I can try that, I can do this other thing, Oh, yes that works perfectly!”
Thus, when you allow your ascension process to be normal, you allow yourself to take five minutes. You can go take a little walk, as if you’re going to the bathroom at the office. Go into the stall, close the door and say, “Okay this problem is really bothering me. Is there a higher dimensional perspective of this?”
Then, because you asked the question, you will find the answer. Then, you can go back to your desk, finish that to which you have found the solution, and you leave work early because you finished all your work.
Know that the process of simultaneously going through ascension, while you do your daily life, actually greatly assists you with your daily life.
We the Arcturians say, “Blessings to all of you. We wanted to peek in and say hello to you all. Shawnna did you want to add anything?
Shawnna: Oh, I think it’s always fun to have discussions like these to show us that ascension is normal. Sometimes, when we have difficulties, having that higher perspective is so valuable. In fact, that is what it’s all about. So thank you, Arcturians, for this reminder.
The Arcturians: Yes and blessings to all of you. In closing, we ask you to remember that:
You are not a human being.
You are wearing a human being.
Inside of your kundalini, which is inside of your spinal column        
Your Lightbody is anxious to burst forth into your daily life.
Blessings for this NOW

We will return with more of these “Quick Arcturian Bulletins.”

Free Download of This Message

viernes, julio 22, 2016

Anna Merkaba - Metatron, Quan Yin - The Sacred Key – Purity Magnifier - July 22, 2016

Greetings Everyone,

I hope that all of you are doing exceptionally well! I know it has been a long time since I’ve touched base with all of you. Today, I come to you with a new message that I have received from AA Metatron and Quan Yin. Quan Yin has supplied us with a fantastic sacred key which should assist you in meditating yourself into balance. This particular sacred key is called “The Purity Magnifier”.

Before I tell you more about it, I would like to say that the channeling that I am sharing with you today talks about a few very important points that I would like to briefly touch upon. In the channeling Metatron and the company of heaven are talking about Karma. Karma that has been accumulated by many on this planet and that the time has come to release this karma. Please note that, there is a big difference between the Karmic Wheel of Life and Karma. Everyone has some form of what is called Karma on this planet, however not everyone is actually “stuck” on the Karmic Wheel of Life. Many who come to me for a healing session whose origin prior to their present earthly incarnation is outside of earth, such as star seeds, angelics, etc., are not stuck on the Wheel of Karma, and what they believe to be their human karmic debt is but an illusion, caused by what is known as Karmic Containment Units, once these KCU’s are removed, tremendous shifts in consciousness occurs. I deal with KCU’s on daily basis and talk more about KCU’s on my blog https://sacredascensionmerkaba.com/merkaba-distant-energy-healing-session/

Sarah Varcas - Current Trends July – September 2016 - 22/07/2016

Heart-Centered Rebellion
Sarah Varcas

We live in intense times: intensely unpredictable, intensely beautiful, intensely unsettling, intensely transformational. Both the best and the worst are rising to the surface, revealed in their fullness for all to behold. These are times of opportunity, when we can change the course of so much and challenge, like never before, the status quo of inequalities and power differentials, oppression, exploitation and deception. Things are not as they seem, nor are they as we’ve been led to believe. Truths are surfacing, along with feelings previously discounted, fears denied for too long and realities we dared not name.

Both brutal and nurturing in equal measure, current planetary activity speaks of great conflict and great healing, but the former may precede the latter with immense force. Truth rises like a bubble, breaking through what may be a hardened surface of complacency or denial, shattering as it goes. This fragmented surface may be our career that falls apart to reveal its empty heart just when we thought we should be at the top of our game. It may be a relationship that dissolves into dust when we need it to sustain us the most. It may be our health as it falters and fails, a wider breakdown in social order or an unavoidable sense of deepening unease that something in our world is very wrong and in need of healing before it’s too late. The current conjunction between Eris and Uranus leaves no one untouched for we all, at some level or other, must be broken open to receive the truth and stop living our personal lie.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Message to Lightworkers - Jul 22, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Friends and Bringers of the Light!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

For much is shifting in your world, and not only in ways that are visible and reported upon by your news media, but in ways that you more sense or feel than outwardly see.

And that ability to feel, to know inwardly that the world is shifting in beautiful, profound, undeniable ways, as it moves ever higher on the spectrum of Universal consciousness, ever higher in frequency and intent—that intuitive inner knowing is a beautiful gift that you have always had, and are now realizing more and more.

And yes, the world appears to be in tumult, yet in part, you came for this.

You came to see this moment when the Earth’s outer structures were breaking down.

You came to witness the last-gasp moment of fear-based ideas and actions, knowing in your heart of hearts that you would also feel the growing surge of Divine Love, Divine Peace, and even Divine Joy, breaking through and spreading throughout the Earth’s etheric fields.

