jueves, octubre 22, 2015

Christine Meleriessee - The Transitionary Movement Within GAIA ~ A MESSAGE FROM LORD SAINT GERMAIN - Oct 22, 2015

Note: Lord Saint Germain will be hosting today’s ASCENSION CLINIC ON TRANSCENDING ENERGY which will create a personal experience of healing with the Seven Rays of God in the Seven Chakras. To read more about this class and learn how to attend LIVE or for the MP3 AUDIO recording, please see http://walkingterrachrista.com/healing/lord-saint-germain-ascension-clinic-class-4/.


As you move towards the 11:11 energies, the changes that are occurring within your four-body system are changing directly. These changes are reflected within each human upon this earth. No one is slipping away from the changes of Gaia, within Gaia, and around Gaia as each of you are a part of them.

The acceleration of the Earth is now upon us. You are in the transition phase of the New Earth.

Terri Newlon - Wesak Half Way Point - Oct. 22, 2015

(Channeling begins)


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well we have a lot going on in the inner planes. We have kind of a Mars Warrior aspect that’s up that’s a bit of agitating. We have quite a bit of pressure from planetary influences calling for a lot of change, rapid change; kind of a dramatic weeding out of things so it’s time to maybe get rid of some extra socks or clean out the refrigerator, that sort of thing. Essentially it’s calling for more organization and more efficiency on a global level.

Patricia Cota-Robles - Evidence of Humanity’s Shift of Consciousness - October 22, 2015

Now that everyone has had a few weeks to assimilate and evaluate through their own personal experience the most powerful influx of Light the World has ever known, I would like to share with you some information from On High that may enhance your understanding of what has actually taken place. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that the Portal of Light that was opened during the amazing Eclipse Series in September 2015, and the Collective Cup of Consciousness that was formed by Humanity through the synchronicity of myriad outer-world events that coincided with the Eclipses, an unprecedented Global shift of consciousness was cocreated in the Realms of Cause by the I AM Presences of Humanity en masse.

This shift into a higher consciousness will manifest through every man, woman, and child in ways that are specifically aligned with his or her individual Divine Plan. But for the first time ever, the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were associated with this shift of consciousness were INSTANTLY ANCHORED IN THE WORLD OF EFFECTS, which is the physical plane of Earth.

miércoles, octubre 21, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK--BY GAIA'S SYLPHS 10-21-15

THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK 

By Gaia’s Sylphs 

Good Nowness Dear Human, 

We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past humans without you ever knowing we are with you. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand what you heard.

What we have been saying all these millennia is that we feel your breath within our sky. When you breathe out your sorrow, we feel sad and concerned. When you are frightened or angry we feel these emotions and wish to comfort you. Wonderfully, when you breathe out happiness we feel joy and wish to join you in your play.

Crop Circles 2015 - Prudentópolis, Paraná - Brazil - 19th October 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 Brasil UFO

Selacia - New Energies New You - 21 October, 2015

With much of the recent cosmic turmoil behind us, do take notice of the calmer energies and set aside time to self-reflect. You aren’t the same being you were last October, in part because of moving through some quite challenging times but also due to acceleration in your waking up process. You now see the world and yourself through new eyes, and you can catapult your forward movement by recognizing this and then applying what you have learned.
In 2015 alone your outer world has changed dramatically, much of the shift unrecognizable when you are immersed in it. A couple of years from now, however, you will look back in amazement of how radically different things are – from everyday life impacted by technology to realizing more and more that we are global humans living on a small planet.

