viernes, mayo 15, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Leaving Time--The Arcturians Webinar about "leaving time" - 5-15-15

The Arcturians

Many of our volunteers have been asking to visit the Starship. We wish to remind that you that not only do you visit the Starship, you also live there. However, many of you have not yet fully connected with that expression of your SELF. You will soon. Then your conscious experiences of being on the ship will begin.

You will begin by remembering not the ship, but the YOU who lives on it. Once you remember that reality, you will have your first stepping-stone into your fifth dimensional reality. Everyone has a stepping-stone life, in which they "step into" a higher dimensional expression of their multidimensional self.

Neale Donald Walsch - The Tool of Tools

My dear friends...
In What God Wants, we are told about "the Tool of Tools," a two-layer mechanism for dealing with life that can change everything in your personal experience overnight.
The Tool of Tools is a two-step process bringing an individual to a place of mastery. It all has to do with how a person handles her or his feelings.
What God Wants tells us that "The first level of mastery is to consciously decide how you choose to feel about a certain thing. The second level of mastery is to consciously decide how you choose to express any feeling you are having, whether you chose that feeling deliberately or not."
The point that What God Wants seeks to make, perhaps more forcefully and more explicitly than any of the other CwG books, is that feelings and emotions are two entirely different things--and that both can be controlled.
Many people--perhaps most--go through their lives believing and experiencing that feelings are things that simply come over them. They are, basically, reactions to the events around us. In the minds of most people, feelings and emotions are pretty much the same thing. What God Wants, however, tells us that a feeling "is simply a thought that you hold about something."

Judith Dagley - We’re IN it NOW… Tips From Within the Midst of NEW - 5.15.15

This is Judith. About two weeks ago, I managed to catapult myself  into a very heightened and intense experience of “Paradigm Shift.” I’m in the middle of it NOW, and I know this only because I’m very aware of how I got here (which actually isn’t a “here,” but we don’t have words for these multidimensional experiences… yet). The catalyst is/was the NEW ENERGY Tele-Gatherings the celestial team and I are presenting this month.
At first, I had no idea what I was in for. I’d presented six Energy Tele-Gatherings monthly through the second half of 2014, and although they each sent my frequencies soaring for days afterward, I didn’t end up somewhere else entirely as a result. But that was because they were spaced farther apart, for one thing. And that was then, for another.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Receiving the Essence of Adoration and Love - May 15, 2015

pink cityLord Adama’s Discourse – on April 22, 2015 during the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class.  On this evening we traveled to the Golden City of Saceleaus (which lies in the Etheric Earth over Central Ontario, Cananda) which represents the Pink Flame of Creative and Active Intelligence.  Lord Adama shares his views on how working within this city and the Pink Flame will assist us to create our manifested desires.Greetings, My Dearest Ones,
It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light. Hello out there!
I extend my Heart Essence onto each of you. Let us breathe into that for a moment. Give me your wishes of what you desire to talk about today or what you desire to listen to from my essence onto yours. Breathe deeply into that, so it can receive some of the confirmations. I am feeling some really good responses.
I believe it is because the work we are doing within this Ray and also the work that is being done in the Clarion Temple of Oneness that is assisting each of you to understand more about your own feelings. I would like to share some thoughts about that essence and what it represents on a physical level and on a 5th dimensional level.

Judith Kusel - The Cosmic merging of Twin Flames - May 15, 2015

There comes a time in Twin Flame Love when all the old squabbles, the old discord, that which makes one run away, and then towards each other again, fades away.
That first adrenalin rush has settled.
Those moments of pain – and all that was there in one form or another, is slowly fading away.
One starts now to move more and more into a stage where the inner YOU, has gone through transformation and you have become whole in many ways.  Before the insecurities, the low self-worth, all the old dragons that used to haunt you, are slowly but surely disintegrating.
A new you has emerged – a greater and more balanced you, that revels in that sacred sanctuary of your heart, womb and soul, and finds that life indeed is just a matter of loving and that one can love in new and more profound ways than ever before.
It is not so much that twin has changed – as one has changed.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Thoughts from your Hostess of Light May 2015 - 15 May, 2015

All of the Earth shakes and rattles and explodes as inner earth and her hot temper comes to the surface for all to see. The earthquakes and death tolls rise as the old tumbles and the new comes to the surface in a horrific way. The quakes in Nepal (which are still happening everyday) during the time of Wesak and the shamballa valley were a slap in the face. They took what was holy and ancient and sacred and shook the very foundation it lived upon. This is a sacred month with many elements lined up to give us all an opportunity to be kinder and more holy in all of our interactions.
The land is speaking to all of us and like a mother giving us one last chance to straighten up our rooms. We can do that by bringing the holiness back to the place we reside. No matter what part of the world you live, what kind of house from beach house to palace to cave (which sounds good some days J ) that your stuff resides, it is a holy expression of who you are inside and out, the collective of you. The land and house I live in has been very demanding about making it more holy. I have created a goddess garden out back and working on a garden of the gods out front. The house has demanded it be kept ready and clear of debris. Making room for more light, or a few visiting Angels or Aliens?