Natalie Glasson - Master Kuthumi - Part 2 Intentions for Ascension - 22nd July 2016

A Golden Pathway to the Divine

As understanding blossoms from your being with divine timing and a contentment in easily sharing with others enhances, so vibrations and experiences of peace awaken from within your being. This energy of peace will impact numerous areas and aspects of your being, fuelling your ascension process and golden pathway magnificently. Thus the result is the presence of change, transformation and evolution. Many souls are fearful or resist change and yet it is their greatest desire. It is important to allow the vibration of peace within you to enthuse and synthesis with the changes and transformations you experience. Such words as transformation, are connected to spiritual insights and experiences however when experiencing your ascension pathway, it is within your physical body, physical reality and earthly circumstances that you notice alternations, differences and shifts. It is often change at a physical level which is the most feared and resisted. It is not so much the transformations into your divine being but the unknown impact it will have upon your Earthly being and reality which causes concern and creates struggle.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 21 // JULY

jueves, julio 21, 2016

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - The Promise of Ascension - July 21, 2016

We Greet You in Love, 

Tremendous change is occurring in your lives and in the lives of others on your planet. We wish today to remind you of the promise of ascension. 
First, we will begin by offering some soothing views to help you shift into a state of peace.
We wish to acknowledge that we know many of you are struggling of late, and we continue to offer you encouragement and reassurance that all is well. We know that you may feel challenged and we wish to affirm that what you are experiencing is not a step backward. What is taking place now, and always is afurthering of your divine embodiment
What you are experiencing in the world, and all that is taking place in the world, right now, is also, not a step backward. All around you is progress. The visible expression and transformation of energy. All around you are creations in which the true vast Oneness is infusing and organizing matter, refining and recreating.
Ascension is ripe with promise and this promise is abundantly available within you. You can tap it, know it and live from it. 

Kara Schallock - Finalmente…otra actualización de Ascensión - 16 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Hace tiempo que no escribo ninguna Actualización. Tenía problemas con mi ordenador y, después, mi querido gato murió. Aunque echo de menos su presencia física, sé que está conmigo, guiándome. Los animales de compañía no son tan sólo animales; también nos enseñan y nos guían. He aprendido mucho a lo largo de este proceso.

Pronto estaremos de nuevo ante la Puerta del León. Continuamos limpiándonos y adaptándonos a energías más y más elevadas. Es importante que mantengamos nuestra vibración alta, para que podamos así ajustarnos más fácilmente a las vibraciones que continuamente nos llegan. A pesar de que mucho de lo que sucede en el viejo mundo puede distraernos y hacernos sentir miedo, todo ello forma parte de la transición global que experimentamos los seres sintientes de la Tierra. Dejen ir el miedo y la ansiedad, y presten atención en cambio a su Chakra raíz, porque cuando esté despejado, se sentirán seguros y a salvo. Sin embargo, cuando está bloqueado, sienten miedo y ansiedad. Es vital que permanezcan en una energía de Amor y que se recuerden a sí mismos que todo está ocurriendo en Orden Divino. Si su vida está del revés o creen que el mundo es un caos (lo cual, por cierto, es tan sólo una percepción), conviértanse en Amor y sean Amor en todo lo que dicen, lo que piensan y lo que hacen. Esa es la mejor manera de transmutar su miedo y el de los demás, y de mantener su vibración alta. Limpien su Chakra raíz y, a continuación, llénenlo con Luz blanca de purificación y resurrección (Ascensión). Después, lleven su atención a su corazón y sean Amor.

Selacia - Sugerencias de la Locura de Verano - Semana de Luna Llena, visión desde un nivel Superior - 19 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


La semana de una Luna Llena es cuando ustedes quieren tener su antena de discernimiento activa en “alerta roja”. Las cosas tienden a amplificarse y los dramas de la vida cotidiana se expanden. También la locura del mundo, amplificada más allá de lo usual, impacta en las personas a nivel personal, añadiendo a la intensidad que siente la gente. Estas amplificaciones no son realmente tan inusuales, pero estos son tiempos inusuales. Las viejas normas tienen poca aplicación en estos momentos.

Luna Llena en Capricornio

Esta Luna Llena tiene su pico el 19 de julio instalada en Capricornio. Este ciclo particular está desenterrando asuntos relacionados con el dominio de la realidad física. También está catalizando a las personas para que reflexionen respecto a cosas como el equilibrio, las bases y la expansión de su visión sobre las limitaciones. Otro aspecto clave respecto a este ciclo es que su impacto se podrá sentir durante más tiempo en parte por cuán conectados estamos todos y por los tipos de temas universales que afloran dentro del colectivo.