Aliens spaceships - UFOs near the Sun in the survey for October 21, 2015

Ron Head – The Council - PREDICTIONS - October 21 2015

We will speak today of predictions. We know they are a favorite of all of you. We also know that they are being used to raise the hopes of all of humanity at his time. We know that into this category also fall “dire warnings.” And these are being used for quite the opposite effect. Some of the more fantastic predictions that appear positive are, in reality, being used because those who begin them imagine that they will lead to great disappointment. So let’s discuss all of this.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tonos Pineales del Coro de la Paz - Tel Aviv, Israel – 10 de Octubre 2015

Traducción del Audio de las SEIS Canalizaciones en vivo
de Kryon por Lee Carroll en Tel Aviv dadas entre uno y otro canto de Tonos Pineales del Coro de la Paz
Tel Aviv, Israel – 10 de Octubre 2015


Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para quienes solo están escuchando, permanecemos en Tel Aviv. Hasta ahora, los mensajes han sido casi exclusivamente para los judíos. Pero estamos iniciando este Coro, un evento que es pura energía, un evento de transmisión y de cambio, llamado Coro de Paz. Estos mensajes de ahora son para todos, no solo para la región. Ciertamente podemos usar ejemplos de lo que está aquí porque estamos en Israel, pero los mensajes son para todos.

En estos breves momentos quiero contarles algunas cosas. Todo lo que están haciendo es profundamente importante. Puede que crean tal vez que esto es un concierto o incluso un show; hay mucho más.

La consciencia es Física, y la Física de hoy es una intención pacífica y su difusión. Los ensayos se completaron y los tonos están listos. Con el Espíritu nada es accidental. Lo que los trae aquí no es accidental. Las cosas que ven a su alrededor, incluso la estructura de algunos de los programas, no es accidental. En lo que concierne a lo que el Espíritu hace a lo largo del tiempo, hay muchas coincidencias, hasta que finalmente se dan cuenta de que es una belleza, que es planeado, que es lo apropiado.

Benjamín Fulford - 20-10-15. El gobierno mundial es inevitable, pero nunca debe ser fascista

21 oct


Los acontecimientos políticos de los últimos años apuntan inexorablemente hacia la formación de una especie de gobierno mundial. Esto fue expuesto de manera todavía más clara, ya que la mayoría de los líderes del mundo que se reunieron en las Naciones Unidas para el 70 aniversario de la ONU – cuádruple luna de sangre – parecieron estar leyendo todos el mismo guión, con algunas sutiles diferencias. En la actualidad existe un consenso entre los líderes mundiales de que el gobierno mundial es la única manera de evitar que las mafias corporativas criminales asesinen y saqueen este planeta hasta su destrucción. La batalla ahora es sobre qué tipo de gobierno será.

martes, octubre 20, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - AA Uriel - Permite la Auto Expansión y Evite el Auto Juicio - 20 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel

La expansión de su propósito y potencial ahora brinda claridad y entendimiento a su viaje de experiencia y a cómo han participado en esta gran misión de ascensión. Los muchos aspectos de su ‘yo’ se presentan en oportunidad divina y con propósito para completar ciclos de sanación, liberar lazos kármicos y restablecer su anteproyecto divino. Pero al ser conscientes de más potenciales poderosos ustedes creen que han cometido errores y juzgan sus acciones como erróneas o equivocadas. No obstante, su voluntad para experimentar dolor y sufrimiento como parte del ciclo de ascensión ha sido un regalo a la fuente para que pudiese ocurrir la ascensión. Ahora están libres para avanzar hacia nuevos aspectos de su yo solamente si evitan el juicio del sendero que han elegido como su lección y regalo.

Jonette Crowley - ENFRENTANDO LA MALDAD: Un Viaje Interior al “Templo Negro” - 25 Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


El Templo Negro de la Atlántida

El Templo Negro de la Atlántida – una pirámide gigantesca de obsidiana en los planos internos. Águila Blanca o MARK me han guiado para ir de vez en cuando (la Obsidiana Negra – cristal volcánico, atrae la oscuridad hacia ella. Así que este ‘templo’ sostiene y resuena con todo tipo de tristeza y maldad que puedan imaginar). Siempre mis visitas aquí se han producido durante una meditación canalizada de grupo en la cual se nos pide que haga brillar nuestra Luz sobre los seres oscuros y siniestros aquí. El lugar es real en otra dimensión del tiempo/espacio o quizás sea una metáfora. En el trabajo espiritual, la sanación a través del entendimiento metafórico es una forma válida de trabajo. Hacía unos cuantos años que no visitaba este reino infernal de inframundo, hasta un viaje chamánico de experiencia en este último mes.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/20/2015

