Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo Galáctico de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo Galáctico de la Luz. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, septiembre 16, 2017

Asara - Energy Update From The Galactic Council of Light - Sep 16, 2017


The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, we are most joyful to connect with you again through this channel.

At the same time, we have been with you always.

All it takes for you is to "tune in" and to request from us to make our presence known to you.

sábado, enero 28, 2017

Asara - Energy Update From The Galactic Council of Light - January 28, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

At this time, we wish to offer you our support and assistance in stabilizing your energies. 

In the past few weeks, you have experienced, what you term "a rollercoaster" of energies and emotions. 

Dear Ones, do not get impressed by what the illusion of your reality is presenting to you. 

miércoles, agosto 03, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Galactic Council of Light - Moving beyond Limitations - August 3, 2016

There is much excitement in the air as the energies steaming into earth bring the air of new possibilities. It is these possibilities that we would like to discuss with you today. The Lion’s gate portal is very powerful and can assist you in opening to all that you are. While many may be experiencing moderate to extreme physical symptoms with the light frequency that is now on your planet, know that in time your body will not only adjust but it will thrive. In order for this to be the case, you must look at the limitations and belief structure that you have put on yourself.

So many of you struggle to remove yourself from self-imposed restrictions. It has been the nature on earth that beliefs and limitations were put on you from the moment you were incarnate. These put you into categories based on your geography, physical attributes, religion, economics, and culture. As you go through this extraordinary process you are finding that you must unravel these limits one by one, shunning them as they do not signify the truth of your nature, the truth of your soul. Many of you are able to reject the ones that blatantly insult your sense of right and wrong, your sense of fairness, but there are so many others that you have simply just accepted. Some on the journey to unravel the parameters, may have added new rules and restrictions, but they are not recognized as such because they seem so vastly different.

martes, agosto 02, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Consejo Galáctico de la Luz - Tiempo de un gran desenmascaramiento y trastornos - 19-07-2016

Venimos a ustedes hoy para ayudarlos a que comprendan mejor lo que está sucediendo dentro de su realidad holográfica, personal y colectivamente.
Ustedes están en un periodo de tiempo crucial, uno en el que cada persona elegirá permitir a las energías infundirlos y empoderarlos o exacerbar todo lo que está sucediendo. La luz que está llegando simplemente es.
Para algunos esto traerá trastornos, un descubrimiento de las máscaras, y para otros esto no se sentirá como un derrumbamiento del yo sino más bien como una profunda claridad de su verdadera naturaleza.
Lo que está sucediendo interiormente está sucediendo también en el mundo en general.

jueves, julio 21, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Consejo Galáctico de la Luz - Tercera Oleada Avanzando Más Allá De La 3ª. Dimensión

Venimos hoy a ustedes con una información importante para ayudarlos a navegar este siguiente periodo.
Muchos de ustedes pueden sentir una aceleración.
El tiempo se está volviendo más flexible, en un momento aparenta ir muy rápido y en otro muy lento.
Esto es evidencia de que las matrices más bajas se están cerrando. Toda la humanidad se moverá más allá de la realidad de la 3ª. dimensión durante el próximo solsticio y luna llena.
Aunque ésta es una memorable ocasión, no significa que la matriz de la 3ª. dimensión se va a disolver, sino sólo que ahora eso es posible que suceda. .
A fIn de que este nivel de la matriz se disuelva completamente cada persona debe cortar sus ataduras y dejar de dar y recibir energía de este nivel.
Comprendan que esto sólo se puede lograr si dejan de permitir que los programas de esta matriz operen en su sistema (su mente, cuerpo y espíritu).
Aunque éste es un proceso muy individual que requiere que uno mire profundo en sus creencias, pensamientos y actos, la energía fluyendo a la Tierra está proporcionando un apoyo sin precedentes en este tiempo.

martes, julio 19, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval ~ Galactic Council of Light - July 19, 2016

We come to you today to help provide greater understanding of what is taking place within your holographic reality, personally and collectively. You are in a crucial time period, one in which each person will be making a choice to allow the energies to infuse and empower them or to allow them to exacerbate all that is taking place. The incoming light simply is. For some it will bring great upheaval, an unveiling of masks, and for others it will not feel like a crumbling of self but rather deep clarity of your true nature.

What is taking place within, is also taking place in the world at large. The world in which you reside, your hologram, changes and bends to reflect what you feel within. In vibrational terms, what you feel inside, what remains to be healed sends out a frequency that is matched and then modeled within the collective hologram. Think on your social media, when you are feeling happy, hopeful and joyous, you will see others feeling a similar reaction. If you feel fearful, angry, or full of lack, you will see that others feel the same, validating your expression. You may find news stories will come to your attention that help to confirm exactly how you are feeling. Your social media is yet just another layer of the collective consciousness that personifies what is being felt within. It is for this reason that many choose to “unplug” from all outside media inputs. While at times this is wise, know that it is through trial and error and being faced with what causes a reaction within that you grow and heal. Understand that while on the one level you may feel a certain emotion, what you are being show is what is deep within the layers of your being.