Christine Meleriessee - MASTER THOTH ~ BEING THE MAGNET OF YOUR DESIRE - Jul 21, 2016


My Dearest Beloveds, this is Master Thoth at your service. I want to relay some understanding on the teachings of the Law of Attraction and how it can relate to your personal experiences, not just the desire for elements to come into your world, but being within that world within the law – so that it is a continual creative process.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful law to incorporate within your consciousness but you must remember that working within the Universal Laws an initiate must comprehend all the laws in order for them to become active on a continual basis. That is why it is so important to understand the inner truths of each of the laws and how they are related to your personal experiences.

When an individual decides to work within the Laws of the Universe, they are then allowing themselves to be connected to the Source of Light. In order words your Higher Essence is guiding you through your physical self to be One in all things – Oneness. This does not occur without understanding what the laws are doing for you personally. That is why I am so delighted to provide this information to so many initiates so that they can have a better understanding of whom they are, what needs to be changed in order to truly achieve the best optimum results in their lives.

As we look within the Law of Attraction, we have to go deeper into the psychological self to see what is being revealed. This is so very important because without this deeper journey then the elements you attract will only be contingent upon whom you are in that present moment. If you have ever done gratitude journals or ceremonies for your abundance, you probably have seen a difference in what you have created. But how long does that last for you?

Is it something that you do on a continual basis and what thoughts are being revealed through the process?

This is all contingent upon the previous laws and the energies that are surfacing within your consciousness. Stepping into the Law of Attraction is not just waving a magical wand and seeing everything you desire to appear in your life. It is about who you are as a person but more than that, your Soul’s History.

Each of you has traveled the many universes many times over and carries with you in your soul body the remembrances of those experiences. Some of them are good and some not so good. Everything needs to be revealed so that your experience of this lifetime can be the highest possible creation. In order for that to happen you must journey into your psychological self to find the golden nugget within you.

So when you go deeper within your subconscious mind, then you have to work with those energies. What is plaguing you the most? What are the thoughts that arise in your consciousness when you are in disbelief that things can change for you. These are the psychological thoughts that need to be addressed.

You need to work with them – write affirmations, change those thought process into positive ones – utilize spiritual tools such as the Rays of God to make the necessary changes within yourself. It takes great diligence to move into these energies as they can be challenging and painful to allow them to be revealed.

This is where the true healing begins – your emotional body will go through a big transformation. Allow your emotions to be present within you. Don’t push them aside as they are there to guide you into the next step of your journey.

As you change, allow yourself to be flexible. See the new energy that you are acquiring and be thankful for the ability to move through these elements as they are the cornerstone of who you are becoming. Notice how you move through the energies and become One within that essence.

Now you are ready to fully accept your ability to attract the desires within your life. It cannot be done without first going through this process. It is essentially important; otherwise, the old elements will still be coming up to block your progress.

Utilize the gift of Creative Visualization to command the new energies you desire to become you. Use whatever props you need to help you step into the new energies. Bring forth the essence of the Rays of God – Pink represents compassion and love, while the Violet/Purple brings forth the transmutation of energies but also becoming the Alchemist. The Crystalline Flame helps to purge old elements as it is very strong bringing forth a fire energy through the process.

If you need to see something tangible first, before going into a state of visualizing through your mind’s eye, have material around that represents those things. You can use scarves, or wear a piece of clothing that brings forth those colors. See yourself going on a journey; you may want to write it down first. You can create a decree or a story. Read the story, and then become the story.

As you are writing your desire to be, breathe deeply allow yourself to go into that space that you have just written. Start to become it, be one with it.

Practice this every day – do not let up. You must continue your practice.

You may find that as you go through this exercise that you realize there are timelines that appear in your consciousness. You may have a dream relating to the work you are doing. Go back into the psychological work to change it. It is all part of the evolving energy that is erupting to help you make the necessary changes.

You may realize that you change deeply within this process and to have gratitude for that change. This is why it is important to look at your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions continually in each moment throughout your day. They are affecting how you are going to bring into your life the desires that you want to have.

So it is important to raise your vibration, allow your consciousness to be in a higher state, live that higher state, send those energies outside of yourself and you will step into the Law of Attraction. There is a reason why we look at each of the previous Laws:

Being in Oneness – Noticing the level of your Vibration – Acting upon the vibration you are receiving and sending out – The interrelationship of the energy, light, vibration, and motion through Corresponding to all things – Seeing how you are affected by what you have sent out in the Cause and Effect – Looking at how you are Compensated by Blessings and Gifts through the lessons you are learning.

This is how you truly will step into the Law of Attraction as it will demonstrate everything else you have been experiencing.

