domingo, diciembre 07, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 7 December 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 7 al 14 de diciembre, 2014

marlene1-1December 7-14, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is important that you make time each day to be still so that you can go within. During this time of the year, one’s schedule can become full of activities that you feel must be done, with family, friends and your community and this is wonderful as long as you do not over extend yourselves. Too often there is a tendency to place too much importance on the pleasing of others rather than on one’s own needs. As in all things, there must be a balance so that your equilibrium is maintained and sustained. It might require a rethinking of priorities or of lowering your own expectations and looking at alternative options. Many times, it is one’s own expectations of how things should be that create stress in one’s life. Your loved ones are willing to help and are willing to adjust to new ways of doing things and to experiencing new ways to celebrate the season.

Eliza: On Duality - December 7, 2014

Baring Eliza: On Duality
After a recent posting, I found this comment from a young woman. She asks a classical question of the yet awakening ones:
“Don’t want to sound thick, but I am, please explain to me something. If the Higher Self and those who have long guided you in the higher dimensions do ‘guide’ us then why or why are people so evil and terrible to one another? To my limited (point of) view surely these higher selves could guide people to NOT be rotten. Or are we all just puppets on a string?”
To guide is not to govern or direct like a puppet. Our Higher Selves do guide and mentor us, but quietly, through our intuition. If one is insensitive to the quiet nudges received, then a person will not heed the guidance.

Ron Head - You are what you are, and that is perfect for the moment. – The Council - December 7, 2014

councilThe Council
We will address at this time the more widespread experiencing of what you would term ascension symptoms.
Now, it appears to some as if any ache or pain that you have, if you call yourself a lightworker, can be called an ascension symptom. That is almost true, but true in the sense that a headache can be indicative of quite a wide variety of ailments.
What you are going through now, if you are indeed in this ‘wave’ of those who are preparing their bodies for what is to come, is an increasing of the body’s ability to hold and use the energies, the light. Part of this is the rising of the body’s energy called the kundalini. Part of this is actually the experience of physical changes necessary in the body itself. This can be rather uncomfortable, even painful.
If this is indeed what you are experiencing, we wish you to know that you are not going crazy, nor are you about to transition. We in no way wish you to interpret this as us telling you not to consult with your physicians. There are still going to be actual needs for medical treatment for other causes, and we do not want you to deny your body’s treatment where it is needed.

Suzanne Lie – Second Transmission To Earth – The Arcturians – 7 December 2014

SuzanneLieOur Dear Ones,
We the Arcturians welcome you back for the remainder of our transmission. We left off our transmission by explaining that the consciousness contained within the 3D Matrix of your physical form is intimately intertwined with the consciousness within the 3D Matrix of Earth.
Thus, your personal 3D Matrix is grounded into and melded with the planetary 3D Matrix. As you allow the inflow of higher frequencies of light into your 3D Matrix, it is instantly shared with the 3D Matrix of Gaia’s planetary body. Gaia then amplified that light and sends it back to you.
This form of mutual reception occurs as the back and forth flow of the timeless higher frequencies of light escalating to transmute both planetary and personal matrixes. In this manner, the time-bound holograms of personal and planetary form allow the outflow of their time-bound expressions into the timeless world of antimatter.

sábado, diciembre 06, 2014


Healing due to God's Grace
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Today we will sharpen our power of distinction!
Sharpen in order to be spared or not to be occupied by 
dark or foreign energies. Today it is about to recognize 
the characteristics and symptoms of an energetic takeover
and to bring oneself again into the original balanced divine 
I am the Master of clarity and the Master 
of unconditional Love of God. 

Eliza: A Karmic Lesson Learned -December 6, 2014

Eliza: A Karmic Lesson Learned
As I am moving through re-experiencing some of my major lifetimes, I find that many of my Star Family who are presently incarnated here are beginning to do the same.  Perhaps relating my stories is serving as a catalyst so that those near and dear to my heart can also begin to undergo profound soul healings…
The following story is, in part, that of a person whom I have come to know as Family. Like others of my Family, our lives have been interwoven through time. While the following is about a masculine lifetime, the current incarnation is female. I have deleted some personal references for the sake of this individual’s privacy. The story is an ancient one, yet relevant to our own times…
“It’s rare that we get an up-close and glaring look at the face of karma, but I have. And you did say I would begin to understand why my life was the way it was. I was looking into (the life of the king). I knew little about him and what I did know seemed often to smack of poor judgment.
The king had a daughter, who was quite lovely, and a stepson, who desired her and raped her. For reasons that remain unknown to me, the king did nothing. His son took in his sister and gave her refuge. The son later killed the stepbrother in revenge for the rape.

