jueves, noviembre 13, 2014

Pamela canaliza a María No Estamos Completos Sin Ustedes

Traducido del inglés por Sandra Gusella

Soy María quien les habla. Los saludo a todos con el amor de la conciencia que actualmente envuelve y que siempre con más fuerza impregna la Tierra. Ustedes están entre las primeras personas en recibir esta conciencia del corazón para transmitirla a la Tierra y a las personas que los rodean, y nosotros les agradecemos por eso. Acepten nuestra gratitud por ser un canal para una nueva energía en la Tierra.

Mysterious Moving Light Caught On Mars

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as metamorphosis. Metamorphosis begins when the soul in incarnation awakens to its spiritual essence after lifetimes of immersion in matter and finds the spiritual path. They are recognizing that they are 'spiritual beings having a human experience. Along the way, the individual who identified with their persona and their body, mind and emotions, gradually becomes identified with their Soul, their inner spiritual being. The individual undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis, emerging after great struggle as an expression of divinity in the world. Many lifetimes are required to complete the metamorphosis on their path to liberation from within the depths of their soul that culminates at the stage of their transfiguration. The light of the Soul pours down upon the outer persona and changes it permanently. There are growing numbers of individuals who are awakening to the reality that they are more than physical beings with emotions and minds. 

James Gilliland - ECETI News from Mexico - Nov 13, 2014

First I apologize for not being available lately due to traveling and dental concerns. I had two crowns prepared and a molar pulled in one day. I am also in Mexico at a place that will remain undisclosed. There has been many inquiries as to what is happening on many levels. There is so much going on I almost don't know where to start. Foster Gamble put out a youtube video concerning your money is about to change.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_ZGloqmJIc cut and paste
I highly recommend watching it mainly because it will save me a lot of typing. I am in contact and working with major key players as far as the currency re-evaluation, the movement back to universal law and sovereignty. I am glad Foster and Kimberly decided to put out this information yet there is more to the story. What is unfolding is in alignment with universal law and the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is a step one of many. Eventually we will evolve to a civilization that does not use money as most advanced civilizations. For this to occur we must make the shift to unity consciousness. The 9th wave the Mayans speak of is a wave of consciousness and energy that is exponentially increasing until all match its vibration or frequency. What is unfolding fits into that process. While there are some who are trying to create WW3, creating false flags, fake epidemics etc. to govern you through fear and dependency they are imploding due to a much grander force. This force includes families and mega trusts aligned with a higher force for good. Many refer to these negative factions as the cabal, zionists, illuminati etc. I have to ask what is so illumined and enlightened about separation, greed and actions harmful to humanity and the Earth. These are all base, primitive beliefs. What they refer to as superior in action and belief is in fact inferior and not frequency specific to the evolutionary path of Earth. What they refer to as power has nothing to do with power. Power comes from source, prime creator and prime creator, God, Creator, Great Spirit what ever you want to call it is love. Love is the ultimate power in the universe. So where is the love in their thought and action? Where is the nobel virtue? No love, joy, bliss, no power. What you have is a very primitive mind cut off from spirit and trapped in the false ego.