But again, I must insist that the continual process stems from changing your subconscious thoughts into the thoughts that align with your Higher Self, your Spiritual existence.

This process is not easy but is necessary for every soul upon this earth to have the life they desire, to work with others cohesively, and receive the rewards of Eternal Love within their physical experiences.

Most of all have Gratitude for your journey, the good and the bad, the lessons along the way, and how you have changed your attitude and consciousness to reflect your Highest Self.

In Blessings and Love,

I Am Master Thoth

NOTE: Please join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, July 23, 2016 (at 12:30 PM Pacific | 3:30 PM Eastern) for our teaching class with Master Thoth and Lady Lakshmi on the Law of Attraction along with Divine Light Language Code attunement activations. Please click here for details on attending live or via mp3 audio access.

ALSO: for those interesting in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat discount expires July 23. Please click here to read about this special event.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.

WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Mientras estamos en medio de sistemas de realidad cambiantes, estamos experimentando tanto el mejor de los tiempos como el peor de los tiempos. Trastornos y eventos impactantes en julio y agosto seguirán poniendo a prueba nuestro compromiso de ser Verdaderos que encarnan la Veracidad. Sin embargo, estos meses también estarán salpicados con maravillosas oportunidades para avances cuánticos.

Enormes infusiones de energía de la Nueva Realidad se están anclando constantemente en lo físico. Mientras esto sucede, éstas magnifican cualquier cosa que no resuene con Veracidad, de modo que pueda ser transformada o liberada de nuestros campos energéticos. Hay un Gran Fuego en la Veracidad que quema todas las impurezas y desechos, de modo que podamos brillar con autenticidad e iluminar el camino para otros.

A la Nueva Realidad que estamos dando a luz debemos darle toda nuestra atención, ya que la dualidad no puede transformarse mientras sigamos alimentándola. Hay que arrancar decisivamente las hebras de nuestro ser del viejo Tapiz de la Dualidad y tejerlas en el Tapiz de la Nueva Realidad. Conforme una cantidad cada vez mayor de nosotros haga esto, el Tapiz de la Dualidad simplemente se va a desmoronar.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - "Angelic Love" Free gift from the Angels to Humanity 444 Angelic Language

Lisa Transcendence Brown - WHEN IT'S TIME FOR THE SOUL/SPIRIT TO FULLY AWAKEN - July 21, 2016

Everything starts to change. One's heart starts to open and confusion enters in.... a longing, a deep sense of purpose and the "why's" then begin.....

There is a spark of light that activates... and nothing is the same ever again.... everything suppressed, hidden, ignored.... it's coming up to be seen and understood for integration back into the purity of love and divine light.

When the soul is ready, the human no longer gets to run the show. Integration MUST OCCUR or the body will start to shut down. The KUNDALINI Energy (and Crystalline Structure) activates up the spine... this is the emergence of your own spirit, ready to take physical form.

The more stubborn and resistant the human, the more "it" wants to fight and keep control... the less enjoyable the journey is. For your soul/spirit did not come here to die... it came here to fully LIVE.

Crop Circles 2016 - Vlaanderbos Etten-Leur near Hoeven, Netherlands - 15th july 2016 - UFO 2016

Suzanne Lie - Los Pleyadianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capítulo Dieciséis - La Historia De Shelia - 15-7-16

POR LOS PLEYADIANOS - A través de Suzanne Lie



Amados Ciudadanos de la Tierra,

Sharman está “asignado” orbitando la Tierra. Por lo tanto, tomaré su rol en enviar mensajes regulares a nuestros amigos y familiares que están actualmente en el planeta Tierra. Nosotros/Yo hablamos para toda nuestra Familia Galáctica, mientras todos abrazamos amorosamente a la Tierra y a sus habitantes en transmutación.

Vemos que muchos de los humanos, en todas las áreas de su planeta, están comenzando a despertar y/o están totalmente despiertos en el AHORA de lo que está ocurriendo en su planeta en cambio constante.

Decimos “en y sobre”, porque así como ustedes los humanos están transmutándose hacia el SER Cuerpo de Luz desde dentro de la fuerza Kundalini en el núcleo de sus cuerpos terrestres, Gaia está transmutándose hacia Su Cuerpo de Luz pentadimensional vía Su núcleo y Cristales Centrales en el centro de Su cuerpo planetario.

Ven cómo, USTEDES son el planeta y GAIA es ustedes? Fue cuando nosotros los Pleyadianos llegamos a esa realización, muchos eones atrás, que nuestra sociedad comenzó a cambiar hacia las expresiones pentadimensionales. Como una sociedad, teníamos maestría en los viajes espaciales, pero nuestra conciencia colectiva no se había expandido aún hacia la quinta dimensión. Fue una vez que encontramos un hogar seguro en el Clúster de las Pléyades que nos volvimos hacia el interior para encontrar las expresiones más elevadas de nuestros Seres y reflejar ese brillo interno en el SER, hacia afuera en nuestro diario vivir. Nos damos cuenta de que la Tierra no se ha sentido “segura” por muchas edades. De hecho, no desde la caída de la Atlántida.

