miércoles, noviembre 26, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz 
Report: At the entrance of an apartment building are three 
boys, approximately 10 years old, totally blocking the entrance, 
making it impossible to walk in. I say: “Pardon”, and ask to be let 
through. They unwillingly step aside. After I had walked for a few 
steps into the building, one of the boys said to the others in a low 
voice so that I would not hear it: “asshole”. (End of report)

TODO lo que crees es una MENTIRA (Siempre nos han engañado, y aun lo hacen)

Karen Dover - Breaking of the “mold” of being “human” - November 26, 2014

The old 3D earth created construct served to “mold” the human life experience into a variety of patterns and therefore “experiences”, it is vital to understand that all experience within the old 3D earth created construct was a result of the frequencies that were anchored and not the other way around. All is a mirror and when you look into a mirror it is a reflection that has to be turned around, everything is back to front.

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - Windows of Infinity The Mega Eclipses of October 2014 Understanding the Nature & Attributes od Lunar & Solar Ecliptical Synergy - Nov 2014

The above channel is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved www.Earth-Keeper.com

The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. The complete channel will be available very soon in book format, and the audio version is free.  Please do not post, print, publish or release on U Tube without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper.


martes, noviembre 25, 2014

Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan - Beyond the quarantine Zone

Brenda Hoffman - How Will NEW YOU React This Holiday Season? - Nov 25, 2014 - ¿Cómo Reaccionará el NUEVO USTEDES en Esta Estación Festiva? Por Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you have many memories – both good and bad – of this family holiday season. How will new you react the next few weeks?
Will you wish to be surrounded by those you love? Will you prefer being alone? Will you accept whatever your family or friends wish to create? Or will you create new holiday traditions? All questions pointing to your discomfort with what should or should not happen in your heart during this season. And fears of Christmas or holidays past.
Your society trained you to create feelings you may or may not feel. Love is in the air – love created by society for this season. Even though you are a new being with new beliefs, your societal demanded heart actions are difficult for many of you to ignore.
It is as if the world conspires to insist you open your heart for a few hours of a specific date.
Your heart no longer functions as in the past. You may feel great love for a friend, relative or community based on celebrations. But you could as easily feel little or nothing – and become concerned as a result.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Nov 25, 2014

We ask all to lift up their inner voices in unison and proclaim that this time is when a new epoch for humanity can begin. See this time as one filled with the Blessings of Heaven.

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

2 Kan, 3 Yaxk’in, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come with some news about what is happening on your world. At present, the dark cabal is using the coming of banker’s holidays to create a temporary delay in bringing forth your globe’s new financial system. To us, this delay is totally unnecessary. Rather, it is quite vital that these shenanigans be thrown aside and this new system’s first part revealed to all. We have submitted our protest to those now involved in these most serious negotiations. It is important that the people of this realm see at least a small sign that great changes are indeed happening. Our liaisons are telling our earthly representatives to stand strong and reverse the current debacle. It is essential that each aspect of this process be done correctly; nevertheless, it is quite important that even a small first step occur. Many on your world do not fully understand the breadth of what needs to be done. Nonetheless, some degree of movement is truly required. Thus, we intend to press forward with what we deeply feel is truly necessary. Movement is now being detected and we intend to be assured that something quite positive happens.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 25 November 2014

And so it is that we once again would like to take the opportunity to connect with you all in this more formal manner if you will, or rather, by way of words, in addition to the countless less visual ways of information that we utilize to connect with each and every one of you. For by now, you are all becoming quite well versed in the ability to tune into the more “silent ” ways of communication, the ones that are merely vibrations instead of going by way of a human’s head, hands and eyes and in through your eyes, mind and heart by way of your electronic equipment. Again, merely trying to explain all of the details that are necessary for us to convey our messages in this kind of fashion takes time, and yes, words, and so, we would like to delve a little bit into the more “invisible means” of transportation of information that are taking place even as we speak in these convoluted terms by way of sharing words that will be typed down, corrected and then published electronically.

Karen Dover - Separation of worlds - November 25, 2014

 I have long blogged about the personal and unique realities that each human being upon the planet lives within. The old 3D earth created construct will try to teach you at all moments of all moments that you share a reality with those around you but this is not TRUTH. How you perceive the world is  personal and unique.  Please view this youtube video by a dear friend which perfectly illustrates how humans interpret information.
The New Earth frequency realities are the supportive dimensional spaces in which you co-create with the Universe of 3.  You populate these dimensional spaces with that which you wish to experience in TRUTH here in your human form upon the planet.   The separation of worlds is merely the separation from the influence of the old 3D earth created construct and its corresponding frequencies.



channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Today is the last day of ignorance,
Today is the last day of narrowness,
Today is the last day, wherein you are deprived of reality. 

Today is the day of realization, 
Because you have determined 
it for you! 

I am Elija

How long did we walk through time and space,
How long did the journey last?
How long did we hold on to things,
Which neither had any value nor could be possessed?

lunes, noviembre 24, 2014

Message From Aliens - Are We Ready?

Arcángel Metatrón - James Tyberonn - La Elevación de Colorado en 2015 La naturaleza de los Nodos de Poder, Sitios Sagrados, Líneas Ley, Hidrolíneas, Líneas Axial-tonales, Vórtices, Portales y Puertas Estelares - Nov

(Youtube: The 2015 Colorado Upshift)
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

¡Saludos, Maestros! ¡Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz! Los saludo en un vector de amor incondicional. Damos la bienvenida a cada uno en forma individual. El año 2014 sigue siendo un año extraordinario, de desafíos e intensidades, con el decrecimiento de la rejilla magnética y el surgimiento a pleno de la rejilla cristalina 144. Los nodos de poder redefinen y reforman la energía integrada. La Tierra viviente está en flujo constante, y la llegada de la radiación solar es simbiótica con la elevación a la frecuencia cristalina en transformación continua.

