viernes, noviembre 21, 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 21 November 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as transfiguration. As a soul, one evolves until one is finally able to recognise aspects of one’s divine nature and its interconnectedness to all life. As a soul, one is continually evolving towards complete expression of one’s innate divine perfection and to a more conscious, spiritual way of life. When one’s consciousness awakens to the higher aspect within their core essence, the individual begins to seek ways to purify the mental, emotional and physical bodies to enable the soul infusion process and merge with their divine essence to take place.  When this soul merge begins to occur, the transfiguration process begins in earnest.

The Templar Code Documentary

jueves, noviembre 20, 2014

Patricia Cota-Robles – Healing Waters – 21 November 2014

patriciacotaroblesDuring the past 20 years, powerful Activities of Light have taken place involving the Healing Waters of the World. Since 70% to 80% of the Planet and 70% to 80% of our physical bodies are composed of water, it is important for us to know about these events and to realize that they have greatly accelerated our Ascension process. For two decades the Healing Waters of the World have been affecting ALL of us in profound and life-transforming ways; this is true whether we were aware of it or not. However, with the shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness Humanity has experienced in 2014, the Healing Waters of the World have taken a quantum leap into the crystalline frequencies of the New Earth.

ECETI NEWS - James Gilliland - Mexico, Sign of the Times - Nov 20, 2014


Mexico, Sign of the Times

Today is Revolution Day in Mexico. Just recently according to the press and the locals 43 students were killed on the way to a protest. There were six others including the bus driver with a total of 49. They were on their way to protest a party speeand ch by the governor's wife who decided to have them what seems to be permanently removed. She tried to escape the country but was apprehended. Today people are coming out all over Mexico in demonstrations. Mexico City may have as many as a million people which in a grand understatement are not happy campers. This could turn into an Arab spring in Mexico. It seems events like these are transpiring all over the world. People are finished with the corruption and tyranny. It is part of the awakening and healing process. Iceland lead the way as a solution to the problem which always boils down to the banksters, installed puppets and behind the scenes manipulation having nothing to do with the will of the people.

Pamela Kribbe - The Essence of All Healing - November 20, 2014

Dear women and men, I am very close to you, and you can feel me with your heart. I was called Mary Magdalene in one of my lives on Earth, and I have lived on Earth with sadness and joy, with fear and courage. Just like you, I have lived through every emotion while making the journey through the human experience.
It is not a mark of holiness to transcend all human emotions. The characteristic of a saint is precisely that they recognize and understand every furrow in a human face. They have such a deep understanding of the human path on Earth that there is no room for judgement, only space and silence, and a deep understanding of the other person. When that other person is so deeply understood by a fellow human being, their burden becomes lighter. A human being who can deeply see in that way, sees the essence of the other person, that essence of infinite beauty and wisdom.


Ovnis Realizando Demostraciones inteligentes / UFO Performing intelligent Demonstrations

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies Nov 20, 2014

AishaNorthWe would like to take some time to delve a little bit into the expansion that is currently occurring on this planet, or rather, that is occurring in every aspect in this particular portion of the time and space continuum that you all currently constitute a small part of. In other words, this entire bubble of energetic programming that has now taken on a life of its own if you will. For it has started to act in ways that are not at odds, but rather, is starting to fall more into sync with the rest of Creation. For as so many of you are already aware of, this tiny little bubble of spacetime that you define as your universe has in many ways been separated from the rest of Creation, and so, no wonder so many of you have felt separated and at times even lost. For you have been living a life or rather, playing out an existence, that differs on so many levels from what the rest of Creation has been doing, and rightly so. For this bubble has been defined as a special place all the way from the very beginning, as a place of Higher learning, a place where the most evolved of souls have traveled to in order to further expand their body of knowledge.

Selacia – Working With Time Distortions – 20 November 2014 - Trabajando con las Distorsiones del Tiempo

SelaciaThe winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October’s erratic energies. If you’re not yet feeling like it’s smooth sailing, one reason is the time distortion we’re experiencing.
Clock time can tell you one thing, yet your own inner sense of time may have you feeling either behind time or urgently wanting to be ahead. The overall effect can be a sense that you aren’t quite in tune with where you need to be. You may simply want to stop the merry-go-round of time altogether!
You really cannot stop the march of time, of course, but there is plenty that you can do to keep your equilibrium. In fact, in this last stretch of 2014, it is essential that you discover how to make friends with time and change.

miércoles, noviembre 19, 2014

John Smallman – Saul – Let Go Of Any Sense Of Guilt Or Shame – 19 November 2014

john-blog-pics-0135The Oneness of ALL that exists is the Truth that all must come to an awareness of, and that truth (small “t” because at the moment it tends to be a scientific kind of awareness, a logical awareness uncovered by intellectual effort, and not yet a knowing that comes from your hearts, although that knowing is always available to you because it resides eternally within you.) is beginning to flow into the collective awareness.  It is as though a glacier had started to melt, and as it does so its contents spread out everywhere, soaking all in its path.  And, of course, you are all in its path.  Awareness is flowing and growing all across the world, it cannot remain unknown any longer, it can only be denied.
Nearly all of you, due to the suffering and betrayal that you have experienced over the eons, suffering and betrayal that has been far too painful to acknowledge and remember, have issues to address that you have been in denial about for a very long time.  And for many of you those issues are making their presence very intensely felt right now.  You burst into tears suddenly, and often for no reason that you can identify.  Let the tears flow!  It is a necessary and very effective form of release.