Crop Circles 2016 - Wilton Windmill, Nr Wilton, Wiltshire, UK - 15th July 2016 - UFO 2016 UK

Crop Circles 2016 - Burderop Down, Nr Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, UK - 19th July 2016 - UFO 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Consejo Galáctico de la Luz - Tercera Oleada Avanzando Más Allá De La 3ª. Dimensión

Venimos hoy a ustedes con una información importante para ayudarlos a navegar este siguiente periodo.
Muchos de ustedes pueden sentir una aceleración.
El tiempo se está volviendo más flexible, en un momento aparenta ir muy rápido y en otro muy lento.
Esto es evidencia de que las matrices más bajas se están cerrando. Toda la humanidad se moverá más allá de la realidad de la 3ª. dimensión durante el próximo solsticio y luna llena.
Aunque ésta es una memorable ocasión, no significa que la matriz de la 3ª. dimensión se va a disolver, sino sólo que ahora eso es posible que suceda. .
A fIn de que este nivel de la matriz se disuelva completamente cada persona debe cortar sus ataduras y dejar de dar y recibir energía de este nivel.
Comprendan que esto sólo se puede lograr si dejan de permitir que los programas de esta matriz operen en su sistema (su mente, cuerpo y espíritu).
Aunque éste es un proceso muy individual que requiere que uno mire profundo en sus creencias, pensamientos y actos, la energía fluyendo a la Tierra está proporcionando un apoyo sin precedentes en este tiempo.

Sheldan Nidle - El Tiempo Para Su Liberación Global - 19-07-2016


6 Chicchan, 18 Kumku, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jalwa! Realmente es un tiempo triste para vosotros, y especialmente para los que tan negligente y arrogantemente os han gobernado. El ataque de Niza fue también otra falsa bandera.
Fue un vano intento de sacar a la vista a los que tan desesperadamente desean descubrir alguna forma de poder evitar lo inevitable.
El tiempo del reinado de muerte y destrucción de esos monstruos masivos está casi acabado.
Su gobierno por defecto se estableció por primera vez a principios de los 60 y alcanzó su pleno potencial a mediados de los 70.
Se ha alimentado con actos de violencia, locura y demencia que parecen imposible de entender completamente.
Pronto van a ser arrestados y se os va a demostrar cómo llevaron a cabo su sucio trabajo.
Este último instrumento de horror que utilizan es una red psicótica global dirigida por un gran grupo de hombres, mujeres y jóvenes malguiados.
Nos ha traído incidentes horripilantes que han llevado a la muerte de famosas celebridades, víctimas antes desconocidas y que han sido parte de incidentes de horror impactante en la India, en Israel y en grandes partes de Europa Occidental.
La idea al principio era impactar y luego esperar que sus actos llevaran a otros de “corta y pega” que extendieran la locura.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Acceptance Is The Purpose of Life - July 21, 2016

The purpose of life is to learn acceptance of others and to acknowledge their life path as their own energetic domain. Unconditional love is part of acceptance but it is not an emotional state, it is an energetic one. To be able to love unconditionally requires the state of complete non-judgment and that is acceptance. Any form of judgment is an expression of fear and limitation, based on the karmic energies and soul cycles of the past. To achieve acceptance you must know your own heart, be clear about your intention and aligned with your own energy, and then you can accept others actions based on alignment and not on emotions. Any misaligned connections that recall emotions are your lessons to help you achieve acceptance. And that is the purpose of life.

Crop Circles 2016 - Reigate Hill, Reigate, Surrey, UK - 19th July 2016 - UFO 2016 UK

miércoles, julio 20, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 19-07-16. Caos en todos lados mientras el actual orden mundial colapsa y comienza la nueva era

20 Jul

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/07/19/chaos-everywhere-as-current-world-order-continues-to-collapse-while-new-age-begins/

La situación mundial es cada vez más caótica con los principales acontecimientos están teniendo lugar en Turquía, Francia, Japón, Estados Unidos, China y otros lugares. Los eventos están vinculados al actual colapso de la estructura global que fue llevada al poder a finales de la Segunda Guerra. Los analistas del gobierno chino cree toda la arquitectura actual del mundo sufrirá un colapso total de para el año 2018, después de lo cual una nueva estructura mejorada lo reemplazará. Por esta razón esperan que se acerará la agitación global entre ahora y entonces.