Karen Dover - Entering into the corridor of TRUTH - November 24, 2014

As a race the human race have now entered the transition phase that sees them move from what has been termed “ascension” into EVOLUTION.  This process was prevented in other dimensional timelines due to the containment of the energy signature of Planet Earth, this is to say that the dimensional space that Planet Earth was in kept the human race also in containment. The Planet Earth now resides in the Universe of 3 which is an expansive dimensional space and allows both the planet and the human race to move into EVOLUTION.  It is to be remembered at all moments that the planet is a living, breathing energy also.

domingo, noviembre 23, 2014

Arcángel Metatrón por James Tyberonn - Los Códigos Cristalinos de 2014 y Más Allá Una Convocatoria a la Ley del Uno


Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, Maestros, Yo Soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz... y les doy la bienvenida en un campo de amor incondicional. En este momento hablamos del paradigma de perfección y de los procesos de codificación de la humanidad y de la tierra. Hablamos de los portales llamados Calaveras de Cristal. Las Antiguas Calaveras de Cristal son bibliotecas conscientes que perduran, desafiando las nociones cuidadosamente conservadas de tu sociedad sobre lo que constituye "la realidad" y qué es "fantasía." Pero te decimos que la ciencia que subyace a estos notables "seres sensibles" comienza a desplegarse ante ustedes... y esto es apenas la punta del iceberg de lo que se llama la Era Cristalina.

Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada: A New Pinnacle of Your Awakening – 23 November 2014

Picture of me 5 (2)Lady Nada:
Hello, my dear ones. It has been a while since I have spoken through this channel, but nonetheless always extend my ever-present abiding Love to you. I take you in my “arms” of Love now again in this moment.
You have traversed many a difficult turn along the ascension pathway, each in your own method and purpose and timing. There have been some deep caverns for many of you, but nevertheless you have begun to make the climb back up and have surpassed what you could only have dreamed of in the past.
While living for a brief time in those “caverns of darkness”, you learned to make your own light – to light your own lantern in a way you have not been able to do before. You created within yourself a pathway to the light, and in the process you have extinguished many a fire of upheaval and chaos and fear and momentary loss, only to reveal an opening to the true deeper part of you where you find solace and peace and enthusiasm and hope.

Sandra Walter – November 25 – 26: Leveling Up – 23 November 2014

sandra-walter-300x239Blessings Beloveds,
A brief update: November 25 – 26 is our next wave of amplification. Gatekeepers, we are opening today (you may be feeling this already). Focusing on revelation and an easy, graceful veil-lifting in the highest interests of all concerned. Harmony, Balance, Ascension.
Notes on the Disclosure Acceleration Intention
Our intention with the disclosure tool (see the last article) is to use our unified actions to create an energy which accelerates harmony, freedom and the Ascension for everyone, in the highest interests of the planet, kingdoms, elementals and Humanity.
Transparency is simply willingness to participate in co-creation with an open heart. I have never felt a sense of isolated Ascension; the process is not just about me, what I have attained, my own Ascension. Rather I feel the choice of Source to Ascend a collective into Unity Consciousness. There is power and peace in unified intent, we have proved that over and over. This passage feels like the next step; a true Leveling Up of our skills.

John Smallman – Saul – You Are All Spiritual Beings, And Nothing Can Change That – 23 November 2014

john-blog-pics-0135As all the channels are telling you, the “event” is incredibly close.  Keep holding your Light on high and intend in each moment to be only loving.  You can do it because you are doing it!  And that is why the event is almost upon you.  You, all of you, even those who appear to you as dark, are simply and powerfully bringing it on.  So congratulations are in order, and we are showering them down on you incessantly.  Just be willing to receive them because you truly have earned them.
Do not embrace the gloom and doom that so much of the mainstream media dishes out because that just drains your energy.  Focus on the vast quantity of loving occurrences that are happening daily all across the planet, the stuff the mainstream ignores because it is so boring, YAWN.  They want explosions, and crashes, kidnappings, and other disasters, the more the better, and when you focus your attention there you help to bring them about!

Jahn J Kassl - THE END OF WAITING, ELIJA - Nov 23, 2014

Initiation into the Now-Consciousness 

Who knows God? Who knows oneself? 
Who knows Life and the origin of all Life?

It is the one, who has accepted Life and himself, 
who has followed the call from the Creator, who 
serves Heaven on earth in the knowledge of his origin.

Beloved Friends, fellow travelers of many times, 
lovers among lovers and creators of new worlds!

Bradley Loves - THE “STAND-DOWN CODE” IS NO LONGER WORKING – AND THE ARCHONS ARE TERRIFIED! by Bradley Loves - November 23, 2014


The Holographic Matrix is BEING TORN DOWN as we speak! It is ending – and ALL WHO CAN DO SO – WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE ON!
What do I mean by saying the “stand-down code” is no longer working?
Before I get into that – I am going to “apologize” once again to the many varied and certainly “loving” light orientated workers who find themselves in the middle of this “nightmare”. My intention is NOT to step on toes, or to defame anyone – but instead to bring LIGHT to where there is still darkness.

A distant Giant planet (X) may lurk far beyond Neptune