UFOs Under Water Are Forming Huge Ice Circles All Over The World. (UFO Mysteries)

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Diciembre del 2014 - 1 de Noviembre 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Diciembre tiene dos temas:


Puede parecer que los dos temas no están relacionados pero no solamente están relacionados sino que se apoyan mutuamente. Posiblemente ahora todos nos sentimos más cómodos lidiando con lo desconocido, ya que el tema de Noviembre continuará influyendo en nosotros durante los próximos meses.

Sin embargo este mes cambiamos el enfoque para que sea más en cómo podemos lidiar con lo desconocido examinando donde y cómo somos RESPONSABLES así como aprender a identificar y aprovechar la OPORTUNIDAD.

Ovni desplazándose sobre la Luna / UFO moving on the Moon

Judith Kusel - Cosmic Ripple Effect – the Radiant Soul - Dec 6, 2014

We are not meant at this time to shrink away from our highest soul purpose and calling.
Some of us have worked many lifetimes for this ultimate raising of the consciousness levels of mankind, as we witness the fall of the same from the 7th dimensional state and into the third.  Some of us vowed that we would not rest, until mankind finally learns to ascend into the higher states of Being once more and therefore incarnated at this time to see all of this into completion.
I have been working intensively with the spinal column of the planet, the pyramid energies and the Rivers of Light, the Tree of Life in the last few years.  It has brought to me a type of understanding that the earth is intricately linked to the human body.  Indeed, the body of the planet reflects our physical forms.  As we are of the earth, so we return to earth.  As the planet moves into the higher octaves of being, we move into it as well.

Lena Stevens - Actualización de Luna Llena 6-12-2014

por Lena Stevens
4 de Noviembre 2014
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena es el Sábado 6 de diciembre a las 5:27 AM HEM (Hora Estándar de las Montañas)

Este es un buen momento para la observación y para las elecciones relativas a la RESPONSABILIDAD. Haz un inventario de lo que necesita atención. Establece algunos buenos límites y toma algunas decisiones nuevas. Haz algo que aproveche la oportunidad que hasurgido de una situación que se ve a primera vista como una limitación desafiante. En donde te enfocas ahora es significativo, ya que toma ventaja de algunas influencias poderosas y energizarátus intenciones de forma expansiva.

Esta luna llena es también un buen momento para llegar a otras personas y estar con tu comunidad. ¿Cuál es tu responsabilidad hacia tu comunidady qué oportunidades te proporciona a ti tu comunidad? Pasa algún tiempo en agradecimiento por tu verdadera comunidad yel apoyo que recibes.


Georgi Stankov - Breaking News!!! The Agarthan High Council of Light Came to Us Today - December 6, 2014

The Inner Earth Agartha Has Merged with the Surface Earth Today.
The Agarthans Have Arrived on The Surface Earth Now.
Today They Announced Officially Their Imminent Appearance in Front of Humanity to Carla and Myself.
Several Cities of Light will Manifest in the Coming Days on Selected Places of This Earth.
by Georgi Stankov, December 5, 2014
This is an auspicious day indeed – full of surprises and divine bliss. After the children of Inner Earth visited us early this afternoon, exuding their exuberant joy about the merging of the Inner Earth with the surface earth and dancing around us in the bedroom and outside in the free space, now the Agarthan council of light came to us this evening.

Georgi Stankov - Carla Thompson - The Most Important Message from the Agarthans: We Are Coming ! - December 6, 2014

by Carla Thompson, December 6, 2014
Dear Georgi!
I am thrilled to announce that the Agarthans have visited us this afternoon.  
First, there was a group of young children here in the bedroom, children who were so happy and excited. Then after the computer was glitching on me, I realized that someone was trying to get me to stop working on the computer… and I realized it was the Agarthans!  As soon as I looked up from the screen, I realized the living room was filled with Beings!  Incredible!
I was attuned to the Agarthans all day as I was so drawn to read from  “TELOS: Original Transmissions from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta” by Dianne Robbins. This beautiful book attuned me to their frequency and prepared me to receive the very clear message that follows. This profound message was filled with love and excitement, and love filled the air as Ahnahmar and the High Council of Light of Telos introduced themselves!
Enjoy this message!