Vamos a empezar con una mirada con el intento de golpe en Turquía la semana pasada. Fuentes del Mossad trataron de echarle la culpa del intento a Rusia y han añadido “esta es solo la primera pelea” (round 1). Sin embargo, fuentes del Pentágono dicen que aviones pilotados por pilotos de Arabia Saudita entrenados por israelíes desde la base aérea de la OTAN en Incirlik tiraron un arma nuclear de baja potencia, luminosa pero no muy dañina, en frente del edificio del Parlamento de Turquía durante el intento de derrocamiento del presidente Recep Erdogan.


Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2016 - World Corruption, Disinformation and More

martes, julio 19, 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - “El Humano Resiliente” - Universidad de Delphi, Georgia - 10 de julio 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estos pocos momentos son preciosos. Podrían decir que es el final de una serie, y lo es. Y cuando los trabajadores de luz y las almas antiguas se reúnen con un propósito común y hacen las preguntas que ustedes hicieron, se puede ver que hay un tema en común: quieren saber más. Hay un reconocimiento del cambio, y quieren saber más. Esta es una confluencia de consciencia que es una familia. Algunos han estado aquí los dos días completos; lo sintieron al entrar; es un lugar sagrado. Y ahora dos días después están por irse, y yo ya dije esto antes: la linealidad del tiempo suele crear en el ser humano un sentimiento de que lo que estaba aquí , queda en el pasado cuando se van. Y para ustedes, el pasado es algo que ya terminó. La línea de tiempo lineal dice que las cosas suceden y luego terminan. Y ustedes tal vez pasan los días siguientes diciendo "Eso fue maravilloso, pero ahora ya no." (se ríe) Porque han regresado a lo que llaman su "vida normal."

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización de Luna Llena 19-7-16 - 18 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el martes, 19 de julio a las 4.56 pm Horario de Verano de las Montañas

Trabajen con la tierra durante esta luna llena. Es tiempo de anclar y enraizar nueva verdad, nuevas prácticas personales, nuevas intenciones, nuevas resoluciones, nuevas relaciones y nuevas ideas. Si todavía operan bajo viejas estructuras puede que ellas tomen la oportunidad para auto destruirse.

De hecho esta luna llena pudiera traer momentos para atestiguar la auto destrucción de viejas estructuras. Por otra parte, también puede traer una nueva frecuencia de energía que nos invite a todos a jugar en ese centro emocional superior. Es un tiempo cuando toda la inspiración y nuevas ideas se pueden anclar en una realidad más conectada a tierra. La clave será el equilibrio.

Enfóquense en el equilibrio especialmente equilibrando tiempo para sí mismos y para su auto cuidado y el que dan a los demás. Lo que se regalan a sí mismos durante este tiempo los nutrirá verdaderamente a un nivel físico profundo.

Enfóquense en el amor. Por sí mismos y por los demás.


Lisa Transcendence Brown - What's Not Working and What Is... - July 19, 2016

Aloha beautiful Light Family,

The higher we go in frequencies, the more all has to be aligned from inside. Entire collectives move further into chaos and confusion, as the dismantling/collapse continues at an expedited rate and in more extreme ways. This will continue for all things created/existing from an unconscious state. Absolutely everything must be transformed into light. Everything.

We all have many aspects, essences, energies... yet the more unconscious human we are, the less we understand this. It's only through fully opening our hearts that things start to make sense... finally. The more closed off/resistant we are to opening up, listening, desiring to truly understand what full consciousness is... the more something has to get our attention....

Sheldan Nidle - July 19, 2016

6 Chicchan, 18 Kumku, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! It is a truly sad time for you and, especially, for those who have so carelessly and arrogantly ruled you. The Nice attack was yet another false flag. It was a vain attempt to bring into view those who so desperately wish to discover some way by which they can somehow prevent the inevitable. The time of these massive behemoths' reign of death and destruction is nearly over. Their rule by default was first established in the early 1960s and brought to its full potential in the mid-1970s. It has fed violence, madness and crazy acts that seem impossible to fully understand. Soon, they are to be arrested and you are to be shown how they long carried out their dirty work. This last instrument of horror pursued by them is a global psychic network run by a large group of misguided men, woman and boys. It has brought us horrifying incidents that have led to the deaths of famous celebrities, formerly unknown victims and been part of incidents of shocking horror in India, Israel and great parts of Western Europe. The idea was first to shock, and then to hope that their acts led to "copy-cat" acts that spread the insanity. All of this is finally to lessen as this deranged network is finally taken down.

Kryon "Point Source Syndrome" 2016

Kryon "Help Past 2012" 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval ~ Galactic Council of Light - July 19, 2016

We come to you today to help provide greater understanding of what is taking place within your holographic reality, personally and collectively. You are in a crucial time period, one in which each person will be making a choice to allow the energies to infuse and empower them or to allow them to exacerbate all that is taking place. The incoming light simply is. For some it will bring great upheaval, an unveiling of masks, and for others it will not feel like a crumbling of self but rather deep clarity of your true nature.