13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in fact completed. We expect these newly finished parts to take on the US Federal Reserve and its numerous central bank allies. The many precedents set up by our legal division promises to make these strikes quick and easy. These banks lack the precious metal support offered to the world by the new financial system. Hence, we feel that this new system can be in charge of a new financial reality before this 10th Gregorian month ends. These events can clearly signal that the many currency revaluations and the grand global currency reset can be finished and put in operation. This is to be the time when a whole slew of new governance is to be operating. These new governments are to finally end the decades-long UFO cover up!

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Allow Self Expansion & Avoid Self Judgment - October 20, 2015

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The expansion of your purpose and potential now provides clarity and understanding of your journey and how you have been participated in this great ascension mission. The many aspects of your ‘self’ come forward in divine timing and with right purpose, to complete healing cycles, release karmic bonds, and re-establish your divine blueprint. But as you become aware of more powerful potentials you believe that you have made mistakes and judge your actions as wrong or misguided. Yet your willingness to experience pain and suffering as part of the ascension cycle have been a gift to Source so ascension could occur. Now you are free to move into new aspects of your self but only if you avoid judgment of the path you have chosen as your lesson and your gift.

John Smallman - Jesus - You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams - October 20, 2015

Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me tonight? Jesus: And a very good evening to you as well, John. Change is in the air, can’t you feel it?
Me: I’m not very good at feeling! So, I’m hopeful, because of what others are saying, and I have a sense that “all manner of things will be well.” And then I read the mainstream media and learn about all the suffering – floods and mudslides in the Philippines, destruction of homes and families in Syria, thousands of migrants making their way to Europe in desperation – on and on. I send love, I think I intend, but it all seems so hopeless as those “in charge” seem set on military responses to these ongoing “problems,” problems from which they are very securely separated! Yes, they talk of humanitarian responses, but they only seem to be able to conceive of military might to contain and control the frightful situations for which it would seem they are largely responsible. And how many thousands of times has that been unsuccessfully tried? As the song goes “When will they ever learn?”

Blossom Gooldchild - Oct 20, 2015

Hello there my friends on High! The more that is being revealed through whistle blowers etc. … the more one could despair … and yet … LOVE conquers all … and we MUST KNOW that … at our core level … wouldn’t you say?

We would say ‘Very much so’ Dearest Blossom. Good morning to you. We would very much appreciate the turning on of your recording equipment.

lunes, octubre 19, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Remember You - 19 October, 2015

Dear Ones,

Many of you consider yourselves to be above petty inconveniences such as paying bills or interacting with those you do not like or cannot relate to. Not that you believe you are better than others, but that you feel you no longer need to be active in such 3D actions. That you should be floating through the heavens or greeting your new life.
While such is true to a certain extent – you are creating that which makes you most comfortable in your New Earth – you are part of that New Earth. You will not skip from 3D to floating through the heavens – as you phrase it – until you transition from earth in this lifetime. So it is you are alert to earth needs because you are of earth.

Nikola Tesla's Life New Documentary Full

The Rainbow Scribe.com - Hilarion's Weekly Message

domingo, octubre 18, 2015

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - 10:10 Gateway Ascension Symptoms: New Forerunners Leaving the Matrix - 16 October, 2015

Many of the Star Seeds, Blue Rays and the New Forerunners, who have been on the trailblazing ascension path for a long time, will be the first to be experiencing this vibrational shift.

As you are leaving the old matrix, this time-space may feel very different from anything you have experienced before. First to experience this are the New Forerunners—the first wave frequency anchors, and Blue Rays and Star Seeds, who have been on the ascension path for many years, even decades. Coming to this place you may feel that your mission is over. There may be such a sense of completion for some, it may feel you could cross over and leave the planet. 888