Mystery Of Codex Gigas The 'Devil's Bible' Who Wrote Biggest Manuscript?

Patricia Cota-Robles - A clarion call from on High - May 12, 2015

May 12, 2015
Wow, what an extraordinary time we are living in. Actually, this Cosmic Moment is unique and unprecedented in all of Creation. I know that sounds rather grandiose, but the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have said that statement doesn’t even begin to describe the magnitude of what is happening on Earth at this time.
Because I am going to write about some things that can truly boggle one’s mind, I want to affirm to you that I do not ever share any information from the Company of Heaven that I have not confirmed, through my own personal experiences, to be true  beyond a shadow of a doubt. Having said that, I also want to ask you to not ever accept something as Truth just because someone told you it is true. Please read this newsletter with an open heart and mind, then take this information into the Flame of Illumined Truth blazing in your heart. Ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this sharing from On High, and ask how you can most effectively participate in this incredible facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.
And so we begin...

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young - Evolving Beyond the Fear of Love ~ Channeled April 30, 2015

Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those of you who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet, at a later time.
We commend you for your bravery, for your good spirits, for your wonderful senses of humour, for your tenacity, for your generous, loving, and hopeful hearts, as you continue to move forward during these amazing times. We wish to tell you, yet again, that you are doing an absolutely magnificent job.
You are learning to honour yourselves, you are learning to balance your divinity and your humanity. You are learning to grow and evolve and move and release and integrate, and you are learning how to do it with far greater grace and ease than ever before. You have learned much over the last few years of your linear time. You have shifted profoundly and you are behaving and navigating your lives in ways that are supporting you, and honouring you, like never before.

Tom Kenyon - Mensaje Planetario de los Hathors -

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

La Quinta Perspectiva: trascender el espacio y el tiempo

Entrar a dimensiones más altas de consciencia requiere un cambio fundamental en la percepción del tiempo y el espacio.

Esto es un cambio decisivo en la percepción, del que deseamos hablar usando una perspectiva teórica y una técnica práctica, que incluye el uso de una meditación de sonido que hemos creado con este propósito.

La Teoría

Hay muchas formas de ver las dimensiones más elevadas. Lo que deseamos compartir es un esquema básico de cómo vemos las dimensiones y los desafíos que enfrentas en tu tránsito a una realidad dimensional más alta.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I am a guest at my last working place as a waiter 
(a restaurant in the center of Vienna), before I founded the 
publishing company. I talk to one of my former colleagues 
and I am in the process of leaving the restaurant, when 
I see that the tablecloth of one of the tables caught fire. 
One of the waiters is trying to extinguish the fire. 
I observe the scene for a few seconds and see how the 
flames get bigger and bigger. The waiter seems to be 
totally overloaded with the situation and I rush to help 
him. I myself am totally preoccupied with the extinction 
of the fire and I order to bring water as quickly as possible. 
Suddenly a former schoolmate from my time in high school 
stands besides the waiter and I also call to him to get 
water as quickly as possible. Yet nobody moves and 
both do not recognize the seriousness of the situation. 

Sarah Varcas - 18th/19th May – 11th/12th June 2015: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini - 15 May, 2015

A Universe Born of Its Own Design
Mercury stations retrograde at 1:44 am on 19th May GMT, and remains in its own sign, Gemini, throughout its retrograde passage. Practically speaking, this is an inquisitive Mercury, seeking information and answers, reviewing events of the past three months, wondering about relationships and connections with others and generally taking stock and sorting through unfinished business. It efficiently clears the decks of outstanding matters, enabling positive progress in the months to come. Of course, that also means current misunderstandings will need to be addressed in the coming weeks whether we like it or not! It may be a hassle at the time, frustrating our desire for progress, but if we commit to sorting through the chaos and getting things back on track now we’ll make up what felt like lost time, in due course. If, however, we try to battle on, ignoring the increasingly obvious signs that something somewhere is going awry, we can be absolutely certain that once Mercury turns direct again we’ll wish we’d listened better to its warnings and done what was needed back then!