Those who operate under universal law, love and serve all creation are coming forward. They are riding the 9th wave. They are multidimensional and are a force beyond comprehension. This force includes the benevolent Annunaki which are recalling the fallen ones left behind. Those who broke universal law are standing in front of the councils, facing their deeds and the consequences. The Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light. Arcturians, Andromedans, and a host of other extremely advanced off worlders or what others refer to as ultradimensionals are all coming forward to liberate the Earth and reset her back on her original course. There is a massive cleanup of the archon network a collection of demonic and degenerate Ets which is about 80% complete. This means their puppets here on Earth will loose their false power, protection and guidance by these dark forces. It is a recipe for disaster for the dark hearts especially when the masses wake up to who they are and what they have done. This is the big picture yet there are many aspects to it. Universal Law demands that everyone do their part, make the necessary changes in their lives aligned with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Freedom and Prosperity for all is the base foundation for Universal Law. It is was summed up in two sentences by one of your masters. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourselves. There is one more sentence necessary. Honor the Creator in All Creation, the sacred circle of life. We need to be kind to each other and all creation. Live a life in balance. Now I have to ask how many of your institutions operate according to Universal Law. Your religions separate man from God and God from Creation when in fact you cannot separate the Creator from Creation nor man from omnipresence. Your governments serve the corporations, souless entities which worship profit at any expense. This has caused the greatest suffering to humanity and the Earth. The war industry is responsible the escalation of wars and the pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the escalation of disease. The oil industry is responsible for the escalation of pollution along with the nuclear industry, coal industry etc. all unnecessary with todays advanced fueless energy systems. Your media is bought and controlled designed to trap you in the external disempowering you from making your internal connection to source. This is all governed on the highest levels by the archon network a grid which is being torn asunder as we speak. We are in that process and it is well underway. We still have free will to choose which world we wish to support and participate in yet one world is coming to a close. My best advice is to choose wisely in thought and action in the days to come because that will determine your future or lack thereof. Let the archon network fall, don't participate in it. If you have played a big part in that network and benefited from it now is the time to play a big part in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. Time to balance out the karma. There is action/reaction, there is a grand uncovering where all iniquities will be shouted from the rooftops. Nothing will remain hidden, there is no protection other than forgiveness and right action from ones karma. This is true soul repentance not lip service. This must be followed by restitution. Sound biblical? It is far beyond the bible or any religion. It is what is unfolding and the path to freedom and survival during these challenging times. We have the technology to end disease and regenerate the body. We have the technology to supply all our energy and transportation needs fuelessly. We have the ability through organic technologies to feed the world. The resources are there to end poverty, homelessness, all of the ills of humanity. This includes process oriented therapies to heal the mind of wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. The only thing missing is the leadership and the uprising. Both are in the wind backed by forces beyond imagination. Be the force. Be well,
James Gilliland
First I apologize for not being available lately due to traveling and dental concerns. I had two crowns prepared and a molar pulled in one day. I am also in Mexico at a place that will remain undisclosed. There has been many inquiries as to what is happening on many levels. There is so much going on I almost don't know where to start. Foster Gamble put out a youtube video concerning your money is about to change.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_ZGloqmJIc cut and paste


miércoles, noviembre 12, 2014

Jennifer Hoffman - The Language of Your Reality - November 12, 2014 - El Lenguaje de Su Realidad

We all have conversations with ourselves, most of them occurring within the privacy of our thoughts. During these conversations we make decisions, argue, criticize, judge, and determine the course of every aspect of our lives and this creates our reality as well as determines how others will connect with and relate to us. This inner dialogue plays an important part in our lives and unfortunately, it is mostly negative. We often don’t need someone in our lives to be mean to, criticize and judge us; we do a good job of that ourselves. And we can talk ourselves out of a situation before we even allow it to unfold. This inner dialogue can follow one of two paths: it can be static, keeping us in the same,  old, negative mindset, pushing us down as soon as we try to get up, or it can be dynamic, expansive, moving us forward, and acting as a positive, uplifting force in our lives.

Karen Dover - AA Michael message to humanity 12th November 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Michael and I am here to guide and to support as the changes that are now anchoring at a frequency level within your human vehicle begin to take effect. Those of you who have walked in the darkness are now fully comprehending and understanding said darkness, the way out of the darkness beloved ones is to shine the LIGHT of TRUTH as brightly as you can to illuminate your way home.
HOME is where the HEART is and this phrase has been distorted within the old 3D earth created construct, the human logical mind preferring to try to teach you that the “home” is a physical place where in TRUTH it is within the HEART space. For the HEART KNOWS TRUTH and now you are being shown all that is not TRUTH. As you now step out of the illusion that has been presented to you by your human eyes you are now moving into the HEART and beginning to understand the vastness of your BEing. To understand that LOVE IS YOU in TRUTH and that you are able to change and alter your outer waking reality at will.

martes, noviembre 11, 2014

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Contact Home, Your Star Family 11 11 It’s Not Over

Message from the ETs
StarBeing Galactic Peace Alliance
The Invitation: On the 11 11 2014 at 11:00am
You’re invited: Starseed Lightbearer, you who feel a call in your heart,
Starseed you are being called by the Universe, your Galactic brothers and sisters, Home is calling you to be activated, strengthened in the unified field and to unify. The illusion of separateness is ending, the realms of Light are opening on Earth. And it is for you to take back your power and sovereignty and have your rightful place here on Earth and in the Galaxy.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Nov 11, 2014

...the dark’s allies are crumbling in the face of a broad legal attack, which threatens their very existence. Hence, use your own inner good offices to assist us in manifesting a new reality for humanity. As you do this, open your hearts to the Light and merge with us, with grace...