What is taking place within, is also taking place in the world at large. The world in which you reside, your hologram, changes and bends to reflect what you feel within. In vibrational terms, what you feel inside, what remains to be healed sends out a frequency that is matched and then modeled within the collective hologram. Think on your social media, when you are feeling happy, hopeful and joyous, you will see others feeling a similar reaction. If you feel fearful, angry, or full of lack, you will see that others feel the same, validating your expression. You may find news stories will come to your attention that help to confirm exactly how you are feeling. Your social media is yet just another layer of the collective consciousness that personifies what is being felt within. It is for this reason that many choose to “unplug” from all outside media inputs. While at times this is wise, know that it is through trial and error and being faced with what causes a reaction within that you grow and heal. Understand that while on the one level you may feel a certain emotion, what you are being show is what is deep within the layers of your being.

Ron Head - The Council - Stake Your Claim Now - July 19, 2016

the council

It is time to stake your claim now. For years we have spoken with you through many channels about a great variety of things, but these have always centered around a specific subject. Never have we wandered too far from it, nor have we stayed long when we did.
We have spoken of the fact that you are all energy beings. You have had no great problem realizing that intellectually.
We have spoken of the fact that you are aware only of a very small portion of your true being. Most of you have had no trouble with that point.
We have spoken of the fact that in view of the two statements made above, you are a facet, a face, an arm if you will, of the Divine All. Most of you were able to intellectually agree with that, as well.
We could continue in this vein, but we think you understand. Now we would point out to you that there is a vast gulf between intellectually understanding, even agreeing with, a statement or teaching and making it the underlying truth of one’s being. And because of that, the greater portion of the gift of those truths lies unclaimed by you.

Steve Rother - The Group - Your Piece of the Puzzle on the Gameboard - July 15, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones.
You are on a path of joy. We have watched as many of you have started to evolve in so many different ways, and this day we wish to share that you have a very unique light. It is your light which has often been missing from the world around you. So, that is what we are asking all of you to do in this time we have together. You have changed planet Earth drastically and it continues to adapt moment by moment. These are not little adjustments, but major shifts you are making on your planet. All of them have the ability to return you closer to that which you know as Home, to the energy you came from and that which you can live in every day of your lives.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Getting Connected - Part 1 - 9 April, 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. What I would like to present this evening could be misunderstood. It is advanced information and it is information that may create confusion, so I'll ask my partner to go slow and use examples that I give him.

There's something beautiful happening right now in this chair and it's called connection. The reason that channelling is so controversial on this planet is because there are so many who roll their eyes and say it is not possible, or occult, or just too odd. More than that, many say that it is not proper. So you may say that humanity is spiritually biased against it.

The fact is that my partner is, indeed, connected with the creative source. It's OK to be connected through prayer and meditation, but quite often channelling crosses the line. Nevertheless, this is real, and my partner steps aside for this message. He literally takes that which is his consciousness and melds it with mine, allowing me to use all that's within him for this message. But he's not entirely here.

Long ago, he said he would not allow a takeover when channelling, and I told him that there is no takeover in the new energy. It's a partnership, a meld. Is there a takeover when you have wonderful, intuitive thought? Do you fly into an odd trance when you get good spiritual direction? No. Things have changed in the past decades regarding a Human's ability to sense the direction of Spirit.

Thirty and 40 years ago, trans-channels actually aged when they were in channel because they were taken over. Some of them would burn out because what they were doing was not a meld; it was work, holding a state of walking between two worlds. That was a takeover and now it is not.

John Smallman - Jesus - Remember that all attacks or modes of defensiveness are fear-driven responses by those desperately seeking to be loved. - July 16, 2016

The illusion, your worldly environment built with the collective intent to experience separation, is collapsing! Humanity’s spiritual awakening is causing it to fragment and shatter into myriad irreparable components. Vast numbers of you have seen through the veil that appears to separate you from your divine Source, and it is dissolving like morning mist as more and more of the fear-driven dishonesty and corruption within all of your human societies right across the world is exposed by whistle-blowers and courageous investigative journalists. The electronic connectedness that enables people all over the world to communicate almost instantaneously with each other is the solvent in which the illusion is so effectively and rapidly being dissolved. Your modern technologies, when sanely and lovingly developed, are of invaluable assistance in your process of awakening, and each day further new ones are being developed and brought into the public domain. Change, on a scale never before seen in your illusory and conflict-driven world, is happening in every field of human endeavor, and as a result there is absolutely no one on Earth at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution who is completely unaware of what is happening. Yes, there are still many in positions of authority who choose not to see, who refuse to be aware that change on an unprecedented scale is occurring planet-wide.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 19/07/16

Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Benjamin Fulford 7-19-16… “Chaos everywhere as current world order continues to collapse while new age begins”

Posted by benjamin, July 19, 2016

The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2. Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.

Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.


Brenda Hoffman - Están Enojados – ¡Qué Maravilla! - 17 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora



Comienzan a sentir y ver pequeños rayos de sol a través de las densas nubes que han reducido su luz durante eras.

Algunos todavía no han reconocido su Nuevo ustedes, pero lo harán porque es momento de hacerlo.

Piensan que porque se les diga no sucede. El mismo método mistificaba y cubría ese glorioso ustedes escondidos durante eras en la tierra. Concordamos con esa idea. A la vez, queremos que enfrenten sus cambios.

Han estado presos tanto tiempo que no entienden que la puerta está abierta y pueden salir.

lunes, julio 18, 2016

Suzanne Lie - the Pleiadians - Preparing For First Contact--Chapter 17--Energetic Communications - 7-18-16

This story begins on 5-19-16 in the Blog

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Energetic Communications

Greetings. I am Sharman here again to speak with you. I am actually wearing an earth vessel within your NOW, so that I can walk among you to best feel the human energy fields. I wear different “disguises” on different days depending on what area I am visiting.

At the end of each day, I return to my cloaked Ship to “call home” to share what I have experienced. I was chosen for this mission because I spent a long lifetime as a human and learned to “read” many of the thoughts and emotions of the humans that I observed.

What I have perceived is that many of you are feeling VERY tired. I have also observed that many of you feel like you are leaving soon, but you do not realize that “soon” is a third/fourth dimensional term.

In the fifth dimension, there is only NOW, so “soon” does not exist as there is only the NOW of “no-time.” However, I have observed that many of you are experiencing a transmutation of your entire physical body.

Selacia - July Madness Tips -Full Moon Week Higher View- July 18, 2016

The week of a Full Moon is when you want to have your discernment antenna turned on "high alert." Things tend to get amplified and regular life dramas tend to be expanded upon. Also, the craziness of the world, amplified beyond the usual, is impacting people on a personal level, adding to the intensity people are feeling. These amplifications are not really that unusual, but these are unusual times. Old norms often have little application during these moments.

Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon peaks July 19 as it sits in Capricorn. This particular cycle is stirring issues of mastering this physical reality. It is also catalyzing people to self-reflect on things like life foundation, balance, and expanding views on limitations. Another key thing about this cycle is that its impact is likely to be felt for more days than usual, in part because of how connected we all are and types of universal themes surfacing within the collective.

As I've been writing about on social media, the pace and extent of dramas is likely to accelerate even more now as we step into Tuesday's Full Moon energy and a host of high-profile debates involving politics, culture, injustices, and how we live on this small planet. I've been suggesting that we walk gently and with love. Easier said than done, of course. Read on to find out what else each of us can do to navigate these energies.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - 2016/06/14 Global revolution

Maryann Rada - League of Light - Be Aware, and Know You Have Come to the Point of Transition - July 18, 2016

Loss is generating understanding. The lost hope, the lost friends, songs, laughter, community, brothers and sisters and children and parents… It is generating the need for a new kind of sanity, one that maintains humanity and gives the emerging light something to shine on. Sanity based on loss is stillborn, not viable. Are you able to transmute loss to love? This is the thing that may drive you to the edge of sanity, but if you get there and find that love does indeed exist over the edge, then perhaps it is where you need to go in order to redefine the human experience and shift reality in your favor, toward the sanity of love being restored in a world in settled peace. It has been a long time since your world has known settled peace, yet the love that has nourished the sustained life of the planet remains, ready for full rediscovery in an age thirsty for total change.

How is it that you have found your lives so entwined in a swirling, chaotic developing madness as the one you see breaking on the shores of consciousness on all sides? How has the human spirit been unable to stanch the flow of blood from the body of life which individual souls have carried through time to this now-moment of reckoning against non-existence? As you wait to see what happens next, and where, on the world stage, know that countless eyes unseen and outside your world’s sheath are also waiting, watching, and wishing for the best reality to come into being for all. The drama is coming to a head now, and while the final days of life as you know it are not to be known just yet, the truth is, your freedom to live as humans, to your full potential, is under threat. You see this in the scenes and stories of mayhem and dishonor enacted against innocents. While anger is seething and disgust growing, gilded cages are starting to show the iron bars underneath the shiny surface, and truth is being twisted into betrayal and big fat lies. You have time yet to awaken to gain the understanding you need to shift the whole of reality. Yet you have time.