jueves, mayo 14, 2015

SaLuSa - May 14, 2015

The way forward is becoming clear to many people but there are so many misleading situations that you are never certain whether you are taking the correct path.
The best measure is to ask yourself what expectations are you personally aiming for, and trust your intuition to determine whether you are heading in the right direction. It is desirable to have a goal in life rather than an aimless existence, yet all situations will address your need to learn certain lessons to help you evolve.
Bear in mind that nothing that impinges upon your life has done so by accident, even although there is no immediate outcome apparent. You, Dear Ones, are responsible for whatever path your life takes having been gifted with freewill. However, you always have a life plan agreed upon before you incarnate, and this must be taken into consideration.
All will be revealed when you return to the higher dimensions, and it is a time of self-appraisal when nothing but a truthful account can be recorded. Be assured that all along the way you have support from many souls, who wish for you the best outcome.

Solara An-Ra – Grounding during THE SHIFT – 5-14-15


Solara An-Ra
The Star Councils through Solara An-Ra
We are the Star Councils of Light. We are a group of Light beings, most of whom have been in the physical world that you inhabit at some time or other, but who are now in Light-body form, and who have chosen to assist the earth planet and her people at this time where you go through THE SHIFT. The shift is a term which is being used for the transmutational process which occurs in 3D on your planet. Transmutation means that matter moves from one state of being into another state in energetic terms, so that something which has been physical, for instance, is changed into a higher dimensional frequency which is more like light. In alchemy terms it would be like a solid being manifested out of a liquid, or a liquid changing into a solid. You understand that there is a substance, but that the nature of that substance is transmuted or changed.

Breakthrough!! On the way to Liberation.. by the Enlightened Master on May 14th ,2015

Breakthrough!!  On the way to Liberation..

There are lots happening now in our solar system, all the Light Forces with all their sectors as GFL above the surface, Resistant Movement on the surface and Agarthians under the surface are doing their best in a serious movement to reach the big goal which is the Liberation, and the Resistance Movement approved that their patience, anticipation and observation were not an attempt for the delay, but they were waiting for the right moment “to uncover the cards “ , and they start doing that NOW reasonably well..!

And of the most things that they have faced the difficulty to make it alignment before are “ the lack of awakening which influence the collective consciousness and mass critical point , do not assume responsibility by the decision-makers in the ground and avoiding chaos at the time of the event..

Arcturians 5 13 15

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Old Soul Defined - 29 March, 2015 at Bali, Indonesia

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's always a system in place, and in this particular case of the new energy, the system honors the old soul as much as any system today.

Dear ones, we have told you many times before that the ones who are making the difference on your planet at this new point in time are the ones who have the most experience. When we say the most experience, we mean those who have lived lives on this planet again and again within the energy of your Earth. This is indeed the old soul we are talking about, and this is the one with lifetimes of experience.

I would like to tell you something if you didn't already know it. The old souls are the ones who are awakening right now to new ideas and perceptions. An old soul can be under 20 years old or over 80. It doesn't matter, for your chronological age only measures this life. Your Akashic age refers to how many lifetimes you've had and how wise you are today because of it.


Benjamin Fulford - May 11, 2015: Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms

The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say. The world missed a recent window of opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the financial war, they said. As a result, several stubborn hold outs of the cabal, like Israel and their Washington DC stooges, will have to be removed through war and through the engineered collapse of most of the large cabal financial companies, the sources say.

This will result in chaos in Europe and several regional wars notably in the Korean peninsula, the Middle East and the US.

The situation in Europe might be the first to blow up as a result of a financial chain reaction expected to be triggered by an unavoidable Greek default, the sources agreed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visits to China and Japan were aimed at getting money to prevent the collapse of the German financial system when Greece defaults. She returned mostly empty handed, Japanese and Chinese government sources say.

miércoles, mayo 13, 2015

Questions for the Arcturians--by Suzanne Lie and Free Arcturian MP3 5-13-15


By Suzanne Lie

When my computer crashed, because of my mistake, I was talking to my friend, Shawnna, about the higher purpose of this “mistake.” We pondered that question because one the myriad “realizations” of our ascension process is that “there are NO mistakes or accidents.” We are the creators of our reality, whether that creation arises from our conscious or unconscious mind.

Therefore, we decided to ask the Arcturians about why “I dropped my computer,” which set into motion a huge challenge for me. I was in the middle of a big project, which I had to do via my iPhone and pad. I could never see the “big picture,” so I had to just “carry on” the best I could. I wish I could say that I was always calm and collected, but that was NOT true. I guess I needed to perceive my self in full drama mode.