2 Oc, 8 Xul, 11 Ik
Dratzo! Many things on your world are now in the process of manifesting. Meetings are going on globally to formulate a new, highly transparent financial system. A very important part of these negotiations is the need to revalue and reset the global currency. Along with this is a requisite to return en mass to the gold standard. We are watching and overseeing these talks. The ancient families possess an enormous amount of formerly unaccounted for deposits of gold bullion. A great part of these are to be given to back this currency and be the foundation for the global prosperity funds. These are primarily humanitarian in nature. The funds are to make possible an explosion of projects that are to greatly benefit the global society. They are also to enable you to learn about what is currently secret knowledge, and prepare you for better understanding the unfolding policies of Heaven. They will also help with global disclosure. This prosperity is thus to pave the way for a new reality and an awareness of what is to happen in the very near future.

Valerie Donner – The Groundcrew – 11 November 2014

valerieDonnerDear Ground Crew,
This past week words can hardly explain how the recent full moon, eclipses, solar flares, time change and earth’s chaotic nodes (Tom Kenyon and the Hathors write about the chaotic nodes. www.tomkenyon.com) have impacted us. Some of us have had trouble sleeping, depression, crying sprees, feeling craziness, and fatigue, have had headaches and can’t think, and have felt out of sorts. We have been in the chaos while everyone else is trying to maneuver through the energies.
Whatever longstanding issues you have could be placed right in front of you. You can’t escape from what needs to be corrected. Finish them.
From January 1 this year until October 17, we had a total of eight solar flares. From October 23rd in one week we had six flares. On November 7, we had three M Class solar flares and one X Class flare within 24 hours! No wonder we are feeling discombobulated!

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 11:11:2014


What Is Good Within You Has Survived The Storms
11:11 is a number activation sequence. Each time that you see 1111 on a clock you are being given an opportunity to walk into a opening of Manifestation. The universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts, which then are manifesting into the physical in record speed. The time period from November 11, to January 11 is considered to be the ‘holy trinity’ months. It is a divine decree and opportunity issued to all of earth. Wake-up, and smell the Cosmic coffee. Eleven is the number of masters. 11:11 is an encoded molecular structure of Remembrance, activating the Master of Light we have always been.
This is the Biological Ascension, and 11:11 is the Ascension Doorway. The Light of Ascension comes in many forms and on many levels. It comes not always in one day, or one moment.  For we Ascend and descend continually word by word, thought by thought. Ascension is birthed from every breath, every thought, every word.  As the 11:11 energies enter let them purge you of what has been solidified and blocked. All of heaven known and unknown enters through this 11:11 Gateway. Align with all you know to be love. A flooding of the heart with love allows you to rise above previous emotional tide lines and the barnacles of the past. Set sail into a heart that is free of debris, free of the definitions of the past.

lunes, noviembre 10, 2014

Eliza - Journal Entry 11.10.2014

Journal Entry 11.10.2014
Another 55 day.
Today was winter prep day. Raked leaves. Got the snow tires put on vehicle. Put the down jacket in a convenient spot. Pulled out the ice scrapers for car, snow shovel for yard. Good use of some vacation time!
We’re forecast to catch a portion of the “Polar Vortex” that will be working its way south during the next couple of days. Lows will be in the teens… and I go to work before the sun rises, so appreciate having stable tires for icy roads.
I may be “ascending”, but I’m also a practical person. Grounded. And trained, through years of hiking and backpacking to be prepared for pretty much anything. I also have meals that I can eat cold if necessary in case the power goes out… and a warm sleeping bag. And two cats, LOL, to share warmth.
I live in a rental house with single pane windows. I do have thermal drapes, which helps, but the furnace will be going on quite a bit in the next couple of days. I’ve kept the heat off or low as much as possible, but there comes a time when you need to keep the house warm, just so the pipes won’t freeze.
And I’ll be going to the store tomorrow, before we get the forecasted snow and ice on Wednesday through Friday. The temperatures are going to be doing quite a lot of ups and downs, so we could have real icy roads by the weekend.

Jesus & Mary Magdalene Were ‘Married With Children,’ Ancient Manuscript Claims – 10 November 2014

Image from wikipedia.org
Image from wikipedia.org
Jesus was a devoted family man with two kids and Mary Magdalene for his wife, a new history book based on an ancient manuscript claims.
According to the 1,500-year-old text, there was a previously unknown plot on Jesus’s life 13 years prior to the crucifixion. The revelations were made by Professor of Religious Studies at Toronto’s York University, Barrie Wilson, and an Israeli-Canadian historical writer and filmmaker, Simcha Jacobovici.