viernes, diciembre 05, 2014

Karen Dover - The dissolving of the “I AM” construct in TRUTH - December 5, 2014

Many of you are aware of the old 3D earth created construct teachings that seek to promote the “I AM”, you are taught repeatedly that the “I AM” is in the SOULAR plexus and that it must be aligned with at all moments of all moments. It is to be noted that the human PERCEPTION of the wording of “teachings” is what is used to confuse, to contain and to frustrate the human race.  It is your perception of what is stated that seeks to teach you other than what is being presented. This is especially so when it comes to the wider universal energies. Many of you at this time are FEELing the huge tugs on your SOULAR plexus, many of you may be experiencing stomach upsets, pains etc and this is the very physical response of the frequencies that are seeking to be RELEASED at this time.
You cannot have UNITY with “I AM” for the teaching seeks to have you state that you are other than that which YOU ARE in TRUTH.  ALL are ONE but all are not the same, each human vehicle upon this earth is a reflection of SOURCE and as such is unique and individual. Therefore the “I AM” teaching seeks to promote separation where there CANNOT be separation. You may be in a human form but you are not separate from SOURCE for YOU ARE SOURCE.

Ute Possega-Rudel – The Return Of The Dream Time Frequencies – 5 December 2014

Video (recommended)
If you are worrying about seeming declining times, do not! It is about the last climax of the battle that has been already won by the  Conscious Light and by our own Divine Nature!
The powerful times of Dreaming have returned in this world. They surround us as thick and warm frequencies, soft, deep and with the quality of infinity and peace. And we need to recognize them also in the hidden space of the Heart. Because what we find outside is a reflection of what is inside of us.
These frequencies are but mirrors from within humanity’s true Heart of being-ness, silence and endless expansion of  Consciousness. They remove the veil of separateness and confinement. They reveal our true Divine Nature, in which all things arise.

Christine Meleriessee - Stepping Into the Balance - December 5, 2014

full_moon1wtcOn December 6th, 2014 we will be experiencing the last full moon of this year.  It is within the Sun Sign of Sagittarius within the Moon of Gemini and will reflect how well we align our minds within our Higher Self or Lower Self (Concrete Mind).  The alignment occurs at 12:26 GMT time, 4:26 AM Pacific, and 7:26 AM Eastern.

We all know that the full moon is full of intense emotion as Grandmother Moon helps us to realign our energies in preparation for the new energies that come into our awareness.  The reflection this month is to fully take action within our Higher Self to allow the Higher Mind to take precedence over the Lower Mind.  This is a huge challenge for every soul upon this planet.
We have been taught through the many timelines that we have experienced that control occurs in our every waking moment within the third dimensional reality.  That is why it can be so difficult to step out of the mold of who we were into what we desire to be.
As individuals awaken within themselves that there is a higher purpose to their lives, they are then stepping into the unseen world of accepting their intuition and higher knowledge to be their guide.  They have acquired the wisdom within themselves through the many experiences that have formed their existence.

Suzanne Lie – Arcturian Transmission To Earth Part 1 – 5 December 2014

SuzanneLieThe Arcturians
Dear Readers,
I just finished going over the fourth book of the Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension. It is titled, “It Is The NOW.” There are some very informative messages through out the book that I want to share you. I edited this book quite a bit and some of these messages were not in the first book. Also, the book won’t be published for a bit. Therefore, I decided that since I needed to read these messages a few times to really understand them, then even if you did read them long ago, they are more timely now than ever.
Dear Illustrious Guests and Beings of Earth,
Welcome to our spontaneous transmission to Earth. For this transmission we have the honor of having attendants from different dimensions and timelines joining us. We say “beings,” as this transmission is coming to you via light codes that persons, animals and plants can absorb into their consciousness to accept a “knowing” of information.

SaLuSa 5 December 2014

We were very pleased to step aside and allow Michael to send out another message in place of our usual one. The information sent out should lift your spirits considerably, as you have waited a very long time for an uplifting message that clearly indicates the beginning of many welcome changes on Earth. There are many changes to come for which the preparations have already been made. It means that very little time will be lost in changing your current situation of war and disharmony, to a different condition that heralds the coming of love and peace on Earth. We have often told you that changes are coming, and at last you will have a clear signal of confirmation. Many will still refuse to believe what they see happening before their very eyes, but denial will not hide the fact that the new Era has started.

Georgi Stankov - Breaking News: The Agarthans Visit Us - December 5, 2014
Something huge must have happened today as already reported. I woke up with a massive descent of very powerful, high vibrating energies from the Source, entering my body through my left brain portal and causing me a split head, numbness and severe headache, which has only now begun slowly to recede (16.00 pm Pacific time). In the early afternoon the energies picked up one more time and Carla and I had to lie down as we felt very much disoriented.