Anna Merkaba - HALLS OF AMENTI PORTAL – Sirian High Council - November 10, 2014

SIRIANHIGHCOUNCILHALLSOFAMENTIANNAMERKABAGaia’s entrance into the photonic belt of light, has brought the advancement of mankinds civilization. And as such, interdisciplinary motions from the intergalactic committee, to take action in finding the resolution to common issues of representation of human beings who dwell on GAIA, and their entrance into the Halls of Amenti has been put into effect. Their entrance into the Halls of Amenti.
For within the informational encodings, and within the books of life, lay the key to the portal of eternal bliss, lays a key to the portal of eternal bliss and understanding thereof. For the discoveries under the Egyptian Pharaos of eons past, have indeed sparked interest from those who are in control of such dwellings on Gaia, has indeed sparked such interest from the governing body of mankind, and the unearthing which have indeed taken place is yet to find its outlet into the mainstream media of your world.

Brenda Hoffman – Time Slips And Exploration – 10 November 2014 - Deslizamientos y Exploración del Tiempo

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Many of you are waiting for time to shift – it has.
This ascension is of  joy and ease. So for you to be frightened or greatly disoriented by a time shift would be counter-productive.
Perhaps you thought your clock time would seem so different that you would know when time shift predictions became reality. For in your logical thinking, you must measure or distinctly note something before it can be reality. Of course, you have long used faith in your religious processes. And most of you reading this message, have retained new earth faith despite obstacles.
But time is not something you have ever accepted on faith. Before clocks, you, as a species, based your time and seasons on visible and predictable sun and moon patterns. You awoke with the sun and slept when the moon appeared. Now your clocks, in your mind, inform you of the exact time – ignoring that your clock times adjust according to sun patterns and geographic location. So you continue to follow the sun despite your thoughts to the contrary.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Human perception and another 11:11 Portal activation - November 10, 2014 - Percepción humana y la activación de otro Portal del 11:11

Human perception and another 11:11 Portal activation by Méline Lafont
“1” aka One is what stands for you as A Human Being, A soul, An energy and A consciousness. It represents the soul of you in this lifetime with which you come to work as a human experience. Understand that you are all entitled and allowed to redeem that what is of you, but that it can only be redeemed BY you and through you. So all consciousness that is representing as you in this lifetime is something you have entirely into your own hands for it is you on itself.
Everything you perceive with and through your Human mind is something that is entirely up to you as to how you wish to perceive something that is of your own matter. We call that your personal reality because it is what you have come to create as your creation and environment. But what if I tell you that you can change your own reality and your own perception? You can and you will eventually change that which you have been integrating as your truth and swap it for other new conceptions of perceptions to which you are opening yourself more wholeheartedly and a new truth is birthed as well as a new reality.


Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders ~ November 2014 11:11 Gateway and the Councils of Light

The Elders ~ November 2014
11:11 Gateway and the Councils of Light
You Tube video http://youtu.be/Acb9gBm7-SU
Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of November as you experience a greater sense of your creative gifts and a deepening of your star seeded heritage through the 11:11 Gateway of Light. In this month of November sweet ones, amplified through the Full Moon on November the 6th and 7th, you move into a greater sense of the creative energies of the universe, amplified through the beautiful emerald-green ray of Creativity, also known as the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict.

domingo, noviembre 09, 2014


There is an acceleration now of the ascension of this Universe, and especially the Milky Way Galaxy to which we belong, into a much higher evolutionary state.  As life then within such a Galaxy and even the greater cosmic whole is intricately involved and linked to the other, one part of a galaxy or solar system cannot ascend and evolve, without the rest of its body or form.
As planet earth then is being reinvented, so are we, for our physical bodies are very much linked to Mother Earth and in as much as we live and breathe on her, we are part and particle of all life form and life organisms on her.  As she is a living and breathing cell with billions of other cells all communicating with each other – so are we.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 9 November 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 09 al 16 de noviembre, 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
You have all received a great influx of energy in the past week and this is now beginning to assimilate within your human operating systems. This higher energy creates a greater cleansing and purging to occur, bringing up memories and triggers from the past that set you into reaction rather than thoughtful response. When this happens, realize that it is part of the process of integration and assimilation by your body system and forgive yourselves the irritability and lack of patience in your interactions with others. You are doing fine, so do not berate yourselves too much for not having enough patience to recognize old patterns of behavior before you respond to others who have triggered the old and well worn patterns. You know there is another and better way to view and respond to the situation but it comes up anyway in the same old pattern. This requires from you an observation of yourself during those moments so you can set the intent to respond